2015-08-13 02:05:38 +03:00
# github.com/google/fonts.git repo trivia
2017-10-18 20:37:35 +03:00
## Incomplete greek-ext subsets
Open Sans (and some others, like Roboto) are advertised as they supporting Extended Greek, but choosing the greek-ext subset will not display Open Sans (or the required font) for this range because they don't actually contain the required characters.
You're welcome to commission these characters, though.
2015-09-16 19:35:09 +03:00
## Google Fonts Repo Wiki
The previous fonts Mercurial repository had a wiki at < https: / / code . google . com / p / googlefontdirectory / wiki > which is no longer available.
The contents of the wiki are now available here:
< https: / / github . com / googlefonts / gf-docs >
2015-08-13 02:05:38 +03:00
## Duplicated fonts
There are some similarly named pairs of directories which each have identically named font files.
These files are redundant, and exist following the renaming of a family.
The initial directories are kept so that people already using that initial name can continue to do so.
They are no longer listed in the main www.google.com/fonts directory, but the files exist in this repo since they are still served via the Google Fonts API.
2017-03-13 18:58:42 +03:00
- `ofl/alefhebrew` and `ofl/alef` contain `Alef-Regular.ttf` and `Alef-Bold.ttf`
2015-08-13 02:05:38 +03:00
- `ofl/mrbedford` and `ofl/mrbedfort` contain `MrBedfort-Regular.ttf`
- `ofl/mrssaintdelafield` and `ofl/misssaintdelafield` contain `MrsSaintDelafield-Regular.ttf`
- `ofl/siamreap` and `ofl/siemreap` contain `Siemreap.ttf`
- `ofl/terminaldosis` and `ofl/dosis` contain the same files (renamed) and `ofl/terminaldosislight` contain `TerminalDosis-Light.ttf`
2015-08-28 17:53:52 +03:00
2016-01-27 04:02:17 +03:00
## Missing METADATA.pb files
2015-11-12 11:09:49 +03:00
2016-01-27 04:02:17 +03:00
Fonts in Early Access do not have METADATA.pb files.
2015-11-12 11:09:49 +03:00
2017-10-18 20:37:35 +03:00
## Install on Windows
2016-01-22 23:05:22 +03:00
2016-04-16 07:59:19 +03:00
You can install all of the fonts using Windows PowerShell. Change directories to the folder where you downloaded the package, and run the following command:
2016-01-22 23:05:22 +03:00
$fonts = (New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application).Namespace(0x14)
dir ofl/*/*.ttf | %{ $fonts.CopyHere($_.fullname) }
2015-08-28 17:53:52 +03:00
## 3rd Party Directories
The www.google.com/fonts directory is accompanied by a [Google Fonts Developer API ](https://developers.google.com/fonts/docs/developer_api ) which provides raw data for constructing such a directory in JSON format.
