Support cloning of forked environments

This commit is contained in:
Andrzej Rybczak 2021-06-22 00:12:40 +02:00
parent 293d1ecc8e
commit 67c1a67037

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@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Data.IORef
import Data.Primitive.SmallArray
import Data.Word
import GHC.Exts (Any)
import GHC.Stack
import Unsafe.Coerce
@ -56,17 +57,7 @@ type role Env nominal
-- - Modification of a specific element: /O(forks)/, usually /O(1)/.
data Env (es :: [Effect]) = Env Forks (IORef EnvRef)
-- | A fork is uniquely determined by its base index and depth.
data ForkId = ForkId
{ baseIx :: Int
, depth :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Implicit 'ForkId' of the 'EnvRef' directly available from 'Env'.
globalFid :: ForkId
globalFid = ForkId 0 0
data Env (es :: [Effect]) = Env Forks (IORef EnvRef) UniqueGen
-- | Local forks of the environment.
data Forks = Forks {-# UNPACK #-} ForkId (IORef EnvRef) Forks | NoFork
@ -77,6 +68,21 @@ data EnvRef = EnvRef
, _relinkers :: SmallMutableArray RealWorld Any
-- ForkId
data ForkId = ForkId
{ baseIx :: Int
, unique :: Unique
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Implicit 'ForkId' of the 'EnvRef' directly available from 'Env'.
globalFid :: ForkId
globalFid = ForkId 0 (Unique 0)
-- Relinker
newtype Relinker i (e :: Effect) where
:: ((forall es. Env es -> IO (Env es)) -> i e -> IO (i e))
@ -85,47 +91,133 @@ newtype Relinker i (e :: Effect) where
noRelinker :: Relinker i e
noRelinker = Relinker $ \_ -> pure
-- UniqueGen
newtype Unique = Unique Word64
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Uniques for 'ForkId'S.
newtype UniqueGen = UniqueGen (IORef Unique)
-- | Create a new thread local unique generator.
newUniqueGen :: IO UniqueGen
newUniqueGen = UniqueGen <$> newIORef (Unique 1)
-- | Clone the unique generator for use in a different thread.
cloneUniqueGen :: UniqueGen -> IO UniqueGen
cloneUniqueGen (UniqueGen ref) = fmap UniqueGen . newIORef =<< readIORef ref
-- | Get a 'Unique' from the generator.
getUnique :: UniqueGen -> IO Unique
getUnique (UniqueGen ref) = do
unique@(Unique n) <- readIORef ref
writeIORef ref $! Unique (n + 1)
pure unique
-- Operations
-- | Create an empty environment.
emptyEnv :: IO (Env '[])
emptyEnv = Env NoFork <$> emptyEnvRef
emptyEnv = Env NoFork <$> emptyEnvRef <*> newUniqueGen
-- | Clone the environment.
cloneEnv :: HasCallStack => Env es -> IO (Env es)
cloneEnv (Env NoFork gref0) = do
cloneEnv (Env NoFork gref0 ug0) = do
ug <- cloneUniqueGen ug0
cache <- newIORef M.empty
gref <- cloneEnvRef cache globalFid gref0
pure $ Env NoFork gref
cloneEnv _ = error "Cloning of forked enviroment is not supported yet"
gref <- cloneEnvRef ug cache globalFid gref0
pure $ Env NoFork gref ug
cloneEnv (Env forks@(Forks fid lref0 _) gref0 ug0) = do
EnvRef _ es0 fs0 <- readIORef gref0
EnvRef n _ _ <- readIORef lref0
let len = baseIx fid + n
es <- newSmallArray len (error "undefined field")
fs <- newSmallArray len (error "undefined field")
baseN <- copyForks es fs len forks
copySmallMutableArray es 0 es0 0 baseN
copySmallMutableArray fs 0 fs0 0 baseN
ug <- cloneUniqueGen ug0
gref <- newIORef $ EnvRef len es fs
cache <- newIORef $ M.singleton globalFid gref
relinkData ug cache es fs n
-- The forked environment is flattened and becomes the global one.
pure $ Env NoFork gref ug
{-# NOINLINE cloneEnv #-}
-- Utils for cloning
-- | Let's say that the forked environment looks like this:
-- [0,1][2,3,4,5][6,7,8,9][10,11]
-- Then forks will look like this:
-- Fork (baseIx: 10, unique: ...) [10,11]
-- (Fork (baseIx: 6, unique: ...) [6,7,8,9]
-- (Fork (baseIx: 2, unique: ...) [2,3,4,5]
-- NoFork))
-- and elements [0,1] are taken from the global environment.
