mirror of https://github.com/google/ormolu.git synced 2025-01-06 06:33:37 +03:00

Build the project with Nix and switct to GHC 8.6.4

It was decided that we're going to make the project compatible with just one
GHC version at a time. Right now this version is going to be 8.6.4.

A small refactoring included, plus support for the “deriving via” feature.
This commit is contained in:
mrkkrp 2019-05-27 22:20:09 +02:00 committed by Mark Karpov
parent cce75c7840
commit 34b9b71601
24 changed files with 343 additions and 249 deletions

View File

@ -1,34 +1,31 @@
version: 2
- image: mrkkrp/haskell-ghc-8.4.4:0.1.0
- image: nixos/nix:2.1.3
- checkout
- restore_cache:
- cabal-packages-{{ checksum "ormolu.cabal" }}
- cabal-packages-
- restore_cache:
- cabal-store-{{ checksum "ormolu.cabal" }}
- cabal-store-
- run: cabal --version
- run: ghc --version
- run: cabal update
- run: cabal new-build --enable-tests --flags=dev
- run: cabal new-test --enable-tests --flags=dev
- run: cabal new-haddock
- run: cabal new-sdist
- save_cache:
key: cabal-packages-{{ checksum "ormolu.cabal" }}
paths: "~/.cabal/packages"
- save_cache:
key: cabal-store-{{ checksum "ormolu.cabal" }}
paths: "~/.cabal/store"
- run:
name: Setup Cachix
command: |
nix-env -f nix/nixpkgs/ -iA cachix
USER=dummy cachix use tweag
- run:
name: Build environment
command: |
nix-shell --pure --run :
- run:
name: Push Cachix
command: |
nix-store -qR --include-outputs $(nix-instantiate default.nix) | cachix push tweag
- run:
name: Build the package (includes running the tests)
command: nix-build
version: 2
- build
- build_ghc864:
context: org-global

View File

@ -5,4 +5,8 @@ newtype Foo = Foo Int
, FromJSON
deriving newtype (Num)
deriving newtype Num
deriving Monoid via (Sum Int)
via (Sum Int)

View File

@ -7,3 +7,6 @@ newtype Foo = Foo Int
, FromJSON
deriving newtype (Num)
deriving Monoid via (Sum Int)
deriving Semigroup
via (Sum Int)

View File

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ data Foo a where
-- | 'Foo' is wonderful.
:: forall a b. (Show a, Eq b) -- foo
=> -- bar
-- bar
=> a
-> b
-> Foo 'Int
-- | But 'Bar' is also not too bad.

View File

@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ data Foo
= Foo
(Set Baz) -- and here we go
-- and that's it
-- and that's it
deriving (Eq)
deriving Eq

View File

@ -3,4 +3,5 @@ data Foo
= Foo -- ^ One
| Bar Int -- ^ Two
| Baz -- ^ Three
deriving (Eq, Show)
(Eq, Show)

View File

@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ data Foo
= Foo -- ^ One
| Bar Int -- ^ Two
| Baz -- ^ Three
deriving (Eq, Show)
(Eq, Show)

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-- | Here we go.
data Foo
= Foo {unFoo :: Int}
deriving (Eq)
deriving Eq
-- | And once again.
data Bar = Bar {unBar :: Int}
deriving (Eq)
deriving Eq

View File

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
type family Id a
= result | result -> a where
Id a
= a
Id a =
type family G (a :: k) b c
= foo | foo -> k b where
G a b c
= (a, b)
G a b c =
(a, b)
type family F a
:: * -> * where
F Int = Double
F Bool
= Char
F Bool =
F a = String

default.nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
let pkgs = import ./nix/nixpkgs;
compiler = "ghc864";
sourceRegex = [
haskellPackages = pkgs.haskell.packages.${compiler}.override
{ overrides = (self: super:
super //
{ "ormolu" = super.callCabal2nix "ormolu" (pkgs.lib.sourceByRegex ./. sourceRegex) {};
in if pkgs.lib.inNixShell
then haskellPackages.shellFor
{ packages = (ps: [ ps.ormolu ]);
buildInputs = [
else haskellPackages.ormolu

nix/nixpkgs/default.nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
rev = "f52505fac8c82716872a616c501ad9eff188f97f";
sha256 = "0q2m2qhyga9yq29yz90ywgjbn9hdahs7i8wwlq7b55rdbyiwa5dy";
pkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball {
url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/${rev}.tar.gz";
inherit sha256;
}) { config.allowUnfree = true; };
in pkgs

