Istok is a new sans serif typeface. At present it has the four fonts with support for Latin and Cyrillic. Most glyphs are manually instructed using xgridfit but other ones are autoinstructed in fontforge. The fonts are distributed under the terms of Open Font License or GNU General Public License Version 3 with the following exception: As a special exception, if you create a document which uses this font, and embed this font or unaltered portions of this font into the document, this font does not by itself cause the resulting document to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the document might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If you modify this font, you may extend this exception to your version of the font, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. The font sources have only GNU General Public License Version 3. The sources and truetype fonts are available at Tarballs are compressed with xz ( Build and install instructions ============================== You need fontforge (, TTX/FontTools (, xgridfit ( - version as of April 2010) and font-helpers ( ) in order to build the truetype fonts from the sources. Also you should have the GNU make and coreutils. At first you must unpack/copy the files from font-helpers into the directory where *.sfd files are located. Then type make and the truetype fonts will be produced. On systems with X.Org you may do make install as root to install the fonts system-wide (/usr/share/fonts/TTF). Otherwise copy the *.ttf files into the ~/.fonts/ directory. Then run fc-cache if you have fontconfig. The history of the font ======================= The modified version of the CM Bright font was used for design of several letters as raw material, other charaters are designed from scratch. Andrey V. Panov 2014-06-10 Andrey V. Panov Added several mathematical symbols. Added ruble sign. Improved LaTeX support. Version 1.0.2 is released. 2012-09-20 Andrey V. Panov Smoothed contours of "a". Fixed an issue with rendering "four", Cyrillic ya. Version 1.0.1 is released. 2012-03-16 Andrey V. Panov Added more smallcaps. Added more extended Latin glyphs. Manually instructed more characters (mostly extended Latin and Cyrillic). Fixed several issues in manual instructions. Version 1.0 is released. 2011-06-23 Andrey V. Panov Manually instructed several glyphs. Changed Win and HHead OS/2 metrics. Version 0.4.2 is released. 2011-06-07 Andrey V. Panov Added several Latin and Cyrillic extended glyphs, "yen" sign. Added OFL version of the fonts. Version 0.4.1 is released. 2011-01-18 Andrey V. Panov Added proportional and tabular oldstyle, superior figures to all the fonts. Added more glyphs, mostly Latin and Cyrillic extended ones. Added more vulgar fractions. Added kerning in BoldItalic. Version 0.4 is released. 2010-10-26 Andrey V. Panov All the fonts have manual instructions. Added proportional and tabular oldstyle figures to Regular. Added more glyphs, mostly Latin and Cyrillic extended ones. Changed spacing of small capitals. Version 0.3 is released. 2010-04-29 Andrey V. Panov Added Bold Italic font. Regular font is mostly manually instructed. The second beta version (0.2) is released. 2009-08-14 Andrey V. Panov Tuned several kerning pairs. 2009-08-09 Andrey V. Panov Added "copyright" sign (U+A9), "cedilla", "Ccedilla", "ccedilla". The first beta version (0.1) is released. 2009-08-07 Andrey V. Panov Added old style kerning ('kern' table). 2009-07-31 Andrey V. Panov Added kerning to basic Latin and Cyrillic in Italic. Added kerning to small caps in Regular. 2009-07-30 Andrey V. Panov Added kerning to basic Latin and Cyrillic in Bold. Changed design of several lowercase letters to more curly style in Italic. The previous variants are saved as stylistic set 01. 2009-07-27 Andrey V. Panov Added "fi" and "fl" ligatures. 2009-07-18 Andrey V. Panov Added kerning to basic Latin and Cyrillic in Regular. 2009-07-17 Andrey V. Panov Added small caps to Regular. 2009-07-01 Andrey V. Panov Added substitutions for tabular numbers and signs. 2009-06-29 Andrey V. Panov Added Bold font. 2009-06-23 Andrey V. Panov Manually instructed U+414, U+41B, U+434, U+43B, U+2116 in Regular. 2009-06-22 Andrey V. Panov Manually instructed "W", "w" in Regular. 2009-06-10 Andrey V. Panov Manually instructed glyphs with diagonals excepting "W", "w" in Regular. 2009-01-09 Andrey V. Panov Added Italic font. 2008-12-21 Andrey V. Panov Enlarged x-height by 10 em units. 2008-12-02 Andrey V. Panov Finished more or less basic set of glyphs in Regular font.