This commit is contained in:
Alexander Granin 2019-05-04 20:17:58 +07:00
parent 93a6281e4e
commit 1f039e520d
16 changed files with 235 additions and 161 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Hydra.Domain as D
import qualified Hydra.FTL as FTL
import qualified Hydra.FTL as L
import qualified Hydra.FTLI ()
-- import qualified Hydra.Language as L
import Hydra.Prelude
import qualified Hydra.Runtime as R
@ -31,47 +32,46 @@ data AppState = AppState
{ catalogue :: D.StateVar Catalogue
initState :: (L.AppL m, L.StateL m) => ReaderT AppState m
initState :: L.StateL m => m AppState
initState = do
ne <- L.newVarIO Map.empty
nw <- L.newVarIO Map.empty
se <- L.newVarIO Map.empty
sw <- L.newVarIO Map.empty
ne <- L.newVar Map.empty
nw <- L.newVar Map.empty
se <- L.newVar Map.empty
sw <- L.newVar Map.empty
let catalogueMap = Map.fromList
[ (NorthEast, ne)
, (NorthWest, nw)
, (SouthEast, se)
, (SouthWest, sw)
catalogue <- L.newVarIO catalogueMap
catalogue <- L.newVar catalogueMap
pure $ AppState catalogue
meteorCounter :: AppState -> L.LangL ()
meteorCounter st = pure ()
getRandomMeteor :: L.LangL Meteor
getRandomMeteor = Meteor <$> L.getRandomInt (1, 100)
getRandomMilliseconds :: L.LangL MTime
getRandomMilliseconds = (* 1000) <$> L.getRandomInt (0, 3000)
meteorShower :: AppState -> Region -> L.LangL ()
meteorShower st region = do
getRandomMilliseconds >>= L.delay
meteor <- getRandomMeteor
L.logInfo $ "[MS] " <> " a new meteor appeared at " <> show region <> ": " <> show meteor
meteorShower st region
meteorsMonitoring :: L.AppL ()
meteorsMonitoring = do
L.logInfo "Starting app..."
st <- initState
L.process $ meteorCounter st
L.process $ meteorShower st NorthEast
L.process $ meteorShower st NorthWest
L.process $ meteorShower st SouthEast
L.process $ meteorShower st SouthWest
-- meteorCounter :: L.LangL m => AppState -> m ()
-- meteorCounter st = pure ()
-- getRandomMeteor :: L.LangL m => m Meteor
-- getRandomMeteor = Meteor <$> L.getRandomInt (1, 100)
-- getRandomMilliseconds :: L.LangL m => m MTime
-- getRandomMilliseconds = (* 1000) <$> L.getRandomInt (0, 3000)
-- meteorShower :: L.LangL m => AppState -> Region -> m ()
-- meteorShower st region = do
-- getRandomMilliseconds >>= L.delay
-- meteor <- getRandomMeteor
-- L.logInfo $ "[MS] " <> " a new meteor appeared at " <> show region <> ": " <> show meteor
-- meteorShower st region
-- meteorsMonitoring :: L.AppL m => m ()
-- meteorsMonitoring = do
-- L.logInfo "Starting app..."
-- st <- initState
-- L.process $ meteorCounter st
-- L.process $ meteorShower st NorthEast
-- L.process $ meteorShower st NorthWest
-- L.process $ meteorShower st SouthEast
-- L.process $ meteorShower st SouthWest
loggerCfg :: D.LoggerConfig
loggerCfg = D.LoggerConfig
@ -82,8 +82,38 @@ loggerCfg = D.LoggerConfig
, D._logToFile = False
-- main :: IO ()
-- main = do
-- loggerRt <- R.createLoggerRuntime loggerCfg
-- appRt <- R.createAppRuntime loggerRt
-- -- R.startApp appRt $ L.foreverApp meteorsMonitoring
-- runReaderT (L.foreverApp meteorsMonitoring) appRt
delayAction :: L.ControlFlowL m => Int -> m ()
delayAction = L.delay
meteorsMonitoring :: (L.ControlFlowL m, L.LoggerL m) => m ()
meteorsMonitoring = do
L.logInfo "Delaying..."
L.delay 10000
L.logInfo "Done."
-- Could not decuce...
-- initStateApp :: L.LangL m => m AppState
-- initStateApp = L.atomically initState
-- This is wrong: the upper m should not be a state-working m
-- (because the state is STM, and should not appear as is, only with atomically).
-- Also,
-- 'No instance for (L.StateL (ReaderT R.CoreRuntime IO))':
-- this interpreter should not exist (we don't want to evaluate the actions separately in IO)
initStateApp :: (L.StateL m, L.LangL m) => m AppState
initStateApp = initState
main :: IO ()
main = do
loggerRt <- R.createLoggerRuntime loggerCfg
coreRt <- R.createCoreRuntime loggerRt
appRt <- R.createAppRuntime loggerRt
R.startApp appRt $ L.foreverApp meteorsMonitoring
runReaderT meteorsMonitoring coreRt
void $ runReaderT initStateApp coreRt

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Hydra.Core.ControlFlow.FTLI where
module Hydra.Core.ControlFlow.FTL where
import Hydra.Prelude

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@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
module Hydra.Core.ControlFlow.Interpreter where
module Hydra.Core.ControlFlow.FTLI where
import qualified Hydra.Core.ControlFlow.Language as L
import Hydra.Prelude
import qualified Hydra.Core.FTL as L
import qualified Hydra.Core.RLens as RLens
import qualified Hydra.Core.Runtime as R
instance L.ControlFlowL (ReaderT R.CoreRuntime IO) where
delay = liftIO threadDelay
delay = liftIO . threadDelay

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Hydra.Core.FTL
import Hydra.Core.ControlFlow.FTL as X
import Hydra.Core.Lang.FTL as X
-- import Hydra.Core.Logger.Language as X
-- import Hydra.Core.Process.Language as X
-- import Hydra.Core.Random.Language as X
-- import Hydra.Core.State.Language as X
import Hydra.Core.Logger.FTL as X
import Hydra.Core.Process.FTL as X
import Hydra.Core.Random.FTL as X
import Hydra.Core.State.FTL as X

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Hydra.Core.FTLI
import Hydra.Core.ControlFlow.FTLI as X
import Hydra.Core.Lang.FTLI as X
-- import Hydra.Core.Logger.Interpreter as X
-- import Hydra.Core.Process.Interpreter as X
-- import Hydra.Core.Random.Interpreter as X
-- import Hydra.Core.State.Interpreter as X
import Hydra.Core.Logger.FTLI as X
-- import Hydra.Core.Process.FTLI as X
-- import Hydra.Core.Random.FTLI as X
import Hydra.Core.State.FTLI as X

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@ -1,24 +1,33 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hydra.Core.Lang.Language where
module Hydra.Core.Lang.FTL where
import Hydra.Prelude
import Hydra.Core.ControlFlow.Language as L
import Hydra.Core.Logger.Language as L
import Hydra.Core.Random.Language as L
import Hydra.Core.State.Language as L
import Hydra.Core.ControlFlow.FTL as L
import Hydra.Core.Logger.FTL as L
import Hydra.Core.Random.FTL as L
import Hydra.Core.State.FTL as L
class Monad m => LangL m
-- Doesn't work
-- class Monad m => LangL m where
-- atomically :: StateL m' => m' a -> m a
-- Compiles but wrong.
-- class Monad m => LangL m where
-- atomically :: StateL m => m a -> m a
-- Doesn't work
-- class (StateL sm, Monad m) => LangL m where
-- atomically :: sm a -> m a
-- Wrong, doesn't work
-- class StateLLangL m where
-- atomically :: (StateL sm, LangL m) => sm a -> m a
class Monad m => IOL m where
evalIO :: IO a -> m a
class (Monad m, IOL m) => LangL m where
evalStateAtomically :: L.StateL a -> m a
evalLogger :: L.LoggerL () -> m ()
evalRandom :: L.RandomL a -> m a
evalControlFlow :: L.ControlFlow a -> m a
-- Wrong (we can't express this function without knowing the runtime.
-- atomically :: (L.StateL m1, LangL m2) => m1 a -> m2 a
-- atomically = ???