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name: ormolu
cabal-version: 1.18
tested-with: GHC==8.4.4
tested-with: GHC==8.6.4
license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE.md
maintainer: Mark Karpov <mark.karpov@tweag.io>
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ flag dev
hs-source-dirs: src
build-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 5.0
build-depends: base >= 4.12 && < 5.0
, containers >= 0.5 && < 0.7
, dlist >= 0.8 && < 0.9
, exceptions >= 0.6 && < 0.11
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ test-suite tests
main-is: Spec.hs
hs-source-dirs: tests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
build-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 5.0
build-depends: base >= 4.12 && < 5.0
, containers >= 0.5 && < 0.7
, filepath >= 1.2 && < 1.5
, hspec >= 2.0 && < 3.0
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ test-suite tests
executable ormolu
main-is: Main.hs
hs-source-dirs: app
build-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 5.0
build-depends: base >= 4.12 && < 5.0
, ghc >= 8.4.3
, gitrev >= 1.3 && < 1.4
, optparse-applicative >= 0.14 && < 0.15

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import Data.List (sortBy)
import GHC hiding (GhcPs, IE)
import HsExtension
import HsImpExp (IE (..))
import Ormolu.Utils (unL)
import Ormolu.Utils (unL, notImplemented)
-- | Sort imports by module name. This also sorts explicit import lists for
-- each declaration.
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ sortLies = sortBy (compareIE `on` unL) . fmap (fmap sortThings)
sortThings :: IE GhcPs -> IE GhcPs
sortThings = \case
IEThingWith x w xs fl ->
IEThingWith x w (sortBy (compareIewn `on` unL) xs) fl
IEThingWith NoExt x w xs fl ->
IEThingWith NoExt x w (sortBy (compareIewn `on` unL) xs) fl
other -> other
-- | Compare two located imports or exports.
@ -63,14 +63,15 @@ compareIE = compareIewn `on` getIewn
getIewn :: IE GhcPs -> IEWrappedName RdrName
getIewn = \case
IEVar x -> unL x
IEThingAbs x -> unL x
IEThingAll x -> unL x
IEThingWith x _ _ _ -> unL x
IEModuleContents _ -> error "Ormolu.Imports.projectName: IEModuleContents"
IEGroup _ _ -> error "Ormolu.Imports.projectName: IEGroup"
IEDoc _ -> error "Ormolu.Imports.projectName: IEGroup"
IEDocNamed _ -> error "Ormolu.Imports.projectName: IEGroup"
IEVar NoExt x -> unL x
IEThingAbs NoExt x -> unL x
IEThingAll NoExt x -> unL x
IEThingWith NoExt x _ _ _ -> unL x
IEModuleContents NoExt _ -> notImplemented "IEModuleContents"
IEGroup NoExt _ _ -> notImplemented "IEGroup"
IEDoc NoExt _ -> notImplemented "IEDoc"
IEDocNamed NoExt _ -> notImplemented "IEDocNamed"
XIE NoExt -> notImplemented "XIE"
-- | Compare two @'IEWrapppedName' 'RdrName'@ things.

View File

@ -162,9 +162,7 @@ velt xs = sequence_ (intersperse sep (sitcc <$> xs))
-- line.
velt' :: [R ()] -> R ()
velt' xs = sitcc $ sequence_ (intersperse sep (sitcc <$> xs))
sep = vlayout (spit " ") newline
velt' xs = sitcc $ sequence_ (intersperse breakpoint (sitcc <$> xs))
-- | Put separator between renderings of items of a list.

View File

@ -167,7 +167,10 @@ commentFollowsElt
-> Bool
commentFollowsElt ref mnSpn meSpn mlastSpn (L l comment) =
-- A comment follows a AST element if all 4 conditions are satisfied:
goesAfter && logicallyFollows && noEltBetween && supersedesParentElt
&& logicallyFollows
&& noEltBetween
&& (continuation || supersedesParentElt)
-- 1) The comment starts after end of the AST element:
goesAfter =
@ -176,20 +179,22 @@ commentFollowsElt ref mnSpn meSpn mlastSpn (L l comment) =
= theSameLine l ref -- a) it's on the same line
|| isPrevHaddock comment -- b) it's a Haddock string starting with -- ^
|| isJust mlastSpn -- c) it's a continuation of a comment block
|| continuation -- c) it's a continuation of a comment block
-- 3) There is no other AST element between this element and the comment:
noEltBetween =
case mnSpn of
Nothing -> True
Just nspn ->
realSrcSpanStart nspn >= realSrcSpanEnd l
-- Less obvious: if column of comment is closer to the start of
-- 4) Less obvious: if column of comment is closer to the start of
-- enclosing element, it probably related to that parent element, not to
-- the current child element. This rule is important because otherwise
-- all comments would end up assigned to closest inner elements, and
-- parent elements won't have a chance to get any comments assigned to
-- them. This is not OK because comments will get indented according to
-- the AST elements they are attached to.
-- Skip this rule if the comment is a continuation of a comment block.
supersedesParentElt =
case meSpn of
Nothing -> True
@ -197,6 +202,7 @@ commentFollowsElt ref mnSpn meSpn mlastSpn (L l comment) =
let startColumn = srcLocCol . realSrcSpanStart
in abs (startColumn espn - startColumn l)
> abs (startColumn ref - startColumn l)
continuation = isJust mlastSpn
-- | Output a 'Comment'. This is a low-level printing function.

