import collections import contextlib import os import re import sys from fontTools import ttLib from google.apputils import app import gflags as flags from util import google_fonts as fonts FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_boolean('suppress_pass', True, 'Whether to print pass: results') flags.DEFINE_boolean('check_metadata', True, 'Whether to check METADATA values') flags.DEFINE_boolean('check_font', True, 'Whether to check font values') flags.DEFINE_string('repair_script', None, 'Where to write a repair script') _FIX_TYPE_OPTS = ['all', 'name', 'filename', 'postScriptName', 'fullName', 'fsSelection', 'fsType', 'usWeightClass', 'emptyGlyphLSB'] flags.DEFINE_multistring('fix_type', 'all', 'What types of problems should be fixed by ' 'repair_script. Choices: ' + ', '.join(_FIX_TYPE_OPTS)) ResultMessageTuple = collections.namedtuple( 'ResultMessageTuple', ['happy', 'message', 'path', 'repair_script']) def _HappyResult(message, path): return ResultMessageTuple(True, message, path, None) def _SadResult(message, path, repair_script=None): return ResultMessageTuple(False, message, path, repair_script) def _DropEmptyPathSegments(path): """Removes empty segments from the end of path. Args: path: A filesystem path. Returns: path with trailing empty segments removed. Eg /duck/// => /duck. """ while True: (head, tail) = os.path.split(path) if tail: break path = head return path def _SanityCheck(path): """Runs various sanity checks on the font family under path. Args: path: A directory containing a METADATA.pb file. Returns: A list of ResultMessageTuple's. """ try: fonts.Metadata(path) except ValueError as e: return [_SadResult('Bad METADATA.pb: ' + e.message, path)] results = [] if FLAGS.check_metadata: results.extend(_CheckLicense(path)) results.extend(_CheckNameMatching(path)) if FLAGS.check_font: results.extend(_CheckFontInternalValues(path)) return results def _CheckLicense(path): """Verifies that METADATA.pb license is correct under path. Assumes path is of the form ...///METADATA.pb. Args: path: A directory containing a METADATA.pb file. Returns: A list with one ResultMessageTuple. If happy, license is good. """ metadata = fonts.Metadata(path) lic = metadata.license lic_dir = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path)) # We use /apache for the license Apache2 if lic_dir == 'apache': lic_dir += '2' result = _HappyResult('License consistantly %s' % lic, path) # if we were Python 3 we'd use casefold(); this will suffice if lic_dir.lower() != lic.lower(): result = _SadResult( 'Dir license != METADATA license: %s != %s' % (lic_dir, lic), path) return [result] def _CheckNameMatching(path): """Verifies the various name fields in the METADATA.pb file are sane. Args: path: A directory containing a METADATA.pb file. Returns: A list of ResultMessageTuple, one per validation performed. """ results = [] metadata = fonts.Metadata(path) name = for font in metadata.fonts: # We assume style/weight is correct in METADATA style = weight = font.weight values = [ ('name', name,, ('filename', fonts.FilenameFor(name, style, weight, '.ttf'), font.filename), ('postScriptName', fonts.FilenameFor(name, style, weight), font.post_script_name), ('fullName', fonts.FullnameFor(name, style, weight), font.full_name) ] for (key, expected, actual) in values: if expected != actual: results.append(_SadResult( '%s METADATA %s/%d %s expected %s, got %s' % (name, style, weight, key, expected, actual), path, _FixMetadata(style, weight, key, expected))) if not results: results.append(_HappyResult('METADATA name consistently derived from "%s"' % name, path)) return results def _IsItalic(style): return style.lower() == 'italic' def _IsBold(weight): """Is this weight considered bold? Per Dave C, only 700 will be considered bold. Args: weight: Font weight. Returns: True if weight is considered bold, otherwise False. """ return weight == 700 def _ShouldFix(key): return (FLAGS.fix_type and ( key in FLAGS.fix_type or 'all' in FLAGS.fix_type)) def _FixMetadata(style, weight, key, expected): if not _ShouldFix(key): return None if not isinstance(expected, int): expected = '\'%s\'' % expected return ('[f for f in metadata.fonts if == \'%s\' ' 'and f.weight == %d][0].