Merge pull request #121 from allanderek/main

Allow _key style wildcard patterns.
This commit is contained in:
Robin Heggelund Hansen 2022-09-09 10:27:11 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit d2769431b5
No known key found for this signature in database
12 changed files with 182 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ Robin Heggelund Hansen (robinheghan)
Julian Antonielli (jjant)
Aaron VonderHaar (avh4)
lue (lue-bird)
Allan Clark (allanderek)

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@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ data Def
type Pattern = A.Located Pattern_
data Pattern_
= PAnything
= PAnything Name
| PVar Name
| PRecord [RecordFieldPattern]
| PAlias Pattern (A.Located Name)

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@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ addBindings bindings (A.At _ def) =
addBindingsHelp :: Dups.Dict A.Region -> Src.Pattern -> Dups.Dict A.Region
addBindingsHelp bindings (A.At region pattern) =
case pattern of
Src.PAnything ->
Src.PAnything _ ->
Src.PVar name ->
Dups.insert name region region bindings
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ addEdge edges nodes aname@(A.At _ name) =
getPatternNames :: [A.Located Name.Name] -> Src.Pattern -> [A.Located Name.Name]
getPatternNames names (A.At region pattern) =
case pattern of
Src.PAnything -> names
Src.PAnything _ -> names
Src.PVar name -> A.At region name : names
Src.PRecord fields ->
List.foldl' (\n f -> getPatternNames n (extractRecordFieldPattern f)) names fields

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@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ canonicalize :: Env.Env -> Src.Pattern -> Result DupsDict w Can.Pattern
canonicalize env (A.At region pattern) =
A.At region
<$> case pattern of
Src.PAnything ->
Src.PAnything _ ->
Result.ok Can.PAnything
Src.PVar name ->
logVar name region (Can.PVar name)

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@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ term =
array start,
record start >>= accessible start,
accessor start,
character start
character start,
string :: A.Position -> Parser E.Expr Src.Expr
@ -112,6 +113,15 @@ variable start =
var <- Var.foreignAlpha E.Start
addEnd start var
wildcard :: Parser E.Expr a
wildcard =
word1 0x5F {- _ -} E.Start
-- Note, because this is not optional, this will not match '_' on its own.
name <- Var.lower E.Start
P.Parser $ \(P.State _ _ _ _ row col) _ _ cerr _ ->
cerr row col (E.WildCard $ E.WildCardAttempt name)
accessible :: A.Position -> Src.Expr -> Parser E.Expr Src.Expr
accessible start expr =

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@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ termHelp start =
[ do
addEnd start Src.PAnything,
name <- wildcard
addEnd start (Src.PAnything name),
name <- Var.lower E.PStart
addEnd start (Src.PVar name),
@ -79,21 +79,26 @@ termHelp start =
wildcard :: Parser E.Pattern ()
wildcard :: Parser E.Pattern Name.Name
wildcard =
P.Parser $ \(P.State src pos end indent row col) cok _ cerr eerr ->
P.Parser $ \(P.State src pos end indent row col) cok _ _ eerr ->
if pos == end || P.unsafeIndex pos /= 0x5F {- _ -}
then eerr row col E.PStart
let !newPos = plusPtr pos 1
!newCol = col + 1
in if Var.getInnerWidth newPos end > 0
let (# badPos, badCol #) = Var.chompInnerChars newPos end newCol
in cerr row col (E.PWildcardNotVar (Name.fromPtr pos badPos) (fromIntegral (badCol - col)))
let !newState = P.State src newPos end indent row newCol
in cok () newState
let lowerVarPosition = plusPtr pos 1
(# newPos, newCol #) = Var.chompLower lowerVarPosition end (col + 1)
-- Note although we are getting the name, to check that it is not a reserved keyword, we are not storing it.
-- We ultimately wish to throw it away, but in theory we could make the AST of wildcard take the name
-- as a parameter, and then we could use that, to, for example, check that we are not shadowing/duplicating any
-- such wildcard names, eg. check against something like:
-- getZ _x _x z = z
-- when you probably meant
-- getZ _x _y z = z
!name = Name.fromPtr lowerVarPosition newPos
!newState = P.State src newPos end indent row newCol
in if Var.isReservedWord name
then eerr row col E.PStart
else cok name newState

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ data BadOperator
| BadArrow
| BadEquals
| BadHasType
deriving (Show)
operator :: (Row -> Col -> x) -> (BadOperator -> Row -> Col -> x) -> Parser x Name.Name
operator toExpectation toError =

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@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ module Parse.Variable
Upper (..),
@ -52,13 +54,17 @@ lower toError =
then eerr row col toError
let !name = Name.fromPtr pos newPos
in if Set.member name reservedWords
in if isReservedWord name
then eerr row col toError
let !newState =
P.State src newPos end indent row newCol
in cok name newState
isReservedWord :: Name.Name -> Bool
isReservedWord name =
Set.member name reservedWords
reservedWords :: Set.Set Name.Name
reservedWords =

