Merge pull request #196 from gren-lang/improve-error-message-for-kernel-pkg-with-unsigned-commit

Improve error message for kernel pkg with unsigned commit
This commit is contained in:
Robin Heggelund Hansen 2023-03-06 22:41:11 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit 91191fea2b
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 62 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -241,24 +241,27 @@ extractPublicKeyFromCommit git path hash = do
Exit.ExitFailure _ -> do
return ""
Exit.ExitSuccess ->
let decodedSignatureChunk =
Base64.decode $
BSStrict.pack $
concatMap (dropWhile (\c -> c == ' ')) $
takeWhile (\line -> not $ List.isInfixOf "-----END SSH SIGNATURE-----" line) $
drop 1 $
dropWhile (\line -> not $ List.isPrefixOf "gpgsig" line) $
lines stdout
in case decodedSignatureChunk of
Left err ->
return err
Right decoded ->
return $
BSLazy.unpack $
BSBuilder.toLazyByteString $
BSBuilder.lazyByteStringHex $
Get.runGet decodePublicKeyFromChunk $
BSLazy.fromStrict decoded
let signatureChunk =
concatMap (dropWhile (\c -> c == ' ')) $
takeWhile (\line -> not $ List.isInfixOf "-----END SSH SIGNATURE-----" line) $
drop 1 $
dropWhile (\line -> not $ List.isPrefixOf "gpgsig" line) $
lines stdout
in if null signatureChunk
then return ""
let decodedSignatureChunk =
Base64.decode $ BSStrict.pack signatureChunk
in case decodedSignatureChunk of
Left err ->
return err
Right decoded ->
return $
BSLazy.unpack $
BSBuilder.toLazyByteString $
BSBuilder.lazyByteStringHex $
Get.runGet decodePublicKeyFromChunk $
BSLazy.fromStrict decoded
{- Description of format at
Description of byte encoding at