View File

@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ import Ormolu.Utils
p_hsDecl :: HsDecl GhcPs -> R ()
p_hsDecl = \case
TyClD x -> p_tyClDecl x
ValD x -> p_valDecl x
SigD x -> p_sigDecl x
TyClD NoExt x -> p_tyClDecl x
ValD NoExt x -> p_valDecl x
SigD NoExt x -> p_sigDecl x
_ -> notImplemented "certain kinds of declarations"
p_tyClDecl :: TyClDecl GhcPs -> R ()
p_tyClDecl = \case
FamDecl x -> p_famDecl x
FamDecl NoExt x -> p_famDecl x
SynDecl {..} -> p_synDecl tcdLName tcdTyVars tcdRhs
DataDecl {..} -> p_dataDecl tcdLName tcdTyVars tcdDataDefn
_ -> notImplemented "certain kinds of declarations"

View File

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ module Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Declaration.Data
import BasicTypes (DerivStrategy (..))
import Control.Monad
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ import GHC
import Ormolu.Printer.Combinators
import Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Common
import Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Type
import Ormolu.Utils (unL, getSpan, combineSrcSpans')
import Ormolu.Utils
import RdrName (RdrName (..))
import SrcLoc (Located)
@ -55,32 +54,34 @@ p_dataDecl name tvars HsDataDefn {..} = do
inci . located dd_derivs $ \xs ->
forM_ xs (line . located' p_hsDerivingClause)
p_dataDecl _ _ (XHsDataDefn NoExt) = notImplemented "XHsDataDefn"
p_conDecl :: ConDecl GhcPs -> R ()
p_conDecl = \case
ConDeclGADT {..} -> velt'
[ spaceSep (located' p_rdrName) con_names
, inci $ do
txt ":: "
locatedVia Nothing (hsib_body con_type) p_hsType
ConDeclGADT {..} -> do
spaceSep (located' p_rdrName) con_names
inci $ do
txt ":: "
p_forallBndrs (hsq_explicit con_qvars)
forM_ con_mb_cxt p_lhsContext
case con_args of
PrefixCon xs -> do
velt' (located' p_hsType <$> xs)
unless (null xs) $ do
txt "-> "
RecCon l -> do
located l p_conDeclFields
unless (null $ unL l) $ do
txt "-> "
InfixCon _ _ -> notImplemented "InfixCon"
locatedVia Nothing con_res_ty p_hsType
ConDeclH98 {..} -> do
case hsq_explicit <$> con_qvars of
Nothing -> return ()
Just bndrs -> do
txt "forall "
spaceSep (located' p_hsTyVarBndr) bndrs
txt "."
case con_cxt of
Nothing -> return ()
Just ctx -> located ctx $ \case
[] -> pure ()
xs -> do
p_hsContext xs
txt "=> "
case con_details of
p_forallBndrs con_ex_tvs
forM_ con_mb_cxt p_lhsContext
case con_args of
PrefixCon xs -> do
located con_name p_rdrName
unless (null xs) breakpoint
@ -89,33 +90,74 @@ p_conDecl = \case
located con_name p_rdrName
inci $ located l p_conDeclFields
InfixCon x y -> velt'
[ located x p_hsType
, inci $ velt'
[ backticks (located con_name p_rdrName)
, inci $ located y p_hsType
InfixCon x y -> do
located x p_hsType
inci $ do
backticks (located con_name p_rdrName)
inci (located y p_hsType)
XConDecl NoExt -> notImplemented "XConDecl"
:: [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs]
-> R ()
p_forallBndrs = \case
[] -> return ()
bndrs -> do
txt "forall "
spaceSep (located' p_hsTyVarBndr) bndrs
txt ". "
:: LHsContext GhcPs
-> R ()
p_lhsContext = \case
L _ [] -> pure ()
ctx -> do
located ctx p_hsContext
txt "=> "
isGadt :: ConDecl GhcPs -> Bool
isGadt = \case
ConDeclGADT {} -> True
ConDeclH98 {} -> False
XConDecl {} -> False
:: HsDerivingClause GhcPs
-> R ()
p_hsDerivingClause HsDerivingClause {..} = do
txt "deriving"
let derivingWhat = located deriv_clause_tys $ \case
[] -> txt "()"
[x] -> located (hsib_body x) p_hsType
xs -> parens . velt $ withSep comma (located' p_hsType . hsib_body) xs
case deriv_clause_strategy of
Nothing -> return ()
Just l -> do
located l $ \case
StockStrategy -> txt "stock"
AnyclassStrategy -> txt "anyclass"
NewtypeStrategy -> txt "newtype"
inci . located deriv_clause_tys $ \case
[] -> txt "()"
xs -> parens . velt $ withSep comma (located' p_hsType . hsib_body) xs
Nothing -> do
inci derivingWhat
Just l -> locatedVia Nothing l $ \case
StockStrategy -> do
txt " stock"
inci derivingWhat
AnyclassStrategy -> do
txt " anyclass"
inci derivingWhat
NewtypeStrategy -> do
txt " newtype"
inci derivingWhat
ViaStrategy HsIB {..} -> do
inci $ do
txt "via "
located hsib_body p_hsType
ViaStrategy (XHsImplicitBndrs NoExt) ->
notImplemented "XHsImplicitBndrs"
p_hsDerivingClause (XHsDerivingClause NoExt) = notImplemented "XHsDerivingClause"

