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synced 2024-12-01 03:06:03 +03:00
Remove axisregistry to make space for the submodule.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
# GF Axis Registry
This package contains a collection of metadata source files that collectively form the Google Fonts Axis Registry.
The live Axis Registry is at [fonts.google.com/variablefonts](https://fonts.google.com/variablefonts), and axis definitions are only final when they appear on that page.
When the registry is updated here, a line like `axisregistry/axis_name.textproto` should be added to the `to_sandbox.txt` file.
## Axis Metadata Fields
* `tag`
* Tag for the axis used to specify an axis in `font-variation-settings` and CSS API requests.
* `display_name`
* Readable name for the axis, generally the expanded form of `tag`.
* `min_value`
* Lower bound of the axis. Inclusive.
* `max_value`
* Upper bound of the axis. Inclusive.
* `default_value`
* Default position of the aixs.
* `precision`
* Describes the specificity at which an axis position can be specified.
For example, `0` means values must be specified as whole numbers while `-1` means values can be as precise as one decimal place.
* `fallback` (repeated)
* Instance positions along the axis, such as wght 100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900.
* A cross-product of fallback positions along all supported axes is created to support legacy browsers that lack variable font support.
For axes with CSS3 properties (such as [font-weight](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-3/#font-weight-prop)), the positions accessible
to CSS3 should be specified. For axes lacking CSS3 properties a legacy browser is limited to a single position and that position must
be at a fallback.
* `fallback_only`
* Describes whether to only use fallback values when presenting to users.
* `description`
* A description of the axis.
## Why does Google Fonts have its own Axis Registry?
We support a superset of the [OpenType axis registry](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/dvaraxisreg) axis set, and use additional metadata for each axis.
Axes present in a font file but not in this registry will not function via our API.
No variable font is expected to support all of the axes here.
Any font foundry or distributor library that offers variable fonts has a implicit, latent, de-facto axis registry, which can be extracted by scanning the library for axes' tags, labels, and min/def/max values.
While in 2016 Microsoft originally offered to include more axes in the OpenType 1.8 specification ([github.com/microsoft/OpenTypeDesignVariationAxisTags](https://github.com/microsoft/OpenTypeDesignVariationAxisTags)), as of August 2020, this effort has stalled.
We hope more foundries and distributors will publish documents like this that make their axes explicit, to encourage of adoption of variable fonts throughout the industry, and provide source material for a future update to the OpenType specification's axis registry.
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
# CASL based on https://github.com/arrowtype/Recursive#variable-axes
tag: "CASL"
display_name: "Casual"
min_value: 0
max_value: 1
default_value: 0
precision: -2
fallback {
name: "Linear"
value: 0
fallback {
name: "Casual"
value: 1
fallback_only: false
"Along this axis, letterforms adjust in stroke curvature, contrast, and"
" terminals to go from a sturdy, rational 'Linear' style to a friendly,"
" energetic 'Casual' style."
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
# CRSV based on https://github.com/arrowtype/Recursive#variable-axes
tag: "CRSV"
display_name: "Cursive"
min_value: 0
max_value: 1
default_value: 0.5
precision: -1
fallback {
name: "Roman"
value: 0
display_name: "Off"
fallback {
name: "Auto"
value: 0.5
fallback {
name: "Cursive"
value: 1
display_name: "On"
fallback_only: true
"Controls the substitution of cursive forms along the Slant axis. 'Off' (0)"
" maintains Roman letterforms such as a double-storey a and g, 'Auto' (0.5)"
" allows for Cursive substitution, and 'On' (1) asserts cursive forms even"
" in upright text with a Slant of 0."
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
tag: "FILL"
display_name: "Fill"
min_value: 0.0
default_value: 0.0
max_value: 1.0
precision: -2
fallback {
name: "Normal"
value: 0.0
fallback {
name: "Filled"
value: 1.0
fallback_only: false
description: "The Fill axis is intended to provide a treatment of the design"
" that fills in transparent forms with opaque ones (and sometimes interior"
" opaque forms become transparent, to maintain contrasting shapes)."
" Transitions often occur from the center, a side, or a corner,"
" but can be in any direction. This can be useful in animation or"
" interaction to convey a state transition. The numbers indicate"
" proportion filled, from 0 (no treatment) to 1 (completely filled)."
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
tag: "FLAR"
display_name: "Flair"
min_value: 0.0
default_value: 0.0
max_value: 100.0
precision: 1
fallback {
name: "Normal"
value: 0.0
fallback {
name: "Flair"
value: 100.0
"As the flair axis grows, the straight sans serif terminals develop"
" a swelling, and joints become more idiosyncratic. Originally referring"
" to the flaring of the stems, Flair stands for style and panache."
