mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 03:53:54 +03:00
Refactoring. Starting game added.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Labyrinth.App where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.String as Str
import qualified Hydra.Domain as D
import Labyrinth.Prelude as L
@ -8,6 +9,7 @@ import Labyrinth.Domain
import Labyrinth.Types
import Labyrinth.Render
import Labyrinth.Algorithms
import Labyrinth.Gen
import Labyrinth.Lens
data Passage
@ -100,21 +102,24 @@ setGameState st = writeVarIO (st ^. gameState)
getGameState :: AppState -> LangL GameState
getGameState st = readVarIO $ st ^. gameState
nextWormhole :: AppState -> Int -> Int
nextWormhole st n | (n + 1 < Map.size (st ^. wormholes)) = n + 1
| otherwise = 0
nextWormhole :: Wormholes -> Int -> Int
nextWormhole wms n | (n + 1 < Map.size wms) = n + 1
| otherwise = 0
executeWormhole :: AppState -> Int -> LangL ()
executeWormhole st (nextWormhole st -> n) = case Map.lookup n (st ^. wormholes) of
Nothing -> throwException $ InvalidOperation $ "Wormhole not found: " +|| n ||+ ""
Just pos -> setPlayerPos st pos
executeWormhole st prevWormhole = do
wormholes <- readVarIO $ st ^. labWormholes
let n = nextWormhole wormholes prevWormhole
case Map.lookup n wormholes of
Nothing -> throwException $ InvalidOperation $ "Wormhole not found: " +|| n ||+ ""
Just pos -> setPlayerPos st pos
cancelPlayerLeaving :: AppState -> LangL ()
cancelPlayerLeaving st = do
gameSt <- getGameState st
case gameSt of
PlayerIsAboutLeaving _ -> addMoveMessage st "Okay, continue."
PlayerIsAboutLossLeavingConfirmation -> addMoveMessage st "Okay, continue."
PlayerIsAboutLeaving _ -> addGameMessage st "Okay, continue."
PlayerIsAboutLossLeavingConfirmation -> addGameMessage st "Okay, continue."
_ -> pure ()
setGameState st PlayerMove
@ -128,17 +133,17 @@ performPlayerContentEvent st = do
performPlayerContentEvent' :: AppState -> Pos -> Content -> LangL ()
performPlayerContentEvent' _ _ NoContent = pure ()
performPlayerContentEvent' st pos Treasure = do
addMoveMessage st "You found a treasure!"
addGameMessage st "You found a treasure!"
writeVarIO (st ^. playerInventory . treasure) True
setCellContent st pos NoContent
performPlayerContentEvent' st _ (Wormhole n) = do
addMoveMessage st $ "You found a wormhole. You have been moved to the next wormhole."
addGameMessage st $ "You found a wormhole. You have been moved to the next wormhole."
executeWormhole st n
addMoveMessage :: AppState -> String -> LangL ()
addMoveMessage st msg = do
msgs <- readVarIO $ st ^. moveMessages
writeVarIO (st ^. moveMessages) $ msgs ++ [msg]
addGameMessage :: AppState -> String -> LangL ()
addGameMessage st msg = do
msgs <- readVarIO $ st ^. gameMessages
writeVarIO (st ^. gameMessages) $ msgs ++ [msg]
makeMove :: AppState -> Direction -> LangL ()
makeMove st dir = do
@ -146,10 +151,10 @@ makeMove st dir = do
moveResult <- testMove st dir
case moveResult of
InvalidMove msg -> throwException $ InvalidOperation msg
ImpossibleMove msg -> addMoveMessage st msg
ImpossibleMove msg -> addGameMessage st msg
ExitFound hasTreasure -> setGameState st $ PlayerIsAboutLeaving hasTreasure
SuccessfullMove newPos _ _ -> do
addMoveMessage st "Step executed."
addGameMessage st "Step executed."
