Pass root platform along to all necessary stages of the solver.

This commit is contained in:
Robin Heggelund Hansen 2022-08-19 15:11:32 +02:00
parent 6ce6accf50
commit 963c9b3ce4
4 changed files with 42 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ where
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.Map ((!))
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.NonEmptyList qualified as NE
import Deps.Package qualified as Package
import Directories qualified as Dirs
import File qualified
@ -65,10 +66,14 @@ data Result a
data Details
= Details V.Version (Map.Map Pkg.Name C.Constraint)
verify :: Dirs.PackageCache -> Map.Map Pkg.Name C.Constraint -> IO (Result (Map.Map Pkg.Name Details))
verify cache constraints =
verify ::
Dirs.PackageCache ->
Outline.Platform ->
Map.Map Pkg.Name C.Constraint ->
IO (Result (Map.Map Pkg.Name Details))
verify cache rootPlatform constraints =
Dirs.withRegistryLock cache $
case try constraints of
case try rootPlatform constraints of
Solver solver ->
(State cache Map.empty)
@ -90,13 +95,20 @@ data AppSolution = AppSolution
_app :: Outline.AppOutline
addToApp :: Dirs.PackageCache -> Pkg.Name -> V.Version -> Outline.AppOutline -> IO (Result AppSolution)
addToApp cache pkg compatibleVsn outline@(Outline.AppOutline _ _ _ direct indirect) =
addToApp ::
Dirs.PackageCache ->
Pkg.Name ->
V.Version ->
Outline.AppOutline ->
IO (Result AppSolution)
addToApp cache pkg compatibleVsn outline@(Outline.AppOutline _ rootPlatform _ direct indirect) =
Dirs.withRegistryLock cache $
let allDeps = Map.union direct indirect
attempt toConstraint deps =
try (Map.insert pkg (C.untilNextMajor compatibleVsn) ( toConstraint deps))
(Map.insert pkg (C.untilNextMajor compatibleVsn) ( toConstraint deps))
in case oneOf
(attempt C.exactly allDeps)
[ attempt C.exactly direct,
@ -133,37 +145,38 @@ getTransitive constraints solution unvisited visited =
-- TRY
try :: Map.Map Pkg.Name C.Constraint -> Solver (Map.Map Pkg.Name V.Version)
try constraints =
exploreGoals (Goals constraints Map.empty)
try :: Outline.Platform -> Map.Map Pkg.Name C.Constraint -> Solver (Map.Map Pkg.Name V.Version)
try rootPlatform constraints =
exploreGoals (Goals (NE.List rootPlatform []) constraints Map.empty)
data Goals = Goals
{ _pending :: Map.Map Pkg.Name C.Constraint,
{ _compatible_platforms :: NE.List Outline.Platform,
_pending :: Map.Map Pkg.Name C.Constraint,
_solved :: Map.Map Pkg.Name V.Version
exploreGoals :: Goals -> Solver (Map.Map Pkg.Name V.Version)
exploreGoals (Goals pending solved) =
exploreGoals (Goals compatiblePlatforms pending solved) =
case Map.minViewWithKey pending of
Nothing ->
return solved
Just ((name, constraint), otherPending) ->
let goals1 = Goals otherPending solved
let goals1 = Goals compatiblePlatforms otherPending solved
let lowestVersion = C.lowerBound constraint
goals2 <- addVersion goals1 name lowestVersion
exploreGoals goals2
addVersion :: Goals -> Pkg.Name -> V.Version -> Solver Goals
addVersion (Goals pending solved) name version =
addVersion (Goals compatiblePlatforms pending solved) name version =
(Constraints gren deps) <- getConstraints name version
if C.goodGren gren
then do
newPending <- foldM (addConstraint solved) pending (Map.toList deps)
return (Goals newPending (Map.insert name version solved))
return (Goals compatiblePlatforms newPending (Map.insert name version solved))
else backtrack
addConstraint :: Map.Map Pkg.Name V.Version -> Map.Map Pkg.Name C.Constraint -> (Pkg.Name, C.Constraint) -> Solver (Map.Map Pkg.Name C.Constraint)

