{ description = "Pure Nix flake utility functions"; inputs.flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils"; outputs = { self, flake-utils }: let inherit (builtins) isList isAttrs mapAttrs; inherit (flake-utils.lib) defaultSystems eachSystemMap; fupArgs = { flake-utils-plus = self; }; mkFlake = import ./lib/mkFlake.nix fupArgs; exportModules = import ./lib/exportModules.nix fupArgs; exportOverlays = import ./lib/exportOverlays.nix fupArgs; exportPackages = import ./lib/exportPackages.nix fupArgs; genPkgOverlay = import ./lib/genPkgOverlay.nix; internal-functions = import ./lib/internal-functions.nix; overlay = final: prev: { __dontExport = true; fup-repl = final.callPackage ./lib/fup-repl.nix { }; }; in rec { inherit overlay; blueprints.fup-repl = ./lib/fup-repl.nix; nixosModules.autoGenFromInputs = import ./lib/options.nix; darwinModules.autoGenFromInputs = import ./lib/options.nix; devShell = eachSystemMap defaultSystems (system: import ./devShell.nix { inherit system; }); lib = flake-utils.lib // { inherit mkFlake exportModules exportOverlays exportPackages genPkgOverlay; # DO NOT USE - subject to change without notice internal = internal-functions; # merge nested attribute sets and lists mergeAny = lhs: rhs: lhs // mapAttrs (name: value: if isAttrs value then lhs.${name} or { } // value else if isList value then lhs.${name} or [ ] ++ value else value ) rhs; patchChannel = system: channel: patches: if patches == [ ] then channel else (import channel { inherit system; }).pkgs.applyPatches { name = if channel ? shortRev then "nixpkgs-patched-${channel.shortRev}" else "nixpkgs-patched"; src = channel; patches = patches; }; }; }; }