setPlayerPos st newPos
performPlayerContentEvent st
@ -166,10 +171,10 @@ handleYes st = do
gameSt <- getGameState st
case gameSt of
PlayerIsAboutLossLeavingConfirmation -> do
addMoveMessage st loosing
addGameMessage st loosing
setGameState st GameFinished
PlayerIsAboutLeaving _ -> throwException $ InvalidOperation "handleYes: Invalid state: PlayerIsAboutLeaving"
_ -> addMoveMessage st $ unknownCommand "yes"
_ -> addGameMessage st $ unknownCommand "yes"
handleNo :: AppState -> LangL ()
handleNo st = do
@ -177,14 +182,13 @@ handleNo st = do
case gameSt of
PlayerIsAboutLeaving _ -> throwException $ InvalidOperation "handleNo: Invalid state: PlayerIsAboutLeaving"
PlayerIsAboutLossLeavingConfirmation -> cancelPlayerLeaving st
_ -> addMoveMessage st $ unknownCommand "no"
_ -> addGameMessage st $ unknownCommand "no"
printLab :: AppState -> LangL ()
printLab st = do
lab <- readVarIO $ st ^. labyrinth
bounds <- readVarIO $ st ^. labyrinthSize
plPos <- readVarIO $ st ^. playerPos
let template = st ^. labRenderTemplate
lab <- readVarIO $ st ^. labyrinth
plPos <- readVarIO $ st ^. playerPos
template <- readVarIO $ st ^. labRenderTemplate
printLabRender' $ renderLabyrinth' template lab plPos
@ -193,20 +197,21 @@ onStep st _ = do
gameSt <- scenario $ getGameState st
isFinished <- scenario $ case gameSt of
PlayerIsAboutLeaving True -> do
addMoveMessage st winning
addGameMessage st winning
setGameState st GameFinished
pure True
PlayerIsAboutLeaving False -> do
addMoveMessage st leaveWithoutTreasure
addGameMessage st leaveWithoutTreasure
setGameState st PlayerIsAboutLossLeavingConfirmation
pure False
PlayerIsAboutLossLeavingConfirmation ->
throwException $ InvalidOperation "OnStep: Invalid state: PlayerIsAboutLossLeavingConfirmation"
PlayerMove -> pure False
GameFinished -> pure True
GameStart -> pure False
msgs <- readVarIO $ st ^. moveMessages
writeVarIO (st ^. moveMessages) []
msgs <- readVarIO $ st ^. gameMessages
writeVarIO (st ^. gameMessages) []
let outputMsg = intercalate "\n" msgs
case isFinished of
@ -215,29 +220,71 @@ onStep st _ = do
False | null outputMsg -> pure D.CliLoop
| otherwise -> pure $ D.CliOutputMsg outputMsg
onUnknownCommand :: String -> AppL CliAction
onUnknownCommand "" = pure D.CliLoop
onUnknownCommand cmdStr = pure $ D.CliOutputMsg $ unknownCommand cmdStr
startGame :: AppState -> Int -> LangL String
startGame st s = generateLabyrinth (s, s) >>= startGame' st
startRndGame :: AppState -> LangL ()
startRndGame st = do
lab <- generateRndLabyrinth
msg <- startGame' st lab
addGameMessage st msg
startGame' :: AppState -> Labyrinth -> LangL String
startGame' st lab = do
let (bounds, wormholes) = analyzeLabyrinth lab
let renderTemplate = renderSkeleton bounds
writeVarIO (st ^. labyrinth) lab
writeVarIO (st ^. labBounds) bounds
writeVarIO (st ^. labRenderTemplate) renderTemplate
writeVarIO (st ^. labRenderVar) renderTemplate
writeVarIO (st ^. labWormholes) wormholes
writeVarIO (st ^. playerPos) (0, 0)
writeVarIO (st ^. playerInventory . treasure) False
writeVarIO (st ^. gameState) PlayerMove
pure "New game started."
onUnknownCommand :: AppState -> String -> AppL CliAction
onUnknownCommand _ "" = pure D.CliLoop
onUnknownCommand st cmdStr = do
case Str.words cmdStr of
["start", sizeStr] -> case readMaybe sizeStr of
Nothing -> pure $ D.CliOutputMsg $ "start command should have 1 int argument."
Just s -> scenario (startGame st s) >>= pure . D.CliOutputMsg
_ -> pure $ D.CliOutputMsg $ unknownCommand cmdStr
onPlayerMove :: AppState -> LangL () -> LangL ()
onPlayerMove st act = do
gs <- getGameState st
case gs of
GameFinished -> addGameMessage st "Game finished. Please type 'start <lab_size>' to start a new game."
GameStart -> addGameMessage st "Game is not yet started. Please type 'start <lab_size>' to start a new game."
_ -> act
app :: AppState -> AppL ()
app st = do
scenario $ putStrLn "Labyrinth (aka Terra Incognita) game"
scenario $ putStrLn "Please type 'start <lab_size>' to start a new game."
cliToken <- cli (onStep st) onUnknownCommand $ do
cmd "go up" $ makeMove st DirUp
cmd "go down" $ makeMove st DirDown
cmd "go left" $ makeMove st DirLeft
cmd "go right" $ makeMove st DirRight
cliToken <- cli (onStep st) (onUnknownCommand st) $ do
cmd "go up" $ onPlayerMove st $ makeMove st DirUp
cmd "go down" $ onPlayerMove st $ makeMove st DirDown
cmd "go left" $ onPlayerMove st $ makeMove st DirLeft
cmd "go right" $ onPlayerMove st $ makeMove st DirRight
cmd "up" $ makeMove st DirUp
cmd "down" $ makeMove st DirDown
cmd "left" $ makeMove st DirLeft
cmd "right" $ makeMove st DirRight
cmd "up" $ onPlayerMove st $ makeMove st DirUp
cmd "down" $ onPlayerMove st $ makeMove st DirDown
cmd "left" $ onPlayerMove st $ makeMove st DirLeft
cmd "right" $ onPlayerMove st $ makeMove st DirRight
cmd "yes" $ handleYes st
cmd "no" $ handleNo st
cmd "skip" $ evalSkip st
cmd "skip" $ onPlayerMove st $ evalSkip st
cmd "start" $ startRndGame st
cmd "quit" $ quit st
cmd "q" $ quit st
@ -178,13 +178,16 @@ removeWalls' lab pos dir = do
<> ", cells:"
<> show (mbC1, mbC2)
generateLabyrinth :: LangL Labyrinth
generateLabyrinth = do
generateRndLabyrinth :: LangL Labyrinth
generateRndLabyrinth = do
xSize <- getRandomInt (4, 10)
ySize <- getRandomInt (4, 10)
exits <- getRandomInt (1, 4)
generateLabyrinth (xSize, ySize)
generateLabyrinth :: Bounds -> LangL Labyrinth
generateLabyrinth bounds = do
exits <- getRandomInt (1, 4)
wormholes <- getRandomInt (2, 5)
let bounds = (xSize, ySize)
generateGrid bounds
>>= generatePaths bounds
>>= generateExits bounds exits
@ -13,22 +13,23 @@ data Inventory = Inventory
data GameState
= PlayerMove
= GameStart
| GameFinished
| PlayerMove
| PlayerIsAboutLeaving HasTreasure
| PlayerIsAboutLossLeavingConfirmation
| GameFinished
deriving (Show, Eq)
data AppState = AppState
{ _labyrinth :: StateVar Labyrinth
, _labyrinthSize :: StateVar Bounds
, _labRenderTemplate :: LabRender
, _labBounds :: StateVar Bounds
, _labRenderTemplate :: StateVar LabRender
, _labRenderVar :: StateVar LabRender
, _wormholes :: Wormholes
, _labWormholes :: StateVar Wormholes
, _playerPos :: StateVar Pos
, _playerInventory :: Inventory
, _gameState :: StateVar GameState
, _moveMessages :: StateVar [String]
, _gameMessages :: StateVar [String]
data AppException
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import Labyrinth.Domain
import Labyrinth.Render
import Labyrinth.Labyrinths
import Labyrinth.Algorithms
import Labyrinth.Gen
loggerCfg :: D.LoggerConfig
loggerCfg = D.LoggerConfig
@ -28,20 +27,22 @@ initAppState lab = do
let (bounds, wormholes) = analyzeLabyrinth lab
let renderTemplate = renderSkeleton bounds
labRenderVar <- newVarIO renderTemplate
labVar <- newVarIO lab
labSizeVar <- newVarIO bounds
posVar <- newVarIO (0, 0)
inv <- Inventory <$> newVarIO False
gameStateVar <- newVarIO PlayerMove
moveMsgsVar <- newVarIO []
renderTemplateVar <- newVarIO renderTemplate
labRenderVar <- newVarIO renderTemplate
labVar <- newVarIO lab
labBoundsVar <- newVarIO bounds
wormholesVar <- newVarIO wormholes
posVar <- newVarIO (0, 0)
inv <- Inventory <$> newVarIO False
gameStateVar <- newVarIO GameStart
moveMsgsVar <- newVarIO []
pure $ AppState
Reference in New Issue
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