Add useful garbage

This commit is contained in:
Greg Hale 2019-03-09 11:32:23 -05:00
parent 759abd9f94
commit 547165d22e
4 changed files with 97 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Text.Pretty.Simple
import qualified System.Nix.GC as GC
import System.Nix.Path (PathHashAlgo)
import System.Nix.Store.Remote
import System.Nix.Store.Remote.Util
@ -17,19 +19,27 @@ main = do
verifyStore False False
(Just path) <- addTextToStore "hnix-store" "test" (HS.fromList []) False
(Just path) <- addTextToStore "hnix-store" "test" (HS.fromList []) False
-- (Just path2) <- addTextToStore "hnix-store2" "test2" (HS.fromList []) False
path2 <- addToStore "hi-test-file"
False (Proxy :: Proxy PathHashAlgo) (const True) False
valid <- isValidPathUncached path
case valid of
True -> do
valid2 <- isValidPathUncached path2
case (valid, valid2) of
(True, True) -> do
info <- queryPathInfoUncached path
return (path, info)
info2 <- queryPathInfoUncached path2
return (path, info, path2, info2)
_ -> error "shouldn't happen"
pPrint x
case x of
(Left err, log) -> putStrLn err >> print log
(Right (path, pathinfo), log) -> do
(Right (path, pathinfo, path2, pathinfo2), log) -> do
gcres <- runStore $ do
collectGarbage $ GC.Options
{ GC.operation = GC.DeleteSpecific

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@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ library
, System.Nix.Store.Remote.Util
build-depends: base >=4.10 && <4.12
, base64-bytestring
, bytestring
, binary
, bytestring

View File

@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ import System.Nix.Store.Remote.Types
import System.Nix.Store.Remote.Protocol
import System.Nix.Store.Remote.Util
-- tmp
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.Lazy as B64
type RepairFlag = Bool
type CheckFlag = Bool
type CheckSigsFlag = Bool
@ -194,7 +197,50 @@ printHashType SHA1 = "SHA1"
printHashType SHA256 = "SHA256"
printHashType (Truncated _ a) = printHashType a
-- **********************************************************
-- ** This is the c++ code we are porting for `addToStore` **
-- **********************************************************
-- Path RemoteStore::addToStore(const string & name, const Path & _srcPath,
-- bool recursive, HashType hashAlgo, PathFilter & filter, RepairFlag repair)
-- {
-- if (repair) throw Error("repairing is not supported when building through the Nix daemon");
-- auto conn(getConnection());
-- Path srcPath(absPath(_srcPath));
-- conn->to << wopAddToStore << name
-- << ((hashAlgo == htSHA256 && recursive) ? 0 : 1) /* backwards compatibility hack */
-- << (recursive ? 1 : 0)
-- << printHashType(hashAlgo);
-- try {
-- conn->to.written = 0;
-- conn->to.warn = true;
-- connections->incCapacity();
-- {
-- Finally cleanup([&]() { connections->decCapacity(); });
-- dumpPath(srcPath, conn->to, filter);
-- }
-- conn->to.warn = false;
-- conn.processStderr();
-- } catch (SysError & e) {
-- /* Daemon closed while we were sending the path. Probably OOM
-- or I/O error. */
-- if (e.errNo == EPIPE)
-- try {
-- conn.processStderr();
-- } catch (EndOfFile & e) { }
-- throw;
-- }
-- return readStorePath(*this, conn->from);
-- }
type PathFilter = Path -> Bool
:: forall a. (HasDigest a, AlgoVal a)
=> LBS.ByteString
@ -206,26 +252,53 @@ addToStore
-> MonadStore Path
addToStore name pth recursive algoProxy pfilter repair = do
-- Get length first
len <- liftIO $ LBS.length . B.runPut . putNar <$> localPackNar narEffectsIO pth
-- len <- liftIO $ LBS.length . B.runPut . putNar <$> localPackNar narEffectsIO pth
-- Fetch full NAR bytestring separately. We are trying to
-- avoid forcing the full string in memory
bs :: LBS.ByteString <- liftIO $ B.runPut . putNar <$> localPackNar narEffectsIO pth
liftIO $ print (LBS.length bs)
bs' <- liftIO $ putNar <$> localPackNar narEffectsIO pth
let bs'' = putByteStringLen "nix-archive-1"
let bs = sampleRegularBaseline
let len = LBS.length bs
runOpArgs AddToStore $ do
putByteStringLen name
-- TODO: really send the string 0 or 1? Or is this Word8's 0 and 1?
putByteStringLen $ if algoVal @a `elem` [SHA256, Truncated 20 SHA256]
&& recursive
then "0"
else "1"
then (LBS.pack [0])
else (LBS.pack [1])
-- then "0"
-- else "1"
-- TODO: really send the string 0 or 1? Or is this Word8's 0 and 1?
putByteStringLen $ if recursive then "0" else "1"
putByteStringLen (T.encodeUtf8 . printHashType $ algoVal @a)
putByteStringLen $ if recursive
then (LBS.pack [1])
else (LBS.pack [0])
-- then "1"
-- else "0"
putInt len
-- putByteStringLen (T.encodeUtf8 . T.toLower . printHashType $ algoVal @a)
-- putByteStringLen bs
-- putInt len
B.putLazyByteString bs
-- bs''
-- when (len `mod` 8 /= 0) $
-- let pad x = forM_ (take x $ cycle [0]) B.putWord8
-- in pad $ fromIntegral $ 8 - (len `mod` 8)
fmap (fromMaybe $ error "TODO: Error") sockGetPath
-- "hi" file turned to a NAR with `nix-store --dump`, Base64 encoded
sampleRegularBaseline :: LBS.ByteString
sampleRegularBaseline = B64.decodeLenient $ LBS.concat
addTextToStore :: LBS.ByteString -> LBS.ByteString -> PathSet -> RepairFlag -> MonadStore (Maybe Path)
addTextToStore name text references' repair = do
runOpArgs AddTextToStore $ do

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import Network.Socket.ByteString (recv, sendAll)
import System.Nix.Store.Remote.Types
import System.Nix.Hash
import System.Nix.Path
import System.Nix.Util
@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ mkPath p = case (pathName $ lBSToText p) of
-- TODO: replace `undefined` with digest encoding function when
-- [issue 24](
-- is closed
Just x -> Just $ Path (undefined $ LBS.toStrict p) x --XXX: hash
Just x -> Just $ Path (hash $ LBS.toStrict p) x --XXX: hash
Nothing -> Nothing