switch keyword return to pure; color pure and function names

This commit is contained in:
Csaba Hruska 2017-09-07 01:00:06 +01:00
parent 3a1de93b0f
commit 48af9f02d3
5 changed files with 16 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ sum n29 n30 n31 =
if b2 then
x <- do
case CFalse of
CFalse -> return ()
return n29
CFalse -> pure ()
pure n29
n18 <- intAdd n30 1
n28 <- intAdd n29 n30

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ main =
sum n29 n30 n31 =
b2 <- intGT n30 n31
if b2 then
return n29
pure n29
n18 <- intAdd n30 1
n28 <- intAdd n29 n30

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@ -9,29 +9,29 @@ upto m n = (CInt m') <- eval m
(CInt n') <- eval n
b' <- intGT m' n'
if b' then
return (CNil)
pure (CNil)
m1' <- intAdd m' 1
m1 <- store (CInt m1')
p <- store (Fupto m1 n)
return (CCons m p)
pure (CCons m p)
sum l = l2 <- eval l
case l2 of
(CNil) -> return (CInt 0)
(CNil) -> pure (CInt 0)
(CCons x xs) -> (CInt x') <- eval x
(CInt s') <- sum xs
ax' <- intAdd x' s'
return (CInt ax')
pure (CInt ax')
eval q = v <- fetch q
case v of
(CInt x'1) -> return v
(CNil) -> return v
(CCons y ys) -> return v
(CInt x'1) -> pure v
(CNil) -> pure v
(CCons y ys) -> pure v
(Fupto a b) -> w <- upto a b
update q w
return w
pure w
(Fsum c) -> z <- sum c
update q z
return z
pure z

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Grin
import ReduceGrin
keywords = Set.fromList ["case","of","return","fetch","store","update","if","then","else","do"]
keywords = Set.fromList ["case","of","pure","fetch","store","update","if","then","else","do"]
lineComment :: Parser ()
lineComment = L.skipLineComment "--"
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ ifThenElse i = do
, Alt (TagPat (Tag C "False" 0)) e
simpleExp i = SReturn <$ kw "return" <*> value <|>
simpleExp i = SReturn <$ kw "pure" <*> value <|>
SStore <$ kw "store" <*> value <|>
SFetch <$ kw "fetch" <*> var <|>
SUpdate <$ kw "update" <*> var <*> value <|>

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@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ instance Pretty Exp where
EBindF simpleexp lpat exp -> pretty lpat <+> text "<-" <+> pretty simpleexp <$$> pretty exp
ECaseF val alts -> keyword "case" <+> pretty val <+> keyword "of" <$$> indent 2 (vsep (map pretty alts))
-- Simple Expr
SAppF name args -> hsep (text name : map pretty args)
SReturnF val -> text "return" <+> pretty val
SAppF name args -> hsep ((cyan $ text name) : map pretty args)
SReturnF val -> keyword "pure" <+> pretty val
SStoreF val -> keywordR "store" <+> pretty val
SFetchF name -> keywordR "fetch" <+> text name
SUpdateF name val -> keywordR "update" <+> text name <+> pretty val