mirror of https://github.com/google/ormolu.git synced 2024-09-11 08:05:24 +03:00

Implement merging of the items in import sections

This commit is contained in:
Mark Karpov 2020-06-18 14:25:03 +02:00
parent e09fcc0316
commit be1eac66c3
4 changed files with 85 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
## Unreleased
* Duplicate imports in a single import list are now eliminated.
* Imports in a import lists are now normalized: duplicate imports are
combined/eliminated intelligently.
* The magic comments for disabling and enabling Ormolu now can encompass any
fragment of code provided that the remaining code after exclusion of the
@ -29,9 +30,6 @@
inside of `where` clauses—can be formatted. [Issue
* Fixed the bug in the de-duplicating algorithm for import lists. [Issue
* Fixed the bug related to the de-association of pragma comments. [Issue

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@ -1,2 +1,6 @@
import Foo1 (Bar1 (..), Baz1)
import Foo2 (Bar2 (..), Baz2)
import Foo3 (Bar3 (x1, x2, x3))
import Foo4 (Bar4 (x1, x2))
import Foo5 (Bar5 (x1))
import Foo6 (Bar6 (..))

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@ -1,2 +1,6 @@
import Foo1 (Bar1, Baz1, Bar1(..))
import Foo2 (Bar2(..), Baz2, Bar2)
import Foo3 (Bar3(x1,x3), Bar3(x1, x2))
import Foo4 (Bar4(x1), Bar4(x2))
import Foo5 (Bar5, Bar5(x1))
import Foo6 (Bar6(x1), Bar6(..))

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@ -12,14 +12,16 @@ import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Generics (gcompare)
import Data.List (nubBy, sortBy)
import Data.List (foldl', nubBy, sortBy, sortOn)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import GHC hiding (GhcPs, IE)
import GHC.Hs.Extension
import GHC.Hs.ImpExp (IE (..))
import Ormolu.Utils (notImplemented, showOutputable)
-- | Sort imports by module name. This also sorts explicit import lists for
-- each declaration.
-- | Sort imports by module name. This also sorts and normalizes explicit
-- import lists for each declaration.
sortImports :: [LImportDecl GhcPs] -> [LImportDecl GhcPs]
sortImports = sortBy compareIdecl . fmap (fmap sortImportLists)
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ sortImports = sortBy compareIdecl . fmap (fmap sortImportLists)
sortImportLists = \case
ImportDecl {..} ->
{ ideclHiding = second (fmap sortLies) <$> ideclHiding,
{ ideclHiding = second (fmap normalizeLies) <$> ideclHiding,
XImportDecl x -> noExtCon x
@ -45,51 +47,87 @@ compareIdecl (L _ m0) (L _ m1) =
n1 = unLoc (ideclName m1)
isPrelude = (== "Prelude") . moduleNameString
-- | Sort located import or export, dropping duplicates.
sortLies :: [LIE GhcPs] -> [LIE GhcPs]
sortLies =
nubBy (\x y -> compareLIE x y == EQ)
. sortBy compareLIEAll
. fmap (fmap sortThings)
-- | Sort imports\/exports inside of 'IEThingWith'.
sortThings :: IE GhcPs -> IE GhcPs
sortThings = \case
IEThingWith NoExtField x w xs fl ->
IEThingWith NoExtField x w (sortBy (compareIewn `on` unLoc) xs) fl
other -> other
-- | Compare a pair of located imports or exports taking into account
-- wildcards.
compareLIEAll :: LIE GhcPs -> LIE GhcPs -> Ordering
compareLIEAll = f `on` getIewn . unLoc
-- | Normalize a collection of import\/export items.
normalizeLies :: [LIE GhcPs] -> [LIE GhcPs]
normalizeLies = sortOn (getIewn . unLoc) . M.elems . foldl' combine M.empty
f (x, xall) (y, yall) =
case x `compareIewn` y of
EQ -> xall `compare` yall
ordering -> ordering
combine ::
Map IEWrappedNameOrd (LIE GhcPs) ->
LIE GhcPs ->
Map IEWrappedNameOrd (LIE GhcPs)
combine m (L new_l new) =
let wname = getIewn new
normalizeWNames =
nubBy (\x y -> compareLIewn x y == EQ) . sortBy compareLIewn
alter = \case
Nothing -> Just . L new_l $
case new of
IEThingWith NoExtField n wildcard g flbl ->
IEThingWith NoExtField n wildcard (normalizeWNames g) flbl
other -> other
Just old ->
let f = \case
IEVar NoExtField n -> IEVar NoExtField n
IEThingAbs NoExtField _ -> new
IEThingAll NoExtField n -> IEThingAll NoExtField n
IEThingWith NoExtField n wildcard g flbl ->
case new of
IEVar NoExtField _ ->
error "Ormolu.Imports broken presupposition"
IEThingAbs NoExtField _ ->
IEThingWith NoExtField n wildcard g flbl
IEThingAll NoExtField n' ->
IEThingAll NoExtField n'
IEThingWith NoExtField n' wildcard' g' flbl' ->
let combinedWildcard =
case (wildcard, wildcard') of
(IEWildcard _, _) -> IEWildcard 0
(_, IEWildcard _) -> IEWildcard 0
_ -> NoIEWildcard
in IEThingWith
(normalizeWNames (g <> g'))
IEModuleContents NoExtField _ -> notImplemented "IEModuleContents"
IEGroup NoExtField _ _ -> notImplemented "IEGroup"
IEDoc NoExtField _ -> notImplemented "IEDoc"
IEDocNamed NoExtField _ -> notImplemented "IEDocNamed"
XIE x -> noExtCon x
IEModuleContents NoExtField _ -> notImplemented "IEModuleContents"
IEGroup NoExtField _ _ -> notImplemented "IEGroup"
IEDoc NoExtField _ -> notImplemented "IEDoc"
IEDocNamed NoExtField _ -> notImplemented "IEDocNamed"
XIE x -> noExtCon x
in Just (f <$> old)
in M.alter alter wname m
-- | The same as 'compareLIEAll'.
compareLIE :: LIE GhcPs -> LIE GhcPs -> Ordering
compareLIE = compareIewn `on` fst . getIewn . unLoc
-- | A wrapper for @'IEWrappedName' 'RdrName'@ that allows us to define an
-- 'Ord' instance for it.
newtype IEWrappedNameOrd = IEWrappedNameOrd (IEWrappedName RdrName)
deriving (Eq)
-- | Indication whether or not a wildcard is used by an import item.
data IEWild = All | NoWild
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Ord IEWrappedNameOrd where
compare (IEWrappedNameOrd x) (IEWrappedNameOrd y) = compareIewn x y
-- | Project @'IEWrappedName' 'RdrName'@ from @'IE' 'GhcPs'@.
getIewn :: IE GhcPs -> (IEWrappedName RdrName, IEWild)
getIewn :: IE GhcPs -> IEWrappedNameOrd
getIewn = \case
IEVar NoExtField x -> (unLoc x, NoWild)
IEThingAbs NoExtField x -> (unLoc x, NoWild)
IEThingAll NoExtField x -> (unLoc x, All)
IEThingWith NoExtField x _ _ _ -> (unLoc x, NoWild)
IEVar NoExtField x -> IEWrappedNameOrd (unLoc x)
IEThingAbs NoExtField x -> IEWrappedNameOrd (unLoc x)
IEThingAll NoExtField x -> IEWrappedNameOrd (unLoc x)
IEThingWith NoExtField x _ _ _ -> IEWrappedNameOrd (unLoc x)
IEModuleContents NoExtField _ -> notImplemented "IEModuleContents"
IEGroup NoExtField _ _ -> notImplemented "IEGroup"
IEDoc NoExtField _ -> notImplemented "IEDoc"
IEDocNamed NoExtField _ -> notImplemented "IEDocNamed"
XIE x -> noExtCon x
-- | Like 'compareIewn' for located wrapped names.
compareLIewn :: LIEWrappedName RdrName -> LIEWrappedName RdrName -> Ordering
compareLIewn = compareIewn `on` unLoc
-- | Compare two @'IEWrapppedName' 'RdrName'@ things.
compareIewn :: IEWrappedName RdrName -> IEWrappedName RdrName -> Ordering
compareIewn (IEName x) (IEName y) = unLoc x `compareRdrName` unLoc y