View File

@ -383,11 +383,15 @@ build key cache depsMVar pkg (Solver.Details vsn maybeLocalPath _) f fs =
mapM_ readMVar mvars
maybeStatuses <- traverse readMVar =<< readMVar mvar
case sequence maybeStatuses of
Nothing ->
Left CrawlCorruption ->
do key Reporting.DBroken
return $ Left $ Just $ Exit.BD_BadBuild pkg vsn f
Just statuses ->
Left CrawlUnsignedKernelCode ->
do key Reporting.DBroken
return $ Left $ Just $ Exit.BD_UnsignedBuild pkg vsn
Right statuses ->
rmvar <- newEmptyMVar
rmvars <- traverse (fork . compile platform pkg rmvar) statuses
@ -479,7 +483,7 @@ gatherForeignInterfaces directArtifacts =
type StatusDict =
Map.Map ModuleName.Raw (MVar (Maybe Status))
Map.Map ModuleName.Raw (MVar (Either CrawlError Status))
data Status
= SLocal DocsStatus (Map.Map ModuleName.Raw ()) Src.Module
@ -487,18 +491,22 @@ data Status
| SKernelLocal [Kernel.Chunk]
| SKernelForeign
crawlModule :: Map.Map ModuleName.Raw ForeignInterface -> MVar StatusDict -> Pkg.Name -> FilePath -> DocsStatus -> Bool -> ModuleName.Raw -> IO (Maybe Status)
data CrawlError
= CrawlUnsignedKernelCode
| CrawlCorruption
crawlModule :: Map.Map ModuleName.Raw ForeignInterface -> MVar StatusDict -> Pkg.Name -> FilePath -> DocsStatus -> Bool -> ModuleName.Raw -> IO (Either CrawlError Status)
crawlModule foreignDeps mvar pkg src docsStatus authorizedForKernelCode name =
let path = src </> ModuleName.toFilePath name <.> "gren"
exists <- File.exists path
case Map.lookup name foreignDeps of
Just ForeignAmbiguous ->
return Nothing
return $ Left CrawlCorruption
Just (ForeignSpecific iface) ->
if exists
then return Nothing
else return (Just (SForeign iface))
then return $ Left CrawlCorruption
else return (Right (SForeign iface))
Nothing ->
if exists
then crawlFile foreignDeps mvar pkg src docsStatus authorizedForKernelCode name path
@ -507,10 +515,10 @@ crawlModule foreignDeps mvar pkg src docsStatus authorizedForKernelCode name =
if authorizedForKernelCode
then crawlKernel foreignDeps mvar pkg src name
else error $ ModuleName.toChars name ++ " in " ++ Pkg.toChars pkg ++ " references kernel code which has not been signed by Gren's lead developer."
else return Nothing
else return $ Left CrawlUnsignedKernelCode
else return $ Left CrawlCorruption
crawlFile :: Map.Map ModuleName.Raw ForeignInterface -> MVar StatusDict -> Pkg.Name -> FilePath -> DocsStatus -> Bool -> ModuleName.Raw -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe Status)
crawlFile :: Map.Map ModuleName.Raw ForeignInterface -> MVar StatusDict -> Pkg.Name -> FilePath -> DocsStatus -> Bool -> ModuleName.Raw -> FilePath -> IO (Either CrawlError Status)
crawlFile foreignDeps mvar pkg src docsStatus authorizedForKernelCode expectedName path =
bytes <- File.readUtf8 path
@ -518,9 +526,9 @@ crawlFile foreignDeps mvar pkg src docsStatus authorizedForKernelCode expectedNa
Right modul@(Src.Module (Just (A.At _ actualName)) _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _ _ _) | expectedName == actualName ->
deps <- crawlImports foreignDeps mvar pkg authorizedForKernelCode src (fmap snd imports)
return (Just (SLocal docsStatus deps modul))
return (Right (SLocal docsStatus deps modul))
_ ->
return Nothing
return $ Left CrawlCorruption
crawlImports :: Map.Map ModuleName.Raw ForeignInterface -> MVar StatusDict -> Pkg.Name -> Bool -> FilePath -> [Src.Import] -> IO (Map.Map ModuleName.Raw ())
crawlImports foreignDeps mvar pkg authorizedForKernelCode src imports =
@ -533,7 +541,7 @@ crawlImports foreignDeps mvar pkg authorizedForKernelCode src imports =
mapM_ readMVar mvars
return deps
crawlKernel :: Map.Map ModuleName.Raw ForeignInterface -> MVar StatusDict -> Pkg.Name -> FilePath -> ModuleName.Raw -> IO (Maybe Status)
crawlKernel :: Map.Map ModuleName.Raw ForeignInterface -> MVar StatusDict -> Pkg.Name -> FilePath -> ModuleName.Raw -> IO (Either CrawlError Status)
crawlKernel foreignDeps mvar pkg src name =
let path = src </> ModuleName.toFilePath name <.> "js"
@ -543,12 +551,12 @@ crawlKernel foreignDeps mvar pkg src name =
bytes <- File.readUtf8 path
case Kernel.fromByteString pkg (Map.mapMaybe getDepHome foreignDeps) bytes of
Nothing ->
return Nothing
return $ Left CrawlCorruption
Just (Kernel.Content imports chunks) ->
_ <- crawlImports foreignDeps mvar pkg True src imports
return (Just (SKernelLocal chunks))
else return (Just SKernelForeign)
return (Right (SKernelLocal chunks))
else return (Right SKernelForeign)
getDepHome :: ForeignInterface -> Maybe Pkg.Name
getDepHome fi =

View File

@ -1757,6 +1757,7 @@ data Details
data DetailsBadDep
= BD_BadBuild Pkg.Name V.Version (Map.Map Pkg.Name V.Version)
| BD_UnsignedBuild Pkg.Name V.Version
toDetailsReport :: Details -> Help.Report
toDetailsReport details =
@ -1857,23 +1858,36 @@ toDetailsReport details =
"I ran into a compilation error when trying to build the following package:"
[ D.indent 4 $ $ D.fromChars $ Pkg.toChars pkg ++ " " ++ V.toChars vsn,
D.reflow $
"This probably means it has package constraints that are too wide. It may be\
\ possible to tweak your gren.json to avoid the root problem as a stopgap. Head\
\ over to to get help figuring out how to take\
\ this path!",
D.toSimpleNote $
"To help with the root problem, please report this to the package author along\
\ with the following information:",
D.indent 4 $
D.vcat $
map (\(p, v) -> D.fromChars $ Pkg.toChars p ++ " " ++ V.toChars v) $
Map.toList fingerprint,
D.reflow $
"If you want to help out even more, try building the package locally. That should\
\ give you much more specific information about why this package is failing to\
\ build, which will in turn make it easier for the package author to fix it!"
BD_UnsignedBuild pkg vsn ->
"I ran into a compilation error when trying to build the following package:"
[ D.indent 4 $ $ D.fromChars $ Pkg.toChars pkg ++ " " ++ V.toChars vsn,
"This package contains kernel code which has not been signed by the lead\
\ developer of Gren. Kernel code can violate all the guarantees that Gren\
\ provide, and is therefore carefully managed.",
D.toSimpleNote $
"To help with the root problem, please report this to the package author."
DetailsDuplicatedDep pkg ->