Define pipeline via command line.

This commit is contained in:
Andor Penzes 2017-12-03 21:38:56 +01:00
parent 277e812ae4
commit 8a89040baa
3 changed files with 84 additions and 82 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Text.Printf
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ((<$>))
import Eval
import ParseGrin
import ParseGrin hiding (value)
import Grin
import Pretty
import PrettyHPT
@ -33,68 +33,88 @@ import Lens.Micro
import Lens.Micro.TH
import Lens.Micro.Mtl
import Data.Set
import Options.Applicative
import Pipeline
data Options = Options
{ optFiles :: [FilePath]
, optTrans :: [Pipeline]
} deriving Show
flg c l h = flag' c (mconcat [long l, help h])
transformOpts :: Parser Transformation
transformOpts =
flg CaseSimplification "cs" "Case Simplification"
<|> flg SplitFetch "sf" "Split Fetch"
<|> flg Vectorisation "v" "Vectorisation"
<|> flg RegisterIntroduction "ri" "Register Introduction"
<|> flg BindNormalisation "bi" "Bind Normalisation"
<|> flg RightHoistFetch "rhi" "Right Hoist Fetch"
<|> flg GenerateEval "ge" "Generate Eval"
<|> ((RenameVariables . Map.fromList)
<$> option auto (mconcat
[ long "rv"
, help "RenameVariables"
pipelineOpts :: Parser Pipeline
pipelineOpts =
flg HPT "hpt" "Heap to point analysis"
<|> flg TagInfo "tag-info" "Tag Information"
<|> flg (PrintGrin id) "print-grin" "Prints the actual grin code"
<|> flg PureEval "eval" "Evaluate the grin program"
<|> flg JITLLVM "llvm" "JIT with LLVM"
<|> (SaveLLVM <$> (strOption (mconcat
[ long "save-llvm"
, help "Save the generated llvm"
<|> (SaveLLVM <$> (strOption (mconcat
[ long "save-grin"
, help "Save the generated grin"
<|> (T <$> transformOpts)
options :: IO Options
options = execParser $ info
(pipelineArgs <**> helper)
[ fullDesc
, progDesc "grin compiler"
, header "grin compiler"
pipelineArgs = Options
<$> some (argument str (metavar "FILES..."))
<*> many pipelineOpts
defaultPipeline :: Options -> Options
defaultPipeline = \case
Options files [] ->
Options files
, T CaseSimplification
, T Vectorisation
, T RegisterIntroduction
, T RightHoistFetch
, T SplitFetch
, T BindNormalisation
, PrintGrin ondullcyan
, SaveLLVM "code"
opts -> opts
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[] -> putStrLn "usage: grin GRIN_SOURCE"
x -> forM_ x $ \fname -> do
grin <- either (fail . show) id <$> parseGrin fname
let program = Program grin
let result = [printf "stores %s %d" name $ countStores exp | Def name _ exp <- grin]
putStrLn "* store count *"
putStrLn $ unlines result
putStrLn "* tag info *"
putStrLn . show . collectTagInfo $ program
let (result, hptResult) = abstractRun (assignStoreIDs $ Program grin) "grinMain"
putStrLn "* HPT *"
print . pretty $ hptResult
pipeline program
, T Vectorisation
, T SplitFetch
, T CaseSimplification
, PrintGrin ondullblack
pipeline program
, T RegisterIntroduction
, T $ RenameVariables (Map.fromList [("i'", "i''"), ("a", "a'")])
, T GenerateEval
, PrintGrin ondullmagenta
pipeline program
[ HPT, T RegisterIntroduction, PrintGrin ondullred ]
pipeline program
[ HPT, T RegisterIntroduction, T BindNormalisation, PrintGrin ondullcyan ]
pipeline program
[ PrintGrin id ]
pipeline program
[ PureEval ]
pipeline program
[ HPT, T RightHoistFetch, PrintGrin id ]
pipeline program
, T CaseSimplification
, T Vectorisation
, T RegisterIntroduction
, T RightHoistFetch
, T SplitFetch
, T BindNormalisation
, PrintGrin ondullcyan
, SaveLLVM fname
Options files steps <- defaultPipeline <$> options
forM_ files $ \fname -> do
grin <- either (fail . show) id <$> parseGrin fname
let program = Program grin
let result = [printf "stores %s %d" name $ countStores exp | Def name _ exp <- grin]
putStrLn "* store count *"
putStrLn $ unlines result
putStrLn "* tag info *"
putStrLn . show . collectTagInfo $ program
pipeline program steps

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@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ library
default-language: Haskell2010
executable grin
@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ executable grin
, microlens
, microlens-th
, microlens-mtl
, optparse-applicative
default-language: Haskell2010
test-suite grin-test

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@ -25,27 +25,6 @@ import Lens.Micro.TH
import Lens.Micro.Mtl
import Data.Set
pipeline :: Exp -> Exp
pipeline =
registerIntroductionM 0 .
renameVaribales (Map.fromList [("i'", "i''"), ("a", "a'")]) .
simplifyForOptimization :: HPTResult -> Exp -> Exp
simplifyForOptimization hptResult =
caseSimplification .
vectorisation hptResult
simplifyForCodeGen :: Exp -> Exp
simplifyForCodeGen =
registerIntroductionI 0 .
rightHoistFetch .
lowerGrin :: HPTResult -> Exp -> Exp
lowerGrin hptResult = simplifyForCodeGen . simplifyForOptimization hptResult
type RenameVariablesMap = Map String String
@ -120,6 +99,7 @@ hpt :: PipelineM ()
hpt = do
grin <- use psExp
let (_, result) = abstractRun (assignStoreIDs grin) "grinMain"
liftIO $ print result
psHPTResult .= Just result
transformationM :: Transformation -> PipelineM ()