Merge branch '32-extended-syntax' into 32-trf-dfe

This commit is contained in:
Peter Podlovics 2020-04-28 22:41:43 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 3883dbafe9
No known key found for this signature in database
37 changed files with 4642 additions and 142 deletions

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@ -146,10 +146,23 @@ library
@ -302,10 +315,22 @@ test-suite grin-test

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@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ instance Convertible Exp New.Exp where
(EBind lhs (ConstTagNode tag args) rhs) -> do
asPatName <- deriveNewName "a"
asPatName <- deriveNewName "conv"
newNodePat <- oldNodePatToAsPat tag args asPatName
pure $ New.EBindF lhs newNodePat rhs
(EBind lhs (Var var) rhs)

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@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, TupleSections #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.ArityRaising where
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, mapMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import qualified Data.Set as Set; import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map; import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector; import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin (packName, unpackName)
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Syntax
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeEnv
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Names
1. Select one function which has a parameter of a pointer to one constructor only.
2. If the parameter is linear and fetched in the function body then this is a good function for
arity raising
How to raise arity?
1. Change the function parameters: replace the parameter with the parameters in the constructor
2. Change the function body: remove the fectch and use the variables as parameters
3. Change the caller sides: instead of passing the pointer fetch the pointer and pass the values are parameters
How to handle self recursion?
1. If a function is self recursive, the paramter that is fetched originaly in the function body
must be passed as normal parameters in the same function call.
Phase 1: Select a function and a parameter to transform.
Phase 2: Transform the parameter and the function body.
Phase 3: Transform the callers.
This way the fetches propagates slowly to the caller side to the creational point.
- Used only in fetch or in recursive calls for the same function.
- Its value points to a location, which location has only one Node with at least one parameter
-- TODO: True is reported even if exp stayed the same. Investigate why exp stay the same
-- for non-null arity data.
arityRaising :: Int -> TypeEnv -> Exp -> (Exp, ExpChanges)
arityRaising n te exp = if Map.null arityData then (exp, NoChange) else (phase2 n arityData exp, NewNames)
arityData = phase1 te exp
-- | ArityData maps a function name to its arguments that can be arity raised.
-- 1st: Name of the argument
-- 2nd: The index of the argument
-- 3rd: The tag and one possible locaition where the parameter can point to.
type ArityData = Map Name [(Name, Int, (Tag, Int))]
type ParameterInfo = Map Name (Int, (Tag, Int))
data Phase1Data
= ProgramData { pdArityData :: ArityData }
| FunData { fdArityData :: ArityData }
| BodyData { bdFunCall :: [(Name, Name)]
, bdFetch :: Map Name Int
, bdOther :: [Name]
deriving (Show)
instance Semigroup Phase1Data where
(ProgramData ad0) <> (ProgramData ad1) = ProgramData (Map.unionWith mappend ad0 ad1)
(FunData fd0) <> (FunData fd1) = FunData (mappend fd0 fd1)
(BodyData c0 f0 o0) <> (BodyData c1 f1 o1) = BodyData (c0 ++ c1) (Map.unionWith (+) f0 f1) (o0 ++ o1)
instance Monoid Phase1Data where
mempty = BodyData mempty mempty mempty
variableInVar :: Val -> [Name]
variableInVar (Var v) = [v]
variableInVar _ = []
variableInNode :: Val -> [Name]
variableInNode (ConstTagNode _ vs) = vs
variableInNode _ = []
variableInNodes :: [Val] -> [Name]
variableInNodes = concatMap variableInNode
phase1 :: TypeEnv -> Exp -> ArityData
phase1 te = pdArityData . cata collect where
collect :: ExpF Phase1Data -> Phase1Data
collect = \case
SAppF fn ps -> mempty { bdFunCall = map (fn,) ps, bdOther = ps }
SFetchF var -> mempty { bdFetch = Map.singleton var 1 }
SUpdateF ptr var -> mempty { bdOther = [ptr, var] }
SReturnF val -> mempty { bdOther = variableInNode val ++ variableInVar val }
SStoreF v -> mempty { bdOther = [v] }
SBlockF ad -> ad
AltF _ _ ad -> ad
ECaseF scrut alts -> mconcat alts <> mempty { bdOther = [scrut] }
EBindF lhs _ rhs -> lhs <> rhs
-- Keep the parameters that are locations and points to a single node with at least one parameters
-- - that are not appear in others
-- - that are not appear in other function calls
-- - that are fetched at least once
DefF fn ps body ->
let funData =
[ (p,i,(fromJust mtag))
| (p,i) <- ps `zip` [1..]
, Map.member p (bdFetch body)
, let mtag = pointsToOneNode te p
, isJust mtag
, p `notElem` (bdOther body)
, p `notElem` (snd <$> (filter ((/=fn) . fst) (bdFunCall body)))
in FunData $ case funData of
[] -> Map.empty
_ -> Map.singleton fn funData
ProgramF exts defs -> ProgramData $ Map.unionsWith mappend (fdArityData <$> defs)
pointsToOneNode :: TypeEnv -> Name -> Maybe (Tag, Int)
pointsToOneNode te var = case Map.lookup var (_variable te) of
(Just (T_SimpleType (T_Location locs))) -> case nub $ concatMap Map.keys $ ((_location te) Vector.!) <$> locs of
[tag] -> Just (tag, Vector.length $ head $ Map.elems $ (_location te) Vector.! (head locs))
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
type VarM a = StateT Int NameM a
evalVarM :: Int -> Exp -> VarM a -> a
evalVarM n exp = fst . evalNameM exp . flip evalStateT n
Phase2 and Phase3 can be implemented in one go.
Change only the functions which are in the ArityData map, left the others out.
* Change fetches to pure, using the tag information provided
* Change funcall parameters
* Change fundef parameters
Use the original parameter name with new indices, thus we dont need a name generator.
phase2 :: Int -> ArityData -> Exp -> Exp
phase2 n arityData exp = evalVarM 0 exp $ cata change exp where
fetchParNames :: Name -> Int -> Int -> [Name]
fetchParNames nm idx i = (\j -> packName $ concat [unpackName nm,".",show n,".",show idx,".arity.",show j]) <$> [1..i]
newParNames :: Name -> Int -> [Name]
newParNames nm i = (\j -> packName $ concat [unpackName nm,".",show n,".arity.",show j]) <$> [1..i]
parameterInfo :: ParameterInfo
parameterInfo = Map.fromList $ map (\(n,ith,tag) -> (n, (ith, tag))) $ concat $ Map.elems arityData
replace_parameters_with_new_ones = concatMap $ \case
p | Just (nth, (tag, ps)) <- Map.lookup p parameterInfo ->
newParNames p ps
| otherwise -> [p]
change :: ExpF (VarM Exp) -> (VarM Exp)
change = \case
{- Change only function bodies that are in the ArityData
from: (CNode c1 cn) <- fetch pi
to: (CNode c1 cn) <- pure (CNode pi1 pin)
from: funcall p1 pi pn
to: rec-funcall p1 pi1 pin pn
to: do (CNode c1 cn) <- fetch pi
non-rec-funcall p1 c1 cn pn
from: fundef p1 pi pn
to: fundef p1 pi1 pin pn
SFetchF var
| Just (nth, (tag, ps)) <- Map.lookup var parameterInfo ->
pure $ SReturn (ConstTagNode tag (newParNames var ps))
| otherwise ->
pure $ SFetch var
SAppF f fps
| Just aritedParams <- Map.lookup f arityData -> do
idx <- get
let qsi = Map.fromList $ map (\(_,i,t) -> (i,t)) aritedParams
nsi = Map.fromList $ map (\(n,i,t) -> (n,t)) aritedParams
psi = [1..] `zip` fps
newPs = flip concatMap psi $ \case
(_, n) | Just (t, jth) <- Map.lookup n nsi -> newParNames n jth
(i, n) | Just (t, jth) <- Map.lookup i qsi -> fetchParNames n idx jth
-- (i, Undefined{}) | Just (_, jth) <- Map.lookup i qsi -> replicate jth (Undefined dead_t)
-- (_, other) -> [other]
fetches <- fmap catMaybes $ forM psi $ \case
(_, n) | Just _ <- Map.lookup n nsi -> pure Nothing
(i, n) | Just (t, jth) <- Map.lookup i qsi -> do
asPatName <- lift deriveWildCard
pure $ Just (AsPat t (fetchParNames n idx jth) asPatName, SFetch n)
_ -> pure Nothing
put (idx + 1)
pure $ case fetches of
[] -> SApp f newPs
_ -> SBlock $ foldr (\(pat, fetch) rest -> EBind fetch pat rest) (SApp f newPs) fetches
| otherwise ->
pure $ SApp f fps
DefF f ps new
| Map.member f arityData -> Def f (replace_parameters_with_new_ones ps) <$> new
| otherwise -> Def f ps <$> new
rest -> embed <$> sequence rest

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.CaseCopyPropagation where
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad.State
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Names
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Util (cataM)
-- NOTE: ~ Maybe Tag
data TagInfo = Unknown | Known Tag
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Maps alt names to TagInfo
type InfoTable = Map Name TagInfo
-- NOTE: Case Copy Propagtion ~ Case Unboxing
caseCopyPropagation :: Exp -> (Exp, ExpChanges)
caseCopyPropagation e = rebindCases infoTable e where
infoTable = collectTagInfo e
-- | Collects tag information about case alternatives.
collectTagInfo :: Exp -> InfoTable
collectTagInfo = flip execState mempty . cataM alg where
alg :: ExpF TagInfo -> State InfoTable TagInfo
alg = \case
SBlockF tagInfo -> pure tagInfo
EBindF _ _ rhsTagInfo -> pure rhsTagInfo
ECaseF scrut altTagInfo -> pure $ commonTag altTagInfo
SReturnF (ConstTagNode tag [arg]) -> pure $ Known tag
AltF _ name tagInfo -> do
modify (Map.insert name tagInfo)
pure tagInfo
_ -> pure Unknown
-- | Rebinds unboxable case expressions, and unboxes
-- the corresponding alternatives' last return expressions.
rebindCases :: InfoTable -> Exp -> (Exp, ExpChanges)
rebindCases infoTable e = evalNameM e $ cataM alg e where
alg :: ExpF Exp -> NameM Exp
alg = \case
ECaseF scrut alts
| Known tag <- lookupCommonTag [ name | Alt _ name _ <- alts ]
, alts' <- [ Alt cpat name (unboxLastReturn body) | Alt cpat name body <- alts ]
, case' <- ECase scrut alts'
-> do
res <- deriveNewName "ccp"
pure $ SBlock $ EBind case' (VarPat res) (SReturn $ ConstTagNode tag [res])
e -> pure $ embed e
-- | Determine the common tag for a set of alternatives (if it exists).
lookupCommonTag :: [Name] -> TagInfo
lookupCommonTag =
. map (\alt -> Map.findWithDefault Unknown alt infoTable)
-- | Unboxes the last node-returning expression in a binding sequence.
unboxLastReturn :: Exp -> Exp
unboxLastReturn = apo coAlg where
coAlg :: Exp -> ExpF (Either Exp Exp)
coAlg = \case
SReturn (ConstTagNode _ [arg]) -> SReturnF (Var arg)
EBind lhs bPat rhs -> EBindF (Left lhs) bPat (Right rhs)
SBlock body -> SBlockF (Right body)
e -> Left <$> project e
commonTag :: [TagInfo] -> TagInfo
commonTag (t : ts)
| all (==t) ts = t
commonTag _ = Unknown

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@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, TupleSections #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.CaseHoisting where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Comonad
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import Data.Functor.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.Foldable
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeEnv
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Util
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Names
If Alt had name then the HPT could calculate it's return type and store in TypeEnv
getReturnTagSet :: TypeEnv -> Exp -> Maybe (Set Tag)
getReturnTagSet typeEnv = cata folder where
folder exp = case exp of
EBindF _ _ ts -> ts
SBlockF ts -> ts
AltF _ _ ts -> ts
ECaseF _ alts -> mconcat <$> sequence alts
SReturnF val
| Just (T_NodeSet ns) <- mTypeOfValTE typeEnv val
-> Just (Map.keysSet ns)
SAppF name _
| T_NodeSet ns <- fst $ functionType typeEnv name
-> Just (Map.keysSet ns)
SFetchF name
| T_SimpleType (T_Location locs) <- variableType typeEnv name
-> Just (mconcat [Map.keysSet (_location typeEnv Vector.! loc) | loc <- locs])
_ -> Nothing
caseHoisting :: TypeEnv -> Exp -> (Exp, ExpChanges)
caseHoisting typeEnv exp = first fst $ evalNameM exp $ histoM folder exp where
folder :: ExpF (Cofree ExpF (Exp, Set Name)) -> NameM (Exp, Set Name)
folder exp = case exp of
-- middle case
EBindF ((ECase val alts1, leftUse) :< _) (VarPat lpatName)
(_ :< (EBindF ((ECase varName alts2, caseUse) :< _) lpat ((rightExp, rightUse) :< _)))
| lpatName == varName
, Just alts1Types <- sequence $ map (getReturnTagSet typeEnv) alts1
, Just matchList <- disjointMatch (zip alts1Types alts1) alts2
, Set.notMember varName rightUse -- allow only linear variables ; that are not used later
-> do
hoistedAlts <- mapM (hoistAlts lpatName) matchList
pure (EBind (ECase val hoistedAlts) lpat rightExp, Set.delete varName $ mconcat [leftUse, caseUse, rightUse])
-- last case
EBindF ((ECase val alts1, leftUse) :< _) (VarPat lpatName) ((ECase varName alts2, rightUse) :< _)
| lpatName == varName
, Just alts1Types <- sequence $ map (getReturnTagSet typeEnv) alts1
, Just matchList <- disjointMatch (zip alts1Types alts1) alts2
-> do
hoistedAlts <- mapM (hoistAlts lpatName) matchList
pure (ECase val hoistedAlts, Set.delete varName $ mconcat [leftUse, rightUse])
_ -> let useSub = Data.Foldable.fold (snd . extract <$> exp)
useExp = foldNameUseExpF Set.singleton exp
in pure (embed (fst . extract <$> exp), mconcat [useSub, useExp])
hoistAlts :: Name -> (Alt, Alt) -> NameM Alt
hoistAlts lpatName (Alt cpat1 altName1 alt1, Alt cpat2 altName2 alt2) = do
freshLPatName <- deriveNewName lpatName
let nameMap = Map.singleton lpatName freshLPatName
(freshAlt2, _) <- refreshNames nameMap $
EBind (SReturn $ Var freshLPatName) (VarPat altName2) alt2
pure . Alt cpat1 altName1 $ EBind (SBlock alt1) (VarPat freshLPatName) freshAlt2
disjointMatch :: [(Set Tag, Alt)] -> [Alt] -> Maybe [(Alt, Alt)]
disjointMatch tsAlts1 alts2
| Just (defaults, tagMap) <- mconcat <$> mapM groupByCPats alts2
, length defaults <= 1
, Just (altPairs, _, _) <- Data.Foldable.foldrM (matchAlt tagMap) ([], defaults, Set.empty) tsAlts1
= Just altPairs
disjointMatch _ _ = Nothing
groupByCPats :: Alt -> Maybe ([Alt], Map Tag Alt)
groupByCPats alt@(Alt cpat _ _) = case cpat of
DefaultPat -> Just ([alt], mempty)
NodePat tag _ -> Just ([], Map.singleton tag alt)
_ -> Nothing
matchAlt :: Map Tag Alt -> (Set Tag, Alt) -> ([(Alt, Alt)], [Alt], Set Tag) -> Maybe ([(Alt, Alt)], [Alt], Set Tag)
matchAlt tagMap (ts, alt1) (matchList, defaults, coveredTags)
-- regular node pattern
| Set.size ts == 1
, tag <- Set.findMin ts
, Set.notMember tag coveredTags
, Just alt2 <- Map.lookup tag tagMap
= Just ((alt1, alt2):matchList, defaults, Set.insert tag coveredTags)
-- default can handle this
| defaultAlt:[] <- defaults
, Data.Foldable.all (flip Set.notMember coveredTags) ts
= Just ((alt1, defaultAlt):matchList, [], coveredTags `mappend` ts)
| otherwise = Nothing
- add cloned variables to TypeEnv
done - ignore non linear scrutinee
this could be supported if product type was available in GRIN then the second case could return from the hoisted case with a pair of the original two case results

