improve pretty ; another test transformation

This commit is contained in:
Csaba Hruska 2017-08-26 22:59:54 +01:00
parent 1d779ebe24
commit ef661f9fa8
4 changed files with 50 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,15 @@ import Grin
import Pretty
import Data.Functor.Foldable as Foldable
import Control.Monad.Gen
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen (pretty)
add Def to shape functor
testCata :: Exp -> Int
testCata = cata folder where
folder = \case
@ -26,6 +35,19 @@ testCata = cata folder where
-- Alt
AltF _ a -> a
type GenM = Gen Integer
vectorisation :: Exp -> Exp
vectorisation = runGen . cata folder where
folder :: ExpF (GenM Exp) -> GenM Exp
folder = \case
EBindF simpleexp (Var name) exp -> do
let newName = ('_' :) . show <$> gen
tag <- newName
args <- map Var <$> replicateM 3 newName
EBind <$> simpleexp <*> pure (VarTagNode tag args) <*> exp
e -> embed <$> sequence e
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
@ -36,4 +58,6 @@ main = do
grin <- either (fail . show) id <$> parseGrin fname
let result = [printf "stores %s %d" name $ testCata exp | Def name _ exp <- grin]
putStrLn $ unlines result
let result = [show $ pretty $ vectorisation exp | Def name _ exp <- grin]
putStrLn $ unlines result
printGrin grin

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@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ executable grin
build-depends: base
, grin
, recursion-schemes
, monad-gen
, ansi-wl-pprint
default-language: Haskell2010
test-suite grin-test

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@ -12,29 +12,37 @@ printGrin defs = putDoc $ vcat (map pretty defs)
keyword :: String -> Doc
keyword = yellow . text
keywordR = red . text
-- nice colors for syntax highlight
-- precedence support
-- better node type syntax (C | F | P)
instance Pretty Def where
pretty (Def name args exp) = text name <+> hsep (map pretty args) <+> text "=" <$$> indent 2 (pretty exp) <> line
pretty (Def name args exp) = hsep (text name : map pretty args) <+> text "=" <$$> indent 2 (pretty exp) <> line
instance Pretty Exp where
pretty = cata folder where
folder = \case
-- Exp
EBindF simpleexp Unit exp -> pretty simpleexp <$$> pretty exp
EBindF simpleexp lpat exp -> pretty lpat <+> text "<-" <+> pretty simpleexp <$$> pretty exp
ECaseF val alts -> keyword "case" <+> pretty val <+> keyword "of" <$$> indent 2 (vsep (map pretty alts))
-- Simple Expr
SAppF name args -> text name <+> hsep (map pretty args)
SReturnF val -> keyword "return" <+> pretty val
SStoreF val -> keyword "store" <+> pretty val
SFetchF name -> keyword "fetch" <+> text name
SUpdateF name val -> keyword "update" <+> text name <+> pretty val
SBlockF exp -> keyword "do" <$$> indent 2 (pretty exp)
SAppF name args -> hsep (text name : map pretty args)
SReturnF val -> text "return" <+> pretty val
SStoreF val -> keywordR "store" <+> pretty val
SFetchF name -> keywordR "fetch" <+> text name
SUpdateF name val -> keywordR "update" <+> text name <+> pretty val
SBlockF exp -> text "do" <$$> indent 2 (pretty exp)
-- Alt
AltF cpat exp -> pretty cpat <+> text "->" <$$> indent 2 (pretty exp)
instance Pretty Val where
pretty = \case
ConstTagNode tag args -> pretty tag <+> hsep (map pretty args)
VarTagNode name args -> text name <+> hsep (map pretty args)
ConstTagNode tag args -> hsep (pretty tag : map pretty args)
VarTagNode name args -> hsep (text name : map pretty args)
ValTag tag -> pretty tag
Unit -> parens empty
-- simple val
@ -49,15 +57,15 @@ instance Pretty Lit where
instance Pretty CPat where
pretty = \case
NodePat tag vars -> pretty tag <+> hsep (map text vars)
NodePat tag vars -> hsep (pretty tag : map text vars)
TagPat tag -> pretty tag
LitPat lit -> pretty lit
instance Pretty TagType where
pretty = \case
C -> keyword "C"
F -> keyword "F"
P -> keyword "P"
pretty = green . \case
C -> text "C"
F -> text "F"
P -> text "P"
instance Pretty Tag where
pretty (Tag tagtype name _) = pretty tagtype <> text name

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@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ packages:
- '.'
# Dependency packages to be pulled from upstream that are not in the resolver
# (e.g., acme-missiles-0.3)
extra-deps: []
- monad-gen-
# Override default flag values for local packages and extra-deps
flags: {}