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@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ module Reporting.Error.Syntax
String (..),
Escape (..),
Number (..),
WildCard (..),
Space (..),
@ -205,6 +206,8 @@ data Expr
| Number Number Row Col
| Space Space Row Col
| IndentOperatorRight Name.Name Row Col
| WildCard WildCard Row Col
deriving (Show)
data Record
= RecordOpen Row Col
@ -221,6 +224,7 @@ data Record
| RecordIndentField Row Col
| RecordIndentEquals Row Col
| RecordIndentExpr Row Col
deriving (Show)
data Array
= ArraySpace Space Row Col
@ -231,6 +235,7 @@ data Array
ArrayIndentOpen Row Col
| ArrayIndentEnd Row Col
| ArrayIndentExpr Row Col
deriving (Show)
data Func
= FuncSpace Space Row Col
@ -241,6 +246,7 @@ data Func
FuncIndentArg Row Col
| FuncIndentArrow Row Col
| FuncIndentBody Row Col
deriving (Show)
data Case
= CaseSpace Space Row Col
@ -256,6 +262,7 @@ data Case
| CaseIndentArrow Row Col
| CaseIndentBranch Row Col
| CasePatternAlignment Word16 Row Col
deriving (Show)
data If
= IfSpace Space Row Col
@ -272,6 +279,7 @@ data If
| IfIndentThenBranch Row Col
| IfIndentElseBranch Row Col
| IfIndentElse Row Col
deriving (Show)
data Let
= LetSpace Space Row Col
@ -284,6 +292,7 @@ data Let
| LetIndentDef Row Col
| LetIndentIn Row Col
| LetIndentBody Row Col
deriving (Show)
data Parenthesized
= ParenthesizedOpen Row Col
@ -296,6 +305,7 @@ data Parenthesized
ParenthesizedIndentOpen Row Col
| ParenthesizedIndentEnd Row Col
| ParenthesizedIndentExpr Row Col
deriving (Show)
data Def
= DefSpace Space Row Col
@ -309,6 +319,7 @@ data Def
| DefIndentType Row Col
| DefIndentBody Row Col
| DefAlignment Word16 Row Col
deriving (Show)
data Destruct
= DestructSpace Space Row Col
@ -317,6 +328,7 @@ data Destruct
| DestructBody Expr Row Col
| DestructIndentEquals Row Col
| DestructIndentBody Row Col
deriving (Show)
@ -331,11 +343,11 @@ data Pattern
| PNumber Number Row Col
| PFloat Word16 Row Col
| PAlias Row Col
| PWildcardNotVar Name.Name Int Row Col
| PSpace Space Row Col
| --
PIndentStart Row Col
| PIndentAlias Row Col
deriving (Show)
data PParenthesized
= PParenthesizedSpace Space Row Col
@ -343,6 +355,7 @@ data PParenthesized
| PParenthesizedPattern Pattern Row Col
| PParenthesizedIndentEnd Row Col
| PParenthesizedEnd Row Col
deriving (Show)
data PRecord
= PRecordOpen Row Col
@ -355,6 +368,7 @@ data PRecord
PRecordIndentOpen Row Col
| PRecordIndentEnd Row Col
| PRecordIndentField Row Col
deriving (Show)
data PArray
= PArrayOpen Row Col
@ -365,6 +379,7 @@ data PArray
PArrayIndentOpen Row Col
| PArrayIndentEnd Row Col
| PArrayIndentExpr Row Col
deriving (Show)
@ -376,6 +391,7 @@ data Type
| TSpace Space Row Col
| --
TIndentStart Row Col
deriving (Show)
data TRecord
= TRecordOpen Row Col
@ -392,6 +408,7 @@ data TRecord
| TRecordIndentColon Row Col
| TRecordIndentType Row Col
| TRecordIndentEnd Row Col
deriving (Show)
data TParenthesis
= TParenthesisEnd Row Col
@ -400,6 +417,7 @@ data TParenthesis
| --
TParenthesisIndentOpen Row Col
| TParenthesisIndentEnd Row Col
deriving (Show)
@ -407,23 +425,31 @@ data Char
= CharEndless
| CharEscape Escape
| CharNotString Word16
deriving (Show)
data String
= StringEndless_Single
| StringEndless_Multi
| StringEscape Escape
deriving (Show)
data Escape
= EscapeUnknown
| BadUnicodeFormat Word16
| BadUnicodeCode Word16
| BadUnicodeLength Word16 Int Int
deriving (Show)
data Number
= NumberEnd
| NumberDot Int
| NumberHexDigit
| NumberNoLeadingZero
deriving (Show)
data WildCard
= WildCardAttempt Name.Name
deriving (Show)
@ -2770,6 +2796,22 @@ toExprReport source context expr startRow startCol =
toStringReport source string row col
Number number row col ->
toNumberReport source number row col
WildCard (WildCardAttempt name) row col ->
let region = toRegion row col
in Report.Report "ATTEMPT TO USE WILDCARD VARIABLE" region [] $
( D.reflow $
"It appears you are attempting to use a variable name that starts with an underscore (_"
++ Name.toChars name
++ ") in an expression. Such variable names can appear in patterns but not expressions.\
\ A pattern consisting of a variable name prefixed by an underscore is equivalent to using\
\ a single '_' pattern and is allowed so that you may name what you are ignoring.",
D.reflow $
"Perhaps rename the variable without the underscore prefix."
Space space row col ->
toSpaceReport source space row col
IndentOperatorRight op row col ->
@ -5410,40 +5452,6 @@ toPatternReport source context pattern startRow startCol =
\ in that case!"
PWildcardNotVar name width row col ->
let region = toWiderRegion row col (fromIntegral width)
examples =
case dropWhile (== '_') (Name.toChars name) of
[] -> [D.dullyellow "x", "or", D.dullyellow "age"]
c : cs -> [D.dullyellow (D.fromChars (Char.toLower c : cs))]
in Report.Report "UNEXPECTED NAME" region [] $
Code.toSnippet source region Nothing $
( D.reflow $
"Variable names cannot start with underscores like this:",
D.fillSep $
[ "You",
D.dullyellow "_",
++ examples
++ ["to", "use", "the", "matched", "value."]
PSpace space row col ->
toSpaceReport source space row col
PIndentStart row col ->