View File

@ -16,33 +16,31 @@ import Ormolu.Utils
p_pat :: Pat GhcPs -> R ()
p_pat = \case
WildPat _ -> txt "_"
VarPat name -> located name p_rdrName
LazyPat pat -> do
WildPat NoExt -> txt "_"
VarPat NoExt name -> located name p_rdrName
LazyPat NoExt pat -> do
txt "~"
located pat p_pat
AsPat name pat -> do
AsPat NoExt name pat -> do
located name p_rdrName
txt "@"
located pat p_pat
ParPat pat ->
ParPat NoExt pat ->
located pat (parens . p_pat)
BangPat pat -> do
BangPat NoExt pat -> do
txt "!"
located pat p_pat
ListPat pats _ _ -> do
ListPat NoExt pats -> do
brackets $ velt (withSep comma (located' p_pat) pats)
TuplePat pats boxing _ -> do
TuplePat NoExt pats boxing -> do
let f =
case boxing of
Boxed -> parens
Unboxed -> parensHash
f $ velt (withSep comma (located' p_pat) pats)
SumPat pat _ _ _ -> do
SumPat NoExt pat _ _ -> do
-- XXX I'm not sure about this one.
located pat p_pat
PArrPat pats _ -> do
bracketsPar $ velt (withSep comma (located' p_pat) pats)
ConPatIn pat details ->
case details of
PrefixCon xs -> do
@ -63,12 +61,12 @@ p_pat = \case
ConPatOut {} -> notImplemented "ConPatOut"
ViewPat {} -> notImplemented "ViewPat"
SplicePat {} -> notImplemented "SplicePat"
LitPat p -> atom p
NPat v _ _ _ -> located v (atom . ol_val)
LitPat NoExt p -> atom p
NPat NoExt v _ _ -> located v (atom . ol_val)
NPlusKPat {} -> notImplemented "NPlusKPat"
SigPatIn {} -> notImplemented "SigPatIn"
SigPatOut {} -> notImplemented "SigPatOut"
SigPat {} -> notImplemented "SigPat"
CoPat {} -> notImplemented "CoPat"
XPat NoExt -> notImplemented "XPat"
p_hsRecField :: HsRecField' (FieldOcc GhcPs) (LPat GhcPs) -> R ()
p_hsRecField HsRecField {..} =

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ p_sigDecl = line . p_sigDecl'
p_sigDecl' :: Sig GhcPs -> R ()
p_sigDecl' = \case
TypeSig names hswc -> p_typeSig names hswc
TypeSig NoExt names hswc -> p_typeSig names hswc
_ -> notImplemented "certain types of signature declarations"
@ -34,3 +34,4 @@ p_typeSig names HsWC {..} = do
inci $ do
txt ":: "
located (hsib_body hswc_body) p_hsType
p_typeSig _ (XHsWildCardBndrs NoExt) = notImplemented "XHsWildCardBndrs"