Here is a list of 3rd party directories:
2017-09-20 22:45:51 +03:00
* < http: // font-combinator . com > + < http: // chipcullen . com / font-combinator >
* < https: // www . typetester . org >
* < http: // font-combinator . com >
* < http: // somadesign . ca / demos / better-google-fonts >
* < http: // fontapp . org >
* < http: // fontapp . org / graph >
* < http: // katydecorah . com / font-library >
* < http: // fontcdn . org >
* < http: // googlefontsdirectory . org >
* < https: // hail2u . github . io / mn >
* < http: // fontflame . com >
* < http: // jenniferdewalt . com / gfboom / page >
* < http: // fontpair . co >
* < https: // typ . io >
* < http: // andreasweis . com / webfontblender >
* < http: // www . typegenius . com >
* < http: // abbychen . me / punch >
* < http: // typewonder . com >
* < http: // www . localfont . com >
* < http: // open-foundry . com >
* < https: // typeresources . github . io / glyph-gazer >
* < http: // cdn . canelodigital . cl / fonts >
* < http: // code . thisarmy . com / fontsinfo >
* < http: // www . localfont . com >
* < http: // brandmark . io / font-generator >
* < http: // archetypeapp . com >
2017-10-23 20:38:45 +03:00
* < https: // getflourish . github . io / anatomy-of-typefaces >
2017-10-30 22:52:02 +03:00
* < https: // tyffle . ml >
2017-11-23 04:31:30 +03:00
* < https: // lepovirta . github . io / Typographer >
* < https: // lepovirta . github . io / Typographer-React >
2017-11-25 02:26:33 +03:00
* < https: // jmattthew . github . io / better-font-finder / better-font-finder . html >
2018-12-05 19:22:08 +03:00
* < https: // font2vec . vishalgupta . me > ([source](https://github.com/py-ranoid/font2vec)), a 3D projection of all fonts
2019-06-07 20:46:39 +03:00
* < https: // logogenerator . website >
2019-11-17 07:41:52 +03:00
* < http: // www . ourownthing . co . uk / fontpairing />
2019-11-29 00:36:05 +03:00
* < https: // goofonts . com >
2015-08-29 14:11:41 +03:00
There are also handcrafted directories with rich samples:
2017-09-20 22:45:51 +03:00
* < http: // hellohappy . org / beautiful-web-type >
* < http: // femmebot . github . io / google-type >
* < http: // 100daysoffonts . com >
* < http: // jxnblk . com / type-a >
* < https: // jonsuh . com / 100-days-of-scriptures >
* < http: // codepen . io / nxworld / pen / XKRaRm >
* < https: // twitter . com / FontSnek >
* < https: // www . reliablepsd . com / ultimate-google-font-pairings >
2017-11-25 08:31:05 +03:00
* < http: // fonts . greatsimple . io >
2018-02-26 02:06:25 +03:00
* < https: // digitalsynopsis . com / design / best-google-font-combinations-typeface-pairings />
2015-10-02 02:04:09 +03:00
## Rightsholder contacts
2016-01-27 04:02:17 +03:00
This shell command shows all email addresses for font copyright holders listed in the METADATA.pb files:
2015-10-02 02:04:09 +03:00
2016-01-27 04:02:17 +03:00
grep copyright\: */* /MET* | grep \@ | perl -ne'if(/[\w\.\-\_]+@([\w\-\_]+\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,4}/g){print "$& \n"}' | sort | uniq
2015-10-02 02:04:09 +03:00
This shell command shows all the families without a contact email address:
2016-01-27 04:02:17 +03:00
grep copyright\: */* /MET* | grep -v \@ | cut -d\: -f1 | cut -d\/ -f2 | uniq | sort
2015-10-02 02:04:09 +03:00
The copyright holders of those families are mostly Google, SIL, Adobe, Canonical, Naver, and a couple of outliers.
2016-07-16 22:40:41 +03:00
## Articles about Google Fonts
Some interesting articles about Google Fonts:
* < http: // googlecode . blogspot . com / 2010 / 05 / introducing-google-font-api-google-font . html >
* < http: // googlewebfonts . blogspot . com >
2017-09-20 22:45:51 +03:00
* < https: // design . google . com / articles / reimagining-google-fonts >
2016-07-16 22:40:41 +03:00
* < https: // medium . com / google-design / introducing-space-mono-a-new-monospaced-typeface-by-colophon-foundry-for-google-fonts-84367eac6dfb >
* < http: // www . fastcodesign . com / 3033126 / roboto-rebooted-why-google-plans-to-update-its-font-like-the-rest-of-its-products >
2016-12-01 01:44:40 +03:00
## Interesting Libre Fonts Not In Google Fonts
2019-01-04 09:06:12 +03:00
Here is a list of some libre fonts made for special purposes (emoij, math, icon, etc) that are not available in Google Fonts.
2016-12-01 01:44:40 +03:00
2017-09-20 22:45:51 +03:00
* < https: // material . io / icons >
* < https: // github . com / figs-lab / datalegreya >