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@ -6,16 +6,33 @@ import qualified Hydra.Core.FTL as L
import qualified Hydra.Core.RLens as RLens
import qualified Hydra.Core.Runtime as R
instance L.IOL (ReaderT R.CoreRuntime IO) where
evalIO io = liftIO io
-- Compiles but wrong.
-- class Monad m => LangL m where
-- atomically :: StateL m => m a -> m a
-- Doesn't work
-- instance L.LangL (ReaderT R.CoreRuntime IO) where
-- atomically stmlAction = do
-- coreRt <- ask
-- let stmAction = runReaderT stmlAction coreRt
-- res <- liftIO $ atomically stmAction
-- pure res
instance L.LangL (ReaderT R.CoreRuntime IO) where
evalStateAtomically action = do
-- class Monad m => LangL m
-- class StateLLangL m where
-- atomically :: (StateL sm, LangL m) => sm a -> m a
-- Doesn't work
-- instance L.StateLLangL (ReaderT R.CoreRuntime IO) where
-- atomically stmlAction = do
-- coreRt <- ask
-- let stmAction = runReaderT stmlAction coreRt
-- res <- liftIO $ atomically stmAction
-- pure res
instance L.StateL (ReaderT R.CoreRuntime IO) where
atomically stmlAction = do
coreRt <- ask
let loggerRt = coreRt ^. RLens.loggerRuntime
res <- liftIO $ atomically action
liftiO $ R.flushStmLogger stateRt loggerRt
let stmAction = runReaderT stmlAction coreRt
res <- liftIO $ atomically stmAction
pure res
evalLogger = error "Logger not implemented"
evalRandom = error "Logger not implemented"
evalControlFlow = error "Logger not implemented"

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@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ module Hydra.Core.Logger.FTL where
import Hydra.Prelude
import qualified Hydra.Core.Domain as D (LogLevel (..), Message)
import qualified Hydra.Core.Domain as D
class Monad m => LoggerL m where
logMessage :: D.LogLevel -> D.Message -> m ()
-- class Logger m => StmLoggerL m where
-- logMessage :: D.LogLevel -> D.Message -> STM ()
-- -- class Logger m => StmLoggerL m where
-- -- logMessage :: D.LogLevel -> D.Message -> STM ()
-- | Log message with Info level.

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
module Hydra.Core.Logger.FTLI where
import Hydra.Prelude
import qualified Hydra.Core.FTL as L
import qualified Hydra.Core.RLens as RLens
import qualified Hydra.Core.Runtime as R
import qualified Data.Text as TXT (unpack)
import qualified Hydra.Core.Logger.Impl.HsLogger as Hs
import qualified System.Log.Logger as Hs
-- TODO: hslogger specific is here!
instance L.LoggerL (ReaderT R.CoreRuntime IO) where
logMessage lvl msg = do
coreRt <- ask
let mbHsRt = coreRt ^. RLens.loggerRuntime ^. RLens.hsLoggerHandle
when (isJust mbHsRt) $
liftIO $ Hs.logM Hs.component (Hs.dispatchLogLevel lvl) $ TXT.unpack msg

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hydra.Core.Process.FTL where
import Hydra.Prelude
import qualified Hydra.Core.Domain as D
-- class (Monad m') => ProcessL m' where
-- forkProcess :: m' a -> ProcessL m' (D.ProcessPtr a)
-- killProcess :: D.ProcessPtr a -> ProcessL m' ()
-- tryGetResult :: D.ProcessPtr a -> ProcessL m' (Maybe a)
-- awaitResult :: D.ProcessPtr a -> ProcessL m' a

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hydra.Core.Random.FTL where
import Hydra.Prelude
import qualified Hydra.Core.Domain as D
-- class Monad m => RandomL m where
-- getRandomInt :: (Int, Int) -> m Int

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ makeFunctorInstance ''RandomF
type RandomL next = Free RandomF next
class Random m where
getRandomInt :: (Int,Int) -> m Int
getRandomInt :: (Int, Int) -> m Int
instance Random (Free RandomF) where
getRandomInt range = liftF $ GetRandomInt range id

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@ -1,62 +1,30 @@
module Hydra.Core.State.FTLI where
module Hydra.Core.State.FTL where
import Hydra.Prelude
-- -- | State language. It reflects STM and its behavior.
-- data StateF next where
-- -- | Create variable.
-- NewVar :: a -> (D.StateVar a -> next) -> StateF next
-- -- | Read variable.
-- ReadVar :: D.StateVar a -> (a -> next) -> StateF next
-- -- | Write variable.
-- WriteVar :: D.StateVar a -> a -> (() -> next) -> StateF next
-- -- | Retry until some variable is changed in this atomic block.
-- Retry :: (a -> next) -> StateF next
-- -- | Eval "delayed" logger: it will be written after successfull state operation.
-- EvalStmLogger :: L.LoggerL () -> (() -> next) -> StateF next
-- makeFunctorInstance ''StateF
-- type StateL = Free StateF
import qualified Hydra.Core.Domain as D
class (StmLogger m, Monad m) => StateL m where
class Monad m => StateL m where
newVar :: a -> m (D.StateVar a)
readVar :: D.StateVar a -> m a
writeVar :: D.StateVar a -> a -> m ()
retry :: m a
class StateIO m where
atomically :: StateL a -> m a
newVarIO :: a -> m (D.StateVar a)
readVarIO :: D.StateVar a -> m a
writeVarIO :: D.StateVar a -> a -> m ()
-- | Create variable.
newVar :: a -> StateL (D.StateVar a)
newVar val = liftF $ NewVar val id
-- | Read variable.
readVar :: D.StateVar a -> StateL a
readVar var = liftF $ ReadVar var id
-- | Write variable.
writeVar :: D.StateVar a -> a -> StateL ()
writeVar var val = liftF $ WriteVar var val id
-- | Modify variable with function.
modifyVar :: D.StateVar a -> (a -> a) -> StateL ()
modifyVar :: StateL m => D.StateVar a -> (a -> a) -> m ()
modifyVar var f = readVar var >>= writeVar var . f
-- | Retry until some variable is changed in this atomic block.
retry :: StateL a
retry = liftF $ Retry id
-- | Eval "delayed" logger: it will be written after successfull state operation.
evalStmLogger :: L.LoggerL () -> StateL ()
evalStmLogger action = liftF $ EvalStmLogger action id
-- class StateIO m where
-- atomically :: StateL a -> m a
-- newVarIO :: a -> m (D.StateVar a)
-- readVarIO :: D.StateVar a -> m a
-- writeVarIO :: D.StateVar a -> a -> m ()
instance L.Logger StateL where
logMessage level = evalStmLogger . L.logMessage level
-- -- -- | Eval "delayed" logger: it will be written after successfull state operation.
-- -- evalStmLogger :: L.LoggerL () -> StateL ()
-- -- evalStmLogger action = liftF $ EvalStmLogger action id
-- -- instance L.Logger StateL where
-- -- logMessage level = evalStmLogger . L.logMessage level

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@ -1,7 +1,23 @@
module Hydra.Core.State.FTLI where
import qualified Hydra.Core.ControlFlow.Language as L
import Hydra.Prelude
instance L.ControlFlowL (ReaderT R.CoreRuntime IO) where
delay = liftIO threadDelay
import qualified Hydra.Core.Domain as D
import qualified Hydra.Core.FTL as L
import qualified Hydra.Core.RLens as RLens
import qualified Hydra.Core.Runtime as R
import qualified Hydra.Core.State.Interpreter as Impl
instance L.StateL (ReaderT R.CoreRuntime STM) where
newVar val = do
coreRt <- ask
r <- lift $ Impl.newVar' (coreRt ^. RLens.stateRuntime) val
pure $ D.StateVar r
readVar var = do
coreRt <- ask
lift $ Impl.readVar' (coreRt ^. RLens.stateRuntime) var
writeVar var val = do
coreRt <- ask
lift $ Impl.writeVar' (coreRt ^. RLens.stateRuntime) var val
retry = lift retry

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@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hydra.Frameork.App.FTL where
module Hydra.Framework.App.FTL where
import Hydra.Prelude
import Hydra.Core.FTL as L
type AppL m =
( L.LangL m
-- type AppL m =
-- ( L.LangL m
-- , L.ProcessL m
-- )

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@ -1,21 +1,7 @@
module Hydra.Core.Lang.FTLI where
module Hydra.Framework.App.FTLI where
import Hydra.Prelude
import qualified Hydra.Core.FTL as L
import qualified Hydra.Core.RLens as RLens
import qualified Hydra.Core.Runtime as R
instance L.IOL (ReaderT R.CoreRuntime IO) where
evalIO io = liftIO io
instance L.LangL (ReaderT R.CoreRuntime IO) where
evalStateAtomically action = do
coreRt <- ask
let loggerRt = coreRt ^. RLens.loggerRuntime
res <- liftIO $ atomically action
liftiO $ R.flushStmLogger stateRt loggerRt
pure res
evalLogger = error "Logger not implemented"
evalRandom = error "Logger not implemented"
evalControlFlow = error "Logger not implemented"
import qualified Hydra.Framework.App.FTL as L
import qualified Hydra.Framework.RLens as RLens
import qualified Hydra.Framework.Runtime as R