Build is fixed, build of tests is not fixed

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Granin 2020-06-29 23:38:58 +07:00
parent 2e5425ed2d
commit 908e49ce93
7 changed files with 96 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,15 @@ import Labyrinth.Prelude
import Labyrinth.Domain
emptyLabyrinthInfo :: LabyrinthInfo
emptyLabyrinthInfo = LabyrinthInfo (0, 0) Map.empty Set.empty Nothing Nothing
-- emptyLabyrinthInfo = LabyrinthInfo (0, 0) Map.empty Set.empty Nothing Nothing Map.empty
emptyLabyrinthInfo = LabyrinthInfo
{ liBounds = (0, 0)
, liWormholes = Map.empty
, liExits = Set.empty
, liTreasure = Nothing
, liTheMap = Nothing
, liTrailpoints = Map.empty
calcNextPos :: Pos -> Direction -> Pos
calcNextPos (x, y) DirUp = (x, y - 1)
@ -43,9 +51,12 @@ analyzeLabyrinth lab = Map.foldrWithKey f emptyLabyrinthInfo lab
analyzeContent :: Pos -> Content -> LabyrinthInfo -> LabyrinthInfo
analyzeContent p (Wormhole n) labInfo
= labInfo { liWormholes = Map.insert n p $ liWormholes labInfo }
analyzeContent p (Trailpoint n) labInfo
= labInfo { liTrailpoints = Map.insert n p $ liTrailpoints labInfo }
= labInfo { liWormholes = Map.insert n p $ liWormholes labInfo }
analyzeContent p (Trailpoint n) labInfo
= let
curTrailpoints = liTrailpoints labInfo
newTrailpoints = Map.insert n p curTrailpoints
in labInfo { liTrailpoints = newTrailpoints }
analyzeContent p Treasure labInfo = labInfo { liTreasure = Just p }
analyzeContent p TheMap labInfo = labInfo { liTheMap = Just p }
analyzeContent _ _ labInfo = labInfo

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import Labyrinth.Render
import Labyrinth.Algorithms
import Labyrinth.Gen
import Labyrinth.Lens
import Labyrinth.Labyrinths
import qualified Labyrinth.KVDB.Model as KVDB
import qualified Labyrinth.KVDB.Repository as KVDB
@ -95,7 +96,8 @@ setPlayerPos st newPos = writeVarIO (st ^. playerPos) newPos
updateTrail :: AppState -> (Int, Int) -> LangL ()
updateTrail st newPos = do
trailList <- List.insert getPlayerPos newPos : updateTrail st playerPos
-- trailList <- List.insert getPlayerPos newPos : updateTrail st playerPos
error "Not implemented yet."
getPlayerThreasureState :: AppState -> LangL Bool
@ -153,21 +155,26 @@ performPlayerContentEvent st = do
performPlayerContentEvent' st pos content
performPlayerContentEvent' :: AppState -> Pos -> Content -> LangL ()
performPlayerContentEvent' _ _ NoContent = pure ()
performPlayerContentEvent' st pos Treasure = do
addGameMessage st "You found a treasure!"
writeVarIO (st ^. playerInventory . treasureState) True
setCellContent st pos NoContent
performPlayerContentEvent' st _ (Wormhole n) = do
addGameMessage st $ "You found a wormhole. You have been moved to the next wormhole."
executeWormhole st n
performPlayerContentEvent' st pos TheMap = do
addGameMessage st "You found the map!"
writeVarIO (st ^. playerInventory . the_mapState) True
writeVarIO (st ^. playerInventory . theMapState) True
setCellContent st pos NoContent
performPlayerContentEvent' st _ (Trailpoint n) = do
performPlayerContentEvent' st pos (Trailpoint n) = do
addGameMessage st $ "You added a point to your trail."
updateTrail st n
updateTrail st pos
addGameMessage :: AppState -> String -> LangL ()
addGameMessage st msg = do
@ -187,7 +194,7 @@ makePlayerMove st dir = do
LeavingLabyrinthMove -> setGameState st PlayerIsAboutLeaving
SuccessfullMove newPos -> do
addGameMessage st "Step executed."
updateTrail st pos
updateTrail st newPos -- ?? newPos or plPos
setPlayerPos st newPos
performPlayerContentEvent st
@ -226,9 +233,11 @@ printLab st = do
printLabRender' $ renderLabyrinth' template lab plPos brPos
-- | Print a map. For now using testTrail which is a temporary data
printTheMap :: AppState -> LangL ()
printTheMap = do
template <- readVarIO $ st ^. labRenderTemplate
printTheMap st = do
template <- readVarIO $ st ^. labRenderTemplate
printLabRender' $ renderLabyrinth' template testTrail (0, 0) (0, 0)
moveBear :: AppState -> LangL ()
@ -290,10 +299,10 @@ saveGame st idx = do
plPos <- readVarIO $ st ^. playerPos
plHP <- readVarIO $ st ^. playerHP
tr <- readVarIO $ st ^. playerInventory . treasureState
mp <- readVarIO $ st ^. playerInventory . the_mapState
mp <- readVarIO $ st ^. playerInventory . theMapState
brPos <- readVarIO $ st ^. bearPos
let plInv = Inventory tr
let plInv = Inventory tr mp
eRes <- KVDB.saveGameState (st ^. kvdbConfig)
$ KVDB.GameEntity idx lab plPos plHP plInv brPos
@ -318,7 +327,7 @@ loadGame st idx = do
writeVarIO (st ^. playerPos) gePlayerPos
writeVarIO (st ^. playerHP) gePlayerHP
writeVarIO (st ^. playerInventory . treasureState) $ treasureFound gePlayerInventory
writeVarIO (st ^. playerInventory . the_mapState) $ the_mapFound gePlayerInventory
writeVarIO (st ^. playerInventory . theMapState) $ the_mapFound gePlayerInventory
writeVarIO (st ^. bearPos) geBearPos
writeVarIO (st ^. gameState) PlayerMove
pure "Game successfully loaded from KV DB."
@ -349,7 +358,7 @@ startGame' st lab = do
writeVarIO (st ^. playerHP) 100
writeVarIO (st ^. bearPos) (bearX, bearY)
writeVarIO (st ^. playerInventory . treasureState) False
writeVarIO (st ^. playerInventory . the_mapState) False
writeVarIO (st ^. playerInventory . theMapState) False
writeVarIO (st ^. gameState) PlayerMove
pure "New game started."
@ -410,6 +419,7 @@ help = do
:: PlayerHasTreasure
-> Bool
-> PlayerPos
-> PlayerHP
-> BearPos
@ -417,37 +427,51 @@ initAppState
-> GameState
-> AppL AppState
initAppState tr plPos plHP brPos lab gst kvdbCfg = do
let LabyrinthInfo {liBounds, liWormholes} = analyzeLabyrinth lab
let renderTemplate = renderSkeleton liBounds
initAppState playeHasTreasure playerHasMap plPos plHP brPos lab gst kvdbCfg = do
let labInfo = analyzeLabyrinth lab
let renderTemplate = renderSkeleton (liBounds labInfo)
renderTemplateVar <- newVarIO renderTemplate
renderVar <- newVarIO renderTemplate
labVar <- newVarIO lab
labBoundsVar <- newVarIO liBounds
wormholesVar <- newVarIO liWormholes
trailpointsVar <- newVarIO liTrailpoints
labBoundsVar <- newVarIO (liBounds labInfo)
wormholesVar <- newVarIO (liWormholes labInfo)
trailpointsVar <- newVarIO Map.empty
trailPointVar <- newVarIO 0
posVar <- newVarIO plPos
playerHPVar <- newVarIO plHP
bearPosVar <- newVarIO brPos
inv <- InventoryState <$> newVarIO tr
-- inv <- InventoryState <$> newVarIO playeHasTreasure <*> newVarIO playerHasMap
-- inv <- do
-- var1 <- newVarIO playeHasTreasure
-- var2 <- newVarIO playerHasMap
-- pure (InventoryState var1 var2)
var1 <- newVarIO playeHasTreasure
var2 <- newVarIO playerHasMap
let inventory = InventoryState var1 var2
gameStateVar <- newVarIO gst
moveMsgsVar <- newVarIO []
pure $ AppState
{ _labyrinth = labVar
, _labBounds = labBoundsVar
, _labRenderTemplate = renderTemplateVar
, _labRenderVar = renderVar
, _labWormholes = wormholesVar
, _labTrailpoints = trailpointsVar
, _labCurrentTrailPoint = trailPointVar
, _playerPos = posVar
, _playerHP = playerHPVar
, _bearPos = bearPosVar
, _playerInventory = inventory
, _gameState = gameStateVar
, _gameMessages = moveMsgsVar
, _kvdbConfig = kvdbCfg
labyrinthApp :: AppState -> AppL ()
labyrinthApp st = do

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@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ data Inventory = Inventory
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)
data LabyrinthInfo = LabyrinthInfo
{ liBounds :: Bounds
, liWormholes :: Wormholes
, liExits :: Exits
, liTreasure :: Maybe Pos
, liTheMap :: Maybe Pos
, liTrailpoints :: Trailpoints
{ liBounds :: Bounds
, liWormholes :: Wormholes
, liExits :: Exits
, liTreasure :: Maybe Pos
, liTheMap :: Maybe Pos
, liTrailpoints :: Map Int Pos

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@ -15,3 +15,14 @@ import Labyrinth.Types (InventoryState, AppState)
makeFieldsNoPrefix ''AppState
makeFieldsNoPrefix ''InventoryState
-- uses _playerInventory
-- playerInventory :: Lens AppState InventoryState
-- playerInventory = ...
-- uses _theMapState
-- theMapState :: Lens InventoryState (StateVar PlayerHasTheMap)
-- theMapState = ...

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@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ mergeCellContent content Nothing = "!" <> show content
mergeCellContent NoContent _ = fullSpace
mergeCellContent Treasure _ = "T "
mergeCellContent TheMap _ = "M "
mergeCellContent (Trailpoint n) _ | n = " " <> show n <> "* "
mergeCellContent (Wormhole n) _ | n < 10 = " W" <> show n
mergeCellContent (Trailpoint n) _ = " " <> show n <> "* "
mergeCellContent (Wormhole n) _ | n < 10 = " W" <> show n
mergeCellContent (Wormhole n) _ | n >= 10 = " W?"
mergeCellContent content renderedContent = error $ "mergeCellContent: unexpected arguments: " <> show content <> ", " <> show renderedContent
@ -190,10 +190,10 @@ renderLabyrinth lab plPos bearPos = renderLabyrinth' skeleton lab plPos bearPos
LabyrinthInfo {liBounds} = analyzeLabyrinth lab
skeleton = renderSkeleton liBounds
renderTheLabMap :: Labyrinth -> Pos -> LabRender
renderTheLabMap lab plPos plTrail =
renderPlayer plPos
$ renderTrail trailMap
-- renderTheLabMap :: Labyrinth -> Pos -> LabRender
-- renderTheLabMap lab plPos plTrail =
-- renderPlayer plPos
-- $ renderTrail trailMap
printLabRender' :: LabRender -> LangL ()
printLabRender' ((rendMaxX, rendMaxY), labRender) = do

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ type PlayerHasTheMap = Bool
data InventoryState = InventoryState
{ _treasureState :: StateVar PlayerHasTreasure
_theMapState :: StateVar PlayerHasTheMap
, _theMapState :: StateVar PlayerHasTheMap
data GameState

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ loggerCfg = D.LoggerConfig
startApp :: AppL ()
startApp = do
st <- Lab.initAppState False (0,0) 100 (0,0) Lab.testLabyrinth2 Lab.GameStart kvdbConfig
st <- Lab.initAppState False False (0,0) 100 (0,0) Lab.testLabyrinth2 Lab.GameStart kvdbConfig
Lab.labyrinthApp st
main :: IO ()