-- We start with len: 12, we subtract baseIx: 10 and get n: 2, the number of
-- elements to copy from the fork. We copy them, then call recursively with
-- len-n (10).
-- Then len: 10, we subtract baseIx: 6 and get n: 4. the number of elements to
-- copy from the fork (note that we can't use the capacity from EnvRef, because
-- it might be longer than 4 if the fork was locally extended). We copy them,
-- then call recursively with len-n (6).
-- Then len: 6, we subtract baseIx: 2 and get n: 4. We copy the elements, then
-- call recursively with len-n (2).
-- Now len: 2, but there are no more forks left, so we return len (2), the
-- number of elements to copy from the global environment.
:: SmallMutableArray RealWorld Any
-> SmallMutableArray RealWorld Any
-> Int
-> Forks
-> IO Int
copyForks es fs len = \case
NoFork -> pure len
Forks fid lref0 forks -> do
EnvRef _ es0 fs0 <- readIORef lref0
let n = len - baseIx fid
copySmallMutableArray es (baseIx fid) es0 0 n
copySmallMutableArray fs (baseIx fid) fs0 0 n
copyForks es fs (len - n) forks
type EnvRefCache = IORef (M.Map ForkId (IORef EnvRef))
-- | Clone the 'EnvRef' and put it in a cache.
:: EnvRefCache
:: UniqueGen
-> EnvRefCache
-> ForkId
-> IORef EnvRef
-> IO (IORef EnvRef)
cloneEnvRef cache fid ref0 = do
cloneEnvRef ug cache fid ref0 = do
EnvRef n es0 fs0 <- readIORef ref0
es <- cloneSmallMutableArray es0 0 (sizeofSmallMutableArray es0)
fs <- cloneSmallMutableArray fs0 0 (sizeofSmallMutableArray fs0)
ref <- newIORef $ EnvRef n es fs
modifyIORef' cache $ M.insert fid ref
relinkData cache es fs n
relinkData ug cache es fs n
pure ref
-- | Relink local environments hiding in the interpreters.
:: EnvRefCache
:: UniqueGen
-> EnvRefCache
-> SmallMutableArray RealWorld Any
-> SmallMutableArray RealWorld Any
-> Int
-> IO ()
relinkData cache es fs = \case
relinkData ug cache es fs = \case
0 -> pure ()
n -> do
let i = n - 1
@ -133,59 +225,62 @@ relinkData cache es fs = \case
readSmallArray es i
>>= f relinkEnv . fromAny
>>= writeSmallArray es i . toAny
relinkData cache es fs i
relinkData ug cache es fs i
relinkEnv :: Env es -> IO (Env es)
relinkEnv (Env forks _) = do
relinkEnv (Env forks _ _) = do
Just gref <- M.lookup globalFid <$> readIORef cache
Env <$> relinkForks cache forks <*> pure gref
Env <$> relinkForks ug cache forks <*> pure gref <*> pure ug
relinkForks :: EnvRefCache -> Forks -> IO Forks
relinkForks cache = \case
relinkForks :: UniqueGen -> EnvRefCache -> Forks -> IO Forks
relinkForks ug cache = \case
NoFork -> pure NoFork
Forks fid lref0 forks -> (M.lookup fid <$> readIORef cache) >>= \case
Just lref -> Forks fid <$> pure lref
<*> relinkForks cache forks
Nothing -> Forks fid <$> cloneEnvRef cache fid lref0
<*> relinkForks cache forks
Forks fid lref0 forks -> do
readIORef cache >>= pure . M.lookup fid >>= \case
Just lref -> Forks fid <$> pure lref
<*> relinkForks ug cache forks
Nothing -> Forks fid <$> cloneEnvRef ug cache fid lref0
<*> relinkForks ug cache forks
-- | Create a local fork of the environment for interpreters.
