Zen Kaku Gothic New is a contemporary Japanese gothic (san serif) typeface family. With this font, you can express fine typesetting without any professional detailed arrangements. Because of the unique yet simple design, it gives naturally high legibility.
<ahref="https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Zen+Kaku+Gothic+Antique">Zen Kaku Gothic Antique</a> is a classical yet simple and stylish version. Highly legible due to orthodox letterform design, and great for various usage, from title to text, and even
To learn more, read <ahref="https://fonts.googleblog.com/2021/10/say-hello-to-our-big-new-japanese.html">Say Hello to our big new Japanese collection with Zen Fonts</a>(English), <ahref="https://fonts.googleblog.com/2021/10/the-story-of-zen-fonts-interview-with.html">The Story of Zen Fonts - interview with Yoshimichi Ohira</a>(English),
<ahref="https://fonts.googleblog.com/2021/10/zen_0361327225.html">Zenフォント: 新しい日本語フォントコレクションの登場 - 日本語フォントの複雑な美しさについて -</a>(Japanese), and <ahref="https://fonts.googleblog.com/2021/10/Japaneseinterview.html">Zenフォントのおはなし:大平善道さんとのインタビュー</a>(Japanese).