guillaume-be 540c9268e7
ONNX Support (#346)
* Fixed Clippy warnings

* Revert "Shallow clone optimization (#243)"

This reverts commit ba584653bc.

* updated dependencies

* tryouts

* GPT2 tryouts


* input mapping

* Cache storage

* Initial GPT2 prototype

* Initial ONNX Config and decoder implementation

* ONNXDecoder first draft

* Use Decoders in example

* Automated tch-ort conversion, decoder implementation

* ONNXCausalDecoder implementation

* Refactored _get_var_store to be optional, added get_device to gen trait

* updated example

* Added decoder_start_token_id to ConfigOption

* Addition of ONNXModelConfig, make max_position_embeddigs optional

* Addition of forward pass function for ONNXModel

* Working ONNX causal decoder

* Simplify tensor conversion

* refactor translation to facilitate ONNX integration

* Implementation of ONNXEncoder

* Implementation of ONNXConditionalGenerator

* working ONNXCausalGenerator

* - Reworked model resources type for pipelines and generators

* Aligned ONNXConditionalGenerator with other generators to use GenerateConfig for creation

* Moved force_token_id_generation to common utils function, fixed tests, Translation implementation

* generalized forced_bos and forced_eos tokens generation

* Aligned the `encode_prompt_text` method across language models

* Fix prompt encoding for causal generation

* Fix prompt encoding for causal generation

* Support for ONNX models for SequenceClassification

* Support for ONNX models for TokenClassification

* Support for ONNX models for POS and NER pipelines

* Support for ONNX models for ZeroShotClassification pipeline

* Support for ONNX models for QuestionAnswering pipeline

* Support for ONNX models for MaskedLM pipeline

* Added token_type_ids , updated layer cache i/o parsing for ONNX pipelines

* Support for ONNX models for TextGenerationPipeline, updated examples for remote resources

* Remove ONNX zero-shot classification example (lack of correct pretrained model)

* Addition of tests for ONNX pipelines support

* Made onnx feature optional

* Fix device lookup with onnx feature enabled

* Updates from main branch

* Flexible tokenizer creation for M2M100 (NLLB support), make NLLB test optional du to their size

* Fixed Clippy warnings

* Addition of documentation for ONNX

* Added documentation for ONNX support

* upcoming tch 1.12 fixes

* Fix merge conflicts

* Fix merge conflicts (2)

* Add download libtorch feature to ONNX tests

* Add download-onnx feature

* attempt to enable onnx download

* add remote resources feature

* onnx download

* pin ort version

* Update ort version
2023-05-30 07:20:25 +01:00

100 lines
3.3 KiB

use std::path::PathBuf;
use rust_bert::gpt_j::{GptJConfigResources, GptJMergesResources, GptJVocabResources};
use rust_bert::pipelines::common::{ModelResource, ModelType};
use rust_bert::pipelines::text_generation::{TextGenerationConfig, TextGenerationModel};
use rust_bert::resources::{LocalResource, RemoteResource};
use tch::Device;
/// Equivalent Python code:
/// ```python
/// import torch
/// from transformers import AutoTokenizer, GPTJForCausalLM
/// device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
/// model = GPTJForCausalLM.from_pretrained("EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B", revision="float16", torch_dtype=torch.float16).to(device)
/// tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B", padding_side="left")
/// tokenizer.add_special_tokens({"pad_token": tokenizer.eos_token})
/// prompts = ["It was a very nice and sunny", "It was a gloom winter night, and"]
/// inputs = tokenizer(prompts, return_tensors="pt", padding=True, truncation=True).to(device)
/// with torch.no_grad():
/// gen_tokens = model.generate(
/// **inputs,
/// min_length=0,
/// max_length=32,
/// do_sample=False,
/// early_stopping=True,
/// num_beams=1,
/// num_return_sequences=1
/// )
/// gen_texts = tokenizer.batch_decode(gen_tokens, skip_special_tokens=True)
/// ````
/// To run this test you need to download `pytorch_model.bin` from [EleutherAI GPT-J 6B
/// (float16)][gpt-j-6B-float16] and then convert its weights with:
/// ```
/// python utils/ resources/gpt-j-6B-float16/pytorch_model.bin
/// ```
/// [gpt-j-6B-float16]:
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// Resources paths
let config_resource = Box::new(RemoteResource::from_pretrained(
let vocab_resource = Box::new(RemoteResource::from_pretrained(
let merges_resource = Box::new(RemoteResource::from_pretrained(
let model_resource = Box::new(LocalResource::from(PathBuf::from(
// Set-up model
let generation_config = TextGenerationConfig {
model_type: ModelType::GPTJ,
model_resource: ModelResource::Torch(model_resource),
merges_resource: Some(merges_resource),
min_length: 10,
max_length: Some(32),
do_sample: false,
early_stopping: true,
num_beams: 1,
num_return_sequences: 1,
device: Device::cuda_if_available(),
let model = TextGenerationModel::new(generation_config)?;
// Generate text
let prompts = [
"It was a very nice and sunny",
"It was a gloom winter night, and",
let output = model.generate(&prompts, None);
assert_eq!(output.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(output[0], "It was a very nice and sunny day, and I was sitting in the garden of my house, enjoying the sun and the fresh air. I was thinking");
assert_eq!(output[1], "It was a gloom winter night, and the wind was howling. The snow was falling, and the temperature was dropping. The snow was coming down so hard");