mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 10:42:10 +03:00
Merge #157: migration (cryptohash-* -> cryptonite)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,9 +1,41 @@
# Revision history for hnix-store-core
# ChangeLog
## WIP
* Breaking:
* [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix-store/pull/157/commits/97146b41cc87327625e02b81971aeb2fd7d66a3f) Migration from packages `cryptohash-` -> `cryptonite`:
* rm `data HashAlgorithm` in favour of `cryptonite: class HashAlgorithm`
* rm `class ValidAlgo` in favour of `cryptonite: class HashAlgorithm`.
* `class NamedAlgo` removed `hashSize` in favour of `cryptonite: class HashAlgorithm: hashDigestSize`. Former became a subclas of the latter.
* rm `hash` in favour of `cryptonite: hash`
* rm `hashLazy` in favour of `cryptonite: hashlazy`
* [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix-store/pull/157/commits/2af74986de8aef1a13dbfc955886f9935ca246a3) `System.Nix.Hash`: Base encoding/decoding function for hashes changed (due to changes in type system & separation of specially truncated Nix Store hasing):
* `encode(InBase -> DigestWith)`
* `decode(Base -> DigestWith)`
* [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix-store/pull/157/commits/2af74986de8aef1a13dbfc955886f9935ca246a3) `System.Nix.StorePath`:
* rm `type StorePathHashAlgo = 'Truncated 20 'SHA256` in favour of `StorePathHashPart` & `mkStorePathHashPart`.
* rm `unStorePathName`, please use `GHC: coerce` for `StorePathName <-> Text`, `StorePathName` data constructor is provided.
* `Internal` modules now have export lists, if something, please contact.
* Additional:
* [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix-store/pull/157/commits/2af74986de8aef1a13dbfc955886f9935ca246a3) `System.Nix.StorePath`:
* exposed `StorePathName` data constructor to API.
* added `newtype StorePathHashPart = StorePathHashPart ByteString`.
* added builder `mkStorePathHashPart :: ByteString -> StorePathHashPart`
* [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix-store/pull/157/commits/2af74986de8aef1a13dbfc955886f9935ca246a3) `System.Nix.Hash`:
* Nix store (which are specially truncated) hashes are now handled separately from other hashes:
* add `mkStorePathHash` - a function to create a content into Nix storepath-style hash:
`mkStorePathHash :: HashAlgorithm a => ByteString -> ByteString`
but recommend to at once use `mkStorePathHashPart`.
## [](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix-store/compare/ 2021-05-30
* Additional:
* [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix-store/commit/b85f7c875fe6b0bca939ffbcd8b9bd0ab1598aa0) `System.Nix.ReadonlyStore`: add a readonly `computeStorePathForPath`
* [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix-store/commit/db71ecea3109c0ba270fa98a9041a8556e35217f) `System.Nix.ReadonlyStore`: `computeStorePathForPath`: force SHA256 as it's the only valid choice
* [(link)](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix-store/commit/5fddf3c66ba1bcabb72c4d6b6e09fb41a7acd62c): `makeTextPath`: order the references
@ -33,7 +33,9 @@ library
, System.Nix.Build
, System.Nix.Derivation
, System.Nix.Hash
, System.Nix.Internal.Base
, System.Nix.Internal.Base32
, System.Nix.Internal.Truncation
, System.Nix.Internal.Hash
, System.Nix.Internal.Nar.Parser
, System.Nix.Internal.Nar.Streamer
@ -54,10 +56,9 @@ library
, bytestring
, cereal
, containers
, cryptohash-md5
, cryptohash-sha1
, cryptohash-sha256
, cryptohash-sha512
-- Required for cryptonite low-level type convertion
, memory
, cryptonite
, directory
, filepath
, hashable
@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ test-suite format-tests
, binary
, bytestring
, containers
, cryptonite
, directory
, filepath
, process
@ -2,21 +2,17 @@
Description : Cryptographic hashes for hnix-store.
module System.Nix.Hash
( Hash.Digest
, Hash.HashAlgorithm(..)