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, TupleSections, ViewPatterns #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.ConstantPropagation where
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import Lens.Micro ((^.))
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Util
propagates only tag values but not literals
GRIN is not a supercompiler
We only need the tag information to simplify case expressions.
This means that Env could be a Name -> Tag mapping.
type Env = Map Name Val
constantPropagation :: Exp -> Exp
constantPropagation e = ana builder (mempty, e) where
builder :: (Env, Exp) -> ExpF (Env, Exp)
builder (env, exp) = case exp of
ECase scrut alts ->
let constVal = getValue scrut env
known = isKnown constVal || Map.member scrut env
matchingAlts = [alt | alt@(Alt cpat name body) <- alts, match cpat constVal]
defaultAlts = [alt | alt@(Alt DefaultPat name body) <- alts]
-- HINT: use cpat as known value in the alternative ; bind cpat to val
altEnv cpat = env `mappend` unify env scrut (cPatToVal cpat)
in case (known, matchingAlts, defaultAlts) of
-- known scutinee, specific pattern
(True, [Alt cpat name body], _) -> (env,) <$> SBlockF (EBind (SReturn $ constVal) (cPatToAsPat cpat name) body)
-- known scutinee, default pattern
(True, _, [Alt DefaultPat name body]) -> (env,) <$> SBlockF (EBind (SReturn $ Var scrut) (VarPat name) body)
-- unknown scutinee
-- HINT: in each alternative set val value like it was matched
_ -> ECaseF scrut [(altEnv cpat, alt) | alt@(Alt cpat name _) <- alts]
-- track values
EBind (SReturn val) bPat rightExp -> (env `mappend` unify env (bPat ^. _BPatVar) val,) <$> project exp
_ -> (env,) <$> project exp
unify :: Env -> Name -> Val -> Env
unify env var val = case val of
ConstTagNode{} -> Map.singleton var val
Unit -> Map.singleton var val -- HINT: default pattern (minor hack)
Var v -> Map.singleton var (getValue v env)
Lit{} -> mempty
_ -> error $ "ConstantPropagation/unify: unexpected value: " ++ show (val) -- TODO: PP
isKnown :: Val -> Bool
isKnown = \case
ConstTagNode{} -> True
_ -> False
match :: CPat -> Val -> Bool
match (NodePat tagA _) (ConstTagNode tagB _) = tagA == tagB
match _ _ = False
getValue :: Name -> Env -> Val
getValue varName env = Map.findWithDefault (Var varName) varName env

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, TupleSections, ViewPatterns #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.CopyPropagation where
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

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@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, RecordWildCards, ViewPatterns #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.DeadDataElimination where
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vec
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Functor.Foldable as Foldable
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Lens.Micro
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Pretty
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeEnv
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.CreatedBy.Util
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.CreatedBy.Result
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.LiveVariable.Result
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Util
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Names
-- TODO: make NameM local (it's only used once in ddeFromProducers)
-- (t,lv) -> t'
-- we deleted the dead fields from a node with tag t with liveness lv
-- then we introduced the new tag t' for this deleted node
type TagMapping = Map (Tag, Vector Bool) Tag
type Trf = ExceptT String (StateT TagMapping NameM)
execTrf :: Exp -> Trf a -> Either String (a, ExpChanges)
execTrf e = moveChangedResult . evalNameM e . flip evalStateT mempty . runExceptT
moveChangedResult (x, b) = either Left (\r -> Right (r, b)) x
getTag :: Tag -> Vector Bool -> Trf Tag
getTag t lv
| and lv = pure t
getTag t@(Tag ty n) lv = do
mt' <- gets $ Map.lookup (t,lv)
case mt' of
Just t' -> return t'
Nothing -> do
n' <- lift $ lift $ deriveNewName n
let t' = Tag ty n'
modify $ Map.insert (t,lv) t'
return t'
deadDataElimination :: LVAResult -> CByResult -> TypeEnv -> Exp -> Either String (Exp, ExpChanges)
deadDataElimination lvaResult cbyResult tyEnv e = execTrf e $
ddeFromProducers lvaResult cbyResult tyEnv e >>= ddeFromConsumers cbyResult tyEnv
lookupNodeLivenessM :: Name -> Tag -> LVAResult -> Trf (Vector Bool)
lookupNodeLivenessM v t lvaResult = do
lvInfo <- lookupExcept (noLiveness v) v . _registerLv $ lvaResult
case lvInfo of
NodeSet taggedLiveness ->
_fields <$> lookupExcept (noLivenessTag v t) t taggedLiveness
_ -> throwE $ notANode v
where noLiveness v = noLivenessMsg ++ show (PP v)
noLivenessTag v t = noLivenessMsg ++ show (PP v) ++ " with tag " ++ show (PP t)
noLivenessMsg = "No liveness information present for variable "
notANode v = "Variable " ++ show (PP v) ++ " has non-node liveness information. " ++
"Probable cause: Either lookupNodeLivenessM was called on a non-node variable, " ++
"or the liveness information was never calculated for the variable " ++
"(e.g.: it was inside a dead case alternative)."
-- Global liveness is the accumulated liveness information about the producers
-- It represents the collective liveness of a producer group.
type GlobalLiveness = Map Name (Map Tag (Vector Bool))
This should always get an active producer graph
Even if it does not, lookupNodeLivenessM will not be called on dead(1) variables,
because the connectProds set will be empty for such variables.
(1) - Here "dead variable" means a variable that was not analyzed.
NOTE: We will ignore undefined producers, since they should always be dead.
calcGlobalLiveness :: LVAResult ->
ProducerGraph' ->
Trf GlobalLiveness
calcGlobalLiveness lvaResult (withoutUndefined -> prodGraph) =
mapWithDoubleKeyM' mergeLivenessExcept prodGraph where
-- map using only the keys
mapWithDoubleKeyM' f = mapWithDoubleKeyM (\k1 k2 v -> f k1 k2)
-- For producer p and tag t, it merges the liveness information of all fields
-- with the other producers sharing a consumer with p for tag t.
-- Every producer must have at least one connection for its own tag
-- with itself (reflexive closure).
-- NOTE: What if a ctor is applied to different number of arguments?
-- This can only happen at pattern matches, not at the time of construction.
-- So we do not have to worry about the liveness of those "extra" parameters.
-- They will always be at the last positions.
mergeLivenessExcept :: Name -> Tag -> Trf (Vector Bool)
mergeLivenessExcept prod tag = do
let ps = Set.toList connectedProds
when (null ps) (throwE $ noConnections prod tag)
ls <- mapM (\v -> lookupNodeLivenessM v tag lvaResult) ps
pure $ foldl1 (Vec.zipWith (||)) ls
connectedProds :: Set Name
connectedProds = fromMaybe mempty
. Map.lookup tag
. fromMaybe mempty
. Map.lookup prod
$ prodGraph
noConnections :: (Pretty a, Pretty b) => a -> b -> String
noConnections p t = "Producer " ++ show (PP p) ++
" for tag " ++ show (PP t) ++
" is not connected with any other producers"
ddeFromConsumers :: CByResult -> TypeEnv -> (Exp, GlobalLiveness) -> Trf Exp
ddeFromConsumers cbyResult tyEnv (e, gblLiveness) = cataM alg e where
alg :: ExpF Exp -> Trf Exp
alg = \case
ECaseF v alts -> do
alts' <- forM alts $ \case
Alt (NodePat t args) altName e -> do
(args',lv) <- deleteDeadFieldsM v t args
let deletedArgs = args \\ args'
e' <- bindToUndefineds tyEnv e deletedArgs
t' <- getTag t lv
pure $ Alt (NodePat t' args') altName e'
e -> pure e
pure $ ECase v alts'
EBindF lhs (AsPat t args v) rhs -> do
(args',lv) <- deleteDeadFieldsM v t args
let deletedArgs = (args \\ args')
rhs' <- bindToUndefineds tyEnv rhs deletedArgs
t' <- getTag t lv
pure $ EBind lhs (AsPat t' args' v) rhs'
e -> pure . embed $ e
deleteDeadFieldsM :: Name -> Tag -> [a] -> Trf ([a], Vector Bool)
deleteDeadFieldsM v t args = do
gblLivenessVT <- lookupGlobalLivenessM v t
let args' = zipFilter args gblLivenessVT
liveness = Vec.fromList $ take (length args) gblLivenessVT
pure (args', liveness)
-- Returns "all dead" if it cannot find the tag
-- This way it handles impossible case alternatives
-- NOTE: could also be solved by prior sparse case optimisation
lookupGlobalLivenessM :: Name -> Tag -> Trf [Bool]
lookupGlobalLivenessM v t = do
let pMap = _producerMap . _producers $ cbyResult
pSet <- _producerSet <$> lookupExcept (notFoundInPMap v) v pMap
flip catchE (const $ pure $ repeat False) $ do
~(p:_) <- Set.toList <$> lookupExcept (notFoundInPSet t) t pSet
liveness <- lookupWithDoubleKeyExcept (notFoundLiveness p t) p t gblLiveness
pure $ Vec.toList liveness
-- For each producer, it dummifies all locally unused fields.
-- If the field is dead for all other producers in the same group,
-- then it deletes that field.
-- Whenever it deletes a field, it makes a new entry into a table.
-- This table will be used to transform the consumers.
ddeFromProducers :: LVAResult -> CByResult -> TypeEnv -> Exp -> Trf (Exp, GlobalLiveness)
ddeFromProducers lvaResult cbyResult tyEnv e = (,) <$> cataM alg e <*> globalLivenessM where
-- deleteing all globally unused fields
-- if the variable was not analyzed (has type T_Dead), it will be skipped
alg :: ExpF Exp -> Trf Exp
alg = \case
-- TODO: investigate as-pat case
e@(EBindF (SReturn (ConstTagNode t args)) bPat@(_bPatVar -> v) rhs)
| Just T_Dead <- tyEnv ^? variable . at v . _Just . _T_SimpleType
-> pure . embed $ e
-- TODO: investigate as-pat case
EBindF (SReturn (ConstTagNode t args)) bPat@(_bPatVar -> v) rhs -> do
globalLiveness <- globalLivenessM
nodeLiveness <- lookupNodeLivenessM v t lvaResult
globalNodeLiveness <- lookupWithDoubleKeyExcept (notFoundLiveness v t) v t globalLiveness
let onlyDummifiable = \locallyLive globallyLive -> not locallyLive && globallyLive
onlyDummifiables = Vec.zipWith onlyDummifiable nodeLiveness globalNodeLiveness
toBeDummified = zipFilter (zip [0..] args) (Vec.toList onlyDummifiables)
toBeDummifiedIxs = fst <$> toBeDummified
toBeDummifiedArgs = snd <$> toBeDummified
typedDummifiedArgs <- typedFreshNames toBeDummifiedArgs
newTag <- getTag t globalNodeLiveness -- could be the same as the old one
let argsVec = Vec.fromList args
indexedNewArgs = Vec.fromList . zip toBeDummifiedIxs . map fst $ typedDummifiedArgs
newArgs = Vec.toList $ Vec.update argsVec indexedNewArgs
liveNewArgs = zipFilter newArgs (Vec.toList globalNodeLiveness)
returnNewNode = SReturn (ConstTagNode newTag liveNewArgs)
pure $ typedDummifiedArgs `areBoundThen` EBind returnNewNode bPat rhs
e -> pure . embed $ e
-- extracts the active producer grouping from the CByResult
-- if not present, it calculates it (so it will always work with only the active producers)
prodGraph :: ProducerGraph'
prodGraph = case _groupedProducers cbyResult of
All _ -> fromProducerGraph
. groupActiveProducers lvaResult
. _producers
$ cbyResult
Active activeProdGraph -> fromProducerGraph activeProdGraph
globalLivenessM :: Trf GlobalLiveness
globalLivenessM = calcGlobalLiveness lvaResult prodGraph
-- NOTE: uses tyEnv from outer scope
-- | Given a list of names, it looks up their types
-- and pairs them with fresh new names.
typedFreshNames :: [Name] -> Trf [(Name, Type)]
typedFreshNames ns = forM ns $ \v -> do
v' <- lift $ lift $ deriveNewName v
ty <- lookupExcept (notFoundInTyEnv v) v (_variable tyEnv)
let ty' = simplifyType ty
pure (v', ty')
-- TODO: comment
-- | Constructs a binding sequence which first
-- binds the typed undefineds to the given names,
-- then returns a node with those arguments.
areBoundThen :: [(Name, Type)] -> Exp -> Exp
areBoundThen typedDummifiedArgs cont =
foldl rebindToUndefined cont typedDummifiedArgs where
-- returnNewNode :: Exp
-- returnNewNode = SReturn (ConstTagNode tag allArgs)
rebindToUndefined :: Exp -> (Name, Type) -> Exp
rebindToUndefined rhs (v, ty) =
EBind (SReturn (Undefined ty)) (VarPat v) rhs
notFoundInPMap :: Pretty a => a -> String
notFoundInPMap v = notFoundIn "Variable" (PP v) "producer map"
notFoundInPSet :: Pretty a => a -> String
notFoundInPSet t = notFoundIn "Tag" (PP t) "producer set"
notFoundLiveness :: (Pretty a, Pretty b) => a -> b -> String
notFoundLiveness p t = "Producer " ++ show (PP p) ++
" with tag " ++ show (PP t) ++
" not found in global liveness map"
notFoundInTyEnv :: Pretty a => a -> String
notFoundInTyEnv v = notFoundIn "Variable" (PP v) "type environment"
notFoundInTySetFor :: (Pretty a, Pretty b) => a -> b -> String
notFoundInTySetFor t v = (notFoundIn "Tag" (PP t) "node type set") ++ " for variable " ++ show (PP v)

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, RecordWildCards #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.DeadParameterElimination where
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Vector as Vec
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor.Foldable as Foldable
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeEnvDefs
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Util
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.LiveVariable.Result as LVA
type Trf = Except String
runTrf :: Trf a -> Either String a
runTrf = runExcept
-- P and F nodes are handled by Dead Data Elimination
deadParameterElimination :: LVAResult -> TypeEnv -> Exp -> Either String Exp
deadParameterElimination lvaResult tyEnv = runTrf . cataM alg where
alg :: ExpF Exp -> Trf Exp
alg = \case
DefF f args body -> do
liveArgs <- onlyLiveArgs f args
let deletedArgs = args \\ liveArgs
body' <- bindToUndefineds tyEnv body deletedArgs
return $ Def f liveArgs body'
SAppF f args -> do
liveArgs <- onlyLiveArgs f args
return $ SApp f liveArgs
e -> pure . embed $ e
onlyLiveArgs :: Name -> [a] -> Trf [a]
onlyLiveArgs f args = do
argsLv <- lookupArgLivenessM f lvaResult
return $ zipFilter args (Vec.toList argsLv)
lookupArgLivenessM :: Name -> LVAResult -> Trf (Vector Bool)
lookupArgLivenessM f LVAResult{..} = do
let funNotFound = "Function " ++ show f ++ " was not found in liveness analysis result"
(_,argLv) <- lookupExcept funNotFound f _functionLv
return $ isLive argLv

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@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, TupleSections, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.GeneralizedUnboxing where
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Function (fix)
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.Functor.Infix ((<$$>))
import Data.Functor.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, mapMaybe, isJust)
import Lens.Micro.Platform
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Util (anaM, apoM)
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Names
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeEnv
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Pretty
generalizedUnboxing :: TypeEnv -> Exp -> (Exp, ExpChanges)
generalizedUnboxing te exp = if (null funs)
then (exp, NoChange)
else second
(const NewNames) -- New functions are created, but NameM monad is not used
(evalNameM exp (transformCalls funs te =<< transformReturns funs te exp))
funs = functionsToUnbox te exp
-- TODO: Support tagless nodes.
tailCalls :: Exp -> Maybe [Name]
tailCalls = cata collect where
collect :: ExpF (Maybe [Name]) -> Maybe [Name]
collect = \case
DefF _ _ result -> result
EBindF _ _ result -> result
ECaseF _ alts -> nonEmpty $ concat $ catMaybes alts
AltF _ _ result -> result
SAppF f _ -> Just [f]
e -> Nothing
nonEmpty :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
nonEmpty [] = Nothing
nonEmpty xs = Just xs
doesReturnAKnownProduct :: TypeEnv -> Name -> Bool
doesReturnAKnownProduct = isJust <$$> returnsAUniqueTag
returnsAUniqueTag :: TypeEnv -> Name -> Maybe (Tag, Type)
returnsAUniqueTag te name = do
(tag, vs) <- te ^? function . at name . _Just . _1 . _T_NodeSet . to Map.toList . to singleton . _Just
typ <- singleton (Vector.toList vs)
pure (tag, T_SimpleType typ)
singleton :: [a] -> Maybe a
singleton = \case
[] -> Nothing
[a] -> Just a
_ -> Nothing
transitive :: (Ord a) => (a -> Set a) -> Set a -> Set a
transitive f res0 =
let res1 = res0 `Set.union` (Set.unions $ map f $ Set.toList res0)
in if res1 == res0
then res0
else transitive f res1
-- TODO: Remove the fix combinator, explore the function
-- dependency graph and rewrite disqualify steps based on that.
functionsToUnbox :: TypeEnv -> Exp -> Set Name
functionsToUnbox te (Program exts defs) = result where
funName (Def n _ _) = n
tailCallsMap :: Map Name [Name]
tailCallsMap = Map.fromList $ mapMaybe (\e -> (,) (funName e) <$> tailCalls e) defs
tranisitiveTailCalls :: Map Name (Set Name)
tranisitiveTailCalls = Map.fromList $ map (\k -> (k, transitive inTailCalls (Set.singleton k))) $ Map.keys tailCallsMap
inTailCalls :: Name -> Set Name
inTailCalls n = maybe mempty Set.fromList $ Map.lookup n tailCallsMap
nonCandidateTailCallMap = Map.withoutKeys tranisitiveTailCalls result0
candidateCalledByNonCandidate = (Set.unions $ Map.elems nonCandidateTailCallMap) `Set.intersection` result0
result = result0 `Set.difference` candidateCalledByNonCandidate
result0 = Set.fromList $ step initial
initial = map funName $ filter (doesReturnAKnownProduct te . funName) defs
disqualify candidates = filter
(\candidate -> case Map.lookup candidate tailCallsMap of
Nothing -> True
Just calls -> all (`elem` candidates) calls)
step = fix $ \rec x0 ->
let x1 = disqualify x0 in
if x0 == x1
then x0
else rec x1
updateTypeEnv :: Set Name -> TypeEnv -> TypeEnv
updateTypeEnv funs te = te & function %~ unboxFun
unboxFun = Map.fromList . map changeFun . Map.toList
changeFun (n, ts@(ret, params)) =
if Set.member n funs
then (,) (n <> ".unboxed")
$ maybe ts ((\t -> (t, params)) . T_SimpleType) $
ret ^? _T_NodeSet
. to Map.elems
. to singleton
. _Just
. to Vector.toList
. to singleton
. _Just
else (n, ts)
transformReturns :: Set Name -> TypeEnv -> Exp -> NameM Exp
transformReturns toUnbox te exp = apoM builder (Nothing, exp) where
builder :: (Maybe (Tag, Type), Exp) -> NameM (ExpF (Either Exp (Maybe (Tag, Type), Exp)))
builder (mTagType, exp0) = case exp0 of
Def name params body
| Set.member name toUnbox -> pure $ DefF name params (Right (returnsAUniqueTag te name, body))
| otherwise -> pure $ DefF name params (Left body)
-- Always skip the lhs of a bind.
EBind lhs pat rhs -> pure $ EBindF (Left lhs) pat (Right (mTagType, rhs))
-- Remove the tag from the value
SReturn (ConstTagNode tag [arg]) -> pure $ SReturnF (Var arg)
-- Rewrite a node variable
-- fromJust works, as when we enter the processing of body of the
-- expression only happens with the provided tag.
| canUnbox simpleExp
, Just (tag, typ) <- mTagType
-> do
freshName <- deriveNewName $ "unboxed." <> (showTS $ PP tag)
asPatName <- deriveWildCard
pure . SBlockF . Left $ EBind simpleExp (AsPat tag [freshName] asPatName) (SReturn $ Var freshName)
rest -> pure (Right . (,) mTagType <$> project rest)
-- NOTE: SApp is handled by transformCalls
canUnbox :: SimpleExp -> Bool
canUnbox = \case
SApp n ps -> n `Set.notMember` toUnbox
SReturn{} -> True
SFetch{} -> True
_ -> False
transformCalls :: Set Name -> TypeEnv -> Exp -> NameM Exp
transformCalls toUnbox typeEnv exp = anaM builderM (True, Nothing, exp) where
builderM :: (Bool, Maybe Name, Exp) -> NameM (ExpF (Bool, Maybe Name, Exp))
builderM (isRightExp, mDefName, e) = case e of
Def name params body
-> pure $ DefF (if Set.member name toUnbox then name <> ".unboxed" else name) params (True, Just name, body)
-- track the control flow
EBind lhs pat rhs -> pure $ EBindF (False, mDefName, lhs) pat (isRightExp, mDefName, rhs)
SApp name params
| Set.member name toUnbox
, Just defName <- mDefName
, unboxedName <- name <> ".unboxed"
, Just (tag, fstType) <- returnsAUniqueTag typeEnv name
-> if Set.member defName toUnbox && isRightExp
-- from candidate to candidate: tailcalls do not need a transform
then pure $ SAppF unboxedName params
-- from outside to candidate
else do
freshName <- deriveNewName $ "unboxed." <> (showTS $ PP tag)
pure . SBlockF . (isRightExp, mDefName,) $
EBind (SApp unboxedName params) (VarPat freshName) (SReturn $ ConstTagNode tag [freshName])
rest -> pure ((isRightExp, mDefName,) <$> project rest)

