Remove language-gsl dependency and shader parser.

This commit is contained in:
Robin Heggelund Hansen 2022-02-11 14:49:24 +01:00
parent 8fce5d8b79
commit abb35eb321
3 changed files with 0 additions and 155 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import qualified Parse.Number as Number
import qualified Parse.Pattern as Pattern
import Parse.Primitives hiding (State)
import qualified Parse.Primitives as P
import qualified Parse.Shader as Shader
import qualified Parse.Space as Space
import qualified Parse.String as String
import qualified Parse.Symbol as Symbol
@ -33,7 +32,6 @@ term =
[ variable start >>= accessible start,
string start,
number start,
Shader.shader start,
list start,
record start >>= accessible start,
tuple start >>= accessible start,

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@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Parse.Shader
( shader,
import qualified AST.Source as Src
import qualified AST.Utils.Shader as Shader
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BS_UTF8
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Name as Name
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr.Unsafe (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, minusPtr, plusPtr)
import qualified Language.GLSL.Parser as GLP
import qualified Language.GLSL.Syntax as GLS
import Parse.Primitives (Col, Parser, Row)
import qualified Parse.Primitives as P
import qualified Reporting.Annotation as A
import qualified Reporting.Error.Syntax as E
import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
import qualified Text.Parsec.Error as Parsec
shader :: A.Position -> Parser E.Expr Src.Expr
shader start@(A.Position row col) =
block <- parseBlock
shdr <- parseGlsl row col block
end <- P.getPosition
return ( start end (Src.Shader (Shader.fromChars block) shdr))
parseBlock :: Parser E.Expr [Char]
parseBlock =
P.Parser $ \(P.State src pos end indent row col) cok _ cerr eerr ->
let !pos6 = plusPtr pos 6
in if pos6 <= end
&& P.unsafeIndex (pos) == 0x5B {- [ -}
&& P.unsafeIndex (plusPtr pos 1) == 0x67 {- g -}
&& P.unsafeIndex (plusPtr pos 2) == 0x6C {- l -}
&& P.unsafeIndex (plusPtr pos 3) == 0x73 {- s -}
&& P.unsafeIndex (plusPtr pos 4) == 0x6C {- l -}
&& P.unsafeIndex (plusPtr pos 5) == 0x7C
let (# status, newPos, newRow, newCol #) =
eatShader pos6 end row (col + 6)
in case status of
Good ->
let !off = minusPtr pos6 (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr src)
!len = minusPtr newPos pos6
!block = BS_UTF8.toString (B.PS src off len)
!newState = P.State src (plusPtr newPos 2) end indent newRow (newCol + 2)
in cok block newState
Unending ->
cerr row col E.EndlessShader
else eerr row col E.Start
data Status
= Good
| Unending
eatShader :: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Row -> Col -> (# Status, Ptr Word8, Row, Col #)
eatShader pos end row col =
if pos >= end
then (# Unending, pos, row, col #)
let !word = P.unsafeIndex pos
in if word == 0x007C && P.isWord (plusPtr pos 1) end 0x5D {- ] -}
then (# Good, pos, row, col #)
if word == 0x0A {- \n -}
then eatShader (plusPtr pos 1) end (row + 1) 1
let !newPos = plusPtr pos (P.getCharWidth word)
in eatShader newPos end row (col + 1)
parseGlsl :: Row -> Col -> [Char] -> Parser E.Expr Shader.Types
parseGlsl startRow startCol src =
case GLP.parse src of
Right (GLS.TranslationUnit decls) ->
return (foldr addInput emptyTypes (concatMap extractInputs decls))
Left err ->
let pos = Parsec.errorPos err
row = fromIntegral (Parsec.sourceLine pos)
col = fromIntegral (Parsec.sourceColumn pos)
msg =
"unknown parse error"
"end of input"
(Parsec.errorMessages err)
in if row == 1
then failure startRow (startCol + 6 + col) msg
else failure (startRow + row - 1) col msg
failure :: Row -> Col -> [Char] -> Parser E.Expr a
failure row col msg =
P.Parser $ \(P.State _ _ _ _ _ _) _ _ cerr _ ->
cerr row col (E.ShaderProblem msg)
emptyTypes :: Shader.Types
emptyTypes =
Shader.Types Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty
addInput :: (GLS.StorageQualifier, Shader.Type, [Char]) -> Shader.Types -> Shader.Types
addInput (qual, tipe, name) glDecls =
case qual of
GLS.Attribute -> glDecls {Shader._attribute = Map.insert (Name.fromChars name) tipe (Shader._attribute glDecls)}
GLS.Uniform -> glDecls {Shader._uniform = Map.insert (Name.fromChars name) tipe (Shader._uniform glDecls)}
GLS.Varying -> glDecls {Shader._varying = Map.insert (Name.fromChars name) tipe (Shader._varying glDecls)}
_ -> error "Should never happen due to `extractInputs` function"
extractInputs :: GLS.ExternalDeclaration -> [(GLS.StorageQualifier, Shader.Type, [Char])]
extractInputs decl =
case decl of
( GLS.InitDeclaration
( GLS.TypeDeclarator
( GLS.FullType
(Just (GLS.TypeQualSto qual))
(GLS.TypeSpec _prec (GLS.TypeSpecNoPrecision tipe _mexpr1))
[GLS.InitDecl name _mexpr2 _mexpr3]
) ->
case elem qual [GLS.Attribute, GLS.Varying, GLS.Uniform] of
False -> []
True ->
case tipe of
GLS.Vec2 -> [(qual, Shader.V2, name)]
GLS.Vec3 -> [(qual, Shader.V3, name)]
GLS.Vec4 -> [(qual, Shader.V4, name)]
GLS.Mat4 -> [(qual, Shader.M4, name)]
GLS.Int -> [(qual, Shader.Int, name)]
GLS.Float -> [(qual, Shader.Float, name)]
GLS.Sampler2D -> [(qual, Shader.Texture, name)]
_ -> []
_ -> []

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@ -153,7 +153,6 @@ Executable gren
@ -203,7 +202,6 @@ Executable gren
filepath >= 1 && < 2.0,
ghc-prim >= 0.5.2,
language-glsl >= 0.3,
mtl >= 2.2.1 && < 3,