image: crhym3/ci-image git: depth: 1 cache: - /cache env: - CHROME= - WEBDRIVER= - DISPLAY=:99 script: # workaround for cache, see - mkdir -p /cache/node_modules - rm -rf node_modules - ln -s /cache/node_modules node_modules # install dependencies - npm install - Xvfb $DISPLAY & # ensure the build works # this will also run gulp mocha - gulp all - gulp mocha:closure # get the version of chrome and driver we want, for more tests # do this after the build and unit tests to fail fast - curl -sSLo chrome.deb $CHROME && dpkg -i chrome.deb - curl -sSLo $WEBDRIVER && unzip -q -d /usr/bin # run additional tests - node test/memory/test.js deploy: bash: when: owner: google branch: master script: - apt-get install -y python-openssl # gcloud deps for service accounts - openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in .drone.p12.enc -out .drone.p12 -pass env:DRONE_PASS - /gcloud/bin/gcloud components update -q gsutil - /gcloud/bin/gcloud auth activate-service-account $$DRONE_ACCOUNT --key-file .drone.p12 - gulp publish:staging