2020-04-24 16:11:38 +01:00

273 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Iso.Deriving
( Iso,
As (..),
As1 (..),
As2 (..),
Inject (..),
Project (..),
Isomorphic (..),
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Bifunctor ()
import Data.Kind
import Data.Profunctor (Profunctor (..))
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
type Iso s t a b =
forall p f.
(Profunctor p, Functor f) =>
p a (f b) ->
p s (f t)
type Iso' s a = Iso s s a a
iso :: (s -> a) -> (b -> t) -> Iso s t a b
iso sa bt = dimap sa (fmap bt)
-- |
-- @As a b@ is represented at runtime as @b@, but we know we can in fact
-- convert it into an @a@ with no loss of information.
-- We can think of it as
-- having a /dual representation/ as either @a@ or @b@.
newtype As (a :: Type) b = As b
-- type As1 :: Type -> Type -> Type
-- |
-- Like @As@ for kind @k -> Type@.
newtype As1 (f :: k1 -> Type) (g :: k1 -> Type) (a :: k1)
= As1 {getAs1 :: g a}
-- type As1 :: (k1 -> Type) -> (k1 -> Type) -> k1 -> Type
-- |
-- Like @As@ for kind @k1 -> k2 -> Type@.
newtype As2 f g a b
= As2 (g a b)
-- type As2 :: (k1 -> k2 -> Type) -> (k1 -> k2 -> Type) -> k1 -> k2 -> Type
class Inject a b where
inj :: a -> b
class Project a b where
prj :: b -> a
-- |
-- Class of isomorphic types.
-- ==== Laws
-- [/right-inverse/]
-- @'inj' . 'prj' = id@
-- [/left-inverse/]
-- @'prj' . 'inj' = id@
-- [/compatibility/]
-- @'isom' = 'dimap' 'inj' ('fmap' 'prj')@
class (Inject a b, Project a b) => Isomorphic a b where
isom :: Iso' a b
isom = iso (inj @a @b) (prj @a @b)
instance (Project a b, Eq a) => Eq (As a b) where
As a == As b = prj @a @b a == prj b
instance (Project a b, Ord a) => Ord (As a b) where
compare (As a) (As b) = prj @a @b a `compare` prj b
instance (Project a b, Show a) => Show (As a b) where
showsPrec n (As a) = showsPrec n $ prj @a @b a
instance (Isomorphic a b, Num a) => Num (As a b) where
(As a) + (As b) =
As $ inj @a @b $ (prj a) + (prj b)
(As a) - (As b) =
As $ inj @a @b $ (prj a) - (prj b)
(As a) * (As b) =
As $ inj @a @b $ (prj a) * (prj b)
signum (As a) =
As $ inj @a @b $ signum (prj a)
abs (As a) =
As $ inj @a @b $ abs (prj a)
fromInteger x =
As $ inj @a @b $ fromInteger x
instance (Isomorphic a b, Real a) => Real (As a b) where
toRational (As x) = toRational $ prj @a @b x
instance (Isomorphic a b, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (As a b) where
As a <> As b = As $ inj @a @b $ prj a <> prj b
instance (Isomorphic a b, Monoid a) => Monoid (As a b) where
mempty = As $ inj @a @b mempty
(forall x. Isomorphic (f x) (g x), Functor f) =>
Functor (As1 f g)
fmap h (As1 x) = As1 $ inj $ fmap h $ prj @(f _) @(g _) x
(forall x. Isomorphic (f x) (g x), Applicative f) =>
Applicative (As1 f g)
pure :: forall a. a -> As1 f g a
pure x =
As1 $ inj @(f _) @(g _) $
pure x
(<*>) ::
forall a b.
As1 f g (a -> b) ->
As1 f g a ->
As1 f g b
As1 h <*> As1 x =
As1 $ inj @(f b) @(g b) $
(prj @(f (a -> b)) @(g (a -> b)) h) <*> (prj @(f a) @(g a) x)
liftA2 ::
forall a b c.
(a -> b -> c) ->
As1 f g a ->
As1 f g b ->
As1 f g c
liftA2 h (As1 x) (As1 y) = As1 $ inj @(f c) @(g c) $ liftA2 h (prj x) (prj y)
(forall x. Isomorphic (f x) (g x), Alternative f) =>
Alternative (As1 f g)
empty :: forall a. As1 f g a
empty = As1 $ inj @(f a) @(g a) $ empty
(<|>) :: forall a. As1 f g a -> As1 f g a -> As1 f g a
As1 h <|> As1 x =
As1 $ inj @(f a) @(g a) $
(prj @(f a) @(g a) h) <|> (prj @(f a) @(g a) x)
instance (forall x. Isomorphic (f x) (g x), Monad f) => Monad (As1 f g) where
(>>=) ::
forall a b.
As1 f g a ->
(a -> As1 f g b) ->
As1 f g b
As1 k >>= f =
As1 $ inj @(f b) @(g b) $
(prj @(f a) @(g a) k) >>= prj . getAs1 . f
forall f g s.
(forall x. Isomorphic (f x) (g x), MonadState s f) =>
MonadState s (As1 f g)
state :: forall a. (s -> (a, s)) -> As1 f g a
state k =
As1 $
inj @(f a) @(g a)
(state @s @f k)
forall f g s.
(forall x. Isomorphic (f x) (g x), MonadReader s f) =>
MonadReader s (As1 f g)
reader :: forall a. (s -> a) -> As1 f g a
reader k =
As1 $
inj @(f a) @(g a)
(reader @s @f k)
local ::
forall a.
(s -> s) ->
As1 f g a ->
As1 f g a
local f (As1 k) =
As1 $
inj @(f a) @(g a)
(local f (prj @(f a) @(g a) k))
forall f g s.
(forall x. Isomorphic (f x) (g x), MonadWriter s f) =>
MonadWriter s (As1 f g)
writer :: forall a. (a, s) -> As1 f g a
writer k =
$ inj @(f a) @(g a)
$ (writer @s @f k)
listen ::
forall a.
As1 f g a ->
As1 f g (a, s)
listen (As1 k) =
$ inj @(f (a, s)) @(g (a, s))
$ listen (prj @(f a) @(g a) k)
pass ::
forall a.
As1 f g (a, s -> s) ->
As1 f g a
pass (As1 k) =
$ inj @(f a) @(g a)
$ pass (prj @(f _) @(g _) k)
(forall x y. Isomorphic (f x y) (g x y), Category f) =>
Category (As2 f g)
id :: forall a. As2 f g a a
id =
As2 $ inj @(f a a) @(g a a) $ @_ @a
(.) :: forall a b c. As2 f g b c -> As2 f g a b -> As2 f g a c
As2 f . As2 g =
As2 $ inj @(f a c) @(g a c) $
(prj @(f b c) @(g b c) f)
(prj @(f a b) @(g a b) g)