Style fixes to gulpfile

This commit is contained in:
Sérgio Gomes 2015-06-15 17:36:58 +01:00
parent e289fb0114
commit 5a360b7f2e

View File

@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ gulp.task('styles', ['styletemplates'], function () {
.pipe($.size({title: 'styles'}));
// Only generate CSS styles for the MDL grid
gulp.task('styles-grid', function () {
return gulp.src(['src/material-design-lite-grid.scss'])
@ -362,14 +361,14 @@ gulp.task('demohtml', function() {
gulp.task('pages', ['components'], function() {
return gulp.src(['docs/_pages/*.md'])
.pipe($.replace("$$version$$", pkg.version))
.pipe($.replace('$$version$$', pkg.version))
.pipe($.frontMatter({property: 'page', remove: true}))
/* Replacing code blocks class name to match Prism's. */
.pipe($.replace("class=\"lang-", "class=\"language-"))
.pipe($.replace('class="lang-', 'class="language-'))
/* Translate html code blocks to "markup" because that's what Prism uses. */
.pipe($.replace("class=\"language-html", "class=\"language-markup"))
.pipe($.replace('class="language-html', 'class="language-markup'))
.pipe($.rename(function(path) {
if (path.basename !== 'index') {
path.dirname = path.basename;
@ -443,20 +442,19 @@ gulp.task('publish', function(cb) {
// For more info on gsutil:
gulp.task('publish:cdn', function() {
var bucket = 'gs://materialdesignlite/';
var info_msg = 'Publishing ' + pkg.version + ' to CDN (' + bucket + ')';
var infoMsg = 'Publishing ' + pkg.version + ' to CDN (' + bucket + ')';
// Build gsutil command to copy each object into the dest bucket.
// -a sets the ACL on each object to public-read
// -m does parallel copies (no help here since one gsutil per file)
// We copy both a default instance at the bucket root and a version
// specific instance into a subdir.
var gsutil_cp_cmd = 'gsutil -m cp -a public-read <%= file.path %> '
+ bucket;
process.stdout.write(info_msg + '\n');
var gsutilCmd = 'gsutil -m cp -a public-read <%= file.path %> ' + bucket;
process.stdout.write(infoMsg + '\n');
return gulp.src('dist/material.*@(js|css)')
.pipe($.tap(function(file, t) {
file.base = path.basename(file.path);
.pipe($.shell([gsutil_cp_cmd, gsutil_cp_cmd +
.pipe($.shell([gsutilCmd, gsutilCmd +
pkg.version + '/<%= file.base %>']));