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import GHC
import Ormolu.Printer.Combinators
import Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Common
import Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Type
import Ormolu.Utils
import SrcLoc (Located, GenLocated (..))
p_famDecl :: FamilyDecl GhcPs -> R ()
@ -42,18 +43,24 @@ p_famDecl FamilyDecl {..} = do
Just eqs -> do
forM_ eqs (located' (line . inci . p_tyFamInstEqn))
p_famDecl (XFamilyDecl NoExt) = notImplemented "XFamilyDecl"
p_familyResultSigL :: Bool -> Located (FamilyResultSig GhcPs) -> Maybe (R ())
:: Bool
-> Located (FamilyResultSig GhcPs)
-> Maybe (R ())
p_familyResultSigL injAnn l =
case l of
L _ a -> case a of
NoSig -> Nothing
KindSig k -> Just $ do
NoSig NoExt -> Nothing
KindSig NoExt k -> Just $ do
if injAnn then txt "= " else txt ":: "
located k p_hsType
TyVarSig bndr -> Just $ do
TyVarSig NoExt bndr -> Just $ do
if injAnn then txt "= " else txt ":: "
located bndr p_hsTyVarBndr
XFamilyResultSig NoExt ->
notImplemented "XFamilyResultSig"
p_injectivityAnn :: InjectivityAnn GhcPs -> R ()
p_injectivityAnn (InjectivityAnn a bs) = do
@ -64,11 +71,12 @@ p_injectivityAnn (InjectivityAnn a bs) = do
spaceSep (located' p_rdrName) bs
p_tyFamInstEqn :: TyFamInstEqn GhcPs -> R ()
p_tyFamInstEqn HsIB {..} = velt'
[ do located feqn_tycon p_rdrName
spaceSep (located' p_hsType) feqn_pats
, inci $ txt "= " >> inci (located feqn_rhs p_hsType)
FamEqn {..} = hsib_body
p_tyFamInstEqn HsIB {..} = do
let FamEqn {..} = hsib_body
located feqn_tycon p_rdrName
spaceSep (located' p_hsType) feqn_pats
txt " ="
inci (located feqn_rhs p_hsType)
p_tyFamInstEqn (XHsImplicitBndrs NoExt) = notImplemented "XHsImplicitBndrs"