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
# GRAD based on https://github.com/TypeNetwork/Opentype-1.8-Axis-Proposal/blob/gh-pages/proposal/Grade/ProposalSummary.md
tag: "GRAD"
display_name: "Grade"
min_value: -1000
max_value: 1000
default_value: 0
precision: 0
fallback {
name: "Normal"
value: 0
fallback_only: false
"Finesse the style from lighter to bolder in typographic color, by varying"
" stroke thicknesses or other forms, without any changes overall width,"
" inter-letter spacing, or kerning, so there are no changes to line breaks"
" or page layout. Negative grade makes the style lighter, while positive"
" grade makes it bolder. The units are the same as in the Weight axis."
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
# ital based on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/dvaraxistag_ital
tag: "ital"
display_name: "Italic"
min_value: 0
max_value: 1
default_value: 0
precision: -1
fallback {
name: "Roman"
value: 0
fallback {
name: "Italic"
value: 1
fallback_only: true
"Adjust the style from roman to italic. This can be provided as"
" a continuous range within a single font file, like most axes, or as a"
" toggle between two roman and italic files that form a family as a pair."
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# FOR TESTING ONLY [for now anyway]
# MONO based on https://github.com/arrowtype/Recursive#variable-axes
tag: "MONO"
display_name: "Monospace"
min_value: 0
max_value: 1
default_value: 0
precision: -2
fallback {
name: "Proportional"
value: 0
fallback {
name: "Monospace"
value: 1
fallback_only: false
"Adjust the style from proportional (natural widths, default) to"
" monospace (fixed width). Monospace is when all glyphs have the same"
" total character width, and more wide or narrow letter proportions to fill"
" the space such as a narrower 'w' or wider 'r.' Proportionally spaced"
" fonts have letters drawn with more typical proportions, and each glyph"
" takes up a unique amount of space on a line."
@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
# opsz based on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/dvaraxistag_opsz
# fallbacks based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traditional_point-size_names
# plus discussion with dcrossland@
tag: "opsz"
display_name: "Optical size"
min_value: 6
max_value: 144
default_value: 14
precision: -1
fallback {
name: "6pt"
value: 6
fallback {
name: "7pt"
value: 7
fallback {
name: "8pt"
value: 8
fallback {
name: "9pt"
value: 9
fallback {
name: "10pt"
value: 10
fallback {
name: "11pt"
value: 11
fallback {
name: "12pt"
value: 12
fallback {
name: "14pt"
value: 14
fallback {
name: "16pt"
value: 16
fallback {
name: "17pt"
value: 17
fallback {
name: "18pt"
value: 18
fallback {
name: "20pt"
value: 20
fallback {
name: "24pt"
value: 24
fallback {
name: "28pt"
value: 28
fallback {
name: "36pt"
value: 36
fallback {
name: "48pt"
value: 48
fallback {
name: "60pt"
value: 60
fallback {
name: "72pt"
value: 72
fallback {
name: "96pt"
value: 96
fallback {
name: "120pt"
value: 120
fallback {
name: "144pt"
value: 144
fallback_only: false
"Adapt the style to specific text sizes, specified in Points. At smaller"
" sizes, letters typically become optimized for more legibility, with loose"
" spacing/kerning and thicker strokes with less detail. At larger sizes,"
" letters are typically optimized for headlines with thinner strokes and"
" more detailed forms, and more extreme weights and widths. When used in"
" CSS, this axis is activated by default, but not all products/platforms"
" use it automatically."
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# slnt based on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/dvaraxistag_slnt
tag: "slnt"
display_name: "Slant"
min_value: -90
max_value: 90
default_value: 0
precision: 0
fallback {
name: "Default"
value: 0
fallback_only: false
"Adjust the style from upright to slanted, also known to typographers"
" as an 'oblique' style. Rarely, slant can work in the other direction,"
" called a 'backslanted' or 'reverse oblique' style."
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# SOFT based on https://github.com/undercasetype/Fraunces#variable-axes
tag: "SOFT"
display_name: "Softness"
min_value: 0
max_value: 100
default_value: 0
precision: -1
fallback {
name: "Sharp"
value: 0
fallback {
name: "Soft"
value: 50
fallback {
name: "SuperSoft"
value: 100
fallback_only: false
description: "Letterforms become more soft and rounded."
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
tag: "VOLM"
display_name: "Volume"
min_value: 0.0
default_value: 0.0
max_value: 100.0
precision: 1
fallback {
name: "Normal"
value: 0.0
fallback {
name: "Loud"
value: 100.0
"Transforms serifs from glyphic to wedge shapes,"
" and adds a little more edge to other details."
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
# wght based on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/dvaraxistag_wght
tag: "wght"
display_name: "Weight"
min_value: 1
max_value: 1000
default_value: 400
precision: 0
fallback {
name: "Thin"
value: 100
fallback {
name: "Extra Light"
value: 200
fallback {
name: "Light"
value: 300
fallback {
name: "Regular"
value: 400
fallback {
name: "Medium"
value: 500
fallback {
name: "Semi Bold"
value: 600
fallback {
name: "Bold"
value: 700
fallback {
name: "Extra Bold"
value: 800
fallback {
name: "Black"
value: 900
fallback_only: false
"Adjust the style from lighter to bolder in typographic color, by varying"
" stroke thicknesses or other forms. This typically changes overall width,"
" and so may be used in conjunction with axes for Width and Grade (if"
" present)."
