Compiler tests: bisecting.

This commit is contained in:
Andor Penzes 2019-07-26 03:10:36 +02:00
parent 107771b618
commit a3d25d6668
3 changed files with 123 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -229,6 +229,9 @@ executable grin-test
, binary
, optparse-applicative
, megaparsec
, system-posix-redirect
, process
, bytestring
@ -310,6 +313,9 @@ executable grin-end-to-end-test
, megaparsec
, binary
, optparse-applicative
, system-posix-redirect
, process
, bytestring

View File

@ -1,14 +1,26 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, LambdaCase, TypeApplications #-}
module Test.Hspec.Compiler where
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Monad (forM, when)
import Test.Hspec.Core.Spec hiding (pending)
import System.Directory.Tree
import System.FilePath.Posix
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, removeDirectoryRecursive)
import Data.Yaml as Yaml
import CLI.Lib (mainWithArgs)
import Data.IORef
import System.Posix.Redirect
import System.Process
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, removeFile)
import GHC.IO.Handle
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Control.Exception (catch)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import System.Directory
data InputFile
@ -33,28 +45,113 @@ data CompilerTest
-- TODO: Documentation
evaluatePipelineTest input options expected params actionWith progressCallback = do
result <- newIORef $ Result "" Success
actionWith $ \() -> do
let args = case input of
Binary fp -> [fp, "--load-binary"]
Textual fp -> [fp]
let outFile = inputToFilePath input <.> "out"
mainWithArgs $ args ++ options ++ ["--save-grin=" ++ outFile]
content <- readFile outFile
expected <- readFile expected
when (content /= expected) $ error "BLAH."
result <- newIORef $ Result "" $ Failure Nothing $ Reason "End-to-end test did not set test as success."
actionWith $ \() -> catch
(do let args = case input of
Binary fp -> [fp, "--load-binary"]
Textual fp -> [fp]
let outFile = inputToFilePath input <.> "out"
mainWithArgs $ args ++ options ++ ["--save-grin=" ++ outFile]
content <- readFile outFile
expected <- readFile expected
if (content == expected)
then writeIORef result $ Result "" Success
else writeIORef result $ Result "" $ Failure Nothing $ ExpectedButGot Nothing expected content
(writeIORef result . Result "" . Failure Nothing . Error Nothing)
readIORef result
-- TODO: Checking run result and bisecting
-- TODO: add input information
evaluateEndToEndTest input params actionWith progressCallback = do
result <- newIORef $ Result "" Success
actionWith $ \() -> do
let args = case input of
Binary fp -> [fp, "--load-binary"]
Textual fp -> [fp]
mainWithArgs args
result <- newIORef $ Result "" $ Failure Nothing $ Reason "End-to-end test did not set test as success."
actionWith $ \() -> catch
(do let fileArgs = case input of
Binary fp -> [fp, "--load-binary"]
Textual fp -> [fp]
let evalArgs = ["--output-dir=.end-to-end-test", "--quiet", "--eval"]
(grinOut, ()) <- redirectStdout $ mainWithArgs $ fileArgs ++ evalArgs
removeDirectoryRecursive ".end-to-end-test"
let compArgs =
[ "--output-dir=.end-to-end-test"
, "--quiet"
, "--save-binary-intermed"
, "--optimize"
, "--save-elf=end-to-end-test.bin"
, "--runtime-c-path=./grin/test-runtime/runtime.c"
, "--primops-c-path=./grin/prim_ops.c"
mainWithArgs $ fileArgs ++ compArgs
let runTest = (shell "./end-to-end-test.bin")
{ std_in = NoStream, std_out = CreatePipe, std_err = CreatePipe }
(mIn, Just out, Just err, runTestPh) <- createProcess_ "./end-to-end-test.bin" runTest
runTestExitCode <- waitForProcess runTestPh
doesFileExist "./end-to-end-test.bin" >>= flip when (removeFile "./end-to-end-test.bin")
testOut <- hGetContents out
if (grinOut == fromString testOut)
then writeIORef result $ Result "" Success
else do
writeIORef result $ Result "" $ Failure Nothing $ Reason "End-to-end test started bisecting but it did not finish."
res <- bisect ".end-to-end-test" grinOut
writeIORef result res
(writeIORef result . Result "" . Failure Nothing . Error Nothing)
readIORef result
loopM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m (Either a b)) -> a -> m b
loopM n a0 = n a0 >>= \case
Left a -> loopM n a
Right b -> pure b
runTest :: FilePath -> ByteString -> IO Bool
runTest file exp = do
let compArgs =
[ file
, "--quiet"
, "--load-binary"
, "--eval"
(grinOut, ()) <- redirectStdout $ mainWithArgs compArgs
pure $ grinOut == exp
bisect :: FilePath -> ByteString -> IO Result
bisect directory expected = do
let dir = directory
files <- fmap (filter isGrinFile) $ listDirectory directory
let fileMap = createFileMap files
let (mn, mx) = findRange fileMap
tn <- runTest (fileMap Map.! mn) expected
tx <- runTest (fileMap Map.! mx) expected
loopM (go fileMap) ((mn,tn), (mx, tx))
go fm ((mn,tn), (mx, tx))
| not tn && not tx = pure $ Right $ Result "" $ Failure Nothing $ Reason "Min and max were failures. This could indicate different errors."
| tn && tx = pure $ Right $ Result "" $ Failure Nothing $ Reason "Min and max were success. This shouldn't have happened."
| mn > mx = pure $ Right $ Result "" $ Failure Nothing $ Reason "Min exceded max, something went really wrong."
| mn == mx = pure $ Right $ Result "" $ Failure Nothing $ Reason "Min==max this should have not happened."
| mn + 1 == mx = case (tn, tx) of
(True, False) -> pure $ Right $ Result "" $ Failure Nothing $ Reason $ "Test failed in pipeline step: " ++ show tx
(False, True) -> pure $ Right $ Result "" $ Failure Nothing $ Reason $ "Test failed in pipeline step: " ++ show tn
conf -> pure $ Right $ Result "" $ Failure Nothing $ Reason $ "Unhandled configuration: " ++ show conf
-- report the one which failed
| mn < mx = do
let md = (mx - mn) `div` 2
td <- runTest (fm Map.! md) expected -- We suppose that md exists
case (tn, td, tx) of
(False, False, True) -> pure $ Left ((md,td), (mx,tx))
(False, True, True) -> pure $ Left ((mn,tn), (md,td))
(True, False, False) -> pure $ Left ((mn,tn), (md,td))
(True, True, False) -> pure $ Left ((md,td), (mx,tx))
conf -> pure $ Right $ Result "" $ Failure Nothing $ Reason $ "Unhandled configuration: " ++ show conf
noOfDigits = 3
isGrinFile name = (all isDigit (take noOfDigits name)) && ".binary" `isSuffixOf` name
createFileMap files = Map.fromList $
[ (itr, directory </> name)
| name <- files
, let itr = read @Int (take noOfDigits name)
findRange = (minimum &&& maximum) . Map.keys
instance Example CompilerTest where
type Arg CompilerTest = ()
evaluateExample compilerTest = case compilerTest of

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ extra-deps:
- neat-interpolation-
- set-extra-1.4.1
- llvm-hs-pretty-
- system-posix-redirect-
- github: csabahruska/llvm-hs
commit: 868e23a13942703255979369defdb49ac57b6866