Kufam Arabic is inspired by 7th-century Kufi inscriptions.
The dark, condensed shapes of this early Kufi script also served as an inspiration for Kufam's Latin lowercase, as where the Latin capitals find their roots in lettering as frequently seen in signage and shop lettering in Amsterdam at the beginning of the twentieth century.
All these inspirations from sources in different periods in history of the Arabic and Latin world cumulate in a contemporary, legible and aesthetically rich design for use across different media.
Kufam Arabic is designed by Wael Morcos and Kufam Latin by Artur Schmal and originally conceived within the framework of The Khatt Foundations’ Typographic Matchmaking in the City project.
To contribute or to read more about the design and history of Kufam, see <ahref="https://github.com/originaltype/kufam"target="_blank">github.com/originaltype/kufam</a>.