There are some similarly named pairs of directories which each have identically named font files.
These files are redundant, and exist following the renaming of a family.
The initial directories are kept so that people already using that initial name can continue to do so.
They are no longer listed in the main directory, but the files exist in this repo since they are still served via the Google Fonts API.
-`ofl/mrbedford` and `ofl/mrbedfort` contain `MrBedfort-Regular.ttf`
-`ofl/mrssaintdelafield` and `ofl/misssaintdelafield` contain `MrsSaintDelafield-Regular.ttf`
-`ofl/siamreap` and `ofl/siemreap` contain `Siemreap.ttf`
-`ofl/terminaldosis` and `ofl/dosis` contain the same files (renamed) and `ofl/terminaldosislight` contain `TerminalDosis-Light.ttf`
The directory is accompanied by a [Google Fonts Developer API]( which provides raw data for constructing such a directory in JSON format.