Clemens Fruhwirth 6fed2294bd Update for 6.10.4, proper ghc-path usage, GHC file separation
Ignore-this: fa58b320277567a54e19793e73c8799c

2009-08-26 03:50:00 -05:00

609 lines
22 KiB

{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns -optc-DNON_POSIX_SOURCE #-}
-- GHC Driver program
-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2005
module Main (main) where
--import LskMain
import LskFileHandler
-- The official GHC API
import qualified GHCSalat.GHC4Lsk as GHC
import GHCSalat.GHC4Lsk ( DynFlags(..), HscTarget(..),
GhcMode(..), GhcLink(..),
LoadHowMuch(..), dopt, DynFlag(..) )
import CmdLineParser
-- Implementations of the various modes (--show-iface, mkdependHS. etc.)
import LoadIface ( showIface )
import HscMain ( newHscEnv )
import GHCSalat.DriverPipeline4Lsk ( oneShot, compileFile )
import DriverMkDepend ( doMkDependHS )
#ifdef GHCI
import GHCSalat.InteractiveUI ( interactiveUI, ghciWelcomeMsg )
-- Various other random stuff that we need
import Config
import HscTypes
import Packages ( dumpPackages )
import DriverPhases ( Phase(..), isSourceFilename, anyHsc,
startPhase, isHaskellSrcFilename )
import BasicTypes ( failed )
import StaticFlags
import StaticFlagParser
import DynFlags
import ErrUtils
import FastString
import Outputable
import SrcLoc
import Util
import Panic
import MonadUtils ( liftIO )
-- Standard Haskell libraries
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified GHC.Paths (libdir)
-- ToDo:
-- time commands when run with -v
-- user ways
-- Win32 support: proper signal handling
-- reading the package configuration file is too slow
-- -K<size>
-- GHC's command-line interface
main :: IO ()
main =
GHC.defaultErrorHandler defaultDynFlags $ do
-- 1. extract the -B flag from the args
argv0 <- getArgs
(minusB_args, argv1) = partition ("-B" `isPrefixOf`) argv0
mbMinusB | null minusB_args = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (drop 2 (last minusB_args))
let argv1' = map (mkGeneralLocated "on the commandline") argv1
(argv2, staticFlagWarnings) <- parseStaticFlags argv1'
-- 2. Parse the "mode" flags (--make, --interactive etc.)
(m_uber_mode, cli_mode, argv3, modeFlagWarnings) <- parseModeFlags argv2
-- If all we want to do is to show the version number then do it
-- now, before we start a GHC session etc.
-- If we do it later then bootstrapping gets confused as it tries
-- to find out what version of GHC it's using before package.conf
-- exists, so starting the session fails.
case m_uber_mode of
-- ShowUsage currently has to be handled specially, as it needs to
-- actually start up GHC so that it can find the usage.txt files
-- in the libdir. It would be nice to embed the text in the
-- executable so that we don't have to do that, and things are more
-- uniform here.
Just ShowUsage -> return ()
Just um ->
do case um of
ShowInfo -> showInfo
ShowSupportedLanguages -> showSupportedLanguages
ShowVersion -> showVersion
ShowNumVersion -> putStrLn cProjectVersion
exitWith ExitSuccess
Nothing -> return ()
-- start our GHC session
GHC.runGhc (Just GHC.Paths.libdir) $ do
dflags0 <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
-- set the default GhcMode, HscTarget and GhcLink. The HscTarget
-- can be further adjusted on a module by module basis, using only
-- the -fvia-C and -fasm flags. If the default HscTarget is not
-- HscC or HscAsm, -fvia-C and -fasm have no effect.
