Rewrite Env for simpler code and support for more operations

This commit is contained in:
Andrzej Rybczak 2022-03-12 02:34:04 +01:00
parent d5093df1d2
commit daca435f0b
3 changed files with 193 additions and 362 deletions

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@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ common language

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@ -1,21 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
-- | The environment for the 'Effectful.Internal.Monad.Eff' monad.
-- This module is intended for internal use only, and may change without warning
-- in subsequent releases.
module Effectful.Internal.Env
( -- * The environment
, Forks(..)
, EnvRef(..)
-- ** ForkId
, ForkId(..)
, ForkIdGen(..)
, newForkIdGen
, cloneForkIdGen
, newForkId
, References(..)
, Storage(..)
-- ** Relinker
, Relinker(..)
@ -46,13 +34,14 @@ module Effectful.Internal.Env
, modifyEnv
) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Data.IORef
import Data.Primitive.PrimArray
import Data.Primitive.SmallArray
import GHC.Exts (SmallMutableArray#)
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import Effectful.Internal.Effect
import Effectful.Internal.Utils
@ -63,116 +52,50 @@ type role Env nominal
-- of kind 'Effect'.
-- Supports forking, i.e. introduction of local branches for encapsulation of
-- data specific to effect handlers.
-- effects specific to effect handlers.
-- __Warning: the environment is a mutable data structure and cannot be simultaneously used from multiple threads under any circumstances.__
-- In order to pass it to a different thread, you need to perform a deep copy
-- with the 'cloneEnv' funtion.
-- Offers very good performance characteristics:
-- Offers very good performance characteristics for most often performed
-- operations:
-- - Extending: /O(1)/ (amortized).
-- - Extending: /@O(1)@/ (amortized).
-- - Shrinking: /O(1)/.
-- - Shrinking: /@O(1)@/.
-- - Indexing via '(:>)': /O(forks)/, usually /O(1)/ (amortized).
-- - Indexing via '(:>)': /@O(1)@/
-- - Modification of a specific element: /O(1)/.
-- - Modification of a specific element: /@O(1)@/.
-- - Forking: /@O(n)@/, where @n@ is the size of the effect stack.
-- Here's an example of how the environment might look:
-- @
-- e00 - e01 - e05 - e07 (*)
-- | | |
-- | e06 e08 - e09
-- |
-- e02 - e03
-- |
-- e04
-- @
-- The point of execution is currently at (*), i.e. the mainline. Moreover,
-- currently (more than one bracket signifies a forked environment):
-- - Mainline sees @[e00, e01, e05, e07]@ (mainline never has forks).
-- - @e01@ is an interpreted effect, its handler sees @[e00][e02, e03]@.
-- - @e03@ is an interpreted effect, its handler sees @[e00][e02][e04]@.
-- - @e05@ is an interpreted effect, its handler sees @[e00, e01][e06]@.
-- - @e07@ is an interpreted effect, its handler sees @[e00, e01, e05][e08,
-- e09]@.
-- If an operation from @e01@ is invoked, the environment in the middle of
-- handling it might look like this:
-- @
-- e00 - e01 - e05 - e07
-- | | |
-- | e06 e08 - e09
-- |
-- e02 - e03 - e10 (*)
-- | |
-- e04 e11
-- |
-- e12
-- @
-- The point of execution is at (*), i.e. inside the handler of @e01@. The
-- handler needed to introduce @e10@ (which introduced @e11@, which in turn
-- introduced @e12@), so its local environment was temporarily extended with
-- it. Moreover, currently:
-- - Handler of @e01@ sees @[e00][e02, e03, e10]@.
-- - Handler of @e10@ sees @[e00][e02, e03][e11]@.
-- - Handler of @e11@ sees @[e00][e02, e03][e12]@.