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@ -184,21 +184,21 @@ initEnv key scope root =
type Task a = Task.Task Exit.Details a
verifyPkg :: Env -> File.Time -> Outline.PkgOutline -> Task Details
verifyPkg env time (Outline.PkgOutline pkg _ _ _ exposed direct gren _) =
verifyPkg env time (Outline.PkgOutline pkg _ _ _ exposed direct gren rootPlatform) =
if Con.goodGren gren
then do
solution <- verifyConstraints env ( (Con.exactly . Con.lowerBound) direct)
solution <- verifyConstraints env rootPlatform ( (Con.exactly . Con.lowerBound) direct)
let exposedList = Outline.flattenExposed exposed
let exactDeps = (\(Solver.Details v _) -> v) solution -- for pkg docs in reactor
verifyDependencies env time (ValidPkg pkg exposedList exactDeps) solution direct
else Task.throw $ Exit.DetailsBadGrenInPkg gren
verifyApp :: Env -> File.Time -> Outline.AppOutline -> Task Details
verifyApp env time outline@(Outline.AppOutline grenVersion _ srcDirs direct _) =
verifyApp env time outline@(Outline.AppOutline grenVersion rootPlatform srcDirs direct _) =
if grenVersion == V.compiler
then do
stated <- checkAppDeps outline
actual <- verifyConstraints env ( Con.exactly stated)
actual <- verifyConstraints env rootPlatform ( Con.exactly stated)
if Map.size stated == Map.size actual
then verifyDependencies env time (ValidApp srcDirs) actual direct
else Task.throw Exit.DetailsHandEditedDependencies
@ -210,10 +210,14 @@ checkAppDeps (Outline.AppOutline _ _ _ direct indirect) =
verifyConstraints :: Env -> Map.Map Pkg.Name Con.Constraint -> Task (Map.Map Pkg.Name Solver.Details)
verifyConstraints (Env _ _ _ cache) constraints =
verifyConstraints ::
Env ->
Outline.Platform ->
Map.Map Pkg.Name Con.Constraint ->
Task (Map.Map Pkg.Name Solver.Details)
verifyConstraints (Env _ _ _ cache) rootPlatform constraints =
result <- $ Solver.verify cache constraints
result <- $ Solver.verify cache rootPlatform constraints
case result of
Solver.Ok details -> return details
Solver.NoSolution -> Task.throw $ Exit.DetailsNoSolution

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@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ init flags =
Left (DPkg.GitError gitError) ->
return $ Left $ Exit.InitNoCompatibleDependencies $ Just gitError
Right deps -> do
result <- Solver.verify cache deps
-- TODO: Make root platform customizable
result <- Solver.verify cache Outline.Browser deps
case result of
Solver.Err exit ->
return (Left (Exit.InitSolverProblem exit))

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@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ makeAppPlan (Solver.Env cache) pkg outline@(Outline.AppOutline _ _ _ direct indi
makePkgPlan :: Solver.Env -> Pkg.Name -> Outline.PkgOutline -> Task (Changes C.Constraint)
makePkgPlan (Solver.Env cache) pkg outline@(Outline.PkgOutline _ _ _ _ _ deps _ _) =
makePkgPlan (Solver.Env cache) pkg outline@(Outline.PkgOutline _ _ _ _ _ deps _ rootPlatform) =
if Map.member pkg deps
then return AlreadyInstalled
else do
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ makePkgPlan (Solver.Env cache) pkg outline@(Outline.PkgOutline _ _ _ _ _ deps _
Right compatibleVersion -> do
let old = deps
let cons = Map.insert pkg (C.untilNextMajor compatibleVersion) old
result <- $ Solver.verify cache cons
result <- $ Solver.verify cache rootPlatform cons
case result of
Solver.Ok solution ->
let (Solver.Details vsn _) = solution ! pkg