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@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, TupleSections, RecordWildCards, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.Inlining where
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Functor.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Foldable
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeEnv
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Util
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Names
-- analysis
data Stat
= Stat
{ bindCount :: !Int
, functionCallCount :: !(Map Name Int)
instance Semigroup Stat where (Stat i1 m1) <> (Stat i2 m2) = Stat (i1 + i2) (Map.unionWith (+) m1 m2)
instance Monoid Stat where mempty = Stat 0 mempty
selectInlineSet :: Program -> Set Name
selectInlineSet prog@(Program exts defs) = inlineSet where
(bindList, callTrees) = unzip
[ (Map.singleton name bindCount, (name, functionCallCount))
| def@(Def name _ _) <- defs
, let Stat{..} = cata folder def
bindSequenceLimit = 100
-- TODO: limit inline overhead using CALL COUNT * SIZE < LIMIT
callSet = Map.keysSet . Map.filter (== 1) . Map.unionsWith (+) $ map snd callTrees
bindSet = Map.keysSet . Map.filter (< bindSequenceLimit) $ mconcat bindList
candidateSet = mconcat [bindSet `Set.intersection` leafSet, callSet]
defCallTree = Map.fromList callTrees
leafSet = Set.fromList [name | (name, callMap) <- callTrees, Map.null callMap]
-- keep only the leaves of the candidate call tree
inlineSet = Set.delete "grinMain" $ Data.Foldable.foldr stripCallers candidateSet candidateSet
-- remove intermediate nodes from the call tree
stripCallers name set = set Set.\\ (Map.keysSet $ Map.findWithDefault mempty name defCallTree)
folder :: ExpF Stat -> Stat
folder = \case
EBindF left _ right
-> mconcat [left, right, Stat 1 mempty]
SAppF name _
| not (isExternalName exts name)
-> Stat 0 $ Map.singleton name 1
exp -> Data.Foldable.fold exp
-- transformation
-- TODO: add the cloned variables to the type env
-- QUESTION: apo OR ana ???
inlining :: Set Name -> TypeEnv -> Program -> (Program, ExpChanges)
inlining functionsToInline typeEnv prog@(Program exts defs) = evalNameM prog $ apoM builder prog where
defMap :: Map Name Def
defMap = Map.fromList [(name, def) | def@(Def name _ _) <- defs]
builder :: Exp -> NameM (ExpF (Either Exp Exp))
builder = \case
-- HINT: do not touch functions marked to inline
Def name args body | Set.member name functionsToInline -> pure . DefF name args $ Left body
-- HINT: bind argument values to function's new arguments and append the body with the fresh names
-- with this solution the name refreshing is just a name mapping and does not require a substitution map
SApp name args
| Set.member name functionsToInline
, Just def <- Map.lookup name defMap
-> do
freshDef <- refreshNames mempty def
let (Def _ argNames funBody, nameMap) = freshDef
let bind (n,v) e = EBind (SReturn v) (VarPat n) e
pure . SBlockF . Left $ foldr bind funBody . zip argNames . map Var $ args
exp -> pure (Right <$> project exp)
- maintain type env
- test inlining
- test inline selection
- test inline: autoselection + inlining
lateInlining :: TypeEnv -> Exp -> (Exp, ExpChanges)
lateInlining typeEnv prog = first (cleanup nameSet typeEnv) $ inlining nameSet typeEnv prog where
nameSet = selectInlineSet prog
inlineEval :: TypeEnv -> Exp -> (Exp, ExpChanges)
inlineEval te = first (cleanup nameSet te) . inlining nameSet te where
nameSet = Set.fromList ["eval", "idr_{EVAL_0}"]
inlineApply :: TypeEnv -> Exp -> (Exp, ExpChanges)
inlineApply te = first (cleanup nameSet te) . inlining nameSet te where
nameSet = Set.fromList ["apply", "idr_{APPLY_0}"]
inlineBuiltins :: TypeEnv -> Exp -> (Exp, ExpChanges)
inlineBuiltins te = first (cleanup nameSet te) . inlining nameSet te where
nameSet = Set.fromList ["_rts_int_gt", "_rts_int_add", "_rts_int_print"] -- TODO: use proper selection
cleanup :: Set Name -> TypeEnv -> Program -> Program
cleanup nameSet typeEnv (Program exts defs) =
Program exts [def | def@(Def name _ _) <- defs, Set.notMember name nameSet]

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, RecordWildCards #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.NonSharedElimination where
Remove the updates that update only non-shared locations.
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Functor.Foldable as Foldable
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeEnv (ptrLocations)
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeCheck (typeEnvFromHPTResult)
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Names (ExpChanges(..))
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.Sharing.Result (SharingResult(..))
nonSharedElimination :: SharingResult -> Exp -> (Exp, ExpChanges)
nonSharedElimination SharingResult{..} exp = (exp', change) where
exp' = cata skipUpdate exp
change = if exp' /= exp then DeletedHeapOperation else NoChange
tyEnv = either error id $ typeEnvFromHPTResult _hptResult
-- Remove bind when the parameter points to non-shared locations only.
skipUpdate :: ExpF Exp -> Exp
skipUpdate = \case
EBindF (SUpdate p _) _ rhs
| all notShared . ptrLocations tyEnv $ p -> rhs
exp -> embed exp
notShared :: Loc -> Bool
notShared l = not $ Set.member l _sharedLocs

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, TupleSections, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.SimpleDeadFunctionElimination where
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Functor.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Foldable
import Text.Printf
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
simpleDeadFunctionElimination :: Program -> Program
simpleDeadFunctionElimination exp@(Program exts defs) = Program exts [def | def@(Def name _ _) <- defs, Set.member name liveDefs] where
defMap :: Map Name Def
defMap = Map.fromList [(name, def) | def@(Def name _ _) <- defs]
lookupDef :: Name -> Maybe Def
lookupDef name = Map.lookup name defMap
liveDefs :: Set Name
liveDefs = fst $ until (\(live, visited) -> live == visited) visit (Set.singleton "grinMain", mempty)
visit :: (Set Name, Set Name) -> (Set Name, Set Name)
visit (live, visited) = (mappend live seen, mappend visited toVisit) where
toVisit = Set.difference live visited
seen = foldMap (maybe mempty (cata collect) . lookupDef) toVisit
collect :: ExpF (Set Name) -> Set Name
collect = \case
SAppF name _ | not (isExternalName exts name) -> Set.singleton name
exp -> Data.Foldable.fold exp

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, TupleSections #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.SimpleDeadParameterElimination where
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Functor.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.Foldable
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Util
collectUsedNames :: Exp -> Set Name
collectUsedNames = cata folder where
folder exp = foldNameUseExpF Set.singleton exp `mappend` Data.Foldable.fold exp
simpleDeadParameterElimination :: Program -> Program
simpleDeadParameterElimination prog@(Program exts defs) = ana builder prog where
deadArgMap :: Map Name (Set Int)
deadArgMap = mconcat $ mapMaybe deadArgsInDef defs
deadArgsInDef :: Def -> Maybe (Map Name (Set Int))
deadArgsInDef def@(Def name args _)
| usedNames <- collectUsedNames def
, deadArgIndices <- Set.fromList . map fst . filter (flip Set.notMember usedNames . snd) $ zip [0..] args
= if null deadArgIndices
then Nothing
else Just $ Map.singleton name deadArgIndices
removeDead :: Set Int -> [a] -> [a]
removeDead dead args = [arg | (idx, arg) <- zip [0..] args, Set.notMember idx dead]
builder :: Exp -> ExpF Exp
builder e = case mapValsExp pruneVal e of
Def name args body
| Just dead <- Map.lookup name deadArgMap
-> DefF name (removeDead dead args) body
SApp name args
| Just dead <- Map.lookup name deadArgMap
-> SAppF name (removeDead dead args)
EBind leftExp (AsPat tag args var) rightExp
| Tag kind tagName <- tag
, isPFtag kind
, Just deadIxs <- Map.lookup tagName deadArgMap
-> EBindF leftExp (AsPat tag (removeDead deadIxs args) var) rightExp
Alt cpat@NodePat{} altName body
-> AltF (pruneCPat cpat) altName body
exp -> project exp
pruneVal :: Val -> Val
pruneVal = \case
ConstTagNode tag@(Tag kind name) args
| isPFtag kind
, Just dead <- Map.lookup name deadArgMap
-> ConstTagNode tag (removeDead dead args)
val -> val
pruneCPat :: CPat -> CPat
pruneCPat = \case
NodePat tag@(Tag kind name) vars
| isPFtag kind
, Just deadIxs <- Map.lookup name deadArgMap
-> NodePat tag (removeDead deadIxs vars)
cpat -> cpat
isPFtag :: TagType -> Bool
isPFtag = \case
F{} -> True
P{} -> True
_ -> False

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.SimpleDeadVariableElimination where
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Functor.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.Foldable
import Lens.Micro.Platform
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeEnv
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.EffectMap
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Util
-- TODO: consult EffectMap for side-effects
-- QUESTION: should SDVE use any interprocedural information?
simpleDeadVariableElimination :: EffectMap -> Exp -> Exp
simpleDeadVariableElimination effMap e = cata folder e ^. _1 where
effectfulExternals :: Set Name
effectfulExternals = case e of
Program es _ -> Set.fromList $ map eName $ filter eEffectful es
_ -> Set.empty
folder :: ExpF (Exp, Set Name, Bool) -> (Exp, Set Name, Bool)
folder = \case
exp@(EBindF (left, _, True) bPat right) -> embedExp exp
exp@(EBindF (left, _, _) bPat right@(_, rightRef, _))
| vars <- foldNames Set.singleton bPat -- if all the variables
, all (flip Set.notMember rightRef) vars -- are not referred
-> case left of
SBlock{} -> embedExp exp
_ -> right
exp@(SAppF name _) ->
embedExp exp & _3 .~ (hasPossibleSideEffect name effMap || Set.member name effectfulExternals)
exp -> embedExp exp
embedExp :: ExpF (Exp, Set Name, Bool) -> (Exp, Set Name, Bool)
embedExp exp0 =
( embed (view _1 <$> exp0)
, foldNameUseExpF Set.singleton exp0 `mappend` Data.Foldable.fold (view _2 <$> exp0)
, getAny $ Data.Foldable.fold (view (_3 . to Any) <$> exp0)

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, TupleSections, RecordWildCards #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.SparseCaseOptimisation where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Functor.Foldable as Foldable
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Pretty
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeEnv
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Util
sparseCaseOptimisation :: TypeEnv -> Exp -> Either String Exp
sparseCaseOptimisation TypeEnv{..} = runExcept . anaM builder where
builder :: Exp -> Except String (ExpF Exp)
builder = \case
ECase scrut alts -> do
scrutType <- lookupExcept (notInTyEnv scrut) scrut _variable
let alts' = filterAlts scrutType alts
pure $ ECaseF scrut alts'
exp -> pure . project $ exp
notInTyEnv v = "SCO: Variable " ++ show (PP v) ++ " not found in type env"
filterAlts :: Type -> [Exp] -> [Exp]
filterAlts scrutTy alts =
[ alt
| alt@(Alt cpat _name _body) <- alts
, possible scrutTy allPatTags cpat
] where allPatTags = Set.fromList [tag | Alt (NodePat tag _) _name _body <- alts]
possible :: Type -> Set Tag -> CPat -> Bool
possible (T_NodeSet nodeSet) allPatTags cpat = case cpat of
NodePat tag _args -> Map.member tag nodeSet
-- HINT: the default case is redundant if normal cases fully cover the domain
DefaultPat -> not $ null (Set.difference (Map.keysSet nodeSet) allPatTags)
_ -> False
possible ty@T_SimpleType{} _ cpat = case cpat of
LitPat lit -> ty == typeOfLit lit
DefaultPat -> True -- HINT: the value domain is unknown, it is not possible to prove if it overlaps or it is fully covered
_ -> False

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@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ trivialCaseElimination = ana builder where
builder :: Exp -> ExpF Exp
builder = \case
ECase scrut [Alt DefaultPat altName body] -> SBlockF $ EBind (SReturn (Var scrut)) (VarPat altName) body
ECase scrut [Alt cpat altName body] -> SBlockF $ EBind (SReturn (Var scrut)) (cPatToAsPat altName cpat) body
ECase scrut [Alt cpat altName body] -> SBlockF $ EBind (SReturn (Var scrut)) (cPatToAsPat cpat altName) body
exp -> project exp

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@ -108,19 +108,19 @@ mapNameUseExp f = \case
subst :: Ord a => Map a a -> a -> a
subst env x = Map.findWithDefault x x env
-- substitute all @Names@s in an @Exp@
-- substitute all @Names@s in an @Exp@ (non-recursive)
substVarRefExp :: Map Name Name -> Exp -> Exp
substVarRefExp env = mapNameUseExp (subst env)
-- substitute all @Names@s in a @Val@
-- substitute all @Names@s in a @Val@ (non-recursive)
substNamesVal :: Map Name Name -> Val -> Val
substNamesVal env = mapNamesVal (subst env)
-- specialized version of @subst@ to @Val@s
-- specialized version of @subst@ to @Val@s (non-recursive)
substValsVal :: Map Val Val -> Val -> Val
substValsVal env = subst env
-- substitute all @Val@s in an @Exp@
-- substitute all @Val@s in an @Exp@ (non-recursive)
substVals :: Map Val Val -> Exp -> Exp
substVals env = mapValsExp (subst env)
@ -130,9 +130,9 @@ cPatToVal = \case
LitPat lit -> Lit lit
DefaultPat -> Unit
cPatToAsPat :: Name -> CPat -> BPat
cPatToAsPat name (NodePat tag args) = AsPat tag args name
cPatToAsPat _ cPat = error $ "cPatToAsPat: cannot convert to as-pattern: " ++ show (PP cPat)
cPatToAsPat :: CPat -> Name -> BPat
cPatToAsPat (NodePat tag args) name = AsPat tag args name
cPatToAsPat cPat _ = error $ "cPatToAsPat: cannot convert to as-pattern: " ++ show (PP cPat)
-- monadic recursion schemes
-- see:

