mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 12:04:13 +03:00
Perf meter 1
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ import qualified Hydra.Runtime as R
import Hydra.FTLI ()
type MTime = Int
data Meteor = Meteor
{ size :: Int
@ -27,65 +25,40 @@ data Region
| SouthWest
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type Meteors = D.StateVar (Map.Map MTime Meteor)
type Catalogue = Map.Map Region Meteors
data AppState = AppState
{ catalogue :: D.StateVar Catalogue
type AppType m a = ReaderT R.CoreRuntime m a
initState :: (MonadIO m, L.LangL m) => AppType m AppState
initState = L.atomically $ do
ne <- L.newVar Map.empty
nw <- L.newVar Map.empty
se <- L.newVar Map.empty
sw <- L.newVar Map.empty
let catalogueMap = Map.fromList
[ (NorthEast, ne)
, (NorthWest, nw)
, (SouthEast, se)
, (SouthWest, sw)
catalogue <- L.newVar catalogueMap
pure $ AppState catalogue
meteorCounter :: (L.LangL m, MonadIO m) => AppState -> AppType m ()
meteorCounter st = do
void $ readFile "abc"
pure ()
getRandomMeteor :: (MonadIO m, L.RandomL m) => AppType m Meteor
getRandomMeteor :: L.RandomL m => m Meteor
getRandomMeteor = Meteor <$> L.getRandomInt (1, 100)
getRandomMilliseconds :: (MonadIO m, L.RandomL m) => AppType m MTime
getRandomMilliseconds = (* 1000) <$> L.getRandomInt (0, 3000)
getRandomRegion :: L.RandomL m => m Region
getRandomRegion = toRegion <$> L.getRandomInt (1, 4)
toRegion 1 = NorthWest
toRegion 2 = NorthEast
toRegion 3 = SouthWest
toRegion _ = SouthEast
meteorShower :: (MonadIO m, L.LangL m) => AppState -> Region -> AppType m ()
meteorShower st region = do
getRandomMilliseconds >>= L.delay
createMeteor :: L.LangL m => m (Meteor, Region)
createMeteor = do
meteor <- getRandomMeteor
region <- getRandomRegion
pure (meteor, region)
meteorStorm :: L.LangL m => m ()
meteorStorm = do
(meteor, region) <- createMeteor
L.logInfo $ "[MS] " <> " a new meteor appeared at " <> show region <> ": " <> show meteor
meteorShower st region
meteorsMonitoring :: (MonadIO m, L.LangL m) => AppType m ()
meteorsMonitoring = do
L.logInfo "Starting app..."
L.logInfo "Delaying..."
L.delay 10000
L.logInfo "Done."
st <- initState
-- liftIO $ forkIO $ meteorCounter st
-- liftIO $ forkIO $ meteorCounter st
-- L.forkProcess $ meteorShower st NorthEast
-- L.forkProcess $ meteorShower st NorthWest
-- L.forkProcess $ meteorShower st SouthEast
-- L.forkProcess $ meteorShower st SouthWest
pure ()
meteorStormRec :: L.LangL m => Int -> m ()
meteorStormRec 0 = pure ()
meteorStormRec n = do
meteorStormRec (n - 1)
meteorStormRec2 :: L.LangL m => Int -> m ()
meteorStormRec2 0 = pure ()
meteorStormRec2 n = do
meteorStormRec2 (n - 1)
loggerCfg :: D.LoggerConfig
loggerCfg = D.LoggerConfig
@ -96,30 +69,15 @@ loggerCfg = D.LoggerConfig
, D._logToFile = False
-- main :: IO ()
-- main = do
-- loggerRt <- R.createLoggerRuntime loggerCfg
-- appRt <- R.createAppRuntime loggerRt
-- -- R.startApp appRt $ L.foreverApp meteorsMonitoring
-- runReaderT (L.foreverApp meteorsMonitoring) appRt
delayAction :: (MonadIO m, L.ControlFlowL m) => Int -> AppType m ()
delayAction = L.delay
-- Could not decuce...
-- initStateApp :: L.LangL m => m AppState
-- initStateApp = L.atomically initState
-- This is wrong: the upper m should not be a state-working m
-- (because the state is STM, and should not appear as is, only with atomically).
-- Also,
-- 'No instance for (L.StateL (ReaderT R.CoreRuntime IO))':
-- this interpreter should not exist (we don't want to evaluate the actions separately in IO)
main :: IO ()
main = do
voidLoggerRt <- R.createVoidLoggerRuntime
loggerRt <- R.createLoggerRuntime loggerCfg
coreRt <- R.createCoreRuntime loggerRt
runReaderT meteorsMonitoring coreRt
void $ runReaderT initState coreRt
coreRt <- R.createCoreRuntime voidLoggerRt
let ops = 100000
let actions = sequence $ replicate ops meteorStorm
void $ runReaderT (meteorStormRec ops) coreRt
void $ runReaderT (meteorStormRec2 ops) coreRt
void $ runReaderT actions coreRt
Reference in New Issue
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