FONTLOG for Trocchi fonts This file provides detailed information on the Trocchi Font Software. This information should be distributed along with the Trocchi fonts and any derivative works. Basic Font Information ‘Trocchi’ is a design derived from a number of old faces from the English typecutter Vincent Figgins (1766-1844) including Nebiolo’s ‘Egiziano’, and Caslon & Co’s ‘Antique No.4′ and ‘Ionic No.2′. Trocchi derivates from these earlier designs to produce a more casual slab serif. Trocchi is designed for use both as text and display type. The font is named after the Scottish novelist Alexander Trocchi. This release supports the following Unicode ranges: Latin, Latin-Extended To contribute to the project contact Vernon Adams at and use the gitHub repository at ChangeLog 27 March 2012 (Vernon Adams) Trocchi v1.001 - Initial release Acknowledgements If you make modifications be sure to add your name (N), email (E), web-address (if you have one) (W) and description (D). This list is in alphabetical order. N: Vernon Adams E: W: D: Original Type Designer