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ p_valDecl = line . p_valDecl'
p_valDecl' :: HsBindLR GhcPs GhcPs -> R ()
p_valDecl' = \case
FunBind funId funMatches _ _ _ -> p_funBind funId funMatches
FunBind NoExt funId funMatches _ _ -> p_funBind funId funMatches
_ -> notImplemented "certain kinds of binding declarations"
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ p_matchGroup
p_matchGroup style MG {..} =
locatedVia Nothing mg_alts $
newlineSep (located' (p_match style))
p_matchGroup _ (XMatchGroup NoExt) = notImplemented "XMatchGroup"
:: MatchGroupStyle
@ -97,13 +98,14 @@ p_match style Match {..} = do
Lambda -> return ()
_ -> breakpoint
newlineSep (located' p_grhs) grhssGRHSs
unless (GHC.isEmptyLocalBinds (unL grhssLocalBinds)) $ do
unless (GHC.isEmptyLocalBindsPR (unL grhssLocalBinds)) $ do
line (txt "where")
inci (located grhssLocalBinds p_hsLocalBinds)
p_match _ (XMatch NoExt) = notImplemented "XMatchGroup"
p_grhs :: GRHS GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> R ()
p_grhs (GRHS guards body) =
p_grhs (GRHS NoExt guards body) =
case guards of
[] -> p_body
xs -> do
@ -114,21 +116,23 @@ p_grhs (GRHS guards body) =
inci p_body
p_body = located body p_hsExpr
p_grhs (XGRHS NoExt) = notImplemented "XGRHS"
p_stmt :: Stmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> R ()
p_stmt = \case
LastStmt {} -> notImplemented "do notation"
BindStmt {} -> notImplemented "do notation"
ApplicativeStmt {} -> notImplemented "applicative stmt"
BodyStmt body _ _ _ -> located body p_hsExpr
LetStmt binds -> located binds p_hsLocalBinds
BodyStmt NoExt body _ _ -> located body p_hsExpr
LetStmt NoExt binds -> located binds p_hsLocalBinds
ParStmt {} -> notImplemented "ParStmt"
TransStmt {} -> notImplemented "TransStmt"
RecStmt {} -> notImplemented "RecStmt"
XStmtLR {} -> notImplemented "XStmtLR"
p_hsLocalBinds :: HsLocalBindsLR GhcPs GhcPs -> R ()
p_hsLocalBinds = \case
HsValBinds (ValBindsIn bag lsigs) -> do
HsValBinds NoExt (ValBinds NoExt bag lsigs) -> do
let ssStart = either
(srcSpanStart . getSpan)
(srcSpanStart . getSpan)
@ -137,62 +141,63 @@ p_hsLocalBinds = \case
p_item (Left x) = located x p_valDecl'
p_item (Right x) = located x p_sigDecl'
newlineSep p_item (sortOn ssStart items)
HsValBinds _ -> notImplemented "HsValBinds"
HsIPBinds _ -> notImplemented "HsIPBinds"
EmptyLocalBinds -> return ()
HsValBinds NoExt _ -> notImplemented "HsValBinds"
HsIPBinds NoExt _ -> notImplemented "HsIPBinds"
EmptyLocalBinds NoExt -> return ()
XHsLocalBindsLR _ -> notImplemented "XHsLocalBindsLR"
p_hsExpr :: HsExpr GhcPs -> R ()
p_hsExpr = \case
HsVar name -> located name p_rdrName'
HsUnboundVar _ -> notImplemented "HsUnboundVar"
HsConLikeOut _ -> notImplemented "HsConLikeOut"
HsRecFld x ->
HsVar NoExt name -> located name p_rdrName'
HsUnboundVar NoExt _ -> notImplemented "HsUnboundVar"
HsConLikeOut NoExt _ -> notImplemented "HsConLikeOut"
HsRecFld NoExt x ->
case x of
Unambiguous name _ -> located name p_rdrName'
Ambiguous name _ -> located name p_rdrName'
HsOverLabel _ _ -> notImplemented "HsOverLabel"
HsIPVar (HsIPName name) -> atom name
HsOverLit v -> atom (ol_val v)
HsLit lit -> atom lit
HsLam mgroup ->
Unambiguous NoExt name -> located name p_rdrName'
Ambiguous NoExt name -> located name p_rdrName'
XAmbiguousFieldOcc NoExt -> notImplemented "XAmbiguousFieldOcc"
HsOverLabel NoExt _ _ -> notImplemented "HsOverLabel"
HsIPVar NoExt (HsIPName name) -> atom name
HsOverLit NoExt v -> atom (ol_val v)
HsLit NoExt lit -> atom lit
HsLam NoExt mgroup ->
p_matchGroup Lambda mgroup
HsLamCase mgroup -> do
HsLamCase NoExt mgroup -> do
txt "\\case"
inci (p_matchGroup LambdaCase mgroup)
HsApp f x -> do
HsApp NoExt f x -> do
located f p_hsExpr
inci (located x p_hsExpr)
HsAppType a e -> do
located a p_hsExpr
located e p_hsExpr
inci $ do
txt "@"
located (hswc_body e) p_hsType
HsAppTypeOut {} -> notImplemented "HsAppTypeOut"
OpApp x op _ y -> do
located (hswc_body a) p_hsType
OpApp NoExt x op y -> do
located x p_hsExpr
inci $ do
located op p_hsExpr
located y p_hsExpr
NegApp e _ -> do
NegApp NoExt e _ -> do
txt "-"
located e p_hsExpr
HsPar e -> parens (located e p_hsExpr)
HsPar NoExt e -> parens (located e p_hsExpr)
SectionL {} -> notImplemented "SectionL"
SectionR {} -> notImplemented "SectionR"
ExplicitTuple {} -> notImplemented "ExplicitTuple"
ExplicitSum {} -> notImplemented "ExplicitSum"
HsCase e mgroup -> do
HsCase NoExt e mgroup -> do
txt "case "
located e p_hsExpr
txt " of"
inci (p_matchGroup Case mgroup)
HsIf _ if' then' else' -> do
HsIf NoExt _ if' then' else' -> do
txt "if "
located if' p_hsExpr
@ -206,7 +211,7 @@ p_hsExpr = \case
inci (p_hsExpr x)
HsMultiIf {} -> notImplemented "MulitiIf"
HsLet localBinds e -> do
HsLet NoExt localBinds e -> do
txt "let "
sitcc (located localBinds p_hsLocalBinds)
@ -215,13 +220,10 @@ p_hsExpr = \case
HsDo {} -> notImplemented "HsDo"
ExplicitList _ _ xs -> do
brackets $ velt (withSep comma (located' p_hsExpr) xs)
ExplicitPArr {} -> notImplemented "ExplicitPArr"
RecordCon {} -> notImplemented "RecordCon"
RecordUpd {} -> notImplemented "RecordUpd"
ExprWithTySig {} -> notImplemented "ExprWithTySig"
ExprWithTySigOut {} -> notImplemented "ExprWithTySigOut"
ArithSeq {} -> notImplemented "ArithSeq"
PArrSeq {} -> notImplemented "PArrSeq"
HsSCC {} -> notImplemented "HsSCC"
HsCoreAnn {} -> notImplemented "HsCoreAnn"
HsBracket {} -> notImplemented "HsBracket"
@ -238,14 +240,16 @@ p_hsExpr = \case
HsTick {} -> notImplemented "HsTick"
HsBinTick {} -> notImplemented "HsBinTick"
HsTickPragma {} -> notImplemented "HsTickPragma"
EWildPat -> notImplemented "EWildPat"
EWildPat NoExt -> notImplemented "EWildPat"
EAsPat {} -> notImplemented "EAsPat"
EViewPat {} -> notImplemented "EViewPat"
ELazyPat {} -> notImplemented "ELazyPat"
HsWrap {} -> notImplemented "HsWrap"
XExpr {} -> notImplemented "XExpr"
-- Helpers
getGRHSSpan :: GRHS GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> SrcSpan
getGRHSSpan (GRHS _ body) = getSpan body
getGRHSSpan (GRHS NoExt _ body) = getSpan body
getGRHSSpan (XGRHS NoExt) = notImplemented "XGRHS"

