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module Row where
import Control.Arrow
import Line
data Row a = Row { unLeft :: !(Line a), unRight :: !(Line a) }
deriving (Eq, Functor)
unRow :: Row a -> (Line a, Line a)
unRow (Row a b) = (a, b)
wrapRowContents :: ([a] -> b) -> ([a] -> b) -> Row a -> Row b
wrapRowContents transformLeft transformRight (Row left right) = Row (wrapLineContents transformLeft left) (wrapLineContents transformRight right)
adjoinRowsBy :: MaybeOpen a -> MaybeOpen a -> [Row a] -> Row a -> [Row a]
adjoinRowsBy _ _ [] row = [row]
adjoinRowsBy f g rows (Row left' right') | Just _ <- openLineBy f $ unLeft <$> rows, Just _ <- openLineBy g $ unRight <$> rows = zipWith Row (lefts left') (rights right')
where (lefts, rights) = adjoinLinesBy f *** adjoinLinesBy g $ unzip $ unRow <$> rows
adjoinRowsBy f _ rows (Row left' right') | Just _ <- openLineBy f $ unLeft <$> rows = case right' of
EmptyLine -> rest
_ -> Row EmptyLine right' : rest
where rest = zipWith Row (lefts left') rights
(lefts, rights) = first (adjoinLinesBy f) $ unzip $ unRow <$> rows
adjoinRowsBy _ g rows (Row left' right') | Just _ <- openLineBy g $ unRight <$> rows = case left' of
EmptyLine -> rest
_ -> Row left' EmptyLine : rest
where rest = zipWith Row lefts (rights right')
(lefts, rights) = second (adjoinLinesBy g) $ unzip $ unRow <$> rows
adjoinRowsBy _ _ rows row = row : rows
instance Show a => Show (Row a) where
show (Row left right) = "\n" ++ show left ++ " | " ++ show right