"""Helper APIs for interaction with Google Fonts. Provides APIs to interact with font subsets, codepoints for font or subset. To run the tests: $ cd fonts/tools fonts/tools$ python util/google_fonts.py # or do: $ python path/to/fonts/tools/utilgoogle_fonts.py --nam_dir path/to/fonts/tools/encodings/ """ import collections import contextlib import errno import os import re import sys from warnings import warn import unittest if __name__ == '__main__': # some of the imports here wouldn't work otherwise sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) from fontTools import ttLib import fonts_public_pb2 as fonts_pb2 from google.protobuf import text_format import gflags as flags from util import py_subsets FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_string('nam_dir', 'encodings/', 'nam file dir') # See https://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/name.htm. NAME_COPYRIGHT = 0 NAME_FAMILY = 1 NAME_UNIQUEID = 3 NAME_FULLNAME = 4 NAME_PSNAME = 6 _PLATFORM_ID_MICROSOFT = 3 _PLATFORM_ENC_UNICODE_BMP = 1 _PLATFORM_ENC_UNICODE_UCS4 = 10 _PLATFORM_ENCS_UNICODE = (_PLATFORM_ENC_UNICODE_BMP, _PLATFORM_ENC_UNICODE_UCS4) _FAMILY_WEIGHT_REGEX = r'([^/-]+)-(\w+)\.ttf$' # Matches 4 or 5 hexadecimal digits that are uppercase at the beginning of the # test string. The match is stored in group 0, e.g: # >>> _NAMELIST_CODEPOINT_REGEX.match('1234X').groups()[0] # '1234' # >>> _NAMELIST_CODEPOINT_REGEX.match('1234A').groups()[0] # '1234A' _NAMELIST_CODEPOINT_REGEX = re.compile('^([A-F0-9]{4,5})') # The canonical [to Google Fonts] name comes before any aliases _KNOWN_WEIGHTS = collections.OrderedDict([ ('Thin', 100), ('Hairline', 100), ('ExtraLight', 200), ('Light', 300), ('Regular', 400), ('', 400), # Family-Italic resolves to this ('Medium', 500), ('SemiBold', 600), ('Bold', 700), ('ExtraBold', 800), ('Black', 900) ]) _VALID_STYLES = {'normal', 'italic'} # (Mask, Name) pairs. # See https://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/os2.htm#fss. _FS_SELECTION_BITS = [ (1 << 0, 'ITALIC'), (1 << 1, 'UNDERSCORE'), (1 << 2, 'NEGATIVE'), (1 << 3, 'OUTLINED'), (1 << 4, 'STRIKEOUT'), (1 << 5, 'BOLD'), (1 << 6, 'REGULAR'), (1 << 7, 'USE_TYPO_METRICS'), (1 << 8, 'WWS'), (1 << 9, 'OBLIQUE') ] # license_dir => license name mappings _KNOWN_LICENSE_DIRS = { 'apache': 'APACHE2', 'ofl': 'OFL', 'ufl': 'UFL', } FileFamilyStyleWeightTuple = collections.namedtuple( 'FileFamilyStyleWeightTuple', ['file', 'family', 'style', 'weight']) class Error(Exception): """Base for Google Fonts errors.""" class ParseError(Error): """Exception used when parse failed.""" def UnicodeCmapTables(font): """Find unicode cmap tables in font. Args: font: A TTFont. Yields: cmap tables that contain unicode mappings """ for table in font['cmap'].tables: if (table.platformID == _PLATFORM_ID_MICROSOFT and table.platEncID in _PLATFORM_ENCS_UNICODE): yield table _displayed_errors = set() def ShowOnce(msg): global _displayed_errors if msg in _displayed_errors: return _displayed_errors.add(msg) print >> sys.stderr, msg def UniqueSort(*args): """Returns a sorted list of the unique items from provided iterable(s). Args: *args: Iterables whose items will be merged, sorted and de-duplicated. Returns: A list. """ s = set() for arg in args: s.update(arg) return sorted(s) def RegularWeight(metadata): """Finds the filename of the regular (normal/400) font file. Args: metadata: The metadata to search for the regular file data. Returns: The name of the regular file, usually Family-Regular.ttf. Raises: OSError: If regular file could not be found. errno.ENOENT. """ for f in metadata.fonts: if f.weight == 400 and f.style == 'normal': return os.path.splitext(f.filename)[0] + '.ttf' name = '??' if metadata.HasField('name'): name = metadata.name raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, 'unable to find regular weight in %s' % name) def ListSubsets(): """Returns a list of all subset names, in lowercase.""" return py_subsets.SUBSETS def Metadata(file_or_dir): """Returns fonts_metadata.proto object for a metadata file. If file_or_dir