%s = %s') % ( style, weight, re.sub('([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', key) .lower(), expected) def _FixFsSelectionBit(key, expected): """Write a repair script to fix a bad fsSelection bit. Args: key: The name of an fsSelection flag, eg 'ITALIC' or 'BOLD'. expected: Expected value, true/false, of the flag. Returns: A python script to fix the problem. """ if not _ShouldFix('fsSelection'): return None op = '|=' verb = 'set' mask = bin(fonts.FsSelectionMask(key)) if not expected: op = '&=' verb = 'unset' mask = '~' + mask return 'ttf[\'OS/2\'].fsSelection %s %s # %s %s' % (op, mask, verb, key) def _FixFsType(expected): if not _ShouldFix('fsType'): return None return 'ttf[\'OS/2\'].fsType = %d' % expected def _FixWeightClass(expected): if not _ShouldFix('usWeightClass'): return None return 'ttf[\'OS/2\'].usWeightClass = %d' % expected def _FixBadNameRecord(friendly_name, name_id, expected): if not _ShouldFix(friendly_name): return None return ('for nr in [n for n in ttf[\'name\'].names if n.nameID == %d]:\n' ' nr.string = \'%s\'.encode(nr.getEncoding()) # Fix %s' % (name_id, expected, friendly_name)) def _FixMissingNameRecord(friendly_name, name_id, expected): if not _ShouldFix(friendly_name): return None return ('nr = ttLib.tables._n_a_m_e.NameRecord()\n' 'nr.nameID = %d # %s' 'nr.langID = 0x409\n' 'nr.platEncID = 1\n' 'nr.platformID = 3\n' 'nr.string = \'%s\'.encode(nr.getEncoding())\n' 'ttf[\'name\'].names.append(nr)\n' % ( name_id, friendly_name, expected)) def _FixEmptyGlyphLsb(glyph_name): if not _ShouldFix('emptyGlyphLSB'): return None return 'ttf[\'hmtx\'][\'%s\'] = [ttf[\'hmtx\'][\'%s\'][0], 0]\n' % ( glyph_name, glyph_name) def _CheckFontOS2Values(path, font, ttf): """Check sanity of values hidden in the 'OS/2' table. Notably usWeightClass, fsType, fsSelection. Args: path: Path to directory containing font. font: A font record from a METADATA.pb. ttf: A fontTools.ttLib.TTFont for the font. Returns: A list of ResultMessageTuple for tests performed. """ results = [] font_file = font.filename full_font_file = os.path.join(path, font_file) expected_style = expected_weight = font.weight os2 = ttf['OS/2'] fs_selection_flags = fonts.FsSelectionFlags(os2.fsSelection) actual_weight = os2.usWeightClass fs_type = os2.fsType marked_oblique = 'OBLIQUE' in fs_selection_flags marked_italic = 'ITALIC' in fs_selection_flags marked_bold = 'BOLD' in fs_selection_flags expect_italic = _IsItalic(expected_style) expect_bold = _IsBold(expected_weight) # Per Dave C, we should NEVER set oblique, use 0 for italic expect_oblique = False results.append(ResultMessageTuple( marked_italic == expect_italic, '%s %s/%d fsSelection marked_italic %d' % ( font_file, expected_style, expected_weight, marked_italic), full_font_file, _FixFsSelectionBit('ITALIC', expect_italic))) results.append(ResultMessageTuple( marked_bold == expect_bold, '%s %s/%d fsSelection marked_bold %d' % (font_file, expected_style, expected_weight, marked_bold), full_font_file, _FixFsSelectionBit('BOLD', expect_bold))) results.append(ResultMessageTuple( marked_oblique == expect_oblique, '%s %s/%d fsSelection marked_oblique %d' % ( font_file, expected_style, expected_weight, marked_oblique), full_font_file, _FixFsSelectionBit('OBLIQUE', expect_oblique))) # For weight < 300, just confirm weight [250, 300) # TODO(user): we should also verify ordering is correct weight_ok = expected_weight == actual_weight weight_msg = str(expected_weight) if expected_weight < 300: weight_ok = actual_weight >= 250 and actual_weight < 300 weight_msg = '[250, 300)' results.append(ResultMessageTuple( weight_ok, '%s %s/%d weight expected: %s usWeightClass: %d' % (font_file, expected_style, expected_weight, weight_msg, actual_weight), full_font_file, _FixWeightClass(expected_weight))) expected_fs_type = 0 results.append(ResultMessageTuple( expected_fs_type == fs_type, '%s %s/%d fsType expected: %d fsType: %d' % (font_file, expected_style, expected_weight, expected_fs_type, fs_type), full_font_file, _FixFsType(expected_fs_type))) return results def _CheckFontNameValues(path, name, font, ttf): """Check sanity of values in the 'name' table. Specifically the fullname and postScriptName. Args: path: Path to directory containing font. name: The name of the family. font: A font record from a METADATA.pb. ttf: A fontTools.ttLib.TTFont for the font. Returns: A list of ResultMessageTuple for tests performed. """ results = [] style = weight = font.weight full_font_file = os.path.join(path, font.filename) expectations = [ ('family', fonts.NAME_FAMILY, name), ('postScriptName', fonts.NAME_PSNAME, fonts.FilenameFor(name, style, weight)), ('fullName', fonts.NAME_FULLNAME, fonts.FullnameFor(name, style, weight))] for (friendly_name, name_id, expected) in expectations: # If you have lots of name records they should ALL have the right value actuals = fonts.ExtractNames(ttf, name_id) for (idx, actual) in enumerate(actuals): results.append(ResultMessageTuple( expected == actual, '%s %s/%d \'name\' %s[%d] expected %s, got %s' % (name, style, weight, friendly_name, idx, expected, actual), full_font_file, _FixBadNameRecord(friendly_name, name_id, expected))) # should have at least one actual if not actuals: results.append(_SadResult( '%s %s/%d \'name\' %s has NO values' % (name, style, weight, friendly_name), full_font_file, _FixMissingNameRecord(friendly_name, name_id, expected))) return results def _CheckLSB0ForEmptyGlyphs(path, font, ttf): """Checks if font has empty (loca[n] == loca[n+1]) glyphs that have non-0 lsb. There is no reason to set such lsb's. Args: path: Path to directory containing font. font: A font record from a METADATA.pb. ttf: A fontTools.ttLib.TTFont for the font. Returns: A list of ResultMessageTuple for tests performed. """ results = [] if 'loca' not in ttf: return results for glyph_index, glyph_name in enumerate(ttf.getGlyphOrder()): is_empty = ttf['loca'][glyph_index] == ttf['loca'][glyph_index + 1] lsb = ttf['hmtx'][glyph_name][1] if is_empty and lsb != 0: results.append(_SadResult( '%s %s/%d [\'hmtx\'][\'%s\'][1] (lsb) should be 0 but is %d' % (,, font.weight, glyph_name, lsb), os.path.join(path, font.filename), _FixEmptyGlyphLsb(glyph_name))) return results def _CheckFontInternalValues(path): """Validates fonts internal metadata matches METADATA.pb values. In particular, checks 'OS/2' {usWeightClass, fsSelection, fsType} and 'name' {fullName, postScriptName} values. Args: path: A directory containing a METADATA.pb file. Returns: A list of ResultMessageTuple, one per validation performed. """ results = [] metadata = fonts.Metadata(path) name = for font in metadata.fonts: font_file = font.filename with contextlib.closing(ttLib.TTFont(os.path.join(path, font_file))) as ttf: results.extend(_CheckFontOS2Values(path, font, ttf)) results.extend(_CheckFontNameValues(path, name, font, ttf)) results.extend(_CheckLSB0ForEmptyGlyphs(path, font, ttf)) return results def _WriteRepairScript(dest_file, results): with open(dest_file, 'w') as out: out.write('import collections\n') out.write('import contextlib\n') out.write('from fontTools import ttLib\n') out.write('from google.protobuf.text_format import text_format\n') out.write('from fonts_public_pb2 import fonts_pb2\n') out.write('from fonts_public_pb2 ' 'import fonts_metadata_pb2\n') out.write('\n') # group by path by_path = collections.defaultdict(list) for result in results: if result.happy or not result.repair_script: continue if result.repair_script not in by_path[result.path]: by_path[result.path].append(result.repair_script) for path in sorted(by_path.keys()): out.write('# repair %s\n' % os.path.basename(path)) _, ext = os.path.splitext(path) prefix = '' if ext == '.ttf': prefix = ' ' out.write('with contextlib.closing(ttLib.TTFont(\'%s\')) as ttf:\n' % path) elif os.path.isdir(path): metadata_file = os.path.join(path, 'METADATA.pb') out.write('metadata = fonts_pb2.FamilyProto()\n') out.write('with open(\'%s\', \'r\') as f:\n' % metadata_file) out.write(' text_format.Merge(, metadata)\n') else: raise ValueError('Not sure how to script %s' % path) for repair in by_path[path]: out.write(prefix) out.write(re.sub('\n', '\n' + prefix, repair)) out.write('\n') if ext == '.ttf': out.write('\'%s\')\n' % path) if os.path.isdir(path): out.write('with open(\'%s\', \'w\') as f:\n' % metadata_file) out.write(' f.write(text_format.MessageToString(metadata))\n') out.write('\n') def main(argv): result_code = 0 all_results = [] paths = [_DropEmptyPathSegments(os.path.expanduser(p)) for p in argv[1:]] for path in paths: if not os.path.isdir(path): raise ValueError('Not a directory: %s' % path) for path in paths: for font_dir in fonts.FontDirs(path): results = _SanityCheck(font_dir) all_results.extend(results) for result in results: result_msg = 'pass' if not result.happy: result_code = 1 result_msg = 'FAIL' if not result.happy or not FLAGS.suppress_pass: print '%s: %s (%s)' % (result_msg, result.message, font_dir) if FLAGS.repair_script: _WriteRepairScript(FLAGS.repair_script, all_results) sys.exit(result_code) if __name__ == '__main__':