forkEnv :: HasCallStack => Env es -> IO (Env es)
forkEnv env@(Env NoFork gref) = do
forkEnv env@(Env NoFork gref ug) = do
size <- sizeEnv env
uniq <- getUnique ug
let fid = ForkId
{ baseIx = size
, depth = 1
, unique = uniq
Env <$> (Forks fid <$> emptyEnvRef <*> pure NoFork)
<*> pure gref
forkEnv (Env forks@(Forks fid0 lref0 olderForks) gref) = do
<*> pure gref <*> pure ug
forkEnv (Env forks@(Forks fid0 lref0 olderForks) gref ug) = do
EnvRef n _ _ <- readIORef lref0
uniq <- getUnique ug
-- If the fork is empty, replace it as no data is lost.
if n == 0
then do
lref <- emptyEnvRef
let fid = fid0
{ depth = depth fid0 + 1
{ unique = uniq
pure $ Env (Forks fid lref olderForks) gref
pure $ Env (Forks fid lref olderForks) gref ug
else do
lref <- emptyEnvRef
let fid = fid0
{ baseIx = baseIx fid0 + n
, depth = depth fid0 + 1
, unique = uniq
pure $ Env (Forks fid lref forks) gref
pure $ Env (Forks fid lref forks) gref ug
{-# NOINLINE forkEnv #-}
-- | Get the current size of the environment.
sizeEnv :: Env es -> IO Int
sizeEnv (Env NoFork ref) = do
sizeEnv (Env NoFork ref _) = do
EnvRef n _ _ <- readIORef ref
pure n
sizeEnv (Env (Forks fid lref _) _) = do
sizeEnv (Env (Forks fid lref _) _ _) = do
EnvRef n _ _ <- readIORef lref
pure $ baseIx fid + n
{-# NOINLINE sizeEnv #-}
@ -198,11 +293,11 @@ getEnv env = do
-- | Check that the size of the environment is the same as the expected value.
checkSizeEnv :: HasCallStack => Int -> Env es -> IO ()
checkSizeEnv k (Env NoFork ref) = do
checkSizeEnv k (Env NoFork ref _) = do
EnvRef n _ _ <- readIORef ref
when (k /= n) $ do
error $ "k (" ++ show k ++ ") /= n (" ++ show n ++ ")"
checkSizeEnv k (Env (Forks fid lref _) _) = do
checkSizeEnv k (Env (Forks fid lref _) _ _) = do
EnvRef n _ _ <- readIORef lref
when (k /= baseIx fid + n) $ do
error $ "k (" ++ show k ++ ") /= baseIx + n (baseIx: "
@ -214,13 +309,13 @@ checkSizeEnv k (Env (Forks fid lref _) _) = do
-- | Extend the environment with a new data type (in place).
unsafeConsEnv :: HasCallStack => i e -> Relinker i e -> Env es -> IO (Env (e : es))
unsafeConsEnv e f (Env fork gref) = case fork of
unsafeConsEnv e f (Env fork gref ug) = case fork of
NoFork -> do
extendEnvRef gref
pure $ Env NoFork gref
pure $ Env NoFork gref ug
Forks base lref forks -> do
extendEnvRef lref
pure $ Env (Forks base lref forks) gref
pure $ Env (Forks base lref forks) gref ug
extendEnvRef :: IORef EnvRef -> IO ()
extendEnvRef ref = do
@ -249,13 +344,13 @@ unsafeConsEnv e f (Env fork gref) = case fork of
-- | Shrink the environment by one data type (in place). Makes sure the size of
-- the environment is as expected.
unsafeTailEnv :: HasCallStack => Int -> Env (e : es) -> IO (Env es)
unsafeTailEnv len (Env fork gref) = case fork of
unsafeTailEnv len (Env fork gref ug) = case fork of
NoFork -> do
shrinkEnvRef len gref
pure $ Env NoFork gref
pure $ Env NoFork gref ug
Forks fid lref forks -> do
shrinkEnvRef (len - baseIx fid) lref
pure $ Env (Forks fid lref forks) gref
pure $ Env (Forks fid lref forks) gref ug
shrinkEnvRef :: Int -> IORef EnvRef -> IO ()
shrinkEnvRef k ref = do
@ -317,7 +412,7 @@ getLocation
:: forall e es. e :> es
=> Env es
-> IO (Int, SmallMutableArray RealWorld Any)
getLocation (Env fork ref) = do
getLocation (Env fork ref _) = do
EnvRef n es _ <- readIORef ref
-- Optimized for the common access pattern: