remove outdated pages

hakimel 2021-09-27 09:45:08 +02:00
parent 25adac3db8
commit 3da5f0e528
8 changed files with 2 additions and 293 deletions

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#### The changelog has relocated to <>
#### 2.5 (master/beta)
- MS touch support ([#450](
- Keyboard binding config ([more info](
- **Major:** Slide backgrounds 2.0: including background images and transitions as well as PDF support ([more info](
- Support vertical alignment of slides with absolute positioned contents
- Set ```hidden``` on all except current slide for accessibility ([#457](
- Mouse wheel response is now more reliable
- Fix navigation glitch when stepping back and forth with ```prev```/```next``` methods
#### 2.4 ([download]( - 2013-May-12
- Fixed changing of ```keyboard```, ```touch```, ```controls``` and ```progress``` flags through using ```Reveal.configure```
- Auto-slide now resume after overview/pause
- Added error messaging when external markdown fails to load
- Added ```Reveal.avilableRoutes()``` API method
- It is now possible to override the transition for a specific slide ([more info](
- Fixes conflict between notes and remotes plugins
- Added support for transitionSpeed config value (default/fast/slow)
- Added support for `data-transition-speed` attribute on sections ([more info](
- `getIndices` now returns an `f` property for the current fragment index
- Added more state backgrounds
- Broader code highlighter language support ([full list in source](
- Set `data-trim` on your `<code>` blocks for automatic whitespace trimming
- Added `Reveal.sync()` method, update internals to match current DOM and config
- **Major:** Embedded media (`<video>`, `<audio>` and YouTube `<iframe`>) are now automatically paused when their container slide is hidden. Can also be configured to auto-play when slide is entered ([more info](
- Fixed bug where progress bar would not scale when the window was resized
- Fragments now reflect visually in the main presentation controls
- Added `fragment` config option for disabling all use of fragments
- **Major:** Greatly improved RTL support
- Showdown has been replaced with marked for GitHub flavored Markdown parsing
- HTML characters in code-blocks are automatically ecaped unless the `<code>` wrapper has `data-noescape`
- Fixes flickering linear transition in iOS
- Added setup instructions and Grunt serve task ([more info](
#### 2.3 ([download]( - 2013-Mar-17
- Presentations now scale uniformly to fit any display size ([more info](
- Prevent keyboard navigation while presentation is paused
- Fixed header word-breaks, will now properly hyphenate
- Fixed vertical centring of slides in iOS Chrome
- Added API method ```Reveal.getSlide( x, y )``` for retrieving a slide by its index
- Correction to notes window sometimes displaying the wrong slides
- Stop auto-slide when paused or in overview
- Added API method ```Reveal.isOverview()```
- Added API method ```Reveal.isPaused()```
- Added API method ```Reveal.isFirstSlide()```
- Added API method ```Reveal.isLastSlide()```
- Fragments order can now be set via ```data-fragment-index``` attributes ([more info] (, [@jaberg](
- Updated to Grunt 0.4 ([@boazsender](
- Support for external Markdown ([more info](, [@webpro](
- Fixed issue with Markdown HTML entities ([@asmod3us](
- Navigation in notes window now reflects in main window
- Added ```paused``` and ```resumed``` events
- Reveal.js can now be re-configured after initialization, example: ```Reveal.configure({ center: false })```
- Fixed navigation inconsistency when first/last slide is vertical
- Two new themes: moon and solarized
- Themes are now compiled using Grunt
- Better fallback fonts
- Search plugin ([@razor-1](
- Multiplex plugin ([more info](, [@davidbanham](
#### 2.2 ([download]( - 2013-Jan-06
- Support for vertically centered slides via the ```center``` config option. Note that the new default vertical centering option will break compatibility with slides that were using transitions with backgrounds (`cube` and `page`). To restore the previous behavior, set `center` to `false`.
