first version of bind normalisation (UGLY)

This commit is contained in:
Csaba Hruska 2017-09-09 16:39:59 +01:00
parent aee66013c6
commit b46808f044
4 changed files with 44 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -36,11 +36,22 @@ main = do
putStrLn $ unlines result
putStrLn "* tag info *"
putStrLn . show . collectTagInfo $ Program grin
putStrLn "* vectorisation / split fetch operation / case simplifiaction*"
putStrLn . show . ondullblack . pretty . caseSimplification . splitFetch . vectorisation $ Program grin
let optProgram = caseSimplification . splitFetch . vectorisation $ Program grin
putStrLn . show . ondullblack . pretty $ optProgram
--putStrLn "* evaluation result *"
--print . pretty $ evalProgram PureReducer optProgram
putStrLn "* generate eval / rename variables / register introduction *"
putStrLn . show . ondullmagenta . pretty . pipeline $ Program grin
putStrLn "* register introduction *"
putStrLn . show . ondullred . pretty . registerIntroductionM 0 $ Program grin
putStrLn "* bind normalisation / register introduction *"
putStrLn . show . ondullcyan . pretty . bindNormalisation . registerIntroductionM 0 $ Program grin
putStrLn "* original program *"
printGrin $ Program grin

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@ -22,3 +22,9 @@ eval' reducer fname = do
case reducer of
PureReducer -> ReduceGrin.reduceFun e "main"
STReducer -> STReduceGrin.reduceFun e "main"
evalProgram :: Reducer -> Program -> Val
evalProgram reducer (Program defs) =
case reducer of
PureReducer -> ReduceGrin.reduceFun defs "main"
STReducer -> STReduceGrin.reduceFun defs "main"

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@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ keywordR = red . text
-- nice colors for syntax highlight
-- precedence support
-- better node type syntax (C | F | P)
instance Pretty Exp where

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@ -292,6 +292,28 @@ assignStoreIDs = runGen . cata folder where
SStoreF v -> (:< SStoreF v) <$> gen
e -> (0 :<) <$> sequence e
-- Bind normalisation (EXTREME UGLY first version)
bindNormalisation :: Exp -> Exp
bindNormalisation = ($ id) . snd . cata folder where
folder :: ExpF (Bool, (Exp -> Exp) -> Exp) -> (Bool, (Exp -> Exp) -> Exp)
folder = \case
EBindF (hasSBlock, sexpf) pat (_, expf) -> case hasSBlock of
True -> (False, \f -> sexpf $ \sexp -> EBind sexp pat (expf f))
False -> (False, \f -> EBind (sexpf id) pat (expf f))
SBlockF (_, f) -> (True, f)
-- SimpleExp: return, app, case, store, fetch, update
SAppF name vals -> (False, \f -> f (SApp name vals))
SReturnF val -> (False, \f -> f (SReturn val))
SStoreF val -> (False, \f -> f (SStore val))
SFetchIF name index -> (False, \f -> f (SFetchI name index))
SUpdateF name val -> (False, \f -> f (SUpdate name val))
AltF cpat (_, expf) -> (False, \f -> f (Alt cpat (expf id)))
ECaseF val altsf -> (False, \f -> f (ECase val (map (($ id) . snd) altsf)))
DefF name args (_, expf) -> (False, \f -> f (Def name args (expf id)))
ProgramF defs -> (False, \f -> f (Program (map (($ id) . snd) defs)))
-- Case Simplification
type SubstMap = Map SimpleVal SimpleVal
@ -314,6 +336,7 @@ caseSimplification e = ana builder (mempty, e) where
ECase (VarTagNode tagVar vals) alts -> ECaseF (Var tagVar) (map (substAlt env vals) alts)
e -> (env,) <$> project (substVals env e)
substAlt env vals (Alt (NodePat tag vars) e) = (altEnv, Alt (TagPat tag) e)
where altEnv = foldl' (\m (name,val) -> Map.insert (Var name) val m) env (zip vars vals)
substAlt env _ alt = (env, alt)
substAlt env vals = \case
Alt (NodePat tag vars) e -> (altEnv, Alt (TagPat tag) e)
where altEnv = foldl' (\m (name,val) -> Map.insert (Var name) val m) env (zip vars vals)
alt -> (env, alt)