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@ -239,10 +239,12 @@ Test-Suite gren-tests
-- tests
hspec >= 2.7.10 && < 3

tests/Helpers/Parse.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Helpers.Parse
( checkParse,
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Parse.Primitives qualified as P
import Parse.Space qualified as Space
import Reporting.Annotation qualified as A
import Test.Hspec qualified as Hspec
checkParse :: (Show error, Show target) => Space.Parser error (A.Located target) -> (P.Row -> P.Col -> error) -> (Either error (A.Located target, A.Position) -> Bool) -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
checkParse parser toBadEnd checkResult str =
(P.fromByteString parser toBadEnd str)
checkSuccessfulParse :: (Show error, Show target) => Space.Parser error (A.Located target) -> (P.Row -> P.Col -> error) -> (target -> Bool) -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
checkSuccessfulParse parser toBadEnd checkTarget =
let checkResult result =
case result of
Right (A.At _ target, _) ->
checkTarget target
Left _ ->
in checkParse parser toBadEnd checkResult
checkParseError :: (Show error, Show target) => Space.Parser error (A.Located target) -> (P.Row -> P.Col -> error) -> (error -> Bool) -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
checkParseError parser toBadEnd checkError =
let checkResult result =
case result of
Left err ->
checkError err
Right _ ->
in checkParse parser toBadEnd checkResult

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Parse.UnderscorePatternSpec where
import AST.Source qualified as Src
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.Name qualified as Name
import Helpers.Instances ()
import Helpers.Parse qualified as Helpers
import Parse.Expression qualified as Expression
import Parse.Pattern qualified as Pattern
import Reporting.Error.Syntax qualified as Error.Syntax
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Wildcard patterns" $ do
it "regression test" $
parse "" "_"
it "Newly allowed named wildcard pattern" $
parse "argument" "_argument"
it "You can have underscores as part of the lower variable which follows the underscore" $
parse "hello_world" "_hello_world"
it "Keywords are not allowed as the whole variable part of an underscore pattern" $
failToParse "_let"
it "But you can have a keyword as **part** of a variable name just as for normal variable names." $
parse "let_down" "_let_down"
it "But you cannot start with multiple underscores" $
failToParse "__hello"
it "But it must be a lower name, for an underscore pattern" $
failToParse "_Hello"
it "We should give the specialised error when we attempt to parse _key as an expression" $
let isWildCardAttemptError :: Error.Syntax.Expr -> Bool
isWildCardAttemptError err =
case err of
Error.Syntax.WildCard (Error.Syntax.WildCardAttempt _) _ _ ->
_ ->
in Helpers.checkParseError Expression.expression Error.Syntax.Start isWildCardAttemptError "_key"
parse :: String -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
parse expectedName =
let isWildCardPattern :: Src.Pattern_ -> Bool
isWildCardPattern pattern =
case pattern of
Src.PAnything name ->
expectedName == (Name.toChars name)
_ ->
in Helpers.checkSuccessfulParse Pattern.expression Error.Syntax.PStart isWildCardPattern
failToParse :: BS.ByteString -> IO ()
failToParse =
Helpers.checkParseError Pattern.expression Error.Syntax.PStart (\_ -> True)