- Additional media queries (incl. vertical) to support smaller screens
- When available, slide ID's are written to the URL hash instead of /h/v index
- Support for multiple control elements (see
- Fix bug which prevented fragments from being stepped through with the up/down arrows
- Navigating back to a vertical stack now maintains the previously selected vertical slide
- Vertical slides are counted towards the progress bar
- Added postMessage plugin
- Added Night theme
- Fixed issue with missing italic text when printing to PDF
- Added grunt.js build script (see
- Added (touch remote control) plugin
- The ```slide()``` method now accepts a fragment index argument (``````slide( indexh, indexv, indexf )``````)
- RTL support via ```rtl: true``` config option, please test and file issues
- Now using Travis CI
- Fixed issue with nested slides auto-advancing #273
- Fixed issues with entities in rolling links
- Added PhantomJS script for printing PDF
- Added fade transition
- Fixed navigateTo when trying to navigate to a fragment in the current slide #290
- All vertical stacks now reset upon returning to the first slide in the presentation
- Added boolean config option ```touch``` for disabling touch events #299
- Added events for when overview is opened/closed #298
- Notes plugin now locates the presentation through ```window.opener``` rather than assuming index.html
- Added error message when notes window is opened under ```file://``` protocol
- Added timer to notes window
#### 2.1 ([download]( - 2012-Oct-11
- Primary styles moved from main.css to reveal.css
- The 'progress' and 'controls' DOM elements are now created via JavaScript if they don't exist in the presentation HTML
- Added 'paused' mode which be reached by pressing `b` or `.`
- Added 'zoom' transition
- Improvements to touch interaction
- Updates to navigation API naming ([470cabaea](
- Press 'f' to activate fullscreen. Thanks [Michael Kühnel](
- Themes were made more modular and converted to Sass
- Added many different fragment styles
- postMessage-based speaker notes (see
- Converted arrows from unicode to CSS borders
- Step through fragments in speaker notes. Thanks [Michael Kühnel](
- Re-apply syntax highlighting after editing. Thanks [Thomas Whitton](
- Moved Markdown and highlight from /lib to /plugin
#### 2.0 ([download]( - 2012-Sep-21
- New API method ```Reveal.getPreviousSlide()```
- New API method ```Reveal.getCurrentSlide()```
- New API method ```Reveal.getIndices()```
- Fixed bug where the ```.present``` class was sometimes left on the previous slide
- Added support for slides written using markdown
- Added helped method ```Reveal.getQueryHash()```
- Added EOT, WOFF, and SVG fonts for IE support as well as older Opera & more. Thanks [OwenVersteeg](
- IE8 support. Thanks [OwenVersteeg](
- Fixed bug where hovering 3D links in Chrome caused them to disappearf
- Disable 3D links in IE and more accurate CSS feature detection
- CSS is more relative in sizing to allow for low resolutions. Thanks [OwenVersteeg](
- PDF export ([instructions](
- Revamped CSS to enable theming, themes now live separately from main.css in /css/theme
- Built in dependency-loading and more concise init code [49e8e0d205d...](
- Fixed bug that caused all vertical slides to move when navigating up/down in overview [#122](
- Support for named internal links, [instructions]( in the readme [#55](
- Added Sky theme
- Fixed issue with multiline text in ```<small>```
- The overview mode can now be disabled via the ```overview``` config option
- Support for markdown in notes
#### 1.4 ([download](
- Main ```#reveal container``` is now selected via a class instead of ID
- API methods for adding or removing all event listeners
- The ```slidechange``` event now includes currentSlide and previousSlide
- Fixed bug where ```slidechange``` was firing twice when history was enabled
- Folder structure updates for scalability (see /lib & /plugin)
- Slide notes by [rmurphey](
- Bumped up default font-size for code samples
- Added beige theme
- Added ```autoSlide``` config
- Bug fix: The ```slidechanged``` event is now firing upon ```hashchange```. Thanks [basecode](
- Bug fix: JS error when the ```progress``` option was true but there was no progress DOM element
- ```keyboard``` config flag for disabling all keyboard navigation
#### 1.3 ([download](
- Revised keyboard shortcuts, including ESC for overview, N for next, P for previous. Thanks [mahemoff](
- Added support for looped presentations via config
- Fixed IE9 fallback
- Added event binding methods (```Reveal.addEventListener```, ```Reveal.removeEventListener```)
- Added ```slidechanged``` event
- Added print styles. Thanks [skypanther](
- The address bar now hides automatically on mobile browsers
- Space and return keys can be used to exit the overview mode
- Events for fragment states (```fragmentshown``` / ```fragmenthidden```)
- Support for swipe navigation on touch devices. Thanks [akiersky](
- Support for pinch to overview on touch devices
#### 1.2
- Big changes to DOM structure:
- Previous ```#main``` wrapper is now called ```#reveal```
- Slides were moved one level deeper, into ```#reveal .slides```
- Controls and progress bar were moved into ```#reveal```
- CSS is now much more explicit, rooted at ```#reveal```, to prevent conflicts
- Config option for disabling updates to URL, defaults to true
- Anchors with image children no longer rotate in 3D on hover
- Support for mouse wheel navigation ([naugtur](
- Delayed updates to URL hash to work around a bug in Chrome
- Included a ```classList``` polyfill for IE9
- Support for wireless presenter keys
- States can now be applied as classes on the document element by adding ```data-state``` on a slide
#### 1.1 ([download](
- Added an optional presentation progress bar
- Images wrapped in anchors no longer unexpectedly flip in 3D
- Slides that contain other slides are given the 'stack' class
- Added ```transition``` option for specifying transition styles
- Added ```theme``` option for specifying UI styles
- New transitions: ```box``` & ```page```
- New theme: ```neon```
#### 1.0 ([download](
- New and improved style
- Added controls in bottom right which indicate where you can navigate
- Reveal views in iteratively by giving them the ```.fragment``` class
- Code sample syntax highlighting thanks to [highlight.js](
- Initialization options (toggling controls, toggling rolling links, transition theme)
#### 0.3
- Added licensing terms
- Fixed broken links on touch devices
#### 0.2
- Refactored code and added inline documentation
- Slides now have unique URL's
- A basic API to invoke navigation was added
#### 0.1 - 2011-Apr-02
- First release
- Transitions and a white theme

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## Index
- [Changelog]( Up-to-date version history.
- [Examples]( Presentations created with reveal.js, add your own!
- [Plugins, Tools & Hardware](,-Tools-and-Hardware) Plugins that live separately from the reveal.js repository.
- [Articles and Tutorials]( Press articles and tutorials.
- [Plugin Guidelines]( Guidelines for creating a reveal.js plugin.
For docs and installation instructions head on over to <>.

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
The default keyboard shortcuts are:
- <kbd>N</kbd>, <kbd>SPACE</kbd>: Next slide
- <kbd>P</kbd>: Previous slide
- <kbd></kbd>, <kbd>H</kbd>: Navigate left
- <kbd></kbd>, <kbd>L</kbd>: Navigate right
- <kbd></kbd>, <kbd>K</kbd>: Navigate up
- <kbd></kbd>, <kbd>J</kbd>: Navigate down
- <kbd>Home</kbd>: First slide
- <kbd>End</kbd>: Last slide
- <kbd>B</kbd>, <kbd>.</kbd>: Pause (Blackout)
- <kbd>F</kbd>: Fullscreen
- <kbd>ESC</kbd>, <kbd>O</kbd>: Slide overview / Escape from full-screen
- <kbd>S</kbd>: Speaker notes view
- <kbd>?</kbd>: Show keyboard shortcuts
- <kbd>alt</kbd> + click: Zoom in. Repeat to zoom back out.
These can be overridden; see ``.

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
As root, install program `evtest`
sudo apt-get install evtest
Run it
sudo evtest
Find the smart pointer entry, for example
/dev/input/event6: Gaon-Int Wireless Presenter
Give the device event number (here 6).
Or interrupt and restart `evtest` giving the device path
sudo evtest /dev/input/event6
First, read the line `Input device ID:`
Input device ID: bus 0x3 vendor 0xef5 product 0x3014 version 0x100
Memorize bus, vendor and product values using 4 capitalized digits without 0x: `0003` `0EF5` `3014`. They will be used later.
Now click on device buttons and read scancode after `(MSC_SCAN), value`
Event: time 1455575367.579903, type 4 (EV_MSC), code 4 (MSC_SCAN), value 7004b
The scancode is here `7004b`.
As root, create a file `/etc/udev/hwdb.d/61-smart-pointer.hwdb` and put in it something similar to
### Smart pointer UP4-SP-800 (aka Satechi SP600) binding example ###
KEYBOARD_KEY_7004b=pageup # key marked PAGE UP -> previous
KEYBOARD_KEY_70005=left # key marked PAUSE -> left
KEYBOARD_KEY_70029=right # key marked START #1 -> right
KEYBOARD_KEY_7003e=right # key marked START #2 -> right
KEYBOARD_KEY_7004e=pagedown # key marked PAGE DOWN -> next
KEYBOARD_KEY_70052=b # key marked PREV -> toggle blank mode
KEYBOARD_KEY_70051=esc # key marked NEXT -> toggle overview mode
KEYBOARD_KEY_700e2=unknown # key marked ALT-TAB #1 -> nothing
KEYBOARD_KEY_7002b=f11 # key marked ALT-TAB #2 -> full screen
The formula `b0003v0EF5p3014*` is constructed by chaining character `b`, bus value `0003`, character `v`, vendor value `0EF5`, character `p`, product value `3014`, a star `*`. Very important, hex numbers should be have **4 capitalized digits**.
To assign the value `pageup` to the top key which emits scancode 0x7004b, write
The word `pageup` on the right of `=` sign comes from
For UP4-SP-800 smart pointer (aka Satechi SP600), the keys START and ALT-TAB are special. START generates alternatively scancodes
`0x70029` and `0x7003e`. ALT-TAB generates scancode `0x700e2` followed by scancode `0x7002b`. Here `f11` is used as full screen command on Chrome, Firefox, etc.
To take into account the content of the file, call
sudo udevadm hwdb --update
sudo udevadm trigger
Tested on Ubuntu 15.10.

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