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import GHC
import HsImpExp (IE (..))
import Ormolu.Printer.Combinators
import Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Common
import Ormolu.Utils
p_hsmodExports :: [LIE GhcPs] -> R ()
p_hsmodExports xs = do
@ -51,24 +52,25 @@ p_hsmodImport ImportDecl {..} = line $ do
inci . locatedVia Nothing l $
parens . velt . withSep comma (located' p_lie)
p_hsmodImport (XImportDecl NoExt) = notImplemented "XImportDecl"
p_lie :: IE GhcPs -> R ()
p_lie = \case
IEVar l1 -> located l1 p_ieWrappedName
IEThingAbs l1 -> located l1 p_ieWrappedName
IEThingAll l1 -> do
IEVar NoExt l1 -> located l1 p_ieWrappedName
IEThingAbs NoExt l1 -> located l1 p_ieWrappedName
IEThingAll NoExt l1 -> do
located l1 p_ieWrappedName
txt " (..)"
IEThingWith l1 w xs _ -> velt'
[ located l1 p_ieWrappedName
, inci $ do
p_ieWildcard w
parens . velt $ withSep comma (located' p_ieWrappedName) xs
IEThingWith NoExt l1 w xs _ -> sitcc $ do
located l1 p_ieWrappedName
-- XXX I have no idea what field labels are in this context.
-- parens . velt $ withSep comma (located' p_FieldLbl) fls
IEModuleContents l1 -> located l1 p_hsmodName
inci $ do
p_ieWildcard w
parens . velt $ withSep comma (located' p_ieWrappedName) xs
IEModuleContents NoExt l1 -> located l1 p_hsmodName
-- XXX I have no idea what these things are for.
IEGroup _ _ -> return ()
IEDoc _ -> return ()
IEDocNamed _ -> return ()
IEGroup NoExt _ _ -> return ()
IEDoc NoExt _ -> return ()
IEDocNamed NoExt _ -> return ()
XIE NoExt -> notImplemented "XIE"

View File

@ -64,6 +64,6 @@ separatedDecls
:: HsDecl GhcPs
-> HsDecl GhcPs
-> Bool
separatedDecls (SigD (TypeSig (n:_) _)) (ValD (FunBind n' _ _ _ _)) =
separatedDecls (SigD NoExt (TypeSig NoExt (n:_) _)) (ValD NoExt (FunBind NoExt n' _ _ _)) =
unL n /= unL n'
separatedDecls _ _ = True

