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Hans Hoeglund 2020-04-16 12:56:39 +01:00
parent e8a844c214
commit a11e0ddcd7

Iso/Deriving.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia, RankNTypes, InstanceSigs, TypeOperators, TypeApplications, QuantifiedConstraints, StandaloneDeriving, KindSignatures, PolyKinds, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, DeriveFunctor, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Control.Lens (Iso', iso, to, from, view, coerced, enum) -- TODO loose lens dep!
import Control.Monad.Free
import Data.Monoid hiding (Product)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Category
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Profunctor (Star(..))
import Control.Arrow (Kleisli(..))
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Functor.Product
import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Control.Monad.Writer hiding (Product)
-- |
-- @As a b@ is represented at runtime as @b@, but we know we can in fact
-- convert it into an @a@ with no loss of information. We can think of it has
-- having a *dual representation* as either @a@ or @b@.
type As1 :: k -> Type -> Type
newtype As a b = As b
-- |
-- Like @As@ for kind @k -> Type@.
type As1 :: k1 -> (k2 -> Type) -> k2 -> Type
newtype As1 f g a = As1 { getAs1 :: g a }
-- |
-- Like @As@ for kind @k1 -> k2 -> Type@.
type As2 :: k1 -> (k2 -> k3 -> Type) -> k2 -> k3 -> Type
newtype As2 f g a b = As2 (g a b)
-- |
-- Laws: 'isom' is an isomorphism, that is:
-- @
-- view isom . view (from isom) = id = view (from isom) . view isom
-- @
class Isomorphic a b where
isom :: Iso' a b
isom = iso inj prj
inj :: Isomorphic a b => a -> b
inj = view isom
prj :: Isomorphic a b => b -> a
prj = view $ from isom
instance (Isomorphic a b, Num a) => Num (As a b) where
(As a) + (As b) =
As $ inj @a @b $ (prj a) + (prj b)
(As a) - (As b) =
As $ inj @a @b $ (prj a) - (prj b)
(As a) * (As b) =
As $ inj @a @b $ (prj a) * (prj b)
signum (As a) =
As $ inj @a @b $ signum (prj a)
abs (As a) =
As $ inj @a @b $ abs (prj a)
fromInteger x =
As $ inj @a @b $ fromInteger x
instance (Isomorphic a b, Eq a) => Eq (As a b) where
As a == As b = prj @a @b a == prj b
instance (Isomorphic a b, Ord a) => Ord (As a b) where
compare (As a) (As b) = prj @a @b a `compare` prj b
instance (Isomorphic a b, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (As a b) where
As a <> As b = As $ inj @a @b $ prj a <> prj b
instance (Isomorphic a b, Monoid a) => Monoid (As a b) where
mempty = As $ inj @a @b mempty
instance (forall x . Isomorphic (f x) (g x), Functor f) => Functor (As1 f g) where
fmap h (As1 x) = As1 $ inj $ fmap h $ prj @(f _) @(g _) x
instance (forall x . Isomorphic (f x) (g x), Applicative f) => Applicative (As1 f g) where
pure x = As1 $ inj @(f _) @(g _) $ pure x
(<*>) :: forall a b . As1 f g (a -> b) -> As1 f g a -> As1 f g b
As1 h <*> As1 x = As1 $ inj @(f b) @(g b) $ (prj @(f (a -> b)) @(g (a -> b)) h) <*> (prj @(f a) @(g a) x)
liftA2 h (As1 x) (As1 y) = As1 $ inj $ liftA2 h (prj x) (prj y)
instance (forall x . Isomorphic (f x) (g x), Alternative f) => Alternative (As1 f g) where
empty :: forall a . As1 f g a
empty = As1 $ inj @(f a) @(g a) $ empty
(<|>) :: forall a . As1 f g a -> As1 f g a -> As1 f g a
As1 h <|> As1 x = As1 $ inj @(f a) @(g a) $ (prj @(f a) @(g a) h) <|> (prj @(f a) @(g a) x)
instance (forall x . Isomorphic (f x) (g x), Monad f) => Monad (As1 f g) where
(>>=) :: forall a b . As1 f g a -> (a -> As1 f g b) -> As1 f g b
As1 k >>= f = As1 $ inj @(f b) @(g b) $ (prj @(f a) @(g a) k) >>= prj . getAs1 . f
instance (forall x y . Isomorphic (f x y) (g x y), Category f) => Category (As2 f g) where
id :: forall a . As2 f g a a
id = As2 $ inj @(f _ _) @(g _ _) $ @_ @a
(.) :: forall a b c . As2 f g b c -> As2 f g a b -> As2 f g a c
As2 f . As2 g = As2 $ inj @(f a c) @(g a c) $ (Control.Category..)
(prj @(f b c) @(g b c) f) (prj @(f a b) @(g a b) g)