, Hash.ValidAlgo(..)
( Hash.mkStorePathHash
, Hash.NamedAlgo(..)
, Hash.SomeNamedDigest(..)
, Hash.hash
, Hash.hashLazy
, Hash.mkNamedDigest
, Hash.BaseEncoding(..)
, Hash.encodeInBase
, Hash.decodeBase
, Base.BaseEncoding(..)
, Hash.encodeDigestWith
, Hash.decodeDigestWith
import qualified System.Nix.Internal.Hash as Hash
import qualified System.Nix.Internal.Base as Base
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
module System.Nix.Internal.Base
( BaseEncoding(Base16,NixBase32,Base64)
, encodeWith
, decodeWith
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.ByteString as Bytes
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16
import qualified System.Nix.Base32 as Base32 -- Nix has own Base32 encoding
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
-- | Constructors to indicate the base encodings
data BaseEncoding
= NixBase32
-- | ^ Nix has a special map of Base32 encoding
-- Placed first, since it determines Haskell optimizations of pattern matches, & NixBase seems be the most widely used in Nix.
| Base16
| Base64
-- | Encode @ByteString@ with @Base@ encoding, produce @Text@.
encodeWith :: BaseEncoding -> Bytes.ByteString -> T.Text
encodeWith Base16 = T.decodeUtf8 . Base16.encode
encodeWith NixBase32 = Base32.encode
encodeWith Base64 = T.decodeUtf8 . Base64.encode
-- | Take the input & @Base@ encoding witness -> decode into @Text@.
decodeWith :: BaseEncoding -> T.Text -> Either String Bytes.ByteString
#if MIN_VERSION_base16_bytestring(1,0,0)
decodeWith Base16 = Base16.decode . T.encodeUtf8
decodeWith Base16 = lDecode -- this tacit sugar simply makes GHC pleased with number of args
lDecode t =
case Base16.decode (T.encodeUtf8 t) of
(x, "") -> pure $ x
_ -> Left $ "Unable to decode base16 string" <> T.unpack t
decodeWith NixBase32 = Base32.decode
decodeWith Base64 = Base64.decode . T.encodeUtf8
@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
module System.Nix.Internal.Base32 where
module System.Nix.Internal.Base32
( encode
, decode
, digits32
import Data.Bool ( bool )
@ -22,7 +27,7 @@ digits32 = Vector.fromList "0123456789abcdfghijklmnpqrsvwxyz"
-- | Encode a 'BS.ByteString' in Nix's base32 encoding
encode :: ByteString -> Text
encode c = Data.Text.pack $ fmap char32 [nChar - 1, nChar - 2 .. 0]
encode c = Data.Text.pack $ takeCharPosFromDict <$> [nChar - 1, nChar - 2 .. 0]
-- Each base32 character gives us 5 bits of information, while
-- each byte gives is 8. Because 'div' rounds down, we need to add
@ -43,8 +48,8 @@ encode c = Data.Text.pack $ fmap char32 [nChar - 1, nChar - 2 .. 0]
[ fromIntegral (byte j) * (256 ^ j)
| j <- [0 .. Bytes.length c - 1] ]
char32 :: Integer -> Char
char32 i = digits32 Vector.! digitInd
takeCharPosFromDict :: Integer -> Char
takeCharPosFromDict i = digits32 Vector.! digitInd
digitInd =
fromIntegral $
@ -54,7 +59,7 @@ encode c = Data.Text.pack $ fmap char32 [nChar - 1, nChar - 2 .. 0]
decode :: Text -> Either String ByteString
decode what =
(Left "Invalid Base32 string")
(Left "Invalid NixBase32 string")
(unsafeDecode what)
(Data.Text.all (`elem` digits32) what)
@ -12,223 +12,96 @@ Description : Cryptographic hashing interface for hnix-store, on top
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
module System.Nix.Internal.Hash where
module System.Nix.Internal.Hash
( NamedAlgo(..)