let dflt_target = hscTarget dflags0
(mode, lang, link)
= case cli_mode of
DoInteractive -> (CompManager, HscInterpreted, LinkInMemory)
DoEval _ -> (CompManager, HscInterpreted, LinkInMemory)
DoMake -> (CompManager, dflt_target, LinkBinary)
DoMkDependHS -> (MkDepend, dflt_target, LinkBinary)
_ -> (OneShot, dflt_target, LinkBinary)
let dflags1 = dflags0{ ghcMode = mode,
hscTarget = lang,
ghcLink = link,
-- leave out hscOutName for now
hscOutName = panic "Main.main:hscOutName not set",
verbosity = case cli_mode of
DoEval _ -> 0
_other -> 1
-- turn on -fimplicit-import-qualified for GHCi now, so that it
-- can be overriden from the command-line
dflags1a | DoInteractive <- cli_mode = imp_qual_enabled
| DoEval _ <- cli_mode = imp_qual_enabled
| otherwise = dflags1
where imp_qual_enabled = dflags1 `dopt_set` Opt_ImplicitImportQualified
-- The rest of the arguments are "dynamic"
-- Leftover ones are presumably files
(dflags2, fileish_args, dynamicFlagWarnings) <- GHC.parseDynamicFlags dflags1a argv3
-- As noted earlier, currently we hvae to handle ShowUsage down here
case m_uber_mode of
Just ShowUsage -> liftIO $ showGhcUsage dflags2 cli_mode
_ -> return ()
let flagWarnings = staticFlagWarnings
++ modeFlagWarnings
++ dynamicFlagWarnings
liftIO $ handleFlagWarnings dflags2 flagWarnings
-- make sure we clean up after ourselves
GHC.defaultCleanupHandler dflags2 $ do
liftIO $ showBanner cli_mode dflags2
-- we've finished manipulating the DynFlags, update the session
GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags2
dflags3 <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
hsc_env <- GHC.getSession
-- To simplify the handling of filepaths, we normalise all filepaths right
-- away - e.g., for win32 platforms, backslashes are converted
-- into forward slashes.
normal_fileish_paths = map (normalise . unLoc) fileish_args
(srcs, objs) = partition_args normal_fileish_paths [] []
-- Note: have v_Ld_inputs maintain the order in which 'objs' occurred on
-- the command-line.
liftIO $ mapM_ (consIORef v_Ld_inputs) (reverse objs)
---------------- Display configuration -----------
when (verbosity dflags3 >= 4) $
liftIO $ dumpPackages dflags3
when (verbosity dflags3 >= 3) $ do
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr ("Hsc static flags: " ++ unwords staticFlags)
---------------- Final sanity checking -----------
liftIO $ checkOptions cli_mode dflags3 srcs objs
---------------- Do the business -----------
handleSourceError (\e -> do
GHC.printExceptionAndWarnings e
liftIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)) $ do
case cli_mode of
PrintLibdir -> liftIO $ putStrLn (topDir dflags3)
ShowInterface f -> liftIO $ doShowIface dflags3 f
DoMake -> doMake srcs
DoMkDependHS -> doMkDependHS (map fst srcs)
StopBefore p -> oneShot hsc_env p srcs >> GHC.printWarnings
DoInteractive -> interactiveUI srcs Nothing
DoEval exprs -> interactiveUI srcs $ Just $ reverse exprs
liftIO $ dumpFinalStats dflags3
liftIO $ exitWith ExitSuccess
#ifndef GHCI
interactiveUI :: b -> c -> Ghc ()
interactiveUI _ _ =
ghcError (CmdLineError "not built for interactive use")
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Splitting arguments into source files and object files. This is where we
-- interpret the -x <suffix> option, and attach a (Maybe Phase) to each source
-- file indicating the phase specified by the -x option in force, if any.
partition_args :: [String] -> [(String, Maybe Phase)] -> [String]
-> ([(String, Maybe Phase)], [String])
partition_args [] srcs objs = (reverse srcs, reverse objs)
partition_args ("-x":suff:args) srcs objs
| "none" <- suff = partition_args args srcs objs
| StopLn <- phase = partition_args args srcs (slurp ++ objs)
| otherwise = partition_args rest (these_srcs ++ srcs) objs
where phase = startPhase suff
(slurp,rest) = break (== "-x") args
these_srcs = zip slurp (repeat (Just phase))
partition_args (arg:args) srcs objs
| looks_like_an_input arg = partition_args args ((arg,Nothing):srcs) objs
| otherwise = partition_args args srcs (arg:objs)
We split out the object files (.o, .dll) and add them
to v_Ld_inputs for use by the linker.
The following things should be considered compilation manager inputs:
- haskell source files (strings ending in .hs, .lhs or other
haskellish extension),
- module names (not forgetting hierarchical module names),
- and finally we consider everything not containing a '.' to be
a comp manager input, as shorthand for a .hs or .lhs filename.
