import itertools import os import sys from google.apputils import app import gflags as flags from util import google_fonts as fonts FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_integer('max_diff_cps', 5, 'Maximum difference in number of codepoints allowed for' ' a particular subset before which it is flagged.') def main(argv): if len(argv) != 2 or not os.path.isdir(argv[1]): sys.exit('Must have one argument, a directory containing font files.') sys.stderr = open(os.devnull, 'w') dirpath = argv[1] result = True files = [] for font in fonts.Metadata(dirpath).fonts: files.append(os.path.join(dirpath, font.filename)) for subset in fonts.Metadata(dirpath).subsets: if subset == 'menu': continue (file1, file2, diff_size) = _LeastSimilarCoverage(files, subset) if diff_size > FLAGS.max_diff_cps: print '%s coverage for %s failed' % (dirpath, subset) print 'Difference of codepoints between %s & %s is %d' % ( file1, file2, diff_size) result = False if result: print '%s passed subset coverage' % (dirpath) def _LeastSimilarCoverage(files, subset): """Returns pair of fonts having inconsistent coverage for a subset. Args: files: List of font files subset: Name of subset Returns: 3 tuple of (file1, file2, number of codepoints difference) """ worst = (None, None, 0) subsetcps = fonts.CodepointsInSubset(subset, True) for pair in itertools.combinations(files, 2): inconsistency = _InconsistentSubsetSupport(pair[0], pair[1], subsetcps) if inconsistency > worst[2]: worst = (pair[0], pair[1], inconsistency) return worst def _InconsistentSubsetSupport(file1, file2, subsetcps): """Returns difference in number of codepoints supported. Args: file1: Name of font file file2: Name of font file subsetcps: Complete set of codepoints to be supported Returns: Difference in number of codepoints between file1 and file2. """ supportcps1 = len(subsetcps.intersection(fonts.CodepointsInFont(file1))) supportcps2 = len(subsetcps.intersection(fonts.CodepointsInFont(file2))) return abs(supportcps1 - supportcps2) if __name__ == '__main__':