-- - Cloning: /@O(N + Σ(n_i))@/, where @N@ is the size of the 'Storage', while
-- @i@ ranges over handlers of dynamically dispatched effects in the 'Storage'
-- and @n_i@ is the size of the effect stack of @i@-th handler.
data Env (es :: [Effect]) = Env
{ envForks :: !Forks
, envSize :: !Int
, envGlobalRef :: !(IORef EnvRef)
, envForkIdGen :: !ForkIdGen
{ envSize :: !Int
, envRefs :: !(IORef References)
, envStorage :: !(IORef Storage)
-- | Local forks of the environment.
data Forks = Forks !ForkId !Int !(IORef EnvRef) Forks | NoFork
-- | Data held in the environment.
data EnvRef = EnvRef
{ refSize :: !Int
, refValues :: !(SmallMutableArray RealWorld Any)
, refRelinkers :: !(SmallMutableArray RealWorld Any)
-- | An array of references to effects in the 'Storage'.
data References = References
{ refSize :: !Int
, refIndices :: !(MutablePrimArray RealWorld Int)
-- ForkId
-- | Internal id of the fork.
newtype ForkId = ForkId { unForkId :: Int }
-- | 'ForkId' generation.
newtype ForkIdGen = ForkIdGen (IORef ForkId)
-- | Create a new thread local 'ForkId' generator.
newForkIdGen :: IO ForkIdGen
newForkIdGen = ForkIdGen <$> newIORef (ForkId 0)
-- | Clone the 'ForkId' generator for use in a different thread.
cloneForkIdGen :: ForkIdGen -> IO ForkIdGen
cloneForkIdGen (ForkIdGen ref) = fmap ForkIdGen . newIORef =<< readIORef ref
-- | Get a unique 'ForkId' from the generator.
newForkId :: ForkIdGen -> IO ForkId
newForkId (ForkIdGen ref) = do
fid@(ForkId n) <- readIORef ref
writeIORef ref $! ForkId (n + 1)
pure fid
-- | A storage of effects.
-- Shared between all forks of the environment within the same thread.
data Storage = Storage
{ stFreeSlots :: !IS.IntSet
, stEffects :: !(SmallMutableArray RealWorld Any)
, stRelinkers :: !(SmallMutableArray RealWorld Any)
-- Relinker
@ -213,167 +136,65 @@ type family EffectRep (d :: Dispatch) :: Effect -> Type
-- | Create an empty environment.
emptyEnv :: IO (Env '[])
emptyEnv = Env NoFork 0 <$> emptyEnvRef <*> newForkIdGen
emptyEnv = Env <$> pure 0
<*> (newIORef . References 0 =<< newPrimArray 0)
<*> (newIORef =<< emptyStorage)
-- | Clone the environment.
-- Mostly used to pass the environment to a different thread.
-- | Clone the environment to use it in a different thread.
cloneEnv :: Env es -> IO (Env es)
cloneEnv (Env NoFork size gref0 gen0) = do
EnvRef _ es0 fs0 <- readIORef gref0
es <- cloneSmallMutableArray es0 0 size
fs <- cloneSmallMutableArray fs0 0 size
gen <- cloneForkIdGen gen0
gref <- newIORef $ EnvRef size es fs
store <- newIORef IM.empty
relinkData (relinkEnv gref gen store) es fs size
pure $ Env NoFork size gref gen
cloneEnv (Env forks size gref0 gen0) = do
EnvRef _ es0 fs0 <- readIORef gref0
es <- newSmallArray size undefinedData
fs <- newSmallArray size undefinedData
baseN <- copyForks es fs size forks
copySmallMutableArray es 0 es0 0 baseN
copySmallMutableArray fs 0 fs0 0 baseN
gen <- cloneForkIdGen gen0
gref <- newIORef $ EnvRef size es fs
store <- newIORef IM.empty
relinkData (relinkEnv gref gen store) es fs size
-- The forked environment is flattened and becomes the global one.
pure $ Env NoFork size gref gen
cloneEnv (Env size mrefs0 storage0) = do
References n refs0 <- readIORef mrefs0
errorWhenDifferent size n
mrefs <- newIORef . References n
=<< cloneMutablePrimArray refs0 0 (sizeofMutablePrimArray refs0)
Storage freeSlots es0 fs0 <- readIORef storage0
let esSize = sizeofSmallMutableArray es0
fsSize = sizeofSmallMutableArray fs0
when (esSize /= fsSize) $ do
error $ "esSize (" ++ show esSize ++ ") /= fsSize (" ++ show fsSize ++ ")"
es <- cloneSmallMutableArray es0 0 esSize
fs <- cloneSmallMutableArray fs0 0 esSize
storage <- newIORef $ Storage freeSlots es fs
relinkEffects (relinkEnv storage) freeSlots es fs esSize
pure $ Env size mrefs storage
:: (forall es. Env es -> IO (Env es))
-> IS.IntSet
-> SmallMutableArray RealWorld Any
-> SmallMutableArray RealWorld Any
-> Int
-> IO ()
relinkEffects relink freeSlots es fs = \case
0 -> pure ()
n -> do
let i = n - 1
when (i `IS.notMember` freeSlots) $ do
Relinker f <- fromAny <$> readSmallArray fs i
readSmallArray es i
>>= f relink . fromAny
>>= writeSmallArray es i . toAny
relinkEffects relink freeSlots es fs i
{-# NOINLINE cloneEnv #-}
-- Utils for cloning
-- | Let's say that the forked environment looks like this:
-- | Create a fork of the environment.
