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name: "Noto Sans Georgian"
designer: "Google"
license: "OFL"
category: "SANS_SERIF"
date_added: "2020-11-19"
fonts {
name: "Noto Sans Georgian"
style: "normal"
weight: 400
filename: "NotoSansGeorgian[wdth,wght].ttf"
post_script_name: "NotoSansGeorgian-Regular"
full_name: "Noto Sans Georgian Regular"
copyright: "Copyright 2019 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved."
subsets: "georgian"
subsets: "menu"
axes {
tag: "wdth"
min_value: 62.5
max_value: 100.0
axes {
tag: "wght"
min_value: 100.0
max_value: 900.0
is_noto: true
languages: "ka_Geor" # Georgian
languages: "lzz_Geor" # Laz
languages: "xmf_Geor" # Mingrelian
sample_glyphs {
key: "Currency Symbols"
value: "₾"
sample_glyphs {
key: "Georgian"
value: "ჼ"
sample_glyphs {
key: "Georgian Lowercase"
value: "ა ბ გ დ ე ვ ზ თ ი კ ლ მ ნ ო პ ჟ რ ს ტ უ ფ ქ ღ შ ჩ ც ძ წ ჭ ხ ჯ ჰ ჱ ჲ ჳ ჴ ჵ ჶ ჷ ჸ ჹ ჺ ჽ ჾ ⴀ ⴁ ⴂ ⴃ ⴄ ⴅ ⴆ ⴇ ⴈ ⴉ ⴊ ⴋ ⴌ ⴍ ⴎ ⴏ ⴐ ⴑ ⴒ ⴓ ⴔ ⴕ ⴖ ⴗ ⴘ ⴙ ⴚ ⴛ ⴜ ⴝ ⴞ ⴟ ⴠ ⴡ ⴢ ⴣ ⴤ ⴥ ⴧ ⴭ"
sample_glyphs {
key: "Georgian Uppercase"
value: "Ⴀ Ⴁ Ⴂ Ⴃ Ⴄ Ⴅ Ⴆ Ⴇ Ⴈ Ⴉ Ⴊ Ⴋ Ⴌ Ⴍ Ⴎ Ⴏ Ⴐ Ⴑ Ⴒ Ⴓ Ⴔ Ⴕ Ⴖ Ⴗ Ⴘ Ⴙ Ⴚ Ⴛ Ⴜ Ⴝ Ⴞ Ⴟ Ⴠ Ⴡ Ⴢ Ⴣ Ⴤ Ⴥ Ⴧ Ⴭ Ა Ბ Გ Დ Ე Ვ Ზ Თ Ი Კ Ლ Მ Ნ Ო Პ Ჟ Რ Ს Ტ Უ Ფ Ქ Ღ Ყ Შ Ჩ Ც Ძ Წ Ჭ Ხ Ჯ Ჰ Ჱ Ჲ Ჳ Ჴ Ჵ Ჶ Ჷ Ჸ Ჹ Ჺ Ჽ Ჾ Ჿ"
sample_glyphs {
key: "Marks"
value: "́ ̂ ̄ ̈"
sample_glyphs {
key: "Punctuation"
value: "։ - ჻ "