is a file named METADATA.pb, load it. If file_or_dir is a directory, load the METADATA.pb file in that directory. Args: file_or_dir: A file or directory. Returns: Python object loaded from METADATA.pb content. Raises: ValueError: if file_or_dir isn't a METADATA.pb file or dir containing one. """ if (os.path.isfile(file_or_dir) and os.path.basename(file_or_dir) == 'METADATA.pb'): metadata_file = file_or_dir elif os.path.isdir(file_or_dir): metadata_file = os.path.join(file_or_dir, 'METADATA.pb') else: raise ValueError('%s is neither METADATA.pb file or a directory' % file_or_dir) msg = fonts_pb2.FamilyProto() with open(metadata_file) as f: text_format.Merge(f.read(), msg) return msg def CodepointsInSubset(subset, unique_glyphs=False): """Returns the set of codepoints contained in a given subset. Args: subset: The lowercase name of a subset, e.g. latin. unique_glyphs: Optional, whether to only include glyphs unique to subset. Returns: A set containing the glyphs in the subset. """ if unique_glyphs: filenames = [CodepointFileForSubset(subset)] else: filenames = CodepointFiles(subset) filenames = [f for f in filenames if f is not None] if not filenames: return None cps = set() for filename in filenames: with open(filename) as f: for line in f: if not line.startswith('#'): match = _NAMELIST_CODEPOINT_REGEX.match(line[2:7]) if match is not None: cps.add(int(match.groups()[0], 16)) return cps def CodepointsInFont(font_filename): """Returns the set of codepoints present in the font file specified. Args: font_filename: The name of a font file. Returns: A set of integers, each representing a codepoint present in font. """ font_cps = set() with contextlib.closing(ttLib.TTFont(font_filename)) as font: for t in UnicodeCmapTables(font): font_cps.update(t.cmap.keys()) return font_cps def CodepointFileForSubset(subset): """Returns the full path to the file of codepoints unique to subset. This API does NOT return additional codepoint files that are normally merged into the subset. For that, use CodepointFiles. Args: subset: The subset we want the codepoint file for. Returns: Full path to the file containing the codepoint file for subset or None if it could not be located. Raises: OSError: If the --nam_dir doesn't exist. errno.ENOTDIR. """ # expanduser so we can do things like --nam_dir=~/oss/googlefontdirectory/ enc_path = os.path.expanduser(FLAGS.nam_dir) if not os.path.exists(enc_path): raise OSError(errno.ENOTDIR, 'No such directory', enc_path) filename = os.path.join(enc_path, '%s_unique-glyphs.nam' % subset) if not os.path.isfile(filename): ShowOnce('no cp file for %s found at %s' % (subset, filename[len(enc_path):])) return None return filename def CodepointFiles(subset): """Returns the codepoint files that contain the codepoints in a merged subset. If a subset X includes codepoints from multiple files, this function returns all those files while CodepointFileForSubset returns the single file that lists the codepoints unique to the subset. For example, greek-ext contains greek-ext, greek, and latin codepoints. This function would return all three files whereas CodepointFileForSubset would return just greek-ext. Args: subset: The subset we want the codepoint files for. Returns: A list of 1 or more codepoint files that make up this subset. """ files = [subset] # y-ext includes y # Except latin-ext which already has latin. if subset != 'latin-ext' and subset.endswith('-ext'): files.append(subset[:-4]) # almost all subsets include latin. if subset not in ('khmer', 'latin'): files.append('latin') return map(CodepointFileForSubset, files) def SubsetsInFont(file_path, min_pct, ext_min_pct=None): """Finds all subsets for which we support > min_pct of codepoints. Args: file_path: A file_path to a font file. min_pct: Min percent coverage to report a subset. 0 means at least 1 glyph. 