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synced 2024-12-30 02:14:20 +03:00
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29 lines
922 B
module SES where
import Patch
import Diff
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
type Compare a = Term a Info -> Term a Info -> Maybe (Diff a)
type Cost a = Diff a -> Integer
ses :: Compare a -> Cost a -> [Term a Info] -> [Term a Info] -> [Diff a]
ses _ _ [] b = (Pure . Insert) <$> b
ses _ _ a [] = (Pure . Delete) <$> a
ses recur cost (a : as) (b : bs) = case recur a b of
Just f | deleteCost < insertCost && deleteCost < copyCost -> delete
| insertCost < copyCost -> insert
| otherwise -> copy
copy = f : ses recur cost as bs
copyCost = sumCost copy
Nothing | deleteCost < insertCost -> delete
| otherwise -> insert
delete = (Pure . Delete $ a) : ses recur cost as (b : bs)
insert = (Pure . Insert $ b) : ses recur cost (a : as) bs
deleteCost = sumCost delete
insertCost = sumCost insert
sumCost a = sum $ cost <$> a