Everything else is considered to be a linker object, and passed
straight through to the linker.
looks_like_an_input :: String -> Bool
looks_like_an_input m = isSourceFilename m
|| looksLikeModuleName m
|| '.' `notElem` m
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Option sanity checks
-- | Ensure sanity of options.
-- Throws 'UsageError' or 'CmdLineError' if not.
checkOptions :: CmdLineMode -> DynFlags -> [(String,Maybe Phase)] -> [String] -> IO ()
-- Final sanity checking before kicking off a compilation (pipeline).
checkOptions cli_mode dflags srcs objs = do
-- Complain about any unknown flags
let unknown_opts = [ f | (f@('-':_), _) <- srcs ]
when (notNull unknown_opts) (unknownFlagsErr unknown_opts)
when (notNull (filter isRTSWay (wayNames dflags))
&& isInterpretiveMode cli_mode) $
hPutStrLn stderr ("Warning: -debug, -threaded and -ticky are ignored by GHCi")
-- -prof and --interactive are not a good combination
when (notNull (filter (not . isRTSWay) (wayNames dflags))
&& isInterpretiveMode cli_mode) $
do ghcError (UsageError
"--interactive can't be used with -prof or -unreg.")
-- -ohi sanity check
if (isJust (outputHi dflags) &&
(isCompManagerMode cli_mode || srcs `lengthExceeds` 1))
then ghcError (UsageError "-ohi can only be used when compiling a single source file")
else do
-- -o sanity checking
if (srcs `lengthExceeds` 1 && isJust (outputFile dflags)
&& not (isLinkMode cli_mode))
then ghcError (UsageError "can't apply -o to multiple source files")
else do
let not_linking = not (isLinkMode cli_mode) || isNoLink (ghcLink dflags)
when (not_linking && not (null objs)) $
hPutStrLn stderr ("Warning: the following files would be used as linker inputs, but linking is not being done: " ++ unwords objs)
-- Check that there are some input files
-- (except in the interactive case)
if null srcs && (null objs || not_linking) && needsInputsMode cli_mode
then ghcError (UsageError "no input files")
else do
-- Verify that output files point somewhere sensible.
verifyOutputFiles dflags
-- Compiler output options
-- called to verify that the output files & directories
-- point somewhere valid.
-- The assumption is that the directory portion of these output
-- options will have to exist by the time 'verifyOutputFiles'
-- is invoked.
verifyOutputFiles :: DynFlags -> IO ()
verifyOutputFiles dflags = do
-- not -odir: we create the directory for -odir if it doesn't exist (#2278).
let ofile = outputFile dflags
when (isJust ofile) $ do
let fn = fromJust ofile
flg <- doesDirNameExist fn
when (not flg) (nonExistentDir "-o" fn)
let ohi = outputHi dflags
when (isJust ohi) $ do
let hi = fromJust ohi
flg <- doesDirNameExist hi
when (not flg) (nonExistentDir "-ohi" hi)
nonExistentDir flg dir =
ghcError (CmdLineError ("error: directory portion of " ++
show dir ++ " does not exist (used with " ++
show flg ++ " option.)"))
-- GHC modes of operation
data UberMode
= ShowUsage -- ghc -?
| ShowVersion -- ghc -V/--version
| ShowNumVersion -- ghc --numeric-version
| ShowSupportedLanguages -- ghc --supported-languages
| ShowInfo -- ghc --info
deriving (Show)
data CmdLineMode
= PrintLibdir -- ghc --print-libdir
| ShowInterface String -- ghc --show-iface
| DoMkDependHS -- ghc -M
| StopBefore Phase -- ghc -E | -C | -S
-- StopBefore StopLn is the default
| DoMake -- ghc --make
| DoInteractive -- ghc --interactive
| DoEval [String] -- ghc -e foo -e bar => DoEval ["bar", "foo"]
deriving (Show)
#ifdef GHCI
isInteractiveMode :: CmdLineMode -> Bool
isInteractiveMode DoInteractive = True
isInteractiveMode _ = False
-- isInterpretiveMode: byte-code compiler involved
isInterpretiveMode :: CmdLineMode -> Bool
isInterpretiveMode DoInteractive = True
isInterpretiveMode (DoEval _) = True
isInterpretiveMode _ = False
needsInputsMode :: CmdLineMode -> Bool
needsInputsMode DoMkDependHS = True
needsInputsMode (StopBefore _) = True
needsInputsMode DoMake = True
needsInputsMode _ = False
-- True if we are going to attempt to link in this mode.