25 means 25%. ext_min_pct: The minimum percent coverage to report a -ext subset supported. Used to admit extended subsets with a lower percent. Same interpretation as min_pct. If None same as min_pct. Returns: A list of 3-tuples of (subset name, #supported, #in subset). """ all_cps = CodepointsInFont(file_path) results = [] for subset in ListSubsets(): subset_cps = CodepointsInSubset(subset, unique_glyphs=True) if not subset_cps: continue # Khmer includes latin but we only want to report support for non-Latin. if subset == 'khmer': subset_cps -= CodepointsInSubset('latin') overlap = all_cps & subset_cps target_pct = min_pct if ext_min_pct is not None and subset.endswith('-ext'): target_pct = ext_min_pct if 100.0 * len(overlap) / len(subset_cps) > target_pct: results.append((subset, len(overlap), len(subset_cps))) return results def FamilyName(fontname): """Attempts to build family name from font name. For example, HPSimplifiedSans => HP Simplified Sans. Args: fontname: The name of a font. Returns: The name of the family that should be in this font. """ # SomethingUpper => Something Upper fontname = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1 \2', fontname) # Font3 => Font 3 fontname = re.sub('([a-z])([0-9]+)', r'\1 \2', fontname) # lookHere => look Here return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1 \2', fontname) def StyleWeight(styleweight): """Breaks apart a style/weight specifier into a 2-tuple of (style, weight). Args: styleweight: style/weight string, e.g. Bold, Regular, or ExtraLightItalic. Returns: 2-tuple of style (normal or italic) and weight. """ if styleweight.endswith('Italic'): return ('italic', _KNOWN_WEIGHTS[styleweight[:-6]]) return ('normal', _KNOWN_WEIGHTS[styleweight]) def FileFamilyStyleWeight(filename): """Extracts family, style, and weight from Google Fonts standard filename. Args: filename: Font filename, eg Lobster-Regular.ttf. Returns: FileFamilyStyleWeightTuple for file. Raises: ParseError: if file can't be parsed. """ m = re.search(_FAMILY_WEIGHT_REGEX, filename) if not m: raise ParseError('Could not parse %s' % filename) sw = StyleWeight(m.group(2)) return FileFamilyStyleWeightTuple(filename, FamilyName(m.group(1)), sw[0], sw[1]) def ExtractNames(font, name_id): return [n.string.decode(n.getEncoding()).encode('ascii', 'ignore') for n in font['name'].names if n.nameID == name_id] def ExtractName(font_or_file, name_id, default): """Extracts a name table field (first value if many) from a font. Args: font_or_file: path to a font file or a TTFont. name_id: the ID of the name desired. Use NAME_* constant. default: result if no value is present. Returns: The value of the first entry for name_id or default if there isn't one. """ value = default names = [] if type(font_or_file) is ttLib.TTFont: names = ExtractNames(font_or_file, name_id) else: with contextlib.closing(ttLib.TTFont(font_or_file)) as font: names = ExtractNames(font, name_id) if names: value = names[0] return value def NamePartsForStyleWeight(astyle, aweight): """Gives back the parts that go into the name for this style/weight. Args: astyle: The style name, eg "normal" or "italic" aweight: The font weight Returns: Tuple of parts that go into the name, typically the name for the weight and the name for the style, if any ("normal" typically doesn't factor into names). Raises: ValueError: If the astyle or aweight isn't a supported value. """ astyle = astyle.lower() if astyle not in _VALID_STYLES: raise ValueError('unsupported style %s' % astyle) correct_style = None if astyle == 'italic': correct_style = 'Italic' correct_name = None for name, weight in _KNOWN_WEIGHTS.iteritems(): if weight == aweight: correct_name = name break if not correct_name: raise ValueError('unsupported weight: %d' % aweight) return tuple([n for n in [correct_name, correct_style] if n]) def _RemoveAll(alist, value): while value in alist: alist.remove(value) def FilenameFor(family, style, weight, ext=''): family = family.replace(' ', '') style_weight = list(NamePartsForStyleWeight(style, weight)) if 'Italic' in style_weight: _RemoveAll(style_weight, 'Regular') style_weight = ''.join(style_weight) return '%s-%s%s' % (family, style_weight, ext) def FullnameFor(family, style, weight): name_parts = [family] name_parts.extend(list(NamePartsForStyleWeight(style, weight))) _RemoveAll(name_parts, 