The map functionality description (kind of)

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Granin 2020-07-13 23:15:56 +07:00
parent 00ce9e2e77
commit 9c1cf8ba2b

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@ -1,4 +1,216 @@
data User = User
{ firstName :: String
, secondName :: String
-- The User data type has field firstName, it's a string.
-- firstName :: User -> String
-- secondName :: User -> String
greetingToUser :: User -> String
greetingToUser user = "Hello, " ++ (firstName user) ++ " " ++ (secondName user)
data AppState = AppState
{ _labTrailpoints :: StateVar Trailpoints
, _labCurrentTrailPoint :: StateVar Int
-- 1) _labTrailpoints is a field name; StateVar Trailpoints
-- 2) _labTrailpoints is an accessor; (AppState -> StateVar Trailpoints)
-- f :: AppState -> StateVar Trailpoints
-- AppState
(_labTrailpoints :: AppState -> StateVar Trailpoints) (appState :: AppState)
(_labTrailpoints appState)
-- Map - datatype (dictionary)
-- Map.toList :: Map k a -> [(k, a)]
-- Map.toAscList :: Map k a -> [(k, a)]
-- Map.toDescList :: Map k a -> [(k, a)]
-- Map.fold :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Map k a -> b
-- Map.foldrWithKey :: (k -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> Map k a -> b
-- k1 a1
-- / \
-- k2 a2 k3 a3
-- / \
-- k4 a4 k5 a5
-- foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
-- snd :: (a, b) -> b
-- "mapping", "traversing"
-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
import qualified Data.Map as Map
type Trailpoints = Map.Map Pos (Cell, Content)
-- With lists and foldr
nextTrailpoint :: Trailpoints -> Int
nextTrailpoint trailpoint = let
listOfPosAndCells :: [(Pos, (Cell, Content))] = Map.toList trailpoint
listOfCellsAndContent :: [(Cell, Content)] = map snd listOfPosAndCells
listOfContent :: [Content] = map snd listOfCellsAndContent
maxTrailPoint :: Int = foldr f 0 listOfContent
in maxTrailPoint
f :: Content -> Int -> Int
f (Trailpoint n) nPrev | n > nPrev = n
f _ nPrev = nPrev
-- With Map.fold
nextTrailpoint' :: Trailpoints -> Int
nextTrailpoint' trailpoint = Map.fold f 0 trailpoint
f :: (Cell, Content) -> Int -> Int
f (_, Trailpoint n) nPrev | n > nPrev = n
f _ nPrev = nPrev
-- With Map.foldrWithKey
nextTrailpoint'' :: Trailpoints -> Int
nextTrailpoint'' trailpoint = Map.foldrWithKey f 0 trailpoint
f :: Pos -> (Cell, Content) -> Int -> Int
f _ (_, Trailpoint n) nPrev | n > nPrev = n
f _ _ nPrev = nPrev
-- With lists and explicit recursion
nextTrailpoint :: Trailpoints -> Int
nextTrailpoint trailpoint = let
listOfPosAndCells :: [(Pos, (Cell, Content))] = Map.toList trailpoint
listOfCellsAndContent :: [(Cell, Content)] = map snd listOfPosAndCells
listOfContent :: [Content] = map snd listOfCellsAndContent
maxTrailPoint :: Int = f 0 listOfContent
in maxTrailPoint
f :: Int -> [Content] -> Int
f nPrev [] = nPrev
f nPrev (Trailpoint n : ts) | n > nPrev = f n ts
f nPrev (_: ts) = f nPrev ts
-- Hydra function
readVarIO :: StateVar s -> LangL s
-- updateTrail :: AppState -> (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)] -> LangL ()
-- updateTrail appState pos trailList =
-- do
-- let (trailPointsVar :: StateVar Trailpoints) = (_labTrailpoints :: AppState -> StateVar Trailpoints) (appState :: AppState)
-- (trailPoints :: Trailpoints) <- readVarIO (trailPointsVar :: Statevar Trailpoints)
-- let visual = Cell Wall Wall Wall Wall
-- let newTrailpoints = Map.insert (pos :: (Int, Int)) (cell, ((nextTrailpoint :: Trailpoints -> Int -> Int) Trailpoint n ))) (trailPoints :: Trailpoints)
-- writeVarIO trailPointsVar newTrailpoints
updateTrail :: AppState -> (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)] -> LangL ()
updateTrail appState pos trailList = do
let trailPointsVar = _labTrailpoints appState
let labyrinthVar = _labyrinth appState
trailPoints :: Map Pos (Cell, Content) <- readVarIO trailPointsVar
lab :: Map Pos (Cell, Content) <- readVarIO labyrinthVar
let mbLabCell = Map.lookup pos lab
case mbLabCell of
Nothing -> error $ "The cell is not found on pos" ++ show pos
Just (cell, _) -> do
let n = nextTrailpoint trailPoints
let newTrailpoints = Map.insert pos (cell, Trailpoint n) trailPoints
writeVarIO trailPointsVar newTrailpoints
-- 1) What is a trailpoint?
-- A: a list of places where player was.
-- 2) What is initial state?
-- A: empty map
-- 3) What are the rules to change it?
-- 4) What moment to change it?
-- Trailpoint
type Trailpoints = Map Pos (Cell, Content)
-- someTrailpoints = Map.fromList
-- [ (p1, (cell1, Trailpoint 0) )
-- , (p2, (cell2, Trailpoint 1) )
-- , (p3, (cell3, Trailpoint 2) )
-- ]
-- x -> 0 1 2
-- ┏━━━━┯━━━━┯━━━━┓
-- 0 ┃ │ W0┃
-- ┠ ┼ ┼ ┨
-- 1 ┃ T@ │
-- ┠ ┼────┼ ┨
-- 2 ┃ W1 M ┃
-- ┗━━━━┷━━━━┷━━━━┛
-- "Player observes a room around"
-- x -> 0 1 2
-- ┏━━━━┯
-- 0| ┃ 1 │
-- | ┠ ┼ ┼
-- 1| ┃ 2 3@ │
-- | ┠ ┼────┼
-- 2|
-- 2 cases:
-- 1) When the game starts, trailpoints is initialized by a cell where the player is.
-- 2) Update trailpoint on a player's move.
-- Update a trailpoint by obtaining the next trailpoint number (it will be Content)
-- and copying a cell from the labyrinth to the trailpoint (it will be Cell)
-- Rendering:
-- Use either renderLabyrinth or printLabyrinth
-- x -> 0 1 2
-- ┏ ┯━━━━┯━━━━┓
-- 0 ┃
-- ┠ ┼ ┼ ┨
-- 1 │
-- ┠ ┼────┼────┨
-- 2 ┃ │ │ ┃
-- ┗━━━━┷━━━━┷━━━━┛
-- x -> 0 1 2
-- ┏━━━━┯━━━━┯━━━━┓
-- 0 ┃ │ │ ┃
-- ┠────┼────┼────┨
-- 1 ┃ │ │ │
-- ┠────┼────┼────┨
-- 2 ┃ │ │ ┃
-- ┗━━━━┷━━━━┷━━━━┛
-- map command produces pictures like this:
-- x -> 0 1 2
-- ┏━━━━┯
-- 0| ┃ 1 │
-- | ┠ ┼ ┼
-- 1| ┃ 2 3@ │
-- | ┠ ┼────┼
-- 2|
On the start of the game:
- The initial cell should be included into the trailpoints