-- [0,1][2,3,4,5][6,7,8,9][10,11]
-- Then forks will look like this:
-- Fork (baseIx: 10, ...) [10,11]
-- (Fork (baseIx: 6, ...) [6,7,8,9,..]
-- (Fork (baseIx: 2, ...) [2,3,4,5,..]
-- NoFork))
-- and elements [0,1] are taken from the global environment ([0,1,..]).
-- We start with size: 12, we subtract baseIx: 10 and get n: 2, the number of
-- elements to copy from the fork. We copy them, then call recursively with
-- baseIx (10).
-- Then size: 10, we subtract baseIx: 6 and get n: 4. the number of elements to
-- copy from the fork (note that we can't use the capacity from EnvRef, because
-- it might be longer than 4 if the fork was locally extended). We copy them,
-- then call recursively with baseIx (6).
-- Then size: 6, we subtract baseIx: 2 and get n: 4. We copy the elements, then
-- call recursively with baseIx (2).
-- Now size: 2, but there are no more forks left, so we return size (2), the
-- number of elements to copy from the global environment.
:: SmallMutableArray RealWorld Any
-> SmallMutableArray RealWorld Any
-> Int
-> Forks
-> IO Int
copyForks es fs size = \case
NoFork -> pure size
Forks _ baseIx lref0 forks -> do
EnvRef _ es0 fs0 <- readIORef lref0
let n = size - baseIx
-- It might happen that the environment was over-tailed and the size is now
-- less than the baseIx of the fork. In such case we simply try our luck
-- with the older fork.
if n <= 0
then copyForks es fs size forks
else do
copySmallMutableArray es baseIx es0 0 n
copySmallMutableArray fs baseIx fs0 0 n
copyForks es fs baseIx forks
type EnvRefStore = IORef (IM.IntMap (IORef EnvRef))
-- | Relink local environments hiding in the handlers.
:: (forall es. Env es -> IO (Env es))
-> SmallMutableArray RealWorld Any
-> SmallMutableArray RealWorld Any
-> Int
-> IO ()
relinkData relink es fs = \case
0 -> pure ()
n -> do
let i = n - 1
Relinker f <- fromAny <$> readSmallArray fs i
readSmallArray es i
>>= f relink . fromAny
>>= writeSmallArray es i . toAny
relinkData relink es fs i
-- | Relink local environments hiding in the handlers.
relinkEnv :: IORef EnvRef -> ForkIdGen -> EnvRefStore -> Env es -> IO (Env es)
relinkEnv gref gen store (Env forks size _ _) = Env
<$> relinkForks forks
<*> pure size
<*> pure gref
<*> pure gen
relinkForks :: Forks -> IO Forks
relinkForks = \case
NoFork -> pure NoFork
Forks fid baseIx lref0 innerForks -> do
-- A specific IORef EnvRef can be held by more than one local environment
-- and we need to replace all its occurences with the same, new value
-- containing its clone.
readIORef store >>= pure . IM.lookup (unForkId fid) >>= \case
Just lref -> Forks fid baseIx <$> pure lref
<*> relinkForks innerForks
Nothing -> Forks fid baseIx <$> cloneEnvRef fid lref0
<*> relinkForks innerForks
-- | Clone the local 'EnvRef' and put it in a store.
cloneEnvRef :: ForkId -> IORef EnvRef -> IO (IORef EnvRef)
cloneEnvRef fid lref0 = do
EnvRef n es0 fs0 <- readIORef lref0
es <- cloneSmallMutableArray es0 0 (sizeofSmallMutableArray es0)
fs <- cloneSmallMutableArray fs0 0 (sizeofSmallMutableArray fs0)
ref <- newIORef $ EnvRef n es fs
modifyIORef' store $ IM.insert (unForkId fid) ref
relinkData (relinkEnv gref gen store) es fs n
pure ref
-- | Create a local fork of the environment.