'Regular') return ' '.join(name_parts) def FontDirs(path): """Finds all the font directories (based on METADATA.pb) under path. Args: path: A path to search under. Yields: Directories under path that have a METADATA.pb. """ for dir_name, _, _ in os.walk(path): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_name, 'METADATA.pb')): yield dir_name def FsSelectionMask(flag): """Get the mask for a given named bit in fsSelection. Args: flag: Name of the flag per otspec, eg ITALIC, BOLD, etc. Returns: Bitmask for that flag. Raises: ValueError: if flag isn't the name of any fsSelection bit. """ for (mask, name) in _FS_SELECTION_BITS: if name == flag: return mask raise ValueError('No mask for %s' % flag) def FsSelectionFlags(fs_selection): """Get the named flags enabled in a given fsSelection. Args: fs_selection: An fsSelection value. Returns: List of names of flags enabled in fs_selection. """ names = [] for (mask, name) in _FS_SELECTION_BITS: if fs_selection & mask: names.append(name) return names def _EntryForEndOfPath(path, answer_map): segments = [s.lower() for s in path.split(os.sep)] answers = [answer_map[s] for s in segments if s in answer_map] if len(answers) != 1: raise ValueError('Found %d possible matches: %s' % ( len(answers), answers)) return answers[0] def LicenseFromPath(path): """Try to figure out the license for a given path. Splits path and looks for known license dirs in segments. Args: path: A filesystem path, hopefully including a license dir. Returns: The name of the license, eg OFL, UFL, etc. Raises: ValueError: if 0 or >1 licenses match path. """ return _EntryForEndOfPath(path, _KNOWN_LICENSE_DIRS) def _parseNamelistHeader(lines): includes = set() for line in lines: if not line.startswith('#$'): # not functional line, regular comment continue keyword, args = line.rstrip()[2:].lstrip().split(' ', 1) if keyword == 'include': includes.add(args) return { 'lines': list(lines) , 'includes': includes } def _parseNamelist(lines): cps = set() headerLines = [] readingHeader = True for line in lines: if readingHeader: if not line.startswith('#'): # first none comment line ends the header readingHeader = False else: headerLines.append(line) continue # reading the body, i.e. codepoints if line.startswith('0x'): match = _NAMELIST_CODEPOINT_REGEX.match(line[2:7]) if match is None: match = _NAMELIST_CODEPOINT_REGEX.match(line[2:7]).upper() if match is not None: # Codepoints must be uppercase, it's documented warn('Found a codepoint with lowercase unicode hex value: 0x{0}'.format(match.groups()[0])) # ignore all lines that we don't understand continue codepoint = match.groups()[0] cps.add(int(codepoint, 16)) # description # line[(2+len(codepoint)),] header = _parseNamelistHeader(headerLines) return cps, header def parseNamelist(filename): """Parse filename as Namelist and return a tuple of (Codepoints set, header data dict) """ with open(filename) as namFile: return _parseNamelist(namFile) def _loadNamelistIncludes(item, unique_glyphs, cache): """Load the includes of an encoding Namelist files. This is an implementation detail of readNamelist. """ includes = item["includes"] = [] charset = item["charset"] = set() | item["ownCharset"] dirname = os.path.dirname(item["fileName"]) for include in item["header"]["includes"]: includeFile = os.path.join(dirname, include) try: includedItem = readNamelist(includeFile, unique_glyphs, cache) except NamelistRecursionError: continue if includedItem in includes: continue includes.append(includedItem) charset |= includedItem["charset"] return item def __readNamelist(cache, filename, unique_glyphs): """Return a dict with the data of an encoding Namelist file. This is an implementation detail of readNamelist. """ if filename in cache: item = cache[filename] else: cps, header = parseNamelist(filename) item = { "fileName": filename , "ownCharset": cps , "header": header , "includes": None # placeholder , "charset": None # placeholder } cache[filename] = item if unique_glyphs or item["charset"] is not None: return