View File

@ -1,54 +1,69 @@
grinMain = n1 <- pure (CInt 1)
t1 <- store n1
n2 <- pure (CInt 10000)
t2 <- store n2
n3 <- pure (Fupto t1 t2)
t3 <- store n3
n4 <- pure (Flength t3)
t4 <- store n4
n5 <- eval t4
(CInt r') <- pure n5
_prim_int_print r'
grinMain =
k0 <- pure 1
n1 <- pure (CInt k0)
t1 <- store n1
k1 <- pure 10000
n2 <- pure (CInt k1)
t2 <- store n2
n3 <- pure (Fupto t1 t2)
t3 <- store n3
n4 <- pure (Flength t3)
t4 <- store n4
n5 <- eval t4
(CInt r') @ _1 <- pure n5
_prim_int_print r'
upto m n = n6 <- eval m
(CInt m') <- pure n6
n7 <- eval n
(CInt n') <- pure n7
b' <- _prim_int_gt m' n'
if b' then
n8 <- pure (CNil)
pure n8
m1' <- _prim_int_add m' 1
n9 <- pure (CInt m1')
m1 <- store n9
n10 <- pure (Fupto m1 n)
p <- store n10
n11 <- pure (CCons.0 p)
pure n11
upto m n =
n6 <- eval m
(CInt m') @ _2 <- pure n6
n7 <- eval n
(CInt n') @ _3 <- pure n7
b' <- _prim_int_gt m' n'
case b' of
#True @ altT ->
n8 <- pure (CNil)
pure n8
#False @ altF ->
k2 <- pure 1
m1' <- _prim_int_add m' k2
n9 <- pure (CInt m1')
m1 <- store n9
n10 <- pure (Fupto m1 n)
p <- store n10
n11 <- pure (CCons.0 p)
pure n11
length l = l2 <- eval l
case l2 of
(CNil) ->
n12 <- pure (CInt 0)
pure n12
(CCons.0 xs) ->
x <- pure (#undefined :: #ptr)
n13 <- length xs
(CInt l') <- pure n13
len <- _prim_int_add l' 1
n14 <- pure (CInt len)
pure n14
length l =
l2 <- eval l
case l2 of
(CNil) @ alt1 ->
k3 <- pure 0
n12 <- pure (CInt k3)
pure n12
(CCons.0 xs) @ alt2 ->
x <- pure (#undefined :: #ptr)
n13 <- length xs
(CInt l') @ _4 <- pure n13
k4 <- pure 1
len <- _prim_int_add l' k4
n14 <- pure (CInt len)
pure n14
eval q = v <- fetch q
case v of
(CInt x'1) -> pure v
(CNil) -> pure v
(CCons.0 ys) -> y <- pure (#undefined :: #ptr)
pure v
(Fupto a b) -> w <- upto a b
update q w
pure w
(Flength c) -> z <- length c
update q z
pure z
eval q =
v <- fetch q
case v of
(CInt x'1) @ alt3 ->
pure v
(CNil) @ alt4 ->
pure v
(CCons.0 ys) @ alt5 ->
y <- pure (#undefined :: #ptr)
pure v
(Fupto a b) @ alt6 ->
w <- upto a b
_5 <- update q w
pure w
(Flength c) @ alt7 ->
z <- length c
_6 <- update q z
pure z

View File

@ -1,50 +1,67 @@
grinMain = n1 <- pure (CInt 1)
t1 <- store n1
n2 <- pure (CInt 10000)
t2 <- store n2
n3 <- pure (Fupto t1 t2)
t3 <- store n3
n4 <- pure (Flength t3)
t4 <- store n4
n5 <- eval t4
(CInt r') <- pure n5
_prim_int_print r'
grinMain =
k0 <- pure 1
n1 <- pure (CInt k0)
t1 <- store n1
k1 <- pure 10000
n2 <- pure (CInt k1)
t2 <- store n2
n3 <- pure (Fupto t1 t2)
t3 <- store n3
n4 <- pure (Flength t3)
t4 <- store n4
n5 <- eval t4
(CInt r') @ _1 <- pure n5
_prim_int_print r'
upto m n = n6 <- eval m
(CInt m') <- pure n6
n7 <- eval n
(CInt n') <- pure n7
b' <- _prim_int_gt m' n'
if b' then
n8 <- pure (CNil)
pure n8
m1' <- _prim_int_add m' 1
n9 <- pure (CInt m1')
m1 <- store n9
n10 <- pure (Fupto m1 n)
p <- store n10
n11 <- pure (CCons m p)
pure n11
upto m n =
n6 <- eval m
(CInt m') @ _2 <- pure n6
n7 <- eval n
(CInt n') @ _3 <- pure n7
b' <- _prim_int_gt m' n'
case b' of
#True @ altT ->
n8 <- pure (CNil)
pure n8
#False @ altF ->
k2 <- pure 1
m1' <- _prim_int_add m' k2
n9 <- pure (CInt m1')
m1 <- store n9
n10 <- pure (Fupto m1 n)
p <- store n10
n11 <- pure (CCons m p)
pure n11
length l = l2 <- eval l
case l2 of
(CNil) -> n12 <- pure (CInt 0)
pure n12
(CCons x xs) -> n13 <- length xs
(CInt l') <- pure n13
len <- _prim_int_add l' 1
n14 <- pure (CInt len)
pure n14
length l =
l2 <- eval l
case l2 of
(CNil) @ alt1 ->
k3 <- pure 0
n12 <- pure (CInt k3)
pure n12
(CCons x xs) @ alt2 ->
n13 <- length xs
(CInt l') @ _4<- pure n13
k4 <- pure 1
len <- _prim_int_add l' k4
n14 <- pure (CInt len)
pure n14
eval q = v <- fetch q
case v of
(CInt x'1) -> pure v
(CNil) -> pure v
(CCons y ys) -> pure v
(Fupto a b) -> w <- upto a b
update q w
pure w
(Flength c) -> z <- length c
update q z
pure z
eval q =
v <- fetch q
case v of
(CInt x'1) @ alt3 ->
pure v
(CNil) @ alt4 ->
pure v
(CCons y ys) @ alt5 ->
pure v
(Fupto a b) @ alt6 ->
w <- upto a b
_5 <- update q w
pure w
(Flength c) @ alt7 ->
z <- length c
_6 <- update q z
pure z

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
grinMain =
a0 <- pure (CInt 5)
a1 <- pure (CInt 5)
a2 <- pure (CInt 5)
k0 <- pure 0
a0 <- pure (CInt k0)
a1 <- pure (CInt k0)
a2 <- pure (CInt k0)
p0 <- store a0
p1 <- store a1
p2 <- store a2
@ -33,13 +34,13 @@ foo x0 y0 z0 =
-- apply always gets the function node in whnf
apply pf cur =
case pf of
(P3foo) ->
(P3foo) @ alt1 ->
n0 <- pure (P2foo cur)
pure n0
(P2foo v0) ->
(P2foo v0) @ alt2 ->
n1 <- pure (P1foo v0 cur)
pure n1
(P1foo v1 v2) ->
(P1foo v1 v2) @ alt3 ->
n2 <- foo v1 v2 cur
pure n2
@ -50,26 +51,26 @@ ap f x =
eval p =
v <- fetch p
case v of
(CInt n) -> pure v
(CInt n) @ alt4 -> pure v
(P3foo) -> pure v
(P2foo v3) -> pure v
(P1foo v4 v5) -> pure v
(P3foo) @ alt5 -> pure v
(P2foo v3) @ alt6 -> pure v
(P1foo v4 v5) @ alt7 -> pure v
(Ffoo.0) ->
(Ffoo.0) @ alt8 ->
b2 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Dead)
b1 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Dead)
b0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Dead)
w0 <- foo b0 b1 b2
update p w0
_1 <- update p w0
pure w0
(Fapply.0) ->
(Fapply.0) @ alt9 ->
y <- pure (#undefined :: T_Dead)
g <- pure (#undefined :: T_Dead)
w1 <- apply g y
update p w1
_2 <- update p w1
pure w1
(Fap h z) ->
(Fap h z) @ alt10 ->
w2 <- ap h z
update p w2
_3 <- update p w2
pure w2

View File

@ -13,9 +13,10 @@
grinMain =
a0 <- pure (CInt 5)
a1 <- pure (CInt 5)
a2 <- pure (CInt 5)
k0 <- pure 0
a0 <- pure (CInt k0)
a1 <- pure (CInt k0)
a2 <- pure (CInt k0)
p0 <- store a0
p1 <- store a1
p2 <- store a2
@ -47,13 +48,13 @@ foo x0 y0 z0 =
-- apply always gets the function node in whnf
apply pf cur =
case pf of
(P3foo) ->
(P3foo) @ alt1 ->
n0 <- pure (P2foo cur)
pure n0
(P2foo v0) ->
(P2foo v0) @ alt2 ->
n1 <- pure (P1foo v0 cur)
pure n1
(P1foo v1 v2) ->
(P1foo v1 v2) @ alt3 ->
n2 <- foo v1 v2 cur
pure n2
@ -64,21 +65,21 @@ ap f x =
eval p =
v <- fetch p
case v of
(CInt n) -> pure v
(CInt n) @ alt4 -> pure v
(P3foo) -> pure v
(P2foo v3) -> pure v
(P1foo v4 v5) -> pure v
(P3foo) @ alt5 -> pure v
(P2foo v3) @ alt6 -> pure v
(P1foo v4 v5) @ alt7 -> pure v
(Ffoo b0 b1 b2) ->
(Ffoo b0 b1 b2) @ alt8 ->
w0 <- foo b0 b1 b2
update p w0
_1 <- update p w0
pure w0
(Fapply g y) ->
(Fapply g y) @ alt9 ->
w1 <- apply g y
update p w1
_2 <- update p w1
pure w1
(Fap h z) ->
(Fap h z) @ alt10 ->
w2 <- ap h z
update p w2
_3 <- update p w2
pure w2

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ spec = describe "Sharing analysis" $ do
l1 <- store two
(CTwo l2)@_1 <- fetch l1
_2 <- fetch l2
_2 <- fetch l2
_3 <- fetch l2
pure ()
let result = calcSharedLocations code

View File

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.ArityRaisingSpec where
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.ArityRaising
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Arrow
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Test.Hspec
import Test.ExtendedSyntax.Assertions
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TH
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeEnv
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeCheck
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Names (ExpChanges(..))
runTests :: IO ()
runTests = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
it "split_undefined" $ do
let tyEnv = inferTypeEnv testProgBefore
arityRaising 0 tyEnv testProgBefore `sameAs` (testProgAfter, NewNames)
testProgBefore :: Exp
testProgBefore = [prog|
grinMain =
k0 <- pure 0
v.0 <- pure (CInt k0)
p1 <- store v.0
k1 <- pure 1
v.1 <- pure (CInt k1)
p2 <- store v.1
k2 <- pure 1000
v.2 <- pure (CInt k2)
p3 <- store v.2
v.3 <- pure (Fupto p2 p3)
p4 <- store v.3
v.4 <- pure (Fsum p1 p4)
p5 <- store v.4
v.5 <- fetch p5
(Fsum p15 p16) @ _0 <- pure v.5
n13' <- sum $ p15 p16
_prim_int_print $ n13'
sum p10 p11 =
v.6 <- fetch p11
(Fupto p17 p18) @ _1 <- pure v.6
v.7 <- fetch p17
(CInt n2') @ _2 <- pure v.7
v.8 <- fetch p18
(CInt n3') @ _3 <- pure v.8
b1' <- _prim_int_gt $ n2' n3'
case b1' of
#True @ alt1 ->
v.9 <- pure (CNil)
case v.9 of
(CNil) @ alt11 ->
v.10 <- fetch p10
(CInt n14') @ _4 <- pure v.10
pure n14'
(CCons.0) @ alt12 ->
ud0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Dead)
ud1 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Dead)
sum $ ud0 ud1
#False @ alt2 ->
k3 <- pure 1
n4' <- _prim_int_add $ n2' k3
v.14 <- pure (CInt n4')
p8 <- store v.14
v.15 <- pure (Fupto p8 p18)
p9 <- store v.15
v.16 <- pure (CCons p17 p9)
case v.16 of
(CNil) @ alt21 ->
pure (#undefined :: T_Dead)
(CCons p12_2 p13_2) @ alt22 ->
v.18 <- fetch p10
(CInt n5'_2) @ _5 <- pure v.18
v.19 <- fetch p12_2
(CInt n6'_2) @ _6 <- pure v.19
n7'_2 <- _prim_int_add $ n5'_2 n6'_2
v.20 <- pure (CInt n7'_2)
p14_2 <- store v.20
sum $ p14_2 p13_2
testProgAfter :: Exp
testProgAfter = [prog|
grinMain =
k0 <- pure 0
v.0 <- pure (CInt k0)
p1 <- store v.0
k1 <- pure 1
v.1 <- pure (CInt k1)
p2 <- store v.1
k2 <- pure 1000
v.2 <- pure (CInt k2)
p3 <- store v.2
v.3 <- pure (Fupto p2 p3)
p4 <- store v.3
v.4 <- pure (Fsum p1 p4)
p5 <- store v.4
v.5 <- fetch p5
(Fsum p15 p16) @ _0 <- pure v.5
n13' <- do
(CInt p15.0.0.arity.1) @ _7 <- fetch p15
(Fupto p16.0.0.arity.1 p16.0.0.arity.2) @ _8 <- fetch p16
sum $ p15.0.0.arity.1 p16.0.0.arity.1 p16.0.0.arity.2
_prim_int_print $ n13'
sum p10.0.arity.1 p11.0.arity.1 p11.0.arity.2 =
v.6 <- pure (Fupto p11.0.arity.1 p11.0.arity.2)
(Fupto p17 p18) @ _1 <- pure v.6
v.7 <- fetch p17
(CInt n2') @ _2 <- pure v.7
v.8 <- fetch p18
(CInt n3') @ _3 <- pure v.8
b1' <- _prim_int_gt $ n2' n3'
case b1' of
#True @ alt1 ->
v.9 <- pure (CNil)
case v.9 of
(CNil) @ alt11 ->
v.10 <- pure (CInt p10.0.arity.1)
(CInt n14') @ _4 <- pure v.10
pure n14'
(CCons.0) @ alt12 ->
ud0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Dead)
ud1 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Dead)
(CInt ud0.0.1.arity.1) @ _9 <- fetch ud0
(Fupto ud1.0.1.arity.1 ud1.0.1.arity.2) @ _10 <- fetch ud1
sum $ ud0.0.1.arity.1 ud1.0.1.arity.1 ud1.0.1.arity.2
#False @ alt2 ->
k3 <- pure 1
n4' <- _prim_int_add $ n2' k3
v.14 <- pure (CInt n4')
p8 <- store v.14
v.15 <- pure (Fupto p8 p18)
p9 <- store v.15
v.16 <- pure (CCons p17 p9)
case v.16 of
(CNil) @ alt21 ->
pure (#undefined :: T_Dead)
(CCons p12_2 p13_2) @ alt22 ->
v.18 <- pure (CInt p10.0.arity.1)
(CInt n5'_2) @ _5 <- pure v.18
v.19 <- fetch p12_2
(CInt n6'_2) @ _6 <- pure v.19
n7'_2 <- _prim_int_add $ n5'_2 n6'_2
v.20 <- pure (CInt n7'_2)
p14_2 <- store v.20
(CInt p14_2.0.2.arity.1) @ _11 <- fetch p14_2
(Fupto p13_2.0.2.arity.1 p13_2.0.2.arity.2) @ _12 <- fetch p13_2
sum $ p14_2.0.2.arity.1 p13_2.0.2.arity.1 p13_2.0.2.arity.2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.CaseCopyPropagationSpec where
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.CaseCopyPropagation
import Data.Monoid
import Test.Hspec
import Test.ExtendedSyntax.New.Test hiding (newVar)
import Test.ExtendedSyntax.Assertions
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TH
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeEnv
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Pretty
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Names (ExpChanges(..))
ctxs :: [TestExpContext]
ctxs =
[ emptyCtx
, lastBindR
, firstAlt
, middleAlt
, lastAlt
spec :: Spec
spec = testExprContextIn ctxs $ \ctx -> do
it "Example from Figure 4.26" $ do
let teBefore = create $
(newVar "z'" int64_t) <>
(newVar "y'" int64_t) <>
(newVar "x'" int64_t)
let before = [expr|
n0 <- pure (CNone)
m0 <- store n0
u <- case v of
(Ffoo a) @ alt0 ->
y' <- foo a
pure (CInt y')
(Fbar b) @ alt1 ->
z' <- bar b
pure (CInt z')
(CInt x') @ alt2 ->
pure (CInt x')
pure m0
let teAfter = extend teBefore $
newVar "v'" int64_t
let after = [expr|
n0 <- pure (CNone)
m0 <- store n0
u <- do
ccp.0 <- case v of
(Ffoo a) @ alt0 ->
y' <- foo a
pure y'
(Fbar b) @ alt1 ->
z' <- bar b
pure z'
(CInt x') @ alt2 ->
pure x'
pure (CInt ccp.0)
pure m0
-- TODO: Inspect type env
(caseCopyPropagation (snd (ctx (teBefore, before)))) `sameAs` ((snd (ctx (teAfter, after))), NewNames)
--(snd (ctx (teBefore, before))) `sameAs` (snd (ctx (teAfter, after)))
it "One node has no Int tagged value" $ do
let typeEnv = emptyTypeEnv
let teBefore = create $
(newVar "z'" float_t) <>
(newVar "y'" int64_t) <>
(newVar "x'" int64_t)
let before = [expr|
n0 <- pure (CNone)
m0 <- store n0
u <- do
case v of
(Ffoo a) @ alt0 ->
y' <- foo a
pure (CInt y')
(Fbar b) @ alt1 ->
z' <- bar b
pure (CFloat z')
(CInt x') @ alt2 ->
pure (CInt x')
pure m0
let after = [expr|
n0 <- pure (CNone)
m0 <- store n0
u <- do
case v of
(Ffoo a) @ alt0 ->
y' <- foo a
pure (CInt y')
(Fbar b) @ alt1 ->
z' <- bar b
pure (CFloat z')
(CInt x') @ alt2 ->
pure (CInt x')
pure m0
(caseCopyPropagation (snd (ctx (teBefore, before)))) `sameAs` ((snd (ctx (teBefore, after))), NoChange)
it "Embedded good case" $ do
-- pendingWith "doesn't unbox outer case"
let teBefore = create $
(newVar "z'" int64_t) <>
(newVar "y'" int64_t) <>
(newVar "x'" int64_t) <>
(newVar "z1'" int64_t) <>
(newVar "y1'" int64_t) <>
(newVar "x1'" int64_t)
let before = [expr|
n0 <- pure (CNone)
m0 <- store n0
u <- case v of
(Ffoo a) @ alt0 ->
y' <- foo a
pure (CInt y')
(Fbar b) @ alt1 ->
z' <- bar b
pure (CInt z')
(CInt x') @ alt2 ->
u1 <- case v1 of
(Ffoo a1) @ alt20 ->
y1' <- foo a1
pure (CInt y1')
(Fbar b1) @ alt21 ->
z1' <- bar b1
pure (CInt z1')
(CInt x1') @ alt22 ->
pure (CInt x1')
pure (CInt x')
pure m0
let teAfter = extend teBefore $
newVar "v'" int64_t <>
newVar "v1'" int64_t
let after = [expr|
n0 <- pure (CNone)
m0 <- store n0
u <- do
ccp.1 <- case v of
(Ffoo a) @ alt0 ->
y' <- foo a
pure y'
(Fbar b) @ alt1 ->
z' <- bar b
pure z'
(CInt x') @ alt2 ->
u1 <- do
ccp.0 <- case v1 of
(Ffoo a1) @ alt20 ->
y1' <- foo a1
pure y1'
(Fbar b1) @ alt21 ->
z1' <- bar b1
pure z1'
(CInt x1') @ alt22 ->
pure x1'
pure (CInt ccp.0)
pure x'
pure (CInt ccp.1)
pure m0
(caseCopyPropagation (snd (ctx (teBefore, before)))) `sameAs` ((snd (ctx (teAfter, after))), NewNames)
it "Embedded bad case" $ do
let teBefore = create $
newVar "z'" int64_t <>
newVar "y'" int64_t <>
newVar "x'" int64_t <>
newVar "y1'" int64_t <>
newVar "z1'" float_t <>
newVar "x1'" int64_t
let before = [expr|
n0 <- pure (CNone)
m0 <- store n0
u <- case v of
(Ffoo a) @ alt0 ->
y' <- foo a
pure (CInt y')
(Fbar b) @ alt1 ->
z' <- bar b
pure (CInt z')
(CInt x') @ alt2 ->
u1 <- do
case v1 of
(Ffoo a1) @ alt20 ->
y1' <- foo a1
pure (CInt y1')
(Fbar b1) @ alt21 ->
z1' <- bar b1
pure (CFloat z1')
(CInt x1') @ alt22 ->
pure (CInt x1')
pure (CInt x')
pure m0
let teAfter = extend teBefore $
newVar "v'" int64_t
let after = [expr|
n0 <- pure (CNone)
m0 <- store n0
u <- do
ccp.0 <- case v of
(Ffoo a) @ alt0 ->
y' <- foo a
pure y'
(Fbar b) @ alt1 ->
z' <- bar b
pure z'
(CInt x') @ alt2 ->
u1 <- do
case v1 of
(Ffoo a1) @ alt20 ->
y1' <- foo a1
pure (CInt y1')
(Fbar b1) @ alt21 ->
z1' <- bar b1
pure (CFloat z1')
(CInt x1') @ alt22 ->
pure (CInt x1')
pure x'
pure (CInt ccp.0)
pure m0
(caseCopyPropagation (snd (ctx (teBefore, before)))) `sameAs` ((snd (ctx (teAfter, after))), NewNames)
it "Leave the outer, transform the inner" $ do
let teBefore = create $
newVar "z'" float_t <>
newVar "y'" int64_t <>
newVar "x'" int64_t <>
newVar "y1'" int64_t <>
newVar "z1'" int64_t <>
newVar "x1'" int64_t
let before = [expr|
n0 <- pure (CNone)
m0 <- store n0
u <- do
case v of
(Ffoo a) @ alt0 ->
y' <- foo a
pure (CInt y')
(Fbar b) @ alt1 ->
z' <- bar b
pure (CFloat z')
(CInt x') @ alt2 ->
u1 <- case v1 of
(Ffoo a1) @ alt20 ->
y1' <- foo a1
pure (CInt y1')
(Fbar b1) @ alt21 ->
z1' <- bar b1
pure (CInt z1')
(CInt x1') @ alt22 ->
pure (CInt x1')
pure (CInt x')
pure m0
let teAfter = extend teBefore $
newVar "v1'" int64_t
let after = [expr|
n0 <- pure (CNone)
m0 <- store n0
u <- do
case v of
(Ffoo a) @ alt0 ->
y' <- foo a
pure (CInt y')
(Fbar b) @ alt1 ->
z' <- bar b
pure (CFloat z')
(CInt x') @ alt2 ->
u1 <- do
ccp.0 <- case v1 of
(Ffoo a1) @ alt20 ->
y1' <- foo a1
pure y1'
(Fbar b1) @ alt21 ->
z1' <- bar b1
pure z1'
(CInt x1') @ alt22 ->
pure x1'
pure (CInt ccp.0)
pure (CInt x')
pure m0
(caseCopyPropagation (snd (ctx (teBefore, before)))) `sameAs` ((snd (ctx (teAfter, after))), NewNames)
it "last expression is a case" $ do
let teBefore = create $
newVar "ax'" int64_t
let before =
l2 <- eval l
case l2 of
(CNil) @ alt0 ->
k0 <- pure 0
pure (CInt k0)
(CCons x xs) @ alt1 ->
(CInt x') @ v0 <- eval x
(CInt s') @ v1 <- sum xs
ax' <- _prim_int_add x' s'
pure (CInt ax')
let teAfter = extend teBefore $
newVar "l2'" int64_t
let after =
l2 <- eval l
do ccp.0 <- case l2 of
(CNil) @ alt0 ->
k0 <- pure 0
pure k0
(CCons x xs) @ alt1 ->
(CInt x') @ v0 <- eval x
(CInt s') @ v1 <- sum xs
ax' <- _prim_int_add x' s'
pure ax'
pure (CInt ccp.0)
(caseCopyPropagation (snd (ctx (teBefore, before)))) `sameAs` ((snd (ctx (teAfter, after))), NewNames)
runTests :: IO ()
runTests = hspec spec

View File

@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes, ViewPatterns #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.CaseHoistingSpec where
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.CaseHoisting
import Test.Hspec
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TH
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeCheck
import Test.ExtendedSyntax.Assertions
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Names (ExpChanges(..))
runTests :: IO ()
runTests = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
it "last case" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
v <- pure (CNil)
u <- case v of
(CNil) @ alt1 -> pure (CNil)
(CCons a1 b1) @ alt2 -> pure (CCons a1 b1)
case u of
(CNil) @ alt3 -> pure alt3
(CCons a2 b2) @ alt4 -> pure (CNil)
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
v <- pure (CNil)
case v of
(CNil) @ alt1 ->
u.0 <- do
pure (CNil)
alt3.0 <- pure u.0
pure alt3.0
(CCons a1 b1) @ alt2 ->
u.1 <- do
pure (CCons a1 b1)
alt4.0 <- pure u.1
pure (CNil)
caseHoisting (inferTypeEnv before) before `sameAs` (after, NewNames)
it "middle case" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
v <- pure (CNil)
u <- case v of
(CNil) @ alt1 -> pure (CNil)
(CCons a1 b1) @ alt2 -> pure (CCons a1 b1)
r <- case u of
(CNil) @ alt3 -> pure 1
(CCons a2 b2) @ alt4 -> pure 2
pure r
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
v <- pure (CNil)
r <- case v of
(CNil) @ alt1 ->
u.0 <- do
pure (CNil)
alt3.0 <- pure u.0
pure 1
(CCons a1 b1) @ alt2 ->
u.1 <- do
pure (CCons a1 b1)
alt4.0 <- pure u.1
pure 2
pure r
caseHoisting (inferTypeEnv before) before `sameAs` (after, NewNames)
it "default pattern" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
v <- pure (CNil)
u <- case v of
(CNil) @ alt1 -> pure (CNil)
(CCons a1 b1) @ alt2 -> pure (CCons a1 b1)
r <- case u of
(CNil) @ alt3 -> pure (CNil)
#default @ alt4 -> pure alt4
pure r
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
v <- pure (CNil)
r <- case v of
(CNil) @ alt1 ->
u.0 <- do
pure (CNil)
alt3.0 <- pure u.0
pure (CNil)
(CCons a1 b1) @ alt2 ->
u.1 <- do
pure (CCons a1 b1)
alt4.0 <- pure u.1
pure alt4.0
pure r
caseHoisting (inferTypeEnv before) before `sameAs` (after, NewNames)
it "case chain + no code duplication" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
v <- pure 1
u <- case v of
0 @ alt1 -> pure (CNil)
1 @ alt2 -> pure (CCons v v)
r <- case u of
(CNil) @ alt3 -> pure (CEmpty)
#default @ alt4 -> pure u
q <- case r of
(CVoid) @ alt5 ->
pure (CEmpty)
#default @ alt6 ->
k0 <- pure 777
_1 <- _prim_int_print k0
pure r
pure q
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
v <- pure 1
r <- case v of
0 @ alt1 ->
u.0 <- do
pure (CNil)
alt3.0 <- pure u.0
pure (CEmpty)
1 @ alt2 ->
u.1 <- do
pure (CCons v v)
alt4.0 <- pure u.1
pure u.1
q <- case r of
(CVoid) @ alt5 ->
pure (CEmpty)
#default @ alt6 ->
k0 <- pure 777
_1 <- _prim_int_print k0
pure r
pure q
caseHoisting (inferTypeEnv before) before `sameAs` (after, NewNames)
it "default chain" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
v <- pure 1
u <- case v of
0 @ alt1 -> pure (CNil)
1 @ alt2 -> pure (CCons v v)
r <- case u of
#default @ alt3 -> pure u
q <- case r of
#default @ alt4 -> pure r
pure q
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
v <- pure 1
u <- case v of
0 @ alt1 ->
pure (CNil)
1 @ alt2 ->
pure (CCons v v)
q <- case u of
#default @ alt3 ->
r.0 <- do
pure u
alt4.0 <- pure r.0
pure r.0
pure q
caseHoisting (inferTypeEnv before) before `sameAs` (after, NewNames)
it "ignore non linear variable" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
v <- pure (CNil)
u <- case v of
#default @ alt1 -> pure v
r <- case u of
#default @ alt2 -> pure u
x <- pure u
pure r
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
v <- pure (CNil)
u <- case v of
#default @ alt1 -> pure v
r <- case u of
#default @ alt2 -> pure u
x <- pure u
pure r
caseHoisting (inferTypeEnv before) before `sameAs` (after, NoChange)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes, ViewPatterns #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.ConstantPropagationSpec where
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.ConstantPropagation
import Test.Hspec
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TH
import Test.ExtendedSyntax.Assertions
runTests :: IO ()
runTests = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
it "ignores binds" $ do
let before = [expr|
i1 <- pure 1
i2 <- pure i1
n1 <- pure (CNode i2)
n2 <- pure n1
(CNode i3) @ n3 <- pure n1
pure 2
let after = [expr|
i1 <- pure 1
i2 <- pure i1
n1 <- pure (CNode i2)
n2 <- pure n1
(CNode i3) @ n3 <- pure n1
pure 2
constantPropagation before `sameAs` after
it "is not interprocedural" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
x <- f
case x of
(COne) @ alt1 -> pure 0
(CTwo) @ alt2 -> pure 1
f = pure (COne)
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
x <- f
case x of
(COne) @ alt1 -> pure 0
(CTwo) @ alt2 -> pure 1
f = pure (COne)
constantPropagation before `sameAs` after
it "does not propagate info outwards of case expressions" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
x <- pure 0
y <- case x of
0 @ alt1 -> pure (COne)
case y of
(COne) @ alt2 -> pure 0
(CTwo) @ alt3 -> pure 1
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
x <- pure 0
y <- case x of
0 @ alt1 -> pure (COne)
case y of
(COne) @ alt2 -> pure 0
(CTwo) @ alt3 -> pure 1
constantPropagation before `sameAs` after
it "base case" $ do
let before = [expr|
i1 <- pure 1
n1 <- pure (CNode i1)
case n1 of
(CNil) @ alt1 -> pure 1
(CNode a1) @ alt2 -> pure 2
let after = [expr|
i1 <- pure 1
n1 <- pure (CNode i1)
(CNode a1) @ alt2 <- pure (CNode i1)
pure 2
constantPropagation before `sameAs` after
it "ignores illformed case - multi matching" $ do
let before = [expr|
i1 <- pure 1
n1 <- pure (CNode i1)
_1 <- case n1 of
(CNil) @ alt1 -> pure 1
(CNode a1) @ alt2 -> pure 2
(CNode b1) @ alt3 -> pure 3
case n1 of
(CNil) @ alt4 -> pure 4
#default @ alt5 -> pure 5
#default @ alt6 -> pure 6
let after = [expr|
i1 <- pure 1
n1 <- pure (CNode i1)
_1 <- case n1 of
(CNil) @ alt1 -> pure 1
(CNode a1) @ alt2 -> pure 2
(CNode b1) @ alt3 -> pure 3
case n1 of
(CNil) @ alt4 -> pure 4
#default @ alt5 -> pure 5
#default @ alt6 -> pure 6
constantPropagation before `sameAs` after
it "default pattern" $ do
let before = [expr|
i1 <- pure 1
n1 <- pure (CNode i1)
case n1 of
(CNil) @ alt1 -> pure 2
#default @ alt2 -> pure 3
let after = [expr|
i1 <- pure 1
n1 <- pure (CNode i1)
alt2 <- pure n1
pure 3
constantPropagation before `sameAs` after
it "unknown scrutinee - simple" $ do
let before = [expr|
case n1 of
(CNil) @ alt1 -> pure 2
#default @ alt2 -> pure 3
let after = [expr|
case n1 of
(CNil) @ alt1 -> pure 2
#default @ alt2 -> pure 3
constantPropagation before `sameAs` after
it "unknown scrutinee becomes known in alternatives - specific pattern" $ do
let before = [expr|
case n1 of
(CNil) @ alt11 ->
case n1 of
(CNil) @ alt21 -> pure 1
(CNode a1) @ alt22 -> pure 2
(CNode a2) @ alt12 ->
case n1 of
(CNil) @ alt23 -> pure 3
(CNode a3) @ alt24 -> pure 4
let after = [expr|
case n1 of
(CNil) @ alt11 ->
(CNil) @ alt21 <- pure (CNil)
pure 1
(CNode a2) @ alt12 ->
(CNode a3) @ alt24 <- pure (CNode a2)
pure 4
constantPropagation before `sameAs` after
it "unknown scrutinee becomes known in alternatives - default pattern" $ do
let before = [expr|
case n1 of
#default @ alt11 ->
case n1 of
#default @ alt21 -> pure 1
(CNode a1) @ alt22 -> pure 2
(CNode a2) @ alt12 ->
case n1 of
#default @ alt23 -> pure 3
(CNode a3) @ alt24 -> pure 4
let after = [expr|
case n1 of
#default @ alt11 ->
alt21 <- pure n1
pure 1
(CNode a2) @ alt12 ->
(CNode a3) @ alt24 <- pure (CNode a2)
pure 4
constantPropagation before `sameAs` after
it "literal - specific pattern" $ do
let before = [expr|
i1 <- pure 1
case i1 of
(CNil) @ alt1 -> pure 1
(CNode a1) @ alt2 -> pure 2
1 @ alt3 -> pure 3
2 @ alt4 -> pure 4
#default @ alt5 -> pure 5
let after = [expr|
i1 <- pure 1
case i1 of
(CNil) @ alt1 -> pure 1
(CNode a1) @ alt2 -> pure 2
1 @ alt3 -> pure 3
2 @ alt4 -> pure 4
#default @ alt5 -> pure 5
constantPropagation before `sameAs` after
it "literal - default pattern" $ do
let before = [expr|
i1 <- pure 3
case i1 of
(CNil) @ alt1 -> pure 1
(CNode a1) @ alt2 -> pure 2
1 @ alt3 -> pure 3
2 @ alt4 -> pure 4
#default @ alt5 -> pure 5
let after = [expr|
i1 <- pure 3
case i1 of
(CNil) @ alt1 -> pure 1
(CNode a1) @ alt2 -> pure 2
1 @ alt3 -> pure 3
2 @ alt4 -> pure 4
#default @ alt5 -> pure 5
constantPropagation before `sameAs` after

View File

@ -59,7 +59,37 @@ spec = do
copyPropagation (ctx before) `sameAs` (ctx after)
it "node value - node pattern" $ do
it "node value - node pattern 1" $ do
let before = [expr|
a1 <- pure 1
b1 <- pure 0
(CNode a2 b2) @ n1 <- pure (CNode a1 b1)
foo n1
let after = [expr|
a1 <- pure 1
b1 <- pure 0
n1 <- pure (CNode a1 b1)
foo n1
copyPropagation (ctx before) `sameAs` (ctx after)
it "node value - node pattern 2" $ do
let before = [expr|
a1 <- pure 1
b1 <- pure 0
(CNode a2 b2) @ n1 <- pure (CNode a1 b1)
foo a2
let after = [expr|
a1 <- pure 1
b1 <- pure 0
n1 <- pure (CNode a1 b1)
foo a1
copyPropagation (ctx before) `sameAs` (ctx after)
it "node value - node pattern 3" $ do
let before = [expr|
a1 <- pure 1
b1 <- pure 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.DeadDataEliminationSpec where
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.DeadDataElimination
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Test.Hspec
import Test.ExtendedSyntax.Util
import Test.ExtendedSyntax.Assertions
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TH
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeCheck (inferTypeEnv)
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.PrimOpsPrelude (withPrimPrelude)
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.CreatedBy.Result (CByResult(..), ProducerGraph)
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.CreatedBy.Util (groupActiveProducers, groupAllProducers, toProducerGraph)
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.CreatedBySpec (calcCByResult)
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.LiveVariableSpec (calcLiveness)
runTests :: IO ()
runTests = hspec spec
dde :: Exp -> Exp
dde e = fst $ either error id $
deadDataElimination (calcLiveness e) (calcCByResult e) (inferTypeEnv e) e
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Dead Data Elimination" $ do
it "Impossible alternative" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 5
n0 <- pure (CInt a0)
r <- case n0 of
(CInt c0) @ alt1 -> pure 0
(CBool c1) @ alt2 -> pure 0
pure r
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 5
n0 <- pure (CInt.0)
r <- case n0 of
(CInt.0) @ alt1 ->
c0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
pure 0
(CBool.0) @ alt2 ->
c1 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Dead)
pure 0
pure r
dde before `sameAs` after
it "As-Pattern Simple 1" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
n0 <- pure (CInt a0)
(CInt b1) @ n1 <- pure n0
(CInt b2) @ n2 <- pure n0
pure b2
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
n0 <- pure (CInt a0)
(CInt b1) @ n1 <- pure n0
(CInt b2) @ n2 <- pure n0
pure b2
dde before `sameAs` after
it "As-Pattern Simple 2" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
(CInt b0) @ n0 <- pure (CInt a0)
(CInt b1) @ n1 <- pure n0
pure b0
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
(CInt b0) @ n0 <- pure (CInt a0)
(CInt b1) @ n1 <- pure n0
pure b0
dde before `sameAs` after
it "As-Pattern Deletable" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
(CInt b0) @ n0 <- pure (CInt a0)
(CInt b1) @ n1 <- pure n0
pure 0
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
(CInt.0) @ n0 <- pure (CInt.0)
b0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
(CInt.0) @ n1 <- pure n0
b1 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
pure 0
dde before `sameAs` after
it "As-Pattern Fetch" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
n0 <- pure (CInt a0)
p0 <- store n0
(CInt a1) @ n1 <- fetch p0
case n0 of
(CInt a2) @ alt1 -> pure a2
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
n0 <- pure (CInt a0)
p0 <- store n0
(CInt a1) @ n1 <- fetch p0
case n0 of
(CInt a2) @ alt1 -> pure a2
dde before `sameAs` after
it "Case Consumers" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
n0' <- pure (CInt a0)
case n0' of
(CInt a1) @ n0 ->
case n0 of
(CInt a2) @ alt1 -> pure a2
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
n0' <- pure (CInt a0)
case n0' of
(CInt a1) @ n0 ->
case n0 of
(CInt a2) @ alt1 -> pure a2
dde before `sameAs` after
it "Case Consumers Dummifiable" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
a1 <- pure 0
a2 <- pure 0
a3 <- pure 0
a4 <- pure 0
a5 <- pure 0
-- two producers
n0 <- pure (CThree a0 a1 a2)
n1 <- pure (CThree a3 a4 a5)
-- n01 has producers: n0, n1
s0 <- pure 0
n01 <- case s0 of
0 @ alt1 -> pure n0
1 @ alt2 -> pure n1
-- consumers
case n0 of
(CThree b0 b1 b2) @ _1 ->
case n01 of
(CThree c0 c1 c2) @ _2 ->
case n1 of
(CThree d0 d1 d2) @ _3 ->
pure (CLive b0 c1 d2)
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
a1 <- pure 0
a2 <- pure 0
a3 <- pure 0
a4 <- pure 0
a5 <- pure 0
-- two producers
a2.0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
n0 <- pure (CThree a0 a1 a2.0)
a3.0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
n1 <- pure (CThree a3.0 a4 a5)
-- n01 has producers: n0, n1
s0 <- pure 0
n01 <- case s0 of
0 @ alt1 -> pure n0
1 @ alt2 -> pure n1
-- consumers
case n0 of
(CThree b0 b1 b2) @ _1 ->
case n01 of
(CThree c0 c1 c2) @ _2 ->
case n1 of
(CThree d0 d1 d2) @ _3 ->
pure (CLive b0 c1 d2)
dde before `sameAs` after
it "Case Consumers Deletable" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
n0' <- pure (CInt a0)
case n0' of
(CInt a1) @ n0 ->
case n0 of
(CInt a2) @ alt1 -> pure 0
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
n0' <- pure (CInt.0)
case n0' of
(CInt.0) @ n0 ->
a1 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
case n0 of
(CInt.0) @ alt1 ->
a2 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
pure 0
dde before `sameAs` after
it "Multiple fields" $ do
let before = withPrimPrelude [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
a1 <- pure 0
a2 <- pure 0
a3 <- pure 0
a4 <- pure 0
a5 <- pure 0
n0 <- pure (CThree a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5)
(CThree b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5) @ _1 <- pure n0
r <- _prim_int_add b1 b4
pure r
let after = withPrimPrelude [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
a1 <- pure 0
a2 <- pure 0
a3 <- pure 0
a4 <- pure 0
a5 <- pure 0
n0 <- pure (CThree.0 a1 a4)
(CThree.0 b1 b4) @ _1 <- pure n0
b5 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
b3 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
b2 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
b0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
r <- _prim_int_add b1 b4
pure r
dde before `sameAs` after
it "Only dummify" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
a1 <- pure 0
a2 <- pure 0
a3 <- pure 0
a4 <- pure 0
a5 <- pure 0
-- two producers
n0 <- pure (CThree a0 a1 a2)
n1 <- pure (CThree a3 a4 a5)
-- n01 has producers: n0, n1
s0 <- pure 0
n01 <- case s0 of
0 @ alt1 -> pure n0
1 @ alt2 -> pure n1
-- consumers
(CThree b0 b1 b2) @ _1 <- pure n0
(CThree c0 c1 c2) @ _2 <- pure n01
(CThree d0 d1 d2) @ _3 <- pure n1
r <- pure (CLive b0 c1 d2)
pure r
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
a1 <- pure 0
a2 <- pure 0
a3 <- pure 0
a4 <- pure 0
a5 <- pure 0
-- two producers
a2.0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
n0 <- pure (CThree a0 a1 a2.0)
a3.0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
n1 <- pure (CThree a3.0 a4 a5)
-- n01 has producers: n0, n1
s0 <- pure 0
n01 <- case s0 of
0 @ alt1 -> pure n0
1 @ alt2 -> pure n1
-- consumers
(CThree b0 b1 b2) @ _1 <- pure n0
(CThree c0 c1 c2) @ _2 <- pure n01
(CThree d0 d1 d2) @ _3 <- pure n1
r <- pure (CLive b0 c1 d2)
pure r
dde before `sameAs` after
it "Deletable Single" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
a1 <- pure 0
a2 <- pure 0
a3 <- pure 0
a4 <- pure 0
a5 <- pure 0
-- two producers
n0 <- pure (CThree a0 a1 a2)
n1 <- pure (CThree a3 a4 a5)
-- n01 has producers: n0, n1
s0 <- pure 0
n01 <- case s0 of
0 @ alt1 -> pure n0
1 @ alt2 -> pure n1
-- consumers
(CThree b0 b1 b2) @ _1 <- pure n0
(CThree c0 c1 c2) @ _2 <- pure n01
(CThree d0 d1 d2) @ _3 <- pure n1
r <- pure (CLive b0 d2)
pure r
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
a1 <- pure 0
a2 <- pure 0
a3 <- pure 0
a4 <- pure 0
a5 <- pure 0
-- two producers
a2.0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
n0 <- pure (CThree.0 a0 a2.0)
a3.0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
n1 <- pure (CThree.0 a3.0 a5)
-- n01 has producers: n0, n1
s0 <- pure 0
n01 <- case s0 of
0 @ alt1 -> pure n0
1 @ alt2 -> pure n1
-- consumers
(CThree.0 b0 b2) @ _1 <- pure n0
b1 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
(CThree.0 c0 c2) @ _2 <- pure n01
c1 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
(CThree.0 d0 d2) @ _3 <- pure n1
d1 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
r <- pure (CLive b0 d2)
pure r
dde before `sameAs` after
it "Deletable Multi" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
a1 <- pure 0
a2 <- pure 0
a3 <- pure 0
a4 <- pure 0
a5 <- pure 0
-- two producers
n0 <- pure (CThree a0 a1 a2)
n1 <- pure (CThree a3 a4 a5)
-- n01 has producers: n0, n1
s0 <- pure 0
n01 <- case s0 of
0 @ alt1 -> pure n0
1 @ alt2 -> pure n1
-- consumers
(CThree b0 b1 b2) @ _1 <- pure n0
(CThree c0 c1 c2) @ _2 <- pure n01
(CThree d0 d1 d2) @ _3 <- pure n1
r <- pure (CLive c1)
pure r
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
a1 <- pure 0
a2 <- pure 0
a3 <- pure 0
a4 <- pure 0
a5 <- pure 0
-- two producers
n0 <- pure (CThree.0 a1)
n1 <- pure (CThree.0 a4)
-- n01 has producers: n0, n1
s0 <- pure 0
n01 <- case s0 of
0 @ alt1 -> pure n0
1 @ alt2 -> pure n1
-- consumers
(CThree.0 b1) @ _1 <- pure n0
b2 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
b0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
(CThree.0 c1) @ _2 <- pure n01
c2 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
c0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
(CThree.0 d1) @ _3 <- pure n1
d2 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
d0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
r <- pure (CLive c1)
pure r
dde before `sameAs` after
it "Separate Producers" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
a1 <- pure 0
a2 <- pure 0
n0 <- pure (CThree a0 a1 a2)
n1 <- pure (CThree a0 a1 a2)
n2 <- pure (CThree a0 a1 a2)
n3 <- pure (CThree a0 a1 a2)
n4 <- pure (CThree a0 a1 a2)
n5 <- pure (CThree a0 a1 a2)
n6 <- pure (CThree a0 a1 a2)
n7 <- pure (CThree a0 a1 a2)
-- consumers
(CThree b0 b1 b2) @ _1 <- pure n0
(CThree c0 c1 c2) @ _2 <- pure n1
(CThree d0 d1 d2) @ _3 <- pure n2
(CThree e0 e1 e2) @ _4 <- pure n3
(CThree f0 f1 f2) @ _5 <- pure n4
(CThree g0 g1 g2) @ _6 <- pure n5
(CThree h0 h1 h2) @ _7 <- pure n6
(CThree i0 i1 i2) @ _8 <- pure n7
r <- pure (CLive b0 b1 b2 c0 d1 e2 f0 f1 g1 g2 h0 h2)
pure r
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
a0 <- pure 0
a1 <- pure 0
a2 <- pure 0
n0 <- pure (CThree a0 a1 a2)
n1 <- pure (CThree.6 a0)
n2 <- pure (CThree.5 a1)
n3 <- pure (CThree.4 a2)
n4 <- pure (CThree.3 a0 a1)
n5 <- pure (CThree.2 a1 a2)
n6 <- pure (CThree.1 a0 a2)
n7 <- pure (CThree.0)
(CThree b0 b1 b2) @ _1 <- pure n0
(CThree.6 c0) @ _2 <- pure n1
c2 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
c1 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
(CThree.5 d1) @ _3 <- pure n2
d2 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
d0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
(CThree.4 e2) @ _4 <- pure n3
e1 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
e0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
(CThree.3 f0 f1) @ _5 <- pure n4
f2 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
(CThree.2 g1 g2) @ _6 <- pure n5
g0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
(CThree.1 h0 h2) @ _7 <- pure n6
h1 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
(CThree.0) @ _8 <- pure n7
i2 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
i1 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
i0 <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
r <- pure (CLive b0 b1 b2 c0 d1 e2 f0 f1 g1 g2 h0 h2)
pure r
dde before `sameAs` after
it "FNode" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
k0 <- pure 5
x0 <- pure (CInt k0)
p0 <- store x0
a0 <- pure (Ffoo p0 p0 p0)
p1 <- store a0
a1 <- eval p1
pure a1
-- functions cannot return pointers
foo x y z =
y' <- eval y
pure y'
eval p =
v <- fetch p
case v of
(CInt n) @ alt1 ->
pure v
(Ffoo x1 y1 z1) @ alt2 ->
w <- foo x1 y1 z1
_1 <- update p w
pure w
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
k0 <- pure 5
x0 <- pure (CInt k0)
p0 <- store x0
a0 <- pure (Ffoo.0 p0)
p1 <- store a0
a1 <- eval p1
pure a1
foo x y z =
y' <- eval y
pure y'
eval p =
v <- fetch p
case v of
(CInt n) @ alt1 ->
pure v
(Ffoo.0 y1) @ alt2 ->
z1 <- pure (#undefined :: #ptr)
x1 <- pure (#undefined :: #ptr)
w <- foo x1 y1 z1
_1 <- update p w
pure w
dde before `sameAs` after
it "PNode" $ do
before <- loadTestData "dead-data-elimination/pnode_before.grin"
after <- loadTestData "dead-data-elimination/pnode_after.grin"
dde before `sameAs` after
it "PNode Opt" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
k0 <- pure 0
a0 <- pure (CInt k0)
a1 <- pure (CInt k0)
a2 <- pure (CInt k0)
p0 <- store a0
p1 <- store a1
p2 <- store a2
foo3 <- pure (P3foo)
(P3foo) @ _1 <- pure foo3
foo2 <- pure (P2foo p0)
(P2foo v0) @ _2 <- pure foo2
foo1 <- pure (P1foo v0 p1)
(P1foo v1 v2) @ _3 <- pure foo1
fooRet <- foo v1 v2 p2
pure fooRet
foo x0 y0 z0 =
y0' <- fetch y0
(CInt n) @ _4 <- pure y0'
pure y0'
let after = [prog|
{- NOTE:
P2foo is renamed to P2foo.1 because the name generation
takes the node name as base. So here foo will be the base,
for which a name was already generated: P1foo.0.
grinMain =
k0 <- pure 0
a0 <- pure (CInt.0)
a1 <- pure (CInt k0)
a2 <- pure (CInt.0)
p0 <- store a0
p1 <- store a1
p2 <- store a2
foo3 <- pure (P3foo)
(P3foo) @ _1 <- pure foo3
foo2 <- pure (P2foo.1)
(P2foo.1) @ _2 <- pure foo2
v0 <- pure (#undefined :: #ptr)
foo1 <- pure (P1foo.0 p1)
(P1foo.0 v2) @ _3 <- pure foo1
v1 <- pure (#undefined :: #ptr)
fooRet <- foo v1 v2 p2
pure fooRet
foo x0 y0 z0 =
y0' <- fetch y0
(CInt n) @ _4 <- pure y0'
pure y0'
dde before `sameAs` after
it "Length" $ do
before <- loadTestData "dead-data-elimination/length_before.grin"
after <- loadTestData "dead-data-elimination/length_after.grin"
dde before `sameAs` after
describe "Producer Grouping" $ do
let exp = [prog|
grinMain =
k0 <- pure 0
n0 <- pure (CInt k0)
n1 <- pure (CBool k0)
n2 <- pure (CBool k0)
n3 <- pure (CBool k0)
s <- pure 5
n01 <- case s of
0 @ alt1 -> pure n0
1 @ alt2 -> pure n1
n12 <- case s of
0 @ alt3 -> pure n1
1 @ alt4 -> pure n2
n23 <- case s of
0 @ alt5 -> pure n2
1 @ alt6 -> pure n3
z0 <- case n01 of
(CInt c0) @ alt7 -> pure 5
(CBool c1) @ alt8 -> pure 5
(CBool z1) @ _1 <- case n12 of
(CInt c2) @ alt9 -> pure 5
(CBool c3) @ alt10 -> pure 5
(CBool z2) @ _2 <- pure n23
pure 5
it "multi_prod_simple_all" $ do
let multiProdSimpleAllExpected = mkGraph
[ ("n0", [ (cInt, ["n0"]) ] )
, ("n1", [ (cBool, ["n1", "n2", "n3"]) ])
, ("n2", [ (cBool, ["n1", "n2", "n3"]) ])
, ("n3", [ (cBool, ["n1", "n2", "n3"]) ])
found = groupAllProducers . _producers . calcCByResult $ exp
found `shouldBe` multiProdSimpleAllExpected
it "multi_prod_simple_active" $ do
let multiProdSimpleActiveExpected = mkGraph
[ ("n0", [ (cInt, ["n0"]) ])
, ("n1", [ (cBool, ["n1"]) ])
, ("n2", [ (cBool, ["n2"]) ])
, ("n3", [ (cBool, ["n3"]) ])
let found = groupActiveProducers <$> calcLiveness <*> (_producers . calcCByResult) $ exp
found `shouldBe` multiProdSimpleActiveExpected
mkGraph :: [ (Name, [(Tag, [Name])]) ] -> ProducerGraph
mkGraph = toProducerGraph
. ( Set.fromList)
. Map.fromList
. Map.fromList

