Adds profunctor encodings and minimal changes

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Jesús López-González 2017-09-21 15:24:11 +02:00
parent 2f38957db2
commit 0f2a35923a
2 changed files with 105 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -101,3 +101,100 @@ newtype Traversal' s t a b = Traversal' { extract :: s -> FunList a b t }
firstNSecond' :: Traversal' (a, a, c) (b, b, c) a b
firstNSecond' = Traversal' (\(a1, a2, c) -> More a1 (More a2 (Done (,,c))))
-- Part II: Profunctors as Generalized Functions --
-- Functor
-- class Functor f where
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-- instance Functor ((->) r) where
-- fmap f g = g . f
-- Contravariant
class Contravariant f where
cmap :: (b -> a) -> f a -> f b
newtype CReader r a = CReader (a -> r)
instance Contravariant (CReader r) where
cmap f (CReader g) = CReader (g . f)
-- Profunctor
class Profunctor p where
dimap :: (a' -> a) -> (b -> b') -> p a b -> p a' b'
lmap :: (a' -> a) -> p a b -> p a' b
lmap f = dimap f id
rmap :: (b -> b') -> p a b -> p a b'
rmap f = dimap id f
instance Profunctor (->) where
dimap f g h = g . h . f
-- Cartesian
class Profunctor p => Cartesian p where
first :: p a b -> p (a, c) (b, c)
second :: p a b -> p (c, a) (c, b)
instance Cartesian (->) where
first f (a, c) = (f a, c)
second f (c, a) = (c, f a)
-- Cocartesian
class Profunctor p => Cocartesian p where
left :: p a b -> p (Either a c) (Either b c)
right :: p a b -> p (Either c a) (Either c b)
instance Cocartesian (->) where
left f = either (Left . f) Right
right f = either Left (Right . f)
-- Monoidal
class Profunctor p => Monoidal p where
par :: p a b -> p c d -> p (a, c) (b, d)
empty :: p () ()
instance Monoidal (->) where
par f g (a, c) = (f a, g c)
empty = id
-- Beyond Functions
newtype UpStar f a b = UpStar { runUpStar :: a -> f b }
instance Functor f => Profunctor (UpStar f) where
dimap f g (UpStar h) = UpStar (fmap g . h . f)
instance Functor f => Cartesian (UpStar f) where
first (UpStar f) = UpStar (\(a, c) -> fmap (,c) (f a))
second (UpStar f) = UpStar (\(c, a) -> fmap (c,) (f a))
instance Applicative f => Cocartesian (UpStar f) where
left (UpStar f) = UpStar (either (fmap Left . f) (fmap Right . pure))
right (UpStar f) = UpStar (either (fmap Left . pure) (fmap Right . f))
instance Applicative f => Monoidal (UpStar f) where
par (UpStar f) (UpStar g) = UpStar (\(a, b) -> (,) <$> f a <*> g b)
empty = UpStar pure
newtype Tagged a b = Tagged { unTagged :: b }
instance Profunctor Tagged where
dimap _ g (Tagged b) = Tagged (g b)
instance Cocartesian Tagged where
left (Tagged b) = Tagged (Left b)
right (Tagged b) = Tagged (Right b)
instance Monoidal Tagged where
par (Tagged b) (Tagged d) = Tagged (b, d)
empty = Tagged ()

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@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ instance Cocartesian (->) where
Indeed, this typeclass is very similar to `Cartesian`, but the resulting box
deals with sum types (`Either`) instead of product types. What does it mean from
our diagram perspective? It means that inputs are exclusive and only one of them
will be active in a particular time. The input itself determines which part of
the component is active. The new component is shown in the next picture:
will be active in a particular time. The input itself determines which path
should be active. The corresponding diagram is shown in the next picture:
@ -250,15 +250,14 @@ instance Monoidal (->) where
empty = id
Now, we'll focus on `par`. It receives a pair of components, `p a b` and `p c
d`, and it builds a new component `p (a, c) (b, d)`. Given this signature, it's
easy to figure out what is going on inside the resulting component. It's shown
in the next diagram:
Now, we'll focus on `par`. It receives a pair of boxes, `p a b` and `p c d`, and
it builds a new box typed `p (a, c) (b, d)`. Given this signature, it's easy to
figure out what's going on in the shadows. It's shown in the next diagram:
The resulting component make both arguments (`h` and `j`) coexist, by connecting
them in parallel (therefore the name `par`).
The resulting box make both arguments (`h` and `j`) coexist, by connecting them
in parallel (therefore the name `par`).
### Beyond Functions
@ -334,4 +333,4 @@ We've chosen `DownStar` and `Tagged` because we'll use them in the final part.
However, you should know that there're other awesome instances for profunctors
As you see, profunctors arise everywhere!
As you see, profunctors also arise everywhere!