-- (we might not actually link, depending on the GhcLink flag)
isLinkMode :: CmdLineMode -> Bool
isLinkMode (StopBefore StopLn) = True
isLinkMode DoMake = True
isLinkMode DoInteractive = True
isLinkMode (DoEval _) = True
isLinkMode _ = False
isCompManagerMode :: CmdLineMode -> Bool
isCompManagerMode DoMake = True
isCompManagerMode DoInteractive = True
isCompManagerMode (DoEval _) = True
isCompManagerMode _ = False
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Parsing the mode flag
parseModeFlags :: [Located String]
-> IO (Maybe UberMode,
[Located String],
[Located String])
parseModeFlags args = do
let ((leftover, errs, warns), (mUberMode, mode, _, flags')) =
runCmdLine (processArgs mode_flags args)
(Nothing, StopBefore StopLn, "", [])
when (not (null errs)) $ ghcError $ errorsToGhcException errs
return (mUberMode, mode, flags' ++ leftover, warns)
type ModeM = CmdLineP (Maybe UberMode, CmdLineMode, String, [Located String])
-- mode flags sometimes give rise to new DynFlags (eg. -C, see below)
-- so we collect the new ones and return them.
mode_flags :: [Flag ModeM]
mode_flags =
[ ------- help / version ----------------------------------------------
Flag "?" (NoArg (setUberMode ShowUsage))
, Flag "-help" (NoArg (setUberMode ShowUsage))
, Flag "V" (NoArg (setUberMode ShowVersion))
, Flag "-version" (NoArg (setUberMode ShowVersion))
, Flag "-numeric-version" (NoArg (setUberMode ShowNumVersion))
, Flag "-info" (NoArg (setUberMode ShowInfo))
, Flag "-supported-languages" (NoArg (setUberMode ShowSupportedLanguages))
, Flag "-print-libdir" (PassFlag (setMode PrintLibdir))
------- interfaces ----------------------------------------------------
, Flag "-show-iface" (HasArg (\f -> setMode (ShowInterface f)
------- primary modes ------------------------------------------------
, Flag "M" (PassFlag (setMode DoMkDependHS))
, Flag "E" (PassFlag (setMode (StopBefore anyHsc)))
, Flag "C" (PassFlag (\f -> do setMode (StopBefore HCc) f
addFlag "-fvia-C"))
, Flag "S" (PassFlag (setMode (StopBefore As)))
, Flag "-make" (PassFlag (setMode DoMake))
, Flag "-interactive" (PassFlag (setMode DoInteractive))
, Flag "e" (HasArg (\s -> updateMode (updateDoEval s) "-e"))
-- -fno-code says to stop after Hsc but don't generate any code.
, Flag "fno-code" (PassFlag (\f -> do setMode (StopBefore HCc) f
addFlag "-fno-code"
addFlag "-fforce-recomp"))
setUberMode :: UberMode -> ModeM ()
setUberMode m = do
(_, cmdLineMode, flag, flags') <- getCmdLineState
putCmdLineState (Just m, cmdLineMode, flag, flags')
setMode :: CmdLineMode -> String -> ModeM ()
setMode m flag = updateMode (\_ -> m) flag
updateDoEval :: String -> CmdLineMode -> CmdLineMode
updateDoEval expr (DoEval exprs) = DoEval (expr : exprs)
updateDoEval expr _ = DoEval [expr]
updateMode :: (CmdLineMode -> CmdLineMode) -> String -> ModeM ()
updateMode f flag = do
(m_uber_mode, old_mode, old_flag, flags') <- getCmdLineState
if null old_flag || flag == old_flag
then putCmdLineState (m_uber_mode, f old_mode, flag, flags')
else ghcError (UsageError
("cannot use `" ++ old_flag ++ "' with `" ++ flag ++ "'"))
addFlag :: String -> ModeM ()
addFlag s = do
(u, m, f, flags') <- getCmdLineState
-- XXX Can we get a useful Loc?
putCmdLineState (u, m, f, mkGeneralLocated "addFlag" s : flags')
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Run --make mode
doMake :: [(String,Maybe Phase)] -> Ghc ()
doMake [] = ghcError (UsageError "no input files")
doMake srcs = do
let (hs_srcs, non_hs_srcs) = partition haskellish srcs
haskellish (f,Nothing) =
looksLikeModuleName f || isHaskellSrcFilename f || isLiskellSrcFilename f || '.' `notElem` f
haskellish (_,Just phase) =
phase `notElem` [As, Cc, CmmCpp, Cmm, StopLn]
hsc_env <- GHC.getSession
o_files <- mapM (\x -> do
f <- compileFile hsc_env StopLn x
return f)
liftIO $ mapM_ (consIORef v_Ld_inputs) (reverse o_files)
targets <- mapM (uncurry GHC.guessTarget) hs_srcs
GHC.setTargets targets
ok_flag <- GHC.load LoadAllTargets
when (failed ok_flag) (liftIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1))
return ()
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- --show-iface mode
doShowIface :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> IO ()
doShowIface dflags file = do
hsc_env <- newHscEnv dflags
showIface hsc_env file
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Various banners and verbosity output.
showBanner :: CmdLineMode -> DynFlags -> IO ()
showBanner _cli_mode dflags = do
let verb = verbosity dflags
#ifdef GHCI
-- Show the GHCi banner
when (isInteractiveMode _cli_mode && verb >= 1) $ putStrLn ghciWelcomeMsg
-- Display details of the configuration in verbose mode
when (verb >= 2) $
do hPutStr stderr "Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version "
hPutStr stderr cProjectVersion
hPutStr stderr ", for Haskell 98, stage "
hPutStr stderr cStage
hPutStr stderr " booted by GHC version "
hPutStrLn stderr cBooterVersion
-- We print out a Read-friendly string, but a prettier one than the
-- Show instance gives us
showInfo :: IO ()
showInfo = do
let sq x = " [" ++ x ++ "\n ]"
putStrLn $ sq $ concat $ intersperse "\n ," $ map show compilerInfo
exitWith ExitSuccess
showSupportedLanguages :: IO ()
showSupportedLanguages = do mapM_ putStrLn supportedLanguages
exitWith ExitSuccess
showVersion :: IO ()
showVersion = do
putStrLn (cProjectName ++ ", version " ++ cProjectVersion)
exitWith ExitSuccess
showGhcUsage :: DynFlags -> CmdLineMode -> IO ()
showGhcUsage dflags cli_mode = do
let usage_path
| DoInteractive <- cli_mode = ghciUsagePath dflags
| otherwise = ghcUsagePath dflags
usage <- readFile usage_path
dump usage
exitWith ExitSuccess
dump "" = return ()
dump ('$':'$':s) = putStr progName >> dump s
dump (c:s) = putChar c >> dump s
dumpFinalStats :: DynFlags -> IO ()
dumpFinalStats dflags =
when (dopt Opt_D_faststring_stats dflags) $ dumpFastStringStats dflags
dumpFastStringStats :: DynFlags -> IO ()
dumpFastStringStats dflags = do
buckets <- getFastStringTable
let (entries, longest, is_z, has_z) = countFS 0 0 0 0 buckets
msg = text "FastString stats:" $$
nest 4 (vcat [text "size: " <+> int (length buckets),
text "entries: " <+> int entries,
text "longest chain: " <+> int longest,
text "z-encoded: " <+> (is_z `pcntOf` entries),
text "has z-encoding: " <+> (has_z `pcntOf` entries)
-- we usually get more "has z-encoding" than "z-encoded", because
-- when we z-encode a string it might hash to the exact same string,
-- which will is not counted as "z-encoded". Only strings whose
-- Z-encoding is different from the original string are counted in
-- the "z-encoded" total.
putMsg dflags msg
x `pcntOf` y = int ((x * 100) `quot` y) <> char '%'
countFS :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [[FastString]] -> (Int, Int, Int, Int)
countFS entries longest is_z has_z [] = (entries, longest, is_z, has_z)
countFS entries longest is_z has_z (b:bs) =
len = length b
longest' = max len longest
entries' = entries + len
is_zs = length (filter isZEncoded b)
has_zs = length (filter hasZEncoding b)
countFS entries' longest' (is_z + is_zs) (has_z + has_zs) bs
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Util
unknownFlagsErr :: [String] -> a
unknownFlagsErr fs = ghcError (UsageError ("unrecognised flags: " ++ unwords fs))