Fix ffi linking for primops in interpreter

No need to try and use libffi with primops as they are defined in haskell in PureEvalPlugin
This commit is contained in:
Zoe Stafford 2022-01-15 11:46:03 +00:00
parent 0ac74dc2da
commit 8ac99ab4a7

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@ -185,7 +185,9 @@ evalExp env = \case
createForeignFns :: [External] -> Map Name (FunPtr ()) -> IO (Map Name (FunPtr ()))
createForeignFns [] acc = pure acc
createForeignFns exts@(ext : _) acc = case find (\(os, _) -> toString os == Info.os) (eLibs ext) of
createForeignFns exts@(ext : _) acc
| eKind ext == PrimOp = createForeignFns (tail exts) acc
| otherwise = case find (\(os, _) -> toString os == Info.os) (eLibs ext) of
Nothing -> do
ptr <- dlsym Default $ Text.unpack $ unNM $ eName ext
createForeignFns (tail exts) $ Map.insert (eName ext) ptr acc