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
# wdth based on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/dvaraxistag_wdth
tag: "wdth"
display_name: "Width"
min_value: 25
max_value: 200
default_value: 100
precision: -1
# Instance values based on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/os2#uswidthclass
fallback {
name: "Super Condensed"
value: 25
fallback {
name: "Ultra Condensed"
value: 50
fallback {
name: "Extra Condensed"
value: 62.5
fallback {
name: "Condensed"
value: 75
fallback {
name: "Semi Condensed"
value: 87.5
fallback {
name: "Normal"
value: 100
fallback {
name: "Semi Expanded"
value: 112.5
fallback {
name: "Expanded"
value: 125
fallback {
name: "Extra Expanded"
value: 150
fallback {
name: "Ultra Expanded"
value: 200
fallback_only: false
"Adjust the style from narrower to wider, by varying the proportions of"
" counters, stems, and other forms including overall spacing and kerning."
" This typically changes the apparent weight (what typographers call"
" 'typographic color') in a subtle way, and so may be used in conjunction"
" with axes for Width and Grade (if present)."
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
# WONK based on https://github.com/undercasetype/Fraunces#variable-axes
tag: "WONK"
display_name: "Wonk"
min_value: 0
max_value: 1
default_value: 0
precision: 0
fallback {
name: "Non Wonky"
value: 0
fallback {
name: "Wonky"
value: 1
fallback_only: true
"Binary axis to control the subsitution of wonky forms along the"
" optical size axis. 'Off' (0) maintains more normalized letterforms,"
" such as the leaning n/m/h in roman, or the bulbous flags in the"
" b/d/h/k/l of the italic."
" In static fonts, this is also available as an OpenType Stylistic Set."
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# XOPQ based on https://variationsguide.typenetwork.com/#xopq
tag: "XOPQ"
display_name: "X opaque"
min_value: -1000
max_value: 2000
default_value: 88
precision: 0
fallback {
name: "Normal"
value: 88
"Assigns a 'black' per mille value to each instance of the design space."
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# XTRA based on https://variationsguide.typenetwork.com/#xtra
tag: "XTRA"
display_name: "X transparent"
min_value: -1000
max_value: 2000
default_value: 400
precision: 0
fallback {
name: "Normal"
value: 400
"Assigns a 'white'”' per mille value to each instance of the design space."
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# XTFI based on https://variationsguide.typenetwork.com/#xtfi
tag: "XTFI"
display_name: "X transparent figures"
min_value: -1000
max_value: 2000
default_value: 400
precision: 0
fallback {
name: "Normal"
value: 400
"Assigns a 'white' per mille value to each instance of the design space."
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# YOPQ based on https://variationsguide.typenetwork.com/#yopq
tag: "YOPQ"
display_name: "Y opaque"
min_value: -1000
max_value: 2000
default_value: 116
precision: 0
fallback {
name: "Normal"
value: 116
"Assigns a 'black' per mille value to each instance of the design space."
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# YTAS based on https://variationsguide.typenetwork.com/#ytas
tag: "YTAS"
display_name: "Y transparent ascender"
min_value: 0
max_value: 1000
default_value: 750
precision: 0
fallback {
name: "Normal"
value: 750
"Assigns a 'white' per mille value to each instance of the design space."
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# YTDE based on https://variationsguide.typenetwork.com/#ytde
tag: "YTDE"
display_name: "Y transparent descender"
min_value: -1000
max_value: 0
default_value: -250
precision: 0
fallback {
name: "Normal"
value: -250
"Assigns a 'white' per mille value to each instance of the design space."
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# YTFI based on https://variationsguide.typenetwork.com/#ytfi
tag: "YTFI"
display_name: "Y transparent figures"
min_value: -1000
max_value: 2000
default_value: 600 # this is NOT what TN defined, it's just a value that fits for Roboto Flex
precision: 0
fallback {
name: "Normal"
value: 600
"Assigns a 'white' per mille value to each instance of the design space."
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# YTLC based on https://variationsguide.typenetwork.com/#ytlc
tag: "YTLC"
display_name: "Y transparent lowercase"
min_value: 0
max_value: 1000
default_value: 500
precision: 0
fallback {
name: "Normal"
value: 500
"Assigns a 'white' per mille value to each instance of the design space."
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# YTUC based on https://variationsguide.typenetwork.com/#ytuc
tag: "YTUC"
display_name: "Y transparent uppercase"
min_value: -1000
max_value: 1000
default_value: 500
precision: 0
fallback {
name: "Normal"
value: 725
"Assigns a 'white' per mille value to each instance of the design space."
Reference in New Issue
Block a user