View File

@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.DeadParameterEliminationSpec where
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.DeadParameterElimination (deadParameterElimination)
import Data.Either
import Test.Hspec
import Test.ExtendedSyntax.Util (loadTestData)
import Test.ExtendedSyntax.Assertions
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TH
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.PrimOpsPrelude (withPrimPrelude)
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeCheck (inferTypeEnv)
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.LiveVariableSpec (calcLiveness)
runTests :: IO ()
runTests = hspec spec
dpe :: Exp -> Exp
dpe e = either error id $
deadParameterElimination (calcLiveness e) (inferTypeEnv e) e
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Dead Parameter Elimination" $ do
it "Fnode" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
k0 <- pure 5
x0 <- pure (CInt k0)
p0 <- store x0
a0 <- pure (Ffoo p0 p0 p0)
p1 <- store a0
a1 <- eval p1
pure a1
-- functions cannot return pointers
foo x y z =
y' <- eval y
pure y'
eval p =
v <- fetch p
case v of
(CInt n) @ alt1 -> pure v
(Ffoo x1 y1 z1) @ alt2 ->
w <- foo x1 y1 z1
_1 <- update p w
pure w
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
k0 <- pure 5
x0 <- pure (CInt k0)
p0 <- store x0
a0 <- pure (Ffoo p0 p0 p0)
p1 <- store a0
a1 <- eval p1
pure a1
-- functions cannot return pointers
foo y =
z <- pure (#undefined :: #ptr)
x <- pure (#undefined :: #ptr)
y' <- eval y
pure y'
eval p =
v <- fetch p
case v of
(CInt n) @ alt1 -> pure v
(Ffoo x1 y1 z1) @ alt2 ->
w <- foo y1
_1 <- update p w
pure w
dpe before `sameAs` after
-- TODO: reenable
-- it "Pnode" $ pipeline
-- "dead-parameter-elimination/pnode_before.grin"
-- "dead-parameter-elimination/pnode_after.grin"
-- deadParameterEliminationPipeline
it "PNode" $ do
before <- loadTestData "dead-parameter-elimination/pnode_before.grin"
after <- loadTestData "dead-parameter-elimination/pnode_after.grin"
dpe before `sameAs` after
it "Pnode opt" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
k0 <- pure 5
a0 <- pure (CInt k0)
a1 <- pure (CInt k0)
a2 <- pure (CInt k0)
p0 <- store a0
p1 <- store a1
p2 <- store a2
foo3 <- pure (P3foo)
(P3foo) @ _1 <- pure foo3
foo2 <- pure (P2foo p0)
(P2foo v0) @ _2 <- pure foo2
foo1 <- pure (P1foo v0 p1)
(P1foo v1 v2) @ _3 <- pure foo1
fooRet <- foo v1 v2 p2
pure fooRet
foo x0 y0 z0 =
y0' <- fetch y0
(CInt n) @ _4 <- y0'
pure y0'
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
k0 <- pure 5
a0 <- pure (CInt k0)
a1 <- pure (CInt k0)
a2 <- pure (CInt k0)
p0 <- store a0
p1 <- store a1
p2 <- store a2
foo3 <- pure (P3foo)
(P3foo) @ _1 <- pure foo3
foo2 <- pure (P2foo p0)
(P2foo v0) @ _2 <- pure foo2
foo1 <- pure (P1foo v0 p1)
(P1foo v1 v2) @ _3 <- pure foo1
fooRet <- foo v2
pure fooRet
foo y0 =
z0 <- pure (#undefined :: #ptr)
x0 <- pure (#undefined :: #ptr)
y0' <- fetch y0
(CInt n) @ _4 <- y0'
pure y0'
dpe before `sameAs` after
it "Simple" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
k0 <- pure 5
g k0
f x y = pure x
g z =
k1 <- pure 0
f k1 z
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
k0 <- pure 5
f x =
y <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
pure x
g =
z <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
k1 <- pure 0
f k1
dpe before `sameAs` after
it "Mutually recursive" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
k0 <- pure 0
f k0 k0
f x y =
k1 <- pure 0
g x k1
g v w =
k2 <- pure 0
f k2 w
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
k0 <- pure 0
f =
y <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
x <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
k1 <- pure 0
g =
w <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
v <- pure (#undefined :: T_Int64)
k2 <- pure 0
dpe before `sameAs` after

View File

@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes, ViewPatterns #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.GeneralizedUnboxingSpec where
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.GeneralizedUnboxing
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Test.Hspec
import Test.ExtendedSyntax.Assertions
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TH
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeEnv
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Names (ExpChanges(..))
runTests :: IO ()
runTests = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
it "Figure 4.21 (extended)" $ do
let teBefore = emptyTypeEnv
{ _function = Map.fromList
[ ("test", (int64_t, Vector.fromList [int64_t]))
, ("foo", (T_NodeSet
[(Tag C "Int", Vector.fromList [T_Int64])
, Vector.fromList [int64_t, int64_t, int64_t]))
, ("foo2", (T_NodeSet
[(Tag C "Int", Vector.fromList [T_Int64])
, Vector.fromList [int64_t, int64_t, int64_t]))
, ("foo2B", (T_NodeSet
[(Tag C "Int", Vector.fromList [T_Int64])
, Vector.fromList [int64_t, int64_t, int64_t]))
, ("foo2C", (T_NodeSet
[(Tag C "Int", Vector.fromList [T_Int64])
, Vector.fromList [int64_t, int64_t, int64_t]))
, ("foo3", (T_NodeSet
[(Tag C "Int", Vector.fromList [T_Int64])
, Vector.fromList [int64_t, int64_t, int64_t]))
, ("foo4", (T_NodeSet
[(Tag C "Int", Vector.fromList [T_Int64])
, Vector.fromList [int64_t, int64_t, int64_t]))
, ("foo5", (T_NodeSet
[(Tag C "Int", Vector.fromList [T_Int64])
, Vector.fromList [int64_t, int64_t, int64_t]))
, ("bar", (int64_t, Vector.fromList []))
let before = [prog|
test n =
k0 <- pure 1
prim_int_add n k0
foo a1 a2 a3 =
b1 <- prim_int_add a1 a2
b2 <- prim_int_add b1 a3
pure (CInt b2)
foo2 a1 a2 a3 =
c1 <- prim_int_add a1 a2
foo c1 c1 a3
foo2B a1 a2 a3 =
c1 <- prim_int_add a1 a2
foo c1 c1 a3
foo2C a1 a2 a3 =
c1 <- prim_int_add a1 a2
case c1 of
#default @ alt1 -> pure c1
(CInt x1) @ alt2 -> foo c1 c1 a3
foo3 a1 a2 a3 =
c1 <- prim_int_add a1 a2
-- In this case the vectorisation did not happen.
c2 <- foo c1 c1 a3
pure c2
foo4 a1 =
v <- pure (CInt a1)
pure v
foo5 a1 =
n0 <- pure (CInt a1)
p <- store n0
fetch p
bar =
k1 <- pure 1
n1 <- test k1
(CInt y') @ _0 <- foo a1 a2 a3
test y'
let teAfter = emptyTypeEnv
{ _function = Map.fromList
[ ("test", (int64_t, Vector.fromList [int64_t]))
, ("foo.unboxed", (int64_t, Vector.fromList [int64_t, int64_t, int64_t]))
, ("foo2.unboxed", (int64_t, Vector.fromList [int64_t, int64_t, int64_t]))
, ("foo2B.unboxed", (int64_t, Vector.fromList [int64_t, int64_t, int64_t]))
, ("foo2C.unboxed", (int64_t, Vector.fromList [int64_t, int64_t, int64_t]))
, ("foo3.unboxed", (int64_t, Vector.fromList [int64_t, int64_t, int64_t]))
, ("foo4.unboxed", (int64_t, Vector.fromList [int64_t, int64_t, int64_t]))
, ("foo5.unboxed", (int64_t, Vector.fromList [int64_t, int64_t, int64_t]))
, ("bar", (int64_t, Vector.fromList []))
, _variable = Map.fromList
[ ("unboxed.CInt.0", int64_t)
, ("unboxed.CInt.1", int64_t)
, ("unboxed.CInt.2", int64_t)
, ("unboxed.CInt.3", int64_t)
, ("unboxed.CInt.4", int64_t)
, ("unboxed.CInt.5", int64_t)
let after = [prog|
test n =
k0 <- pure 1
prim_int_add n k0
foo.unboxed a1 a2 a3 =
b1 <- prim_int_add a1 a2
b2 <- prim_int_add b1 a3
pure b2
foo2.unboxed a1 a2 a3 =
c1 <- prim_int_add a1 a2
foo.unboxed c1 c1 a3
foo2B.unboxed a1 a2 a3 =
c1 <- prim_int_add a1 a2
foo.unboxed c1 c1 a3
foo2C.unboxed a1 a2 a3 =
c1 <- prim_int_add a1 a2
case c1 of
#default @ alt1 ->
(CInt unboxed.CInt.0) @ _1 <- pure c1
pure unboxed.CInt.0
(CInt x1) @ alt2 ->
foo.unboxed c1 c1 a3
foo3.unboxed a1 a2 a3 =
c1 <- prim_int_add a1 a2
c2 <- do
unboxed.CInt.4 <- foo.unboxed c1 c1 a3
pure (CInt unboxed.CInt.4)
(CInt unboxed.CInt.1) @ _2 <- pure c2
pure unboxed.CInt.1
foo4.unboxed a1 =
v <- pure (CInt a1)
(CInt unboxed.CInt.2) @ _3 <- pure v
pure unboxed.CInt.2
foo5.unboxed a1 =
n0 <- pure (CInt a1)
p <- store n0
(CInt unboxed.CInt.3) @ _4 <- fetch p
pure unboxed.CInt.3
bar =
k1 <- pure 1
n1 <- test k1
(CInt y') @ _0 <- do
unboxed.CInt.5 <- foo.unboxed a1 a2 a3
pure (CInt unboxed.CInt.5)
test y'
generalizedUnboxing teBefore before `sameAs` (after, NewNames)
it "Return values are in cases" $ do
let teBefore = emptyTypeEnv
{ _function =
fun_t "int_eq"
[ T_NodeSet $ cnode_t "Int" [T_Int64]
, T_NodeSet $ cnode_t "Int" [T_Int64]
(T_NodeSet $ cnode_t "Int" [T_Int64])
, _variable = Map.fromList
[ ("eq0", T_NodeSet $ cnode_t "Int" [T_Int64])
, ("eq1", T_NodeSet $ cnode_t "Int" [T_Int64])
, ("eq0_1", int64_t)
, ("eq1_1", int64_t)
, ("eq2", bool_t)
let before = [prog|
int_eq eq0 eq1 =
(CInt eq0_1) @ alt1 <- fetch eq0
(CInt eq1_1) @ alt2 <- fetch eq1
eq2 <- _prim_int_eq eq0_1 eq1_1
case eq2 of
#False @ alt3 ->
k0 <- pure 0
pure (CInt k0)
#True @ alt4 ->
k1 <- pure 1
pure (CInt k1)
let teAfter = emptyTypeEnv
{ _function =
fun_t "int_eq.unboxed"
[ T_NodeSet $ cnode_t "Int" [T_Int64]
, T_NodeSet $ cnode_t "Int" [T_Int64]
, _variable = Map.fromList
[ ("eq0", T_NodeSet $ cnode_t "Int" [T_Int64])
, ("eq1", T_NodeSet $ cnode_t "Int" [T_Int64])
, ("eq0_1", int64_t)
, ("eq1_1", int64_t)
, ("eq2", bool_t)
let after = [prog|
int_eq.unboxed eq0 eq1 =
(CInt eq0_1) @ alt1 <- fetch eq0
(CInt eq1_1) @ alt2 <- fetch eq1
eq2 <- _prim_int_eq eq0_1 eq1_1
case eq2 of
#False @ alt3 ->
k0 <- pure 0
pure k0
#True @ alt4 ->
k1 <- pure 1
pure k1
generalizedUnboxing teBefore before `sameAs` (after, NewNames)
it "Step 1 for Figure 4.21" $ do
let teBefore = emptyTypeEnv
{ _function = Map.fromList
[ ("test", (int64_t, Vector.fromList [int64_t]))
, ("foo", (T_NodeSet
[(Tag C "Int", Vector.fromList [T_Int64])
, Vector.fromList [int64_t, int64_t, int64_t]))
, ("bar", (int64_t, Vector.fromList []))
let before = [prog|
test n =
k0 <- pure 1
prim_int_add n k0
foo a1 a2 a3 =
b1 <- prim_int_add a1 a2
b2 <- prim_int_add b1 a3
pure (CInt b2)
bar =
k1 <- pure 1
n <- test k1
(CInt y') @ _1 <- foo a1 a2 a3
test y'
functionsToUnbox teBefore before `shouldBe` (Set.fromList ["foo"])
it "Tail calls and general unboxing" $ do
let teBefore = emptyTypeEnv
{ _function = Map.fromList
[ ("inside1", (T_NodeSet
[(Tag C "Int", Vector.fromList [T_Int64])
, Vector.fromList [int64_t, int64_t, int64_t]))
, ("outside3", (T_NodeSet
[(Tag C "Int", Vector.fromList [T_Int64])
,(Tag C "Nat", Vector.fromList [T_Int64])
, Vector.fromList [int64_t]))
, ("outside4", (T_NodeSet
[(Tag C "Int", Vector.fromList [T_Int64])
, Vector.fromList [int64_t]))
, ("outside2", (T_NodeSet
[(Tag C "Int", Vector.fromList [T_Int64])
, Vector.fromList [int64_t]))
, ("outside1", (T_NodeSet
[(Tag C "Int", Vector.fromList [T_Int64])
, Vector.fromList [int64_t]))
let before = [prog|
inside1 a1 a2 a3 =
b1 <- prim_int_add a1 a2
b2 <- prim_int_add b1 a3
pure (CInt b2)
outside4 =
k0 <- pure ()
k1 <- pure 1
_1 <- pure k0
outside3 k2
outside3 p1 =
case p1 of
1 @ alt1 -> inside1 p1 p1 p1 -- :: CInt Int
2 @ alt2 -> outside2 p1 -- :: CNat Int
outside2 p1 =
k0 <- pure ()
k1 <- pure 1
_2 <- pure k0
outside1 p1
outside1 p1 =
k2 <- pure 1
y <- prim_int_add p1 k2
x <- pure (CNat y)
pure x
functionsToUnbox teBefore before `shouldBe` mempty
it "Tail call function 1" $ do
let fun = [def|
fun x =
l <- store x
k0 <- pure 3
tail k0
tailCalls fun `shouldBe` (Just ["tail"])
it "Tail call function 2" $ do
let fun = [def|
fun x =
l <- pure x
k0 <- pure 1
case k0 of
1 @ alt1 ->
k1 <- pure 1
x <- prim_int_add k1 k1
tail1 x
2 @ alt2 ->
k2 <- pure 2
x <- prim_int_add k2 k2
tail2 x
tailCalls fun `shouldBe` (Just ["tail1", "tail2"])
it "Partially tail call function 2" $ do
let fun = [def|
fun x =
l <- store x
k0 <- pure 1
case k0 of
1 @ alt1 ->
k1 <- pure 1
x <- prim_int_add k1 k1
y <- tail x
pure y
2 @ alt2 ->
k2 <- pure 2
x <- prim_int_add k2 k2
tail x
tailCalls fun `shouldBe` (Just ["tail"])
it "Non-tail call function 1" $ do
let fun = [def|
fun x =
l <- store x
k0 <- pure 3
y <- tail k0
pure x
tailCalls fun `shouldBe` Nothing

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes, ViewPatterns #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.InliningSpec where
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.Inlining
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Test.Hspec
import Test.ExtendedSyntax.Assertions
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TH
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeCheck
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Names (ExpChanges(..))
runTests :: IO ()
runTests = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
it "base case" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
k <- pure 0
x <- funA k
y <- funA k
pure x
funA i = pure i
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
k <- pure 0
x <- do
i.0 <- pure k
pure i.0
y <- do
i.1 <- pure k
pure i.1
pure x
funA i = pure i
let inlineSet = Set.fromList ["funA"]
inlining inlineSet (inferTypeEnv before) before `sameAs` (after, NewNames)
it "no-inline grinMain" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
k <- pure 0
x <- pure k
pure x
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
k <- pure 0
x <- pure k
pure x
lateInlining (inferTypeEnv before) before `sameAs` (after, NoChange)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes, ViewPatterns #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.NonSharedEliminationSpec where
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.NonSharedElimination
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Test.Hspec
import Test.ExtendedSyntax.Util (loc)
import Test.ExtendedSyntax.Assertions
import Test.ExtendedSyntax.New.Test (testExprContextE)
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Syntax
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.HeapPointsTo.Result as HPT
import AbstractInterpretation.ExtendedSyntax.Sharing.Result
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TH (expr)
runTests :: IO ()
runTests = hspec spec
nonSharedElimination' :: SharingResult -> Exp -> Exp
nonSharedElimination' shRes = fst . nonSharedElimination shRes
-- NOTE: The type environments are partial, because we only need pointer information.
spec :: Spec
spec = do
testExprContextE $ \ctx -> do
it "simple non-shared" $ do
let before = [expr|
n1 <- pure (COne)
p1 <- store n1
v1 <- fetch p1
n2 <- pure (CTwo)
_1 <- update p1 n2
pure ()
let after = [expr|
n1 <- pure (COne)
p1 <- store n1
v1 <- fetch p1
n2 <- pure (CTwo)
pure ()
let hptResult = HPTResult
{ HPT._memory = mempty
, HPT._register = Map.fromList [ ("p1", loc 0)]
, HPT._function = mempty
sharedLocs = mempty
shResult = SharingResult hptResult sharedLocs
nonSharedElimination' shResult (ctx before) `sameAs` (ctx after)
it "simple shared" $ do
let before = [expr|
n1 <- pure (COne)
p1 <- store n1
v1 <- fetch p1
n2 <- pure (CTwo)
_1 <- update p1 n2
v2 <- fetch p1
pure ()
let after = [expr|
n1 <- pure (COne)
p1 <- store n1
v1 <- fetch p1
n2 <- pure (CTwo)
_1 <- update p1 n2
v2 <- fetch p1
pure ()
let hptResult = HPTResult
{ HPT._memory = mempty
, HPT._register = Map.fromList [ ("p1", loc 0)]
, HPT._function = mempty
sharedLocs = Set.fromList [0]
shResult = SharingResult hptResult sharedLocs
nonSharedElimination' shResult (ctx before) `sameAs` (ctx after)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes, ViewPatterns #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.SimpleDeadFunctionEliminationSpec where
import Transformations.Optimising.SimpleDeadFunctionElimination
import Test.Hspec
import Grin.TH
import Test.Test hiding (newVar)
import Test.Assertions
runTests :: IO ()
runTests = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
it "simple" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
x <- pure 1
funA x
funB x
funA a = pure ()
funB b = funC b
funC c = pure ()
deadFunA d = pure d
deadFunB e = deadFunA e
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
x <- pure 1
funA x
funB x
funA a = pure ()
funB b = funC b
funC c = pure ()
simpleDeadFunctionElimination before `sameAs` after
it "reference direction" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
x <- pure 1
funA x
funA b = funB b
funB c = pure ()
deadFunA d = funA d
deadFunB e = deadFunA e
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
x <- pure 1
funA x
funA b = funB b
funB c = pure ()
simpleDeadFunctionElimination before `sameAs` after
it "ignore unknown function" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
x <- pure 1
funA x
funB x
deadFunA d = pure d
deadFunB e = deadFunA e
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
x <- pure 1
funA x
funB x
simpleDeadFunctionElimination before `sameAs` after
it "dead clique" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
x <- pure 1
funA x
funA b = funB b
funB c = pure ()
deadFunA d =
v1 <- funA d
deadFunB d
deadFunB e =
v2 <- funA d
deadFunA e
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
x <- pure 1
funA x
funA b = funB b
funB c = pure ()
simpleDeadFunctionElimination before `sameAs` after

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes, ViewPatterns #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.SimpleDeadParameterEliminationSpec where
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.SimpleDeadParameterElimination
import Test.Hspec
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TH
import Test.ExtendedSyntax.Assertions
runTests :: IO ()
runTests = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
it "simple" $ do
let before = [prog|
funA a b = pure b
funB c =
k0 <- pure 1
funA c k0
let after = [prog|
funA b = pure b
funB c =
k0 <- pure 1
funA k0
simpleDeadParameterElimination before `sameAs` after
it "Pnode + Fnode ; val - lpat - cpat" $ do
let before = [prog|
funA a b = pure b
funB c =
k0 <- pure 1
funA c k0
eval p =
v <- fetch p
case v of
(FfunB c1) @ alt1 -> funB c1
(FfunA a1 b1) @ alt2 ->
(FfunA a2 b2) @ _1 <- pure (FfunA a1 b1)
funA a2 b2
(P2funA) @ alt3 ->
(P2funA) @ _2 <- pure (P2funA)
pure (P2funA)
(P1funA a3) @ alt4 ->
(P1funA a4) @ _3 <- pure (P1funA a3)
pure (P1funA a4)
(P0funA a5 b5) @ alt5 ->
(P0funA a6 b6) @ _4 <- pure (P0funA a5 b5)
pure (P0funA a6 b6)
let after = [prog|
funA b = pure b
funB c =
k0 <- pure 1
funA k0
eval p =
v <- fetch p
case v of
(FfunB c1) @ alt1 -> funB c1
(FfunA b1) @ alt2 ->
(FfunA b2) @ _1 <- pure (FfunA b1)
funA b2
(P2funA) @ alt3 ->
(P2funA) @ _2 <- pure (P2funA)
pure (P2funA)
(P1funA) @ alt4 ->
(P1funA) @ _3 <- pure (P1funA)
pure (P1funA)
(P0funA b5) @ alt5 ->
(P0funA b6) @ _4 <- pure (P0funA b5)
pure (P0funA b6)
simpleDeadParameterElimination before `sameAs` after

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@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes, ViewPatterns #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.SimpleDeadVariableEliminationSpec where
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.SimpleDeadVariableElimination
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.EffectMap
import Test.Hspec
import Test.ExtendedSyntax.Assertions
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TH
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.PrimOpsPrelude
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeCheck
runTests :: IO ()
runTests = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Bugs" $ do
it "keep blocks" $ do
let before = withPrimPrelude [prog|
grinMain =
fun_main.0 <- pure (P1Main.main.closure.0)
p.1.0 <- pure fun_main.0
"unboxed.C\"GHC.Prim.Unit#\".0" <- do
result_Main.main1.0.0.0 <- pure (P1Main.main1.closure.0)
apply.unboxed2 $ result_Main.main1.0.0.0
k0 <- pure 0
_prim_int_print $ k0
apply.unboxed2 p.1.X =
(P1Main.main1.closure.0) @ v0 <- pure p.1.X
k1 <- pure 12
_1 <- _prim_int_print $ k1
n0 <- pure (F"GHC.Tuple.()")
store n0
let after = withPrimPrelude [prog|
grinMain =
"unboxed.C\"GHC.Prim.Unit#\".0" <- do
result_Main.main1.0.0.0 <- pure (P1Main.main1.closure.0)
apply.unboxed2 $ result_Main.main1.0.0.0
k0 <- pure 0
_prim_int_print $ k0
apply.unboxed2 p.1.X =
k1 <- pure 12
_1 <- _prim_int_print $ k1
n0 <- pure (F"GHC.Tuple.()")
store n0
let tyEnv = inferTypeEnv before
effMap = effectMap (tyEnv, before)
dveExp = simpleDeadVariableElimination effMap before
dveExp `sameAs` after
it "do not remove effectful case" $ do
let before = withPrimPrelude [prog|
sideeff s1 =
s2 <- _prim_int_add s1 s1
_prim_int_print s2
grinMain =
k1 <- pure 0
n0 <- pure (CInt k1)
x <- case n0 of
(CInt x1) @ alt1 ->
_1 <- sideeff x1
pure 1 -- pure (CInt 1)
(CFloat y1) @ alt2 ->
y2 <- _prim_int_add k1 k1
pure 2 -- pure (CInt y2)
pure ()
let after = withPrimPrelude [prog|
sideeff s1 =
s2 <- _prim_int_add s1 s1
_prim_int_print s2
grinMain =
k1 <- pure 0
n0 <- pure (CInt k1)
x <- case n0 of
(CInt x1) @ alt1 ->
_1 <- sideeff x1
pure 1
(CFloat y1) @ alt2 ->
pure 2
pure ()
let tyEnv = inferTypeEnv before
effMap = effectMap (tyEnv, before)
dveExp = simpleDeadVariableElimination effMap before
dveExp `sameAs` after
it "do not remove effectful case 2" $ do
let before = withPrimPrelude [prog|
grinMain =
k0 <- pure #"str"
y <- pure (CInt k0)
x <- case y of
(CInt x1) @ alt1 ->
_1 <- _prim_string_print x1
pure 1 -- pure (CInt 1)
pure ()
let after = withPrimPrelude [prog|
grinMain =
k0 <- pure #"str"
y <- pure (CInt k0)
x <- case y of
(CInt x1) @ alt1 ->
_1 <- _prim_string_print x1
pure 1
pure ()
let tyEnv = inferTypeEnv before
effMap = effectMap (tyEnv, before)
dveExp = simpleDeadVariableElimination effMap before
dveExp `sameAs` after
describe "Simple dead variable elimination works for" $ do
it "simple" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
i1 <- pure 1
n1 <- pure (CNode i1)
p1 <- store n1
n2 <- pure (CNode p1)
p2 <- store n2
pure 0
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
pure 0
let tyEnv = inferTypeEnv before
effMap = effectMap (tyEnv, before)
dveExp = simpleDeadVariableElimination effMap before
dveExp `sameAs` after
it "pure case" $ do
let before = withPrimPrelude [prog|
grinMain =
i1 <- pure 1
n1 <- pure (CNode i1)
p1 <- store n1
n2 <- pure (CNode p1)
p2 <- store n2
_1 <- _prim_int_print i1
i2 <- case n1 of
1 @ alt1 -> pure 2
2 @ alt2 -> pure 3
#default @ alt3 -> pure 4
pure 0
let after = withPrimPrelude [prog|
grinMain =
i1 <- pure 1
_1 <- _prim_int_print i1
pure 0
let tyEnv = inferTypeEnv before
effMap = effectMap (tyEnv, before)
dveExp = simpleDeadVariableElimination effMap before
dveExp `sameAs` after
it "effectful case" $ do
let before = withPrimPrelude [prog|
grinMain =
i1 <- pure 1
n1 <- pure (CNode i1)
p1 <- store n1
n2 <- pure (CNode p1)
p2 <- store n2
_1 <- _prim_int_print i1
_2 <- case n1 of
1 @ alt1 -> pure ()
2 @ alt2 -> _prim_int_print i1
#default @ alt3 -> pure ()
pure 0
let after = withPrimPrelude [prog|
grinMain =
i1 <- pure 1
n1 <- pure (CNode i1)
_1 <- _prim_int_print i1
_2 <- case n1 of
1 @ alt1 -> pure ()
2 @ alt2 -> _prim_int_print i1
#default @ alt3 -> pure ()
pure 0
let tyEnv = inferTypeEnv before
effMap = effectMap (tyEnv, before)
dveExp = simpleDeadVariableElimination effMap before
dveExp `sameAs` after
it "nested effectful case" $ do
let before = withPrimPrelude [prog|
grinMain =
i1 <- pure 1
n1 <- pure (CNode i1)
p1 <- store n1
n2 <- pure (CNode p1)
p2 <- store n2
_1 <- _prim_int_print i1
_2 <- case n1 of
1 @ alt1 ->
i2 <- case n2 of
0 @ alt11 -> pure 1
#default @ alt12 -> pure 2
pure ()
2 @ alt2 -> _prim_int_print i1
#default @ alt3 -> pure ()
pure 0
let after = withPrimPrelude [prog|
grinMain =
i1 <- pure 1
n1 <- pure (CNode i1)
_1 <- _prim_int_print i1
_2 <- case n1 of
1 @ alt1 -> pure ()
2 @ alt2 -> _prim_int_print i1
#default @ alt3 -> pure ()
pure 0
let tyEnv = inferTypeEnv before
effMap = effectMap (tyEnv, before)
dveExp = simpleDeadVariableElimination effMap before
dveExp `sameAs` after
it "node pattern" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
i1 <- pure 1
(CNode i2) @ v1 <- pure (CNode i1)
(CNode i3) @ v2 <- pure (CNode i1)
n1 <- pure (CNode i2)
(CNode i4) @ v3 <- pure n1
pure i1
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
i1 <- pure 1
pure i1
let tyEnv = inferTypeEnv before
effMap = effectMap (tyEnv, before)
dveExp = simpleDeadVariableElimination effMap before
dveExp `sameAs` after
it "pattern match" $ do
let before = [prog|
grinMain =
i1 <- pure 0
n1 <- pure (CNode i1)
(CNode i3) @ v1 <- pure n1
(CNil) @ v2 <- pure (CNil)
(CUnit) @ v3 <- pure (CUnit)
n2 <- pure (CNode i3)
(CNode i4) @ v4 <- pure (CNode i3)
(CNode i5) @ v5 <- pure n2
(CNode i6) @ v6 <- pure n2
pure 0
let after = [prog|
grinMain =
pure 0
let tyEnv = inferTypeEnv before
effMap = effectMap (tyEnv, before)
dveExp = simpleDeadVariableElimination effMap before
dveExp `sameAs` after
-- QUESTION: Does this belong here, or to DeadVariableEliminationSpec?
describe "Interprocedural DVE regression tests" $ do
it "not explicitly covered alternatives trigger undefined replacements" $ do
let before = withPrimPrelude [prog|
grinMain =
one <- pure 1
two <- pure 2
v0 <- _prim_int_add one one
v1 <- case v0 of
2 @ alt1 ->
v2 <- _prim_int_lt one two
v3 <- case v2 of
#False @ alt11 -> pure v0
#True @ alt12 -> pure 1
case v3 of
0 @ alt13 -> pure (CGT)
1 @ alt14 -> pure (CLT)
1 @ alt2 -> pure (CEQ)
-- If #default is changed to explicit alternatives the undefineds are not introduced.
-- Undefineds are introduced for missing alternatives too.
case v1 of
(CEQ) @ alt3 -> _prim_int_print one
#default @ alt4 -> _prim_int_print two
let after = withPrimPrelude [prog|
grinMain =
one <- pure 1
two <- pure 2
v0 <- _prim_int_add one one
v1 <- case v0 of
2 @ alt1 ->
v2 <- _prim_int_lt one two
v3 <- case v2 of
#False @ alt11 -> pure v0
#True @ alt12 -> pure 1
case v3 of
0 @ alt13 -> pure (CGT)
1 @ alt14 -> pure (CLT)
1 @ alt2 -> pure (CEQ)
case v1 of
(CEQ) @ alt3 -> _prim_int_print one
#default @ alt4 -> _prim_int_print two
let tyEnv = inferTypeEnv before
effMap = effectMap (tyEnv, before)
dveExp = simpleDeadVariableElimination effMap before
dveExp `sameAs` after

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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes, ViewPatterns #-}
module Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.SparseCaseOptimisationSpec where
import Transformations.ExtendedSyntax.Optimising.SparseCaseOptimisation
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Test.Hspec
import Test.ExtendedSyntax.New.Test hiding (newVar)
import Test.ExtendedSyntax.Assertions
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.Grin
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TH
import Grin.ExtendedSyntax.TypeEnv
-- TODO: Replace type env construction with new primitives from Test.ExtendedSyntax.Util
runTests :: IO ()
runTests = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
testExprContext $ \ctx -> do
it "Figure 4.25" $ do
let teBefore = create $
(newVar "v" $ T_NodeSet (Map.fromList [(Tag C "Cons", Vector.fromList [T_Int64, T_Location [1]])]))
let before = [expr|
v <- eval l
case v of
(CNil) @ alt1 -> pure 1
(CCons x xs) @ alt2 -> pure 2
let after = [expr|
v <- eval l
case v of
(CCons x xs) @ alt2 -> pure 2
let Right transformed = sparseCaseOptimisation teBefore before
ctx (teBefore, transformed) `sameAs` (ctx (teBefore, after))
it "Negative case, full context" $ do
let teBefore = create $
(newVar "v" $ T_NodeSet (Map.fromList
[ (Tag C "Nil", Vector.fromList [])
, (Tag C "Cons", Vector.fromList [T_Int64, T_Location [1]])
let before = [expr|
v <- eval l
case v of
(CNil) @ alt1 -> pure 1
(CCons x xs) @ alt2 -> pure 2
let after = [expr|
v <- eval l
case v of
(CNil) @ alt1 -> pure 1
(CCons x xs) @ alt2 -> pure 2
let Right transformed = sparseCaseOptimisation teBefore before
ctx (teBefore, transformed) `sameAs` (ctx (teBefore, after))
it "default" $ do
let teBefore = create $
(newVar "v" $ T_NodeSet (Map.fromList [(Tag C "Cons", Vector.fromList [T_Int64, T_Location [1]])]))
let before = [expr|
v <- eval l
case v of
(CNil) @ alt1 -> pure 1
(CCons x xs) @ alt2 -> pure 2
#default @ alt3 -> pure 3
let after = [expr|
v <- eval l
case v of
(CCons x xs) @ alt2 -> pure 2
let Right transformed = sparseCaseOptimisation teBefore before
ctx (teBefore, transformed) `sameAs` (ctx (teBefore, after))
it "negative case with default" $ do
let teBefore = create $
(newVar "v" $ T_NodeSet (Map.fromList
[ (Tag C "Nil2", Vector.fromList [])
, (Tag C "Cons", Vector.fromList [T_Int64, T_Location [1]])
let before = [expr|
v <- eval l
case v of
(CNil) @ alt1 -> pure 1
(CCons x xs) @ alt2 -> pure 2
#default @ alt3 -> pure 3
let after = [expr|
v <- eval l
case v of
(CCons x xs) @ alt2 -> pure 2
#default @ alt3 -> pure 3
let Right transformed = sparseCaseOptimisation teBefore before
ctx (teBefore, transformed) `sameAs` (ctx (teBefore, after))