item # full-charset/includes are requested and not cached yet _loadNamelistIncludes(item, unique_glyphs, cache) return item class NamelistRecursionError(Error): """Exception to control infinite recursion in Namelist includes""" pass def _readNamelist(currentlyIncluding, cache, namFilename, unique_glyphs): """ Detect infinite recursion and prevent it. This is an implementation detail of readNamelist. Raises NamelistRecursionError if namFilename is in the process of being included """ # normalize filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.normcase(namFilename)) if filename in currentlyIncluding: raise NamelistRecursionError(filename) currentlyIncluding.add(filename) try: result = __readNamelist(cache, filename, unique_glyphs) finally: currentlyIncluding.remove(filename) return result def readNamelist(namFilename, unique_glyphs=False, cache=None): """ Args: namFilename: The path to the Namelist file. unique_glyphs: Optional, whether to only include glyphs unique to subset. cache: Optional, a dict used to cache loaded Namelist files Returns: A dict with following keys: "fileName": (string) absolut path to namFilename "ownCharset": (set) the set of codepoints defined by the file itself "header": (dict) the result of _parseNamelistHeader "includes": (set) if unique_glyphs=False, the resulting dicts of readNamelist for each of the include files (None) if unique_glyphs=True "charset": (set) if unique_glyphs=False, the union of "ownCharset" and all "charset" items of each included file (None) if unique_glyphs=True If you are using unique_glyphs=True and an external cache, don't expect the keys "includes" and "charset" to have a specific value. Depending on the state of cache, if unique_glyphs=True the returned dict may have None values for its "includes" and "charset" keys. """ currentlyIncluding = set() if not cache: cache = {} return _readNamelist(currentlyIncluding, cache, namFilename, unique_glyphs) def codepointsInNamelist(namFilename, unique_glyphs=False, cache=None): """Returns the set of codepoints contained in a given Namelist file. This is a replacement CodepointsInSubset and implements the "#$ include" header format. Args: namFilename: The path to the Namelist file. unique_glyphs: Optional, whether to only include glyphs unique to subset. Returns: A set containing the glyphs in the subset. """ key = 'charset' if not unique_glyphs else 'ownCharset' result = readNamelist(namFilename, unique_glyphs, cache) return result[key] ### unit tests ### def makeTestMethod(subset, namelistFilename): testName = 'test_legacy_subsets_{0}'.format(subset.replace('-', '_')) def test(self): """Compare if the old function CodepointsInSubset and the new function codepointsInNamelist return the same sets. This will only work as long as the #$inlcude statements in the Namelist files reproduce the old dependency logic implemented in CodepointFiles """ charsetOldMethod = set(hex(c) for c in CodepointsInSubset(subset , unique_glyphs=self.unique_glyphs)) charsetNewMethod = set(hex(c) for c in codepointsInNamelist( namelistFilename, unique_glyphs=self.unique_glyphs, cache=self._cache)) self.assertTrue(len(charsetOldMethod) > 0) self.assertEqual(charsetOldMethod, charsetNewMethod); return testName, test def initTestProperties(cls): initialized = [] for subset in ListSubsets(): namelistFilename = CodepointFileForSubset(subset) if namelistFilename is None: continue testName, test = makeTestMethod(subset, namelistFilename) setattr(cls, testName, test) initialized.append(testName) return initialized class TestCodepointReading(unittest.TestCase): unique_glyphs = True _cache = None @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls._cache = {} @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls._cache = None def main(argv): # CodepointFileForSubset needs gflags to be parsed and that happens in # app.run(). Thus, we can't dynamically build our test cases before. initTestProperties(TestCodepointReading) unittest.main(argv=argv, verbosity=2) if __name__ == '__main__': from google.apputils import app app.run()