View File

@ -15,33 +15,30 @@ where
import GHC
import Ormolu.Printer.Combinators
import Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Common
import Ormolu.Utils
p_hsType :: HsType GhcPs -> R ()
p_hsType = \case
HsForAllTy bndrs t -> do
HsForAllTy NoExt bndrs t -> do
txt "forall "
spaceSep (located' p_hsTyVarBndr) bndrs
txt ". "
locatedVia Nothing t p_hsType
HsQualTy qs t -> do
HsQualTy NoExt qs t -> do
located qs p_hsContext
txt "=> "
locatedVia Nothing t p_hsType
HsTyVar p n -> do
HsTyVar NoExt p n -> do
case p of
Promoted -> txt "'"
NotPromoted -> return ()
located n p_rdrName
HsAppsTy apps ->
velt' $ case apps of
[] -> []
(x:xs) -> located' p_hsAppType x : (located' (inci . p_hsAppType) <$> xs)
HsAppTy f x -> velt'
[ located f p_hsType
, inci $ located x p_hsType
HsFunTy f x@(L _ x') -> do
located n p_rdrName'
HsAppTy NoExt f x -> sitcc $ do
located f p_hsType
inci (located x p_hsType)
HsFunTy NoExt f x@(L _ x') -> do
located f p_hsType
txt "-> "
@ -49,9 +46,8 @@ p_hsType = \case
HsFunTy{} -> locatedVia Nothing
_ -> located
located_ x p_hsType
HsListTy t -> located t (brackets . p_hsType)
HsPArrTy t -> located t (bracketsPar . p_hsType)
HsTupleTy tsort xs ->
HsListTy NoExt t -> located t (brackets . p_hsType)
HsTupleTy NoExt tsort xs ->
let parens' =
case tsort of
HsUnboxedTuple -> parensHash
@ -59,29 +55,32 @@ p_hsType = \case
HsConstraintTuple -> parens
HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple -> parens
in parens' . velt $ withSep comma (located' p_hsType) xs
HsSumTy xs ->
HsSumTy NoExt xs ->
parensHash . velt $ withSep (txt "| ") (located' p_hsType) xs
HsOpTy x op y -> velt'
[ located x p_hsType
, inci $ located op p_rdrName >> space >> located y p_hsType
HsParTy t ->
HsOpTy NoExt x op y -> do
located x p_hsType
inci $ do
located op p_rdrName'
located y p_hsType
HsParTy NoExt t ->
parens (located t p_hsType)
HsIParamTy n t -> velt'
[ located n atom
, inci $ txt ":: " >> located t p_hsType
HsEqTy x y -> velt'
[ located x p_hsType
, inci $ txt "~ " >> located y p_hsType
HsKindSig t k -> velt'
[ located t p_hsType
, inci $ txt ":: " >> located k p_hsType
HsIParamTy NoExt n t -> do
located n atom
inci $ do
txt ":: "
located t p_hsType
HsStarTy NoExt _ -> txt "*"
HsKindSig NoExt t k -> do
located t p_hsType
inci $ do
txt ":: "
located k p_hsType
HsSpliceTy _ _ -> error "HsSpliceTy"
HsDocTy _ _ -> error "HsDocTy"
HsBangTy (HsSrcBang _ u s) t -> do
HsDocTy NoExt _ _ -> error "HsDocTy"
HsBangTy NoExt (HsSrcBang _ u s) t -> do
case u of
SrcUnpack -> txt "{-# UNPACK #-} "
SrcNoUnpack -> txt "{-# NOUNPACK #-} "
@ -91,19 +90,19 @@ p_hsType = \case
SrcStrict -> txt "!"
NoSrcStrict -> return ()
located t p_hsType
HsRecTy fields ->
HsRecTy NoExt fields ->
p_conDeclFields fields
HsCoreTy t -> atom t
HsExplicitListTy p _ xs -> do
case p of -- XXX not sure about this one
HsExplicitListTy NoExt p xs -> do
case p of
Promoted -> txt "'"
NotPromoted -> return ()
brackets . velt $ withSep comma (located' p_hsType) xs
HsExplicitTupleTy _ xs -> do
HsExplicitTupleTy NoExt xs -> do
txt "'"
parens . velt $ withSep comma (located' p_hsType) xs
HsTyLit t -> atom t
HsWildCardTy (AnonWildCard PlaceHolder) -> txt "_"
HsTyLit NoExt t -> atom t
HsWildCardTy NoExt -> txt "_"
XHsType (NHsCoreTy t) -> atom t
p_hsContext :: HsContext GhcPs -> R ()
p_hsContext = \case
@ -113,31 +112,28 @@ p_hsContext = \case
p_hsTyVarBndr :: HsTyVarBndr GhcPs -> R ()
p_hsTyVarBndr = \case
UserTyVar l ->
UserTyVar NoExt l ->
located l p_rdrName
KindedTyVar l k -> parens $ velt'
[ located l atom
, inci $ txt ":: " >> located k p_hsType
p_hsAppType :: HsAppType GhcPs -> R ()
p_hsAppType = \case
HsAppInfix l ->
located l p_rdrName'
HsAppPrefix l ->
located l p_hsType
KindedTyVar NoExt l k -> parens $ do
located l atom
inci $ do
txt ":: "
located k p_hsType
XTyVarBndr NoExt -> notImplemented "XTyVarBndr"
p_conDeclFields :: [LConDeclField GhcPs] -> R ()
p_conDeclFields =
braces . velt . withSep comma (sitcc . located' p_conDeclField)
p_conDeclField :: ConDeclField GhcPs -> R ()
p_conDeclField ConDeclField {..} = velt'
[ velt $ withSep
(located' (located' p_rdrName . rdrNameFieldOcc))
, inci $ do
txt ":: "
locatedVia Nothing cd_fld_type p_hsType
p_conDeclField ConDeclField {..} = do
sitcc . velt $ withSep
(located' (located' p_rdrName . rdrNameFieldOcc))
sitcc . inci $ do
txt ":: "
locatedVia Nothing cd_fld_type p_hsType
p_conDeclField (XConDeclField NoExt) = notImplemented "XConDeclField"