-- Forked environment can be updated independently of the original one within
-- the same thread.
forkEnv :: Env es -> IO (Env es)
forkEnv (Env NoFork size gref gen) = do
fid <- newForkId gen
Env <$> (Forks fid size <$> emptyEnvRef <*> pure NoFork)
<*> pure size <*> pure gref <*> pure gen
forkEnv (Env forks@(Forks _ baseIx _ innerForks) size gref gen) = do
fid <- newForkId gen
lref <- emptyEnvRef
let newForks = -- If the fork is empty, replace it as no data is lost.
if size == baseIx
then innerForks
else forks
pure $ Env (Forks fid size lref newForks) size gref gen
forkEnv (Env size mrefs0 storage) = do
References n refs0 <- readIORef mrefs0
errorWhenDifferent size n
mrefs <- newIORef . References size
=<< cloneMutablePrimArray refs0 0 (sizeofMutablePrimArray refs0)
pure $ Env size mrefs storage
{-# NOINLINE forkEnv #-}
-- | Check that the size of the environment is the same as the expected value.
-- | Check that the size of the environment is internally consistent.
checkSizeEnv :: Env es -> IO ()
checkSizeEnv (Env NoFork size ref _) = do
EnvRef n _ _ <- readIORef ref
when (size /= n) $ do
error $ "size (" ++ show size ++ ") /= n (" ++ show n ++ ")"
checkSizeEnv (Env (Forks _ baseIx lref _) size _ _) = do
EnvRef n _ _ <- readIORef lref
when (size /= baseIx + n) $ do
error $ "size (" ++ show size ++ ") /= baseIx + n (baseIx: "
++ show baseIx ++ ", n: " ++ show n ++ ")"
checkSizeEnv (Env size mrefs _) = do
References n _ <- readIORef mrefs
errorWhenDifferent size n
{-# NOINLINE checkSizeEnv #-}
-- | Get the current size of the environment.
@ -382,11 +203,13 @@ sizeEnv env = pure $ envSize env
-- | Access the tail of the environment.
tailEnv :: Env (e : es) -> IO (Env es)
tailEnv (Env NoFork size gref gen) = forkEnv $ Env NoFork (size - 1) gref gen
tailEnv (Env forks@(Forks _ baseIx _ innerForks) size gref gen)
-- If the fork is empty, consider the inner fork.
| size == baseIx = tailEnv $ Env innerForks size gref gen
| otherwise = forkEnv $ Env forks (size - 1) gref gen
tailEnv (Env size mrefs0 storage) = do
References n refs0 <- readIORef mrefs0
errorWhenDifferent size n
mrefs <- newIORef . References (size - 1)
=<< cloneMutablePrimArray refs0 0 (sizeofMutablePrimArray refs0)
pure $ Env (size - 1) mrefs storage
{-# NOINLINE tailEnv #-}
-- Extending and shrinking
@ -398,53 +221,33 @@ consEnv
-> Relinker (EffectRep (DispatchOf e)) e
-> Env es
-> IO (Env (e : es))
consEnv e f (Env fork size gref gen) = case fork of
NoFork -> do
extendEnvRef gref
pure $ Env NoFork (size + 1) gref gen
Forks _ _ lref _ -> do
extendEnvRef lref
pure $ Env fork (size + 1) gref gen
extendEnvRef :: IORef EnvRef -> IO ()
extendEnvRef ref = do
EnvRef n es0 fs0 <- readIORef ref
let len0 = sizeofSmallMutableArray es0
case n `compare` len0 of
GT -> error $ "n (" ++ show n ++ ") > len0 (" ++ show len0 ++ ")"
LT -> do
e `seq` writeSmallArray es0 n (toAny e)
f `seq` writeSmallArray fs0 n (toAny f)
writeIORef ref $! EnvRef (n + 1) es0 fs0
EQ -> do
let len = doubleCapacity len0
es <- newSmallArray len undefinedData
copySmallMutableArray es 0 es0 0 len0
e `seq` writeSmallArray es n (toAny e)
fs <- newSmallArray len undefinedData
copySmallMutableArray fs 0 fs0 0 len0
f `seq` writeSmallArray fs n (toAny f)
writeIORef ref $! EnvRef (n + 1) es fs
doubleCapacity :: Int -> Int
doubleCapacity n = max 1 n * 2
consEnv e f (Env size mrefs storage) = do
ref <- insertEffect e f storage
References n refs0 <- readIORef mrefs
errorWhenDifferent size n
len0 <- getSizeofMutablePrimArray refs0
case n `compare` len0 of
GT -> error $ "n (" ++ show n ++ ") > len0 (" ++ show len0 ++ ")"
LT -> mask_ $ do
writePrimArray refs0 n ref
writeIORef mrefs $! References (n + 1) refs0
EQ -> mask_ $ do
let len = doubleCapacity len0
refs <- resizeMutablePrimArray refs0 len
writePrimArray refs n ref
writeIORef mrefs $! References (n + 1) refs
pure $ Env (size + 1) mrefs storage
{-# NOINLINE consEnv #-}
-- | Shrink the environment by one data type (in place).
unconsEnv :: Env (e : es) -> IO ()
unconsEnv (Env fork size gref _) = case fork of
NoFork -> shrinkEnvRef (size - 1) gref
Forks _ baseIx lref _ -> shrinkEnvRef (size - 1 - baseIx) lref
shrinkEnvRef :: Int -> IORef EnvRef -> IO ()
shrinkEnvRef k ref = do
EnvRef n es fs <- readIORef ref
if k /= n - 1
then error $ "k (" ++ show k ++ ") /= n - 1 (" ++ show (n - 1) ++ ")"
else do
writeSmallArray es k undefinedData
writeSmallArray fs k undefinedData
writeIORef ref $! EnvRef k es fs
unconsEnv (Env size mrefs storage) = do
References n refs <- readIORef mrefs
errorWhenDifferent size n
ref <- readPrimArray refs (n - 1)
mask_ $ do
deleteEffect ref storage
writeIORef mrefs $! References (n - 1) refs
{-# NOINLINE unconsEnv #-}
@ -453,30 +256,30 @@ unconsEnv (Env fork size gref _) = case fork of
-- | Extract a specific data type from the environment.
:: forall e es. e :> es
=> Env es
=> Env es -- ^ The environment.
-> IO (EffectRep (DispatchOf e) e)
getEnv env = do
Location i es <- getLocation (reifyIndex @e @es) env
(i, es) <- getLocation (reifyIndex @e @es) env
fromAny <$> readSmallArray es i
-- | Replace the data type in the environment with a new value (in place).
:: forall e es. e :> es
=> Env es
=> Env es -- ^ The environment.
-> EffectRep (DispatchOf e) e
-> IO ()
putEnv env e = do
Location i es <- getLocation (reifyIndex @e @es) env
(i, es) <- getLocation (reifyIndex @e @es) env
e `seq` writeSmallArray es i (toAny e)
-- | Modify the data type in the environment (in place) and return a value.
:: forall e es a. e :> es
=> Env es
=> Env es -- ^ The environment.
-> (EffectRep (DispatchOf e) e -> (a, EffectRep (DispatchOf e) e))
-> IO a
stateEnv env f = do
Location i es <- getLocation (reifyIndex @e @es) env
(i, es) <- getLocation (reifyIndex @e @es) env
(a, e) <- f . fromAny <$> readSmallArray es i
e `seq` writeSmallArray es i (toAny e)
pure a
@ -484,61 +287,89 @@ stateEnv env f = do
-- | Modify the data type in the environment (in place).
:: forall e es. e :> es
=> Env es
=> Env es -- ^ The environment.
-> (EffectRep (DispatchOf e) e -> EffectRep (DispatchOf e) e)
-> IO ()
modifyEnv env f = do
Location i es <- getLocation (reifyIndex @e @es) env
(i, es) <- getLocation (reifyIndex @e @es) env
e <- f . fromAny <$> readSmallArray es i
e `seq` writeSmallArray es i (toAny e)
-- | Determine location of the effect in the environment.
:: Int
-> Env es
-> IO (Int, SmallMutableArray RealWorld Any)
getLocation ix (Env size mrefs storage) = do
refs <- refIndices <$> readIORef mrefs
i <- readPrimArray refs (size - ix - 1)
es <- stEffects <$> readIORef storage
pure (i, es)
-- Internal helpers
-- | Create an empty storage.
emptyStorage :: IO Storage
emptyStorage = Storage
<$> pure IS.empty
<*> newSmallArray 0 undefinedData
<*> newSmallArray 0 undefinedData
-- | Insert an effect into the storage and return its reference.
:: EffectRep (DispatchOf e) e
-- ^ The representation of the effect.
-> Relinker (EffectRep (DispatchOf e)) e
-> IORef Storage
-> IO Int
insertEffect e f storage = do
Storage freeSlots es0 fs0 <- readIORef storage
case IS.minView freeSlots of
Just (ref, newFreeSlots) -> do
e `seq` writeSmallArray es0 ref (toAny e)
f `seq` writeSmallArray fs0 ref (toAny f)
writeIORef storage $! Storage newFreeSlots es0 fs0
pure ref
Nothing -> do
let len0 = sizeofSmallMutableArray es0
len = doubleCapacity len0
es <- newSmallArray len undefinedData
copySmallMutableArray es 0 es0 0 len0
fs <- newSmallArray len undefinedData
copySmallMutableArray fs 0 fs0 0 len0
let ref = len0
let newFreeSlots = IS.fromAscList $ tail [len0 .. len - 1]
e `seq` writeSmallArray es ref (toAny e)
f `seq` writeSmallArray fs ref (toAny f)
writeIORef storage $! Storage newFreeSlots es fs
pure ref
-- | Given a reference to an effect, delete it from the storage.
deleteEffect :: Int -> IORef Storage -> IO ()
deleteEffect ref storage = do
Storage freeSlots es fs <- readIORef storage
writeSmallArray es ref undefinedData
writeSmallArray fs ref undefinedData
writeIORef storage $! Storage (IS.insert ref freeSlots) es fs
-- | Relink the environment to use the new storage.
relinkEnv :: IORef Storage -> Env es -> IO (Env es)
relinkEnv storage (Env size mrefs0 _) = do
References n refs0 <- readIORef mrefs0
mrefs <- newIORef . References n
=<< cloneMutablePrimArray refs0 0 (sizeofMutablePrimArray refs0)
pure $ Env size mrefs storage
-- | Throw an error if array sizes do not agree.
errorWhenDifferent :: HasCallStack => Int -> Int -> IO ()
errorWhenDifferent size n
| size /= n = error $ "size (" ++ show size ++ ") /= n (" ++ show n ++ ")"
| otherwise = pure ()
-- | Double the capacity of an array.
doubleCapacity :: Int -> Int
doubleCapacity n = max 1 n * 2
undefinedData :: HasCallStack => a
undefinedData = error "undefined data"
emptyEnvRef :: IO (IORef EnvRef)
emptyEnvRef = do
es <- newSmallArray 0 undefinedData
fs <- newSmallArray 0 undefinedData
newIORef $ EnvRef 0 es fs
-- | Location with unboxed fields to make GHC generate Core without unnecessary
-- reboxing around the local 'go' function from 'getLocation'.
data Location = Location !Int !(SmallMutableArray RealWorld Any)
-- | Determine location of the data type in the environment.
:: Int
-> Env es
-> IO Location
getLocation ix (Env fork size ref _) = do
let i = size - ix - 1
EnvRef _ es@(SmallMutableArray es#) _ <- readIORef ref
-- Optimized for the common access pattern:
-- - Most application code has no access to forks, in which case we look at
-- the global EnvRef.
-- - Effect handlers will most likely access the newest fork with handler
-- specific effects for reinterpretation.
case fork of
NoFork -> pure $ Location i es
Forks _ baseIx lref forks
| i >= baseIx -> do
EnvRef _ les _ <- readIORef lref
pure $ Location (i - baseIx) les
| otherwise -> go es# i forks
go :: SmallMutableArray# RealWorld Any
-> Int
-> Forks
-> IO Location
go es# i = \case
NoFork -> pure $ Location i (SmallMutableArray es#)
Forks _ baseIx lref forks
| i >= baseIx -> do
EnvRef _ les _ <- readIORef lref
pure $ Location (i - baseIx) les
| otherwise -> go es# i forks

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@ -368,6 +368,7 @@ send :: (HasCallStack, DispatchOf e ~ Dynamic, e :> es) => e (Eff es) a -> Eff e
send op = unsafeEff $ \es -> do
Handler handlerEs handle <- getEnv es
unEff (handle (LocalEnv es) op) handlerEs
{-# NOINLINE send #-}
-- Static dispatch