, SomeNamedDigest(..)
, mkNamedDigest
, encodeDigestWith
, decodeDigestWith
, mkStorePathHash
import qualified Crypto.Hash.MD5 as MD5
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA1 as SHA1
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA512 as SHA512
import qualified Crypto.Hash as C
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16
import qualified System.Nix.Base32 as Base32 -- Nix has own Base32 encoding
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
import Data.Bits (xor)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.Hashable as DataHashable
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Word (Word8)
import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, natVal)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
-- | Constructors to indicate the base encodings
data BaseEncoding
= Base16
| Base32
-- | ^ Nix has a special map of Base32 encoding
| Base64
-- | The universe of supported hash algorithms.
-- Currently only intended for use at the type level.
data HashAlgorithm
= MD5
| SHA1
| SHA256
| SHA512
| Truncated Nat HashAlgorithm
-- ^ The hash algorithm obtained by truncating the result of the
-- input 'HashAlgorithm' to the given number of bytes. See
-- 'truncateDigest' for a description of the truncation algorithm.
-- | The result of running a 'HashAlgorithm'.
newtype Digest (a :: HashAlgorithm) =
Digest BS.ByteString deriving (Eq, Ord, DataHashable.Hashable)
instance Show (Digest a) where
show = ("Digest " <>) . show . encodeInBase Base32
-- | The primitive interface for incremental hashing for a given
-- 'HashAlgorithm'. Every 'HashAlgorithm' should have an instance.
class ValidAlgo (a :: HashAlgorithm) where
-- | The incremental state for constructing a hash.
type AlgoCtx a
-- | Start building a new hash.
initialize :: AlgoCtx a
-- | Append a 'BS.ByteString' to the overall contents to be hashed.
update :: AlgoCtx a -> BS.ByteString -> AlgoCtx a
-- | Finish hashing and generate the output.
finalize :: AlgoCtx a -> Digest a
import System.Nix.Internal.Base
import Data.ByteArray
import System.Nix.Internal.Truncation
-- | A 'HashAlgorithm' with a canonical name, for serialization
-- purposes (e.g. SRI hashes)
class ValidAlgo a => NamedAlgo (a :: HashAlgorithm) where
class C.HashAlgorithm a => NamedAlgo a where
algoName :: Text
hashSize :: Int
instance NamedAlgo 'MD5 where
instance NamedAlgo C.MD5 where
algoName = "md5"
hashSize = 16
instance NamedAlgo 'SHA1 where
instance NamedAlgo C.SHA1 where
algoName = "sha1"
hashSize = 20
instance NamedAlgo 'SHA256 where
instance NamedAlgo C.SHA256 where
algoName = "sha256"
hashSize = 32
instance NamedAlgo 'SHA512 where
instance NamedAlgo C.SHA512 where
algoName = "sha512"
hashSize = 64
-- | A digest whose 'NamedAlgo' is not known at compile time.
data SomeNamedDigest = forall a . NamedAlgo a => SomeDigest (Digest a)
data SomeNamedDigest = forall a . NamedAlgo a => SomeDigest (C.Digest a)
instance Show SomeNamedDigest where
show sd = case sd of
SomeDigest (digest :: Digest hashType) -> T.unpack $ "SomeDigest " <> algoName @hashType <> ":" <> encodeInBase Base32 digest
SomeDigest (digest :: C.Digest hashType) -> T.unpack $ "SomeDigest " <> algoName @hashType <> ":" <> encodeDigestWith NixBase32 digest
mkNamedDigest :: Text -> Text -> Either String SomeNamedDigest
mkNamedDigest name sriHash =
let (sriName, h) = T.breakOnEnd "-" sriHash in
if sriName == "" || sriName == (name <> "-")
if sriName == "" || sriName == name <> "-"
then mkDigest h
else Left $ T.unpack $ "Sri hash method " <> sriName <> " does not match the required hash type " <> name
mkDigest h = case name of
"md5" -> SomeDigest <$> decodeGo @'MD5 h
"sha1" -> SomeDigest <$> decodeGo @'SHA1 h
"sha256" -> SomeDigest <$> decodeGo @'SHA256 h
"sha512" -> SomeDigest <$> decodeGo @'SHA512 h
"md5" -> SomeDigest <$> decodeGo C.MD5 h
"sha1" -> SomeDigest <$> decodeGo C.SHA1 h
"sha256" -> SomeDigest <$> decodeGo C.SHA256 h
"sha512" -> SomeDigest <$> decodeGo C.SHA512 h
_ -> Left $ "Unknown hash name: " <> T.unpack name
decodeGo :: forall a . (NamedAlgo a, ValidAlgo a) => Text -> Either String (Digest a)
decodeGo h
| size == base16Len = decodeBase Base16 h
| size == base32Len = decodeBase Base32 h
| size == base64Len = decodeBase Base64 h
decodeGo :: forall a . NamedAlgo a => a -> Text -> Either String (C.Digest a)
decodeGo a h
| size == base16Len = decodeDigestWith Base16 h
| size == base32Len = decodeDigestWith NixBase32 h
| size == base64Len = decodeDigestWith Base64 h
| otherwise = Left $ T.unpack sriHash <> " is not a valid " <> T.unpack name <> " hash. Its length (" <> show size <> ") does not match any of " <> show [base16Len, base32Len, base64Len]
size = T.length h
hsize = hashSize @a
hsize = C.hashDigestSize a
base16Len = hsize * 2
base32Len = ((hsize * 8 - 1) `div` 5) + 1;
base64Len = ((4 * hsize `div` 3) + 3) `div` 4 * 4;
-- | Hash an entire (strict) 'BS.ByteString' as a single call.
-- For example:
-- > let d = hash "Hello, sha-256!" :: Digest SHA256
-- or
-- > :set -XTypeApplications
-- > let d = hash @SHA256 "Hello, sha-256!"
hash :: forall a.ValidAlgo a => BS.ByteString -> Digest a
hash bs =
finalize $ update @a (initialize @a) bs
-- | Hash an entire (lazy) 'BSL.ByteString' as a single call.
-- Use is the same as for 'hash'. This runs in constant space, but
-- forces the entire bytestring.
hashLazy :: forall a.ValidAlgo a => BSL.ByteString -> Digest a
hashLazy bsl =
finalize $ foldl' (update @a) (initialize @a) (BSL.toChunks bsl)
mkStorePathHash :: forall a . C.HashAlgorithm a => BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
mkStorePathHash bs =
truncateInNixWay 20 $ convert $ C.hash @BS.ByteString @a bs
-- | Take BaseEncoding type of the output -> take the Digeest as input -> encode Digest
encodeInBase :: BaseEncoding -> Digest a -> T.Text
encodeInBase Base16 = T.decodeUtf8 . Base16.encode . coerce
encodeInBase Base32 = Base32.encode . coerce
encodeInBase Base64 = T.decodeUtf8 . Base64.encode . coerce
encodeDigestWith :: BaseEncoding -> C.Digest a -> T.Text
encodeDigestWith b = encodeWith b . convert
-- | Take BaseEncoding type of the input -> take the input itself -> decodeBase into Digest
decodeBase :: BaseEncoding -> T.Text -> Either String (Digest a)
#if MIN_VERSION_base16_bytestring(1,0,0)
decodeBase Base16 = fmap Digest . Base16.decode . T.encodeUtf8
decodeBase Base16 = lDecode -- this tacit sugar simply makes GHC pleased with number of args
decodeDigestWith :: C.HashAlgorithm a => BaseEncoding -> T.Text -> Either String (C.Digest a)
decodeDigestWith b x =
bs <- decodeWith b x
toEither =
("Cryptonite was not able to convert '(ByteString -> Digest a)' for: '" <> show bs <>"'.")
(toEither . C.digestFromByteString) bs
lDecode t = case Base16.decode (T.encodeUtf8 t) of
(x, "") -> Right $ Digest x
_ -> Left $ "Unable to decode base16 string" <> T.unpack t
decodeBase Base32 = fmap Digest . Base32.decode
decodeBase Base64 = fmap Digest . Base64.decode . T.encodeUtf8
-- | Uses "Crypto.Hash.MD5" from cryptohash-md5.
instance ValidAlgo 'MD5 where
type AlgoCtx 'MD5 = MD5.Ctx
initialize = MD5.init
update = MD5.update
finalize = Digest . MD5.finalize
-- | Uses "Crypto.Hash.SHA1" from cryptohash-sha1.
instance ValidAlgo 'SHA1 where
type AlgoCtx 'SHA1 = SHA1.Ctx
initialize = SHA1.init
update = SHA1.update
finalize = Digest . SHA1.finalize
-- | Uses "Crypto.Hash.SHA256" from cryptohash-sha256.
instance ValidAlgo 'SHA256 where
type AlgoCtx 'SHA256 = SHA256.Ctx
initialize = SHA256.init
update = SHA256.update
finalize = Digest . SHA256.finalize
-- | Uses "Crypto.Hash.SHA512" from cryptohash-sha512.
instance ValidAlgo 'SHA512 where
type AlgoCtx 'SHA512 = SHA512.Ctx
initialize = SHA512.init
update = SHA512.update
finalize = Digest . SHA512.finalize
-- | Reuses the underlying 'ValidAlgo' instance, but does a
-- 'truncateDigest' at the end.
instance (ValidAlgo a, KnownNat n) => ValidAlgo ('Truncated n a) where
type AlgoCtx ('Truncated n a) = AlgoCtx a
initialize = initialize @a
update = update @a
finalize = truncateDigest @n . finalize @a
-- | Bytewise truncation of a 'Digest'.
-- When truncation length is greater than the length of the bytestring
-- but less than twice the bytestring length, truncation splits the
-- bytestring into a head part (truncation length) and tail part
-- (leftover part), right-pads the leftovers with 0 to the truncation
-- length, and combines the two strings bytewise with 'xor'.
:: forall n a.(KnownNat n) => Digest a -> Digest ('Truncated n a)
truncateDigest (Digest c) =
Digest $ BS.pack $ fmap truncOutputByte [0.. n-1]
n = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy @n)
truncOutputByte :: Int -> Word8
truncOutputByte i = foldl' (aux i) 0 [0 .. BS.length c - 1]
inputByte :: Int -> Word8
inputByte j = BS.index c (fromIntegral j)
aux :: Int -> Word8 -> Int -> Word8
aux i x j = if j `mod` fromIntegral n == fromIntegral i
then xor x (inputByte $ fromIntegral j)
else x
-- To not depend on @extra@
maybeToRight :: b -> Maybe a -> Either b a
maybeToRight _ (Just r) = pure r
maybeToRight y Nothing = Left y
@ -7,7 +7,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module System.Nix.Internal.Nar.Parser where
module System.Nix.Internal.Nar.Parser
( runParser
, parseNar
, testParser
, testParser'
import qualified Algebra.Graph as Graph
import qualified Algebra.Graph.ToGraph as Graph
@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module System.Nix.Internal.Nar.Streamer where
module System.Nix.Internal.Nar.Streamer
( streamNarIO
, IsExecutable(..)
import Control.Monad ( forM_
, when
@ -4,7 +4,11 @@ Description : Nix-relevant interfaces to NaCl signatures.
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module System.Nix.Internal.Signature where
module System.Nix.Internal.Signature
( Signature
, NarSignature(..)
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
@ -1,29 +1,40 @@
Description : Representation of Nix store paths.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} -- Needed for GHC 8.4.4 for some reason
module System.Nix.Internal.StorePath where
import System.Nix.Hash ( HashAlgorithm
( Truncated
, SHA256
, Digest
, BaseