Clemens Fruhwirth fcf92547a0 Beautify the code a bit, give better error messages
2009-01-09 16:11:33 -06:00

770 lines
33 KiB

-- -*-haskell-*-
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Liskell
-- ParseTree to Haskell ParseTree conversion
-- Author(s): Clemens Fruhwirth <>
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
module LskToHs where
import ParseLiskell
import LexLiskell
import LskParseTree
import LskTransformationMonad
import GHCAPICompat
import HsSyn
import SrcLoc
import Module
import Outputable
import RdrName
import FastString
import OccName
import RdrHsSyn
import OrdList
import qualified BasicTypes
import StringBuffer
import Bag
import TysWiredIn ( unitTyCon, unitDataCon, tupleTyCon, tupleCon, nilDataCon,
listTyCon_RDR, parrTyCon_RDR, consDataCon_RDR )
-- verify that all these types are used ^^ FIXMELSk
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Char
import qualified Numeric
import PackageConfig
import Util
import LskInteractiveEval
import ReadRationalS
type SimpleType = ((Located RdrName), [LHsTyVarBndr RdrName])
orElse' :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
orElse' a b =
case a of
(Just _) -> a
Nothing -> b
--- Symbol classifiers and convertes
isUpSymId string
| null string = error "internal error - isUpSymId called for null id"
| otherwise = elem (head string) (['A'..'Z'] ++ [':'])
isLowSymId = not . isUpSymId
isUpId str =
let (orig, qual, sym) = parseOrig str
in isUpSymId sym
isLowId = not . isUpId
mkRdrName2 otherspace upspace (PSym _ str) =
let (orig, qual, sym) = parseOrig str
space | isUpSymId sym = upspace
| otherwise = otherspace
in case (orig, qual, sym, space == dataName, space == tcClsName) of
-- FIXMELSK do we really need the built-in type handling
-- below? It doesn't look like as if the sky would came
-- crushing down on GHC if we omit that.
("", "", ":", True, False) -> consDataCon_RDR
-- ("", "", "[]", False, True) -> listTyCon_RDR
-- ("", "", ",", True, False) -> tupleCon <boxity> <size>
-- ("", "", ",", False, True) -> tupleTyCon <boxity> <size>
("", "", sym, _, _) -> mkUnqual space (mkFastString sym)
("", qual, sym, _, _) -> mkQual space ((mkFastString qual), (mkFastString sym))
(orig, qual, sym, _, _) -> mkOrig (mkModule (stringToPackageId orig) (mkModuleName qual)) (mkOccName space sym)
mkUnqualS space string = mkUnqual space (mkFastString string)
mkLRdrName2 otherspace upspace sym@(PSym loc _) =
(L loc (mkRdrName2 otherspace upspace sym))
--- Module Transformations (Name, Imports, Exports)
trf_modulename (PSym _ m)
| isUpSymId m = return (mkModuleName m)
| otherwise = throwError (text "Unknown module name syntax")
--- Transform IE names
trf_iename :: ParseTree -> TransformationMonad (LIE RdrName)
trf_iename (PSym loc str)
| isUpSymId str = return (L loc (IEThingAbs (mkUnqualS tcClsName str)))
| otherwise = return (L loc (IEVar (mkUnqualS varName str)))
trf_iename (PList loc (s@(PSym _ sym):rest) ("",""))
| sym == "module" = case rest of
modname:[] -> do
modname_t <- trf_modulename modname
return (L loc (IEModuleContents modname_t))
otherwise -> throwError (text "Wrong arity for module in exports")
| isUpSymId sym =
case rest of
(PSym loc "_"):rest ->
if (null rest) then
return (L loc (IEThingAll (mkUnqualS tcClsName sym)))
throwError (text "Wrong wildcard form for iename")
otherwise -> return (L loc (IEThingWith (mkUnqualS tcClsName sym)
(map (mkRdrName2 varName dataName) rest)))
--- Transform IE exports
trf_exports :: ParseTree -> TransformationMonad (Maybe [LIE RdrName])
trf_exports (PSym _ sym)
| sym == "_" = return Nothing
| otherwise = throwError (text "Unexpected symbol in exports. Only \"_\" is valid.")
trf_exports (PList _ exports ("","")) =
exports_t <- mapM trf_iename exports
return $ Just exports_t
trf_exports p = throwError (text ("Unknown export" ++ show p))
--- Transform imports
flaglist :: ParseTree -> Maybe [ParseTree]
flaglist (PList _ ((PSym _ s):flaglist) ("",""))
| s == "flags" = Just flaglist
| otherwise = Nothing
flaglist _ = Nothing
parse_flags [] = return (False, Nothing, False)
parse_flags ((PSym _ "hiding"):xs) = do
(a, b, c) <- parse_flags xs
return (a, b, True)
parse_flags ((PList _ [(PSym _ "as"), modulename] ("","")):xs) = do
(a, b, c) <- parse_flags xs
module_name_t <- trf_modulename modulename
return (a, (Just module_name_t), c)
parse_flags ((PSym _ "qualified"):xs) = do
(a, b, c) <- parse_flags xs
return (True, b, c)
trf_import ms@(PSym loc _) = do
modulename_t <- trf_modulename ms
return $ Just (L loc (ImportDecl {
ideclName = (L loc modulename_t),
ideclPkgQual = Nothing,
ideclSource = False,
ideclQualified = False,
ideclAs = Nothing,
ideclHiding = Nothing
trf_import (PList loc (modulename:ienames) ("","")) =
modulename_t <- trf_modulename modulename
case ienames of
maybeflags:restienames ->
case (flaglist maybeflags) of
Just flags -> do
imports <- mapM trf_iename restienames
(qual, asModuleName, hiding) <- parse_flags flags
return $ Just (L loc (ImportDecl {
ideclName = (L (ploc modulename) modulename_t),
ideclPkgQual = Nothing,
ideclSource = False,
ideclQualified = qual,
ideclAs = asModuleName,
ideclHiding = (Just (hiding, imports)) }))
Nothing -> do
imports <- mapM trf_iename ienames
return $ Just (L loc (ImportDecl {
ideclName = (L (ploc modulename) modulename_t),
ideclPkgQual = Nothing,
ideclSource = False,
ideclQualified = False,
ideclAs = Nothing,
ideclHiding = (Just (False, imports))}))
otherwise -> return Nothing
--- Binder Transformations
-- The ET/TE Funbinder syntax consists of an EBinder augmented with a signature for that binder.
-- The full binder in the form (V T E) can be truncated to an eBinder of the form (V E) using the full binder
-- (V _ E).
--- The full binder (V T E) can be truncated to a signature declaration (V T) omitting the expression as in
-- (V T _).
-- The trf_fullbind converts the given ParseTree to a list of declaration (with one or two elements).
errorSpan = error "SrcSpan of fake symbol inspected!"
trf_TEFunbinder :: ParseTree -> TransformationMonad [LHsDecl RdrName]
trf_TEFunbinder (PList loc [binder, typesig] ("","")) = trf_TEFunbinder (PList loc [binder, typesig, (PSym errorSpan "_")] noPP)
trf_TEFunbinder (PList loc [binding, typesig, expr] ("","")) = do
binding_t <- trf_EBinder binding (case expr of
(PSym _ "_") -> (PSym errorSpan "undefined") -- FIX?
otherwise -> expr)
typesig_t <- case typesig of
(PSym _ "_") -> return []
otherwise -> do
type_t <- trf_sig_type typesig
case binding_t of
(FunBind { fun_id = id }) -> return [(L loc (SigD (TypeSig id type_t)))]
otherwise -> throwError (text ("Nothing but funbinders are allowed for ET/TE-funbinder"))
return (case expr of
(PSym _ "_") -> typesig_t
otherwise -> concat [typesig_t, [(L loc (ValD binding_t))]])
trf_TEFunbinder p = throwErrorAt (ploc p) (text ("Unknown TEFunbinder" ++ show p))
trf_ETFunbinder (PList loc [binding, expr] ("","")) = trf_TEFunbinder (PList loc [binding, (PSym errorSpan "_"), expr] noPP)
trf_ETFunbinder (PList loc [binding, expr, typesig] ("","")) = trf_TEFunbinder (PList loc [binding, typesig, expr] noPP)
trf_ETFunbinder p = throwErrorAt (ploc p) (text ("Unknown TEFunbinder" ++ show p))
--- Binding Syntax for HsBind - this is aka eBinder Syntax, as in Expression Binder
--- Atom => FunBinder
--- (LowId _ ..) => FunBinder
--- (UpId _ ..) => PatBind
trf_EBinder pat expr = do
expr_t <- trf_expr expr
-- Try to parse this as a pattern
-- If it succeeds, create a pattern binder
-- If it fails, create a funbinders
pat <- trf_pattern pat
return (case (unLoc pat) of
(VarPat id) -> mkFunBind (L (getLoc pat) id) [(mkSimpleMatch [] expr_t)]
_ -> PatBind { pat_lhs = pat,
pat_rhs = GRHSs [(noLoc (GRHS [] expr_t))] EmptyLocalBinds,
pat_rhs_ty = placeHolderType,
bind_fvs = placeHolderNames }))
(const (let (PList floc (id@(PSym vloc sym):args) ("","")) = pat
in do
patterns_t <- mapM trf_pattern args
return (mkFunBind (L vloc (mkRdrName2 varName (error "Touched Upspace for vars") id)) [(mkSimpleMatch patterns_t expr_t)])))
-- Transform a list of bindings into a OrdList (LHsDecl ..) of ValD
-- declarations. No other declaration is introduced by let/define styled
-- binding syntax
trf_letbindings [] = return nilOL
trf_letbindings ((PList _ [head, expr] ("","")):xs) = do
rest_t <- trf_letbindings xs
first_t <- trf_EBinder head expr
return ((unitOL (noLoc (ValD first_t))) `appOL` rest_t)
trf_letbindings (pt:_) = throwErrorAt (ploc pt) (vcat [text "Unknown let bindings", text (show pt)])
--- Match Transformation
trf_match (PList loc [pat_e, expr_e] ("","")) =
pat_t <- trf_pattern pat_e
expr_t <- trf_expr expr_e
return (mkSimpleMatch [pat_t] expr_t)
trf_match pt = throwErrorAt (ploc pt) (vcat [text "Unknown match form", text (show pt)])
--- FIXME Ugly function name
mapMaybeFuns (first:rest) = do
maybetransformed <- first
case maybetransformed of
Just a -> return a
Nothing -> mapMaybeFuns rest
mapMayBeFuns [] = throwError (text "Dropped to bottom of transformer table")
mapTransformer envGet pt = do
env <- askEnv
mapMaybeFuns (map (\fun -> fun pt) (envGet env))
--- Expression Transformations to HsExpr
trf_expr :: ParseTree -> TransformationMonad (LHsExpr RdrName)
trf_expr pt = do
env <- askEnv
(envExprTable env) pt trf_expr trf_expr_prim
trf_expr_prim :: ParseTree -> TransformationMonad (LHsExpr RdrName)
trf_expr_prim sym@(PSym loc symname)
| Just int <- convertNumber symname =
return (L loc (HsOverLit (mkHsIntegral int placeHolderType)))
| Just rational <- convertRational symname =
return (L loc (HsOverLit (mkHsFractional rational placeHolderType)))
| Just char <- convertChar symname =
return (L loc (HsLit (HsChar char)))
| Just string <- convertString symname =
return (L loc (HsLit (HsString (mkFastString string))))
| otherwise =
return (L loc (HsVar (mkRdrName2 varName dataName sym)))
trf_expr_prim (PList loc full@((PSym lloc sym):rest) ("",""))
| sym == "if" =
case rest of
cond_e:then_e:else_e:[] ->
cond_t <- trf_expr cond_e
then_t <- trf_expr then_e
expr_t <- trf_expr else_e
return (L loc (HsIf cond_t then_t expr_t))
otherwise -> throwError (text "Wrong arity: `if' needs 3 arguments")
| sym == "let" =
case rest of
[(PList _ bindings ("","")), expr] ->
bindings_t <- trf_letbindings bindings
expr_t <- trf_expr expr
return (L loc (HsLet (HsValBinds (cvBindGroup bindings_t))
otherwise -> throwError (text "wrong arity: `let' needs 2 arguments")
| sym == "case" =
case rest of
(expr_e:as) -> do
expr_t <- trf_expr expr_e
as_t <- mapM trf_match as
return (L loc (HsCase expr_t
(mkMatchGroup as_t)))
otherwise -> throwError (text "wrong arity, case")
| sym == "lambda" = case rest of
[(PList _ pats ("","")), expr] -> do
expr_t <- trf_expr expr
pats_t <- mapM trf_pattern pats
return (L loc (HsLam (mkMatchGroup [(mkSimpleMatch pats_t expr_t)])))
_ -> throwError (text "Wrong arity: `lambda' needs 2 arguments")
| sym == "::" =
case rest of
[expr, type_e] -> do
expr_t <- trf_expr expr
type_t <- trf_sig_type type_e
return (L loc (ExprWithTySig expr_t type_t))
otherwise -> throwError (text "Wrong arity: `::' needs 2 arguments")
| sym == "[]" = do
exprs_t <- mapM trf_expr rest
return (L loc (ExplicitList placeHolderType exprs_t))
| sym == "," = do
exprs_t <- mapM trf_expr rest
return (L loc (ExplicitTuple exprs_t BasicTypes.Boxed))
#warning envlet support in expression removed for the moment
{-- | sym == "envlet" = case rest of
macrofun:expr:[] -> do
macrofun_t <- trf_expr macrofun
env <- askEnv
return (L loc (HsSpliceE (HsLskSplice unqualSplice
))) --}
| sym == "app" = trf_exprs_app rest
| otherwise = trf_exprs_app full
trf_expr_prim (PList loc full ("","")) = trf_exprs_app full
trf_expr_prim p = throwErrorAt (ploc p) (text ("Exprs transform failed for " ++ (show p)))
trf_exprs_app :: [ParseTree] -> TransformationMonad (LHsExpr RdrName)
trf_exprs_app = trf_exprs_ . reverse
trf_exprs_ :: [ParseTree] -> TransformationMonad (LHsExpr RdrName)
trf_exprs_ (x:[]) = trf_expr x
trf_exprs_ (x:xs) = do
rest_t <- trf_exprs_ xs
first_t <- trf_expr x
return (noLoc (HsApp rest_t first_t))
--- Pattern transformation into LPat
trf_pattern :: ParseTree -> TransformationMonad (LPat RdrName)
trf_pattern pt = do
env <- askEnv
(envPatTable env) pt trf_pattern trf_pattern_prim
trf_pattern_prim :: ParseTree -> TransformationMonad (LPat RdrName)
trf_pattern_prim sym@(PSym loc id)
| id == "_" = return (L loc (WildPat placeHolderType))
| Just int <- convertNumber id = return (L loc (mkNPat (mkHsIntegral int placeHolderType) Nothing))
| Just char <- convertChar id = return (L loc (LitPat (HsChar char)))
| Just rational <- convertRational id = return (L loc (mkNPat (mkHsFractional rational placeHolderType) Nothing))
| Just string <- convertString id = return (L loc (LitPat (HsString (mkFastString string))))
| isUpId id = return (L loc (ConPatIn (mkLRdrName2 undefined dataName sym)
(PrefixCon [])))
| otherwise = return (L loc (VarPat (mkRdrName2 varName undefined sym)))
trf_pattern_prim p@(PList loc (sym@(PSym sloc id):rest) ("",""))
| id == "@" = case rest of
assym@(PSym iloc id):p:[] ->
if (isLowId id) then
p_t <- trf_pattern p
return (L loc (AsPat (mkLRdrName2 varName undefined assym) p_t))
throwError (text "as name must be a lowid")
otherwise -> throwError (text "Wrong arity: `@' needs two arguments")
| id == "~" = case rest of
p:[] -> do
p_t <- trf_pattern p
return (L loc (LazyPat p_t))
otherwise -> throwError (text "wrong arity: `~' needs one argument")
-- | id == "!" = case rest of
-- p:[] -> undefined
-- | id == "::" = case rest of
-- p:t:[] -> throwError ( "unimplemented :: pattern")
| id == "[]" = do
ps_t <- mapM trf_pattern rest
return (L loc (ListPat ps_t placeHolderType))
| id == "," = do
ps_t <- mapM trf_pattern rest
return (L loc (TuplePat ps_t BasicTypes.Boxed placeHolderType))
| id == "Con" = case rest of
(sym@(PSym sloc id):rest) ->
if (isUpId id) then -- won't match ,[] !! FIXMELSK
ps_t <- mapM trf_pattern rest
return (L loc (ConPatIn (mkLRdrName2 undefined dataName sym)
(PrefixCon ps_t)))
throwError (text "Error in explicit prefix constructor")
otherwise -> throwError (text "Error in explicit prefix constructor")
| isUpId id = do
ps_t <- mapM trf_pattern rest
return (L loc (ConPatIn (mkLRdrName2 undefined dataName sym)
(PrefixCon ps_t)))
| otherwise = throwError (text ("Unknown pattern" ++ (show p)))
trf_pattern_prim p = throwError (text ("Unknown pattern" ++ (show p)))
--- Type transformation into LHsType
trf_type :: ParseTree -> TransformationMonad (LHsType RdrName)
trf_type pt = do
env <- askEnv
(envTypeTable env) pt trf_type trf_type_prim
trf_type_prim :: ParseTree -> TransformationMonad (LHsType RdrName)
trf_type_prim c@(PSym loc var) = return (L loc (HsTyVar (mkRdrName2 tvName tcClsName c)))
trf_type_prim (PList loc full@((PSym sloc sym):rest) ("",""))
| sym == "->" = trf_type_chain (flip HsFunTy) rest
| sym == "[]" = case rest of
t1:[] -> do
t1_t <- trf_type t1
return (L loc (HsListTy t1_t))
otherwise -> throwError (text ("Wrong arity: `[]' needs one argument"))
| sym == "," =
types_t <- mapM trf_type rest
return (L loc (HsTupleTy BasicTypes.Boxed types_t))
-- Bang Type
| sym == "!" =
case rest of
type_e:[] -> do
type_t <- trf_type type_e
return (L loc (HsBangTy HsStrict type_t))
otherwise -> throwError (text "Wrong arity: bangtype needs one argument")
-- Type with context
| sym == "=>" = case rest of
[(PList loc context ("","")), restricted_type] -> do
context_t <- case context of
(PList _ _ _):_ -> mapM trf_context context
otherwise -> mapM trf_context [PList loc context noPP]
restricted_type_t <- trf_type restricted_type
return (L loc (HsForAllTy Implicit
(L loc context_t)
| sym == "forall" = case rest of -- is that "forall" inconstant with the rest of charcrap keywords?
[(PList vloc tyvars ("","")),
(PList loc context ("","")),
restricted_type] -> do
context_t <- mapM trf_context context
restricted_type_t <- trf_type restricted_type
return (L loc (HsForAllTy Explicit
(map symToUTV tyvars)
(L loc context_t)
| sym == "app" = trf_type_app rest
| otherwise = trf_type_app full
trf_type_prim (PList _ s ("","")) = trf_type_app s
trf_type_prim p = throwErrorAt (ploc p) (text ("Unknown type form " ++ (show p)))
trf_type_app :: [ParseTree] -> TransformationMonad (LHsType RdrName)
trf_type_app = (trf_type_chain HsAppTy) . reverse
-- isn't that fold below?
trf_type_chain con (x:[]) = trf_type x
trf_type_chain con (x:xs) = do
xs_t <- trf_type_chain con xs
x_t <- trf_type x
return $ noLoc $ con xs_t x_t
--- Signature type
trf_sig_type parsetree = do
type_t <- trf_type parsetree
return (L (ploc parsetree) (mkImplicitHsForAllTy (noLoc []) type_t))
--- Context transformation
trf_context (PList loc (con:arg) ("","")) = do
types_t <- mapM trf_type arg
return (L loc (HsClassP (mkRdrName2 (error "Not a classname in context") tcClsName con)
symToUTV s@(PSym loc _) = L loc (UserTyVar (mkRdrName2 tvName (error "Not a type variable") s))
-- Stolen from RdrHsSyn.lhs - This is pretty much code duplication, no
-- idea what to do about it. It would require an abstract ParserMonad, maybe.
-- This converts a HsType into a ConDecl, constructor declaration.
-- The requirements for this to work is that the type is a series of Type Applications with
-- a TyVar at the innermost left.
mkPrefixConI :: Located (HsType RdrName) -> TransformationMonad (LConDecl RdrName)
mkPrefixConI ty
= split ty []
tyConToDataCon loc tc | isTcOcc (rdrNameOcc tc) = return (L loc (setRdrNameSpace tc srcDataName))
| otherwise = throwError (text "Not a constructor..")
split (L _ (HsAppTy t u)) ts = split t (u : ts)
split (L l (HsTyVar tc)) ts = do data_con <- tyConToDataCon l tc
return (noLoc (cConDecl data_con Explicit [] (noLoc []) (PrefixCon ts) ResTyH98))
split (L l _) _ = throwError (text "parse error in data/newtype declaration")
checkDictTy (L spn ty) = check ty []
check (HsTyVar t) args | not (isRdrTyVar t)
= return (L spn (HsPredTy (HsClassP t args)))
-- = throwError ( "Args has " ++ show (length args) ++ showSDoc (ppr args))
check (HsAppTy l r) args = check (unLoc l) (r:args)
check _ _ = throwError (text "Malformed instance type")
checkInstTypeT (L l t)
= case t of
HsForAllTy exp tvs ctxt ty -> do
dict_ty <- checkDictTy ty
return (L l (HsForAllTy exp tvs ctxt dict_ty))
HsParTy ty -> checkInstTypeT ty -- HsParTy = Parenthesized TYPE!
ty -> do dict_ty <- checkDictTy (L l ty)
return (L l (HsForAllTy Implicit [] (noLoc []) dict_ty))
-- An SD is a definitional type of the form (TypeConstructor v1 v2 ..) or (> [context] (TypeConstructor v1 v2))
-- Isn't that a bit of code duplication from trf_type?
trf_def_type :: ParseTree -> TransformationMonad ((LHsContext RdrName), SimpleType)
trf_def_type s@(PSym loc _) = trf_def_type (PList loc [s] noPP)
trf_def_type s@(PList loc ((PSym _ sym):rest) ("",""))
| sym /= "=>" = trf_def_type (PList loc [(PSym loc "=>"),
PList loc [] noPP,
| otherwise = case rest of
[(PList cloc contexts ("","")), simple_type] -> do
contexts_t <- mapM trf_context contexts
simple_type_t <- trf_simpleType simple_type
return (L cloc contexts_t, simple_type_t)
otherwise -> throwErrorAt (ploc s) (text "Malformed definitional type")
-- A simple constructor type Foo v1 v2 v3 is transformated to (name, vars)
trf_simpleType :: ParseTree -> TransformationMonad SimpleType
trf_simpleType s@(PSym loc _) = trf_simpleType (PList loc [s] noPP)
trf_simpleType (PList loc (head:vars) ("","")) = return ((mkLRdrName2 (error "Context class not a class name") tcClsName head), map symToUTV vars)
--- Top Level transformation into LHsDecl
trf_decl :: ParseTree -> TransformationMonad [LHsDecl RdrName]
trf_decl pt = do
env <- askEnv
let ks = ((envDeclTable env) :: (ParseTree -> (ParseTree -> a) -> (ParseTree -> a) -> a))
ks pt trf_decl trf_decl_prim
trf_constructor constr = do
constr_t <- trf_type constr
mkPrefixConI constr_t
trf_decl_prim :: ParseTree -> TransformationMonad [LHsDecl RdrName]
trf_decl_prim (PList _ (s@((PList loc ((PSym sloc sym):rest) ("","")):ds')) ("",""))
| sym == "define" = case rest of
[bind, expr] -> do
bind_t <- trf_EBinder bind expr
let this = L loc $ ValD bind_t
addEvalCtxDecl this
ds_t <- trf_decl ds
return (this:ds_t)
full@[bind, expr, sig] -> do
this <- trf_ETFunbinder (PList loc full noPP)
mapM addEvalCtxDecl this
rest <- trf_decl ds
return (this++rest :: [LHsDecl RdrName])
otherwise -> throwErrorAt loc (text ("Malformed define declaration: " ++ (show s)))
| sym == "defwithsig" = do
this <- trf_TEFunbinder (PList loc rest noPP)
mapM addEvalCtxDecl this
ds_t <- trf_decl ds
return (this++ds_t)
| sym == "deftype" = case rest of
[sctype, type_e] -> do
(name_t, tyvars_t) <- trf_simpleType sctype
type_t <- trf_type type_e
let this = (L loc (TyClD (cTySynonym name_t tyvars_t type_t)))
addEvalCtxDecl this
ds_t <- trf_decl ds
return (this:ds_t)
otherwise -> throwErrorAt loc (text "Malformed type definition")
| sym == "defdata" = case rest of
sdtype:constrs -> do
(contexts_t, (name_t, tyvars_t)) <- trf_def_type sdtype
constrs_t <- mapM trf_constructor constrs
let this = (L loc (TyClD (cmkTyData DataType (contexts_t, name_t, tyvars_t) Nothing constrs_t Nothing)))
addEvalCtxDecl this
ds_t <- trf_decl ds
return (this:ds_t)
otherwise -> throwErrorAt loc (text "Malformed defdata declaration")
| sym == "defnewtype" = case rest of
[sdtype, constr] -> do
(contexts_t, (name_t, tyvars_t)) <- trf_def_type sdtype
constr_t <- trf_constructor constr
let this = (L loc (TyClD (cmkTyData NewType (contexts_t, name_t, tyvars_t) Nothing [constr_t] Nothing)))
addEvalCtxDecl this
ds_t <- trf_decl ds
return (this:ds_t)
otherwise -> throwErrorAt loc (text "Malformed defnewtype declaration")
| sym == "defclass" = case rest of
sdtype:teBinds -> do
(contexts_t, (name_t, tyvars_t)) <- trf_def_type sdtype
decls_t <- mapM trf_TEFunbinder teBinds
let (binds, sigs) = ccvBindsAndSigs (toOL (concat decls_t))
#warning ATS?
this = L loc (TyClD (cmkClassDecl (contexts_t, name_t, tyvars_t)
addEvalCtxDecl this
ds_t <- trf_decl ds
return (this:ds_t)
otherwise -> throwErrorAt loc (text "Empty defclass definition")
| sym == "definstance" = case rest of
insttype:etBinds -> do
insttype_t@(L _ (HsForAllTy _ _ _ _)) <- trf_sig_type insttype
asPredType_t <- checkInstTypeT insttype_t
decls_t <- mapM trf_ETFunbinder etBinds
let (binds, sigs, ats, _) = cvBindsAndSigs (toOL (concat decls_t))
this = L loc (InstD (InstDecl asPredType_t binds sigs ats))
addEvalCtxDecl this
ds_t <- trf_decl ds
-- For GHC > 6.6
-- return ((let (binds, sigs, ats, _) = cvBindsAndSigs (toOL (concat decls_t))
-- in L loc (InstD (InstDecl asPredType_t binds sigs ats))):ds_t)
return (this:ds_t)
otherwise -> throwErrorAt loc (text "Empty definstance declaration")
| sym == "envlet" = case rest of
macrofun:exprs -> do
evalCtx <- askEvalCtx
hsc_env <- askHscEnv
transformerExpr <- trf_expr macrofun
lskEnvtransformer <- eval transformerExpr evalCtx hsc_env
s <- askTrfState
new_env <- lift $ lskEnvtransformer (ts_lskenv s)
this <- withTrfState (s { ts_lskenv = new_env }) $ trf_decl (PList loc exprs noPP)
ds_t <- trf_decl ds
return (this ++ ds_t)
otherwise -> throwErrorAt loc (text "Empty macrolet declaration")
| sym == "defenv" = case rest of
[macrofun] -> trf_decl (sPList [PList loc ((PSym sloc "envlet"):macrofun:ds') noPP])
otherwise -> throwErrorAt loc (text "Malformed defenv")
| otherwise = throwErrorAt (ploc (head s)) (text ("Unknown declaration head " ++ (show (head s))) )
sPList lst = PList noSrcSpan lst noPP
ds = sPList ds'
trf_decl_prim (PList _ [] ("","")) = return [] -- we do not care
trf_decl_prim pt = throwErrorAt (ploc pt) (text ("Unknown declaration" ++ (show pt)))
type LHsModule a = Located (HsModule a)
ensure_lskPrelude imports module_name
| not (pt_sym module_name == "LskPrelude") =
case find (\elem -> let (ImportDecl name _ _ _ _ _) = unLoc elem
in (unLoc name) == lskPreludename)
imports of
Nothing -> (L noSrcSpan (ImportDecl (L noSrcSpan lskPreludename)
Just _ -> imports
| otherwise = imports
where lskPreludename = (mkModuleName "LskPrelude")
trf_module :: [ParseTree] -> Bool -> TransformationMonad (LHsModule RdrName)
trf_module (defmodule:decls) onlyheader =
case defmodule of
(PList loc [(PSym _ "defmodule"),
(PList _ import_list noPP)]
("","")) ->
modulename_t <- trf_modulename modname
imports_maybes_t <- mapM trf_import import_list
let imports_t = catMaybes imports_maybes_t
setEvalCtxImports imports_t
-- lift $ putStrLn ("setting x numbers of imports: " ++ (show $ length imports_t))
-- evalCtx <- askEvalCtx
-- lift $ putStrLn ("having x numbers of imports: " ++ (show $ length $ fst evalCtx))
exports_t <- if onlyheader then -- onlyheader=True -> parse only imports and module name
return Nothing
trf_exports export_list
decls_t <- if onlyheader then
return []
trf_decl (PList noSrcSpan decls noPP)
return (L loc (cHsModule (Just (L (ploc modname) modulename_t))
#warning Ensure LskPrelude
-- (ensure_lskPrelude imports_t modname)
otherwise -> throwError (text "First element of parse tree not a well-formed defmodule statement.")
trf_module _ _ = throwError (text "Parse result not a list")
--- Entry Points
liskell_transform entry content loc = do
ptree <- (case parseLiskell (lexLiskell content loc) of
LPMOk a -> return a
LPMFailed s m -> throwErrorAt s m)
entry ptree
liskell_transform_source = liskell_transform (flip trf_module False)
liskell_transform_header_only = liskell_transform (flip trf_module True)
liskell_transform_expr = liskell_transform (\[pt] -> trf_expr pt)
seedLskTrfEnv :: IO LskEnvironment
seedLskTrfEnv = do
return $ LskEnv idcont idcont idcont idcont
where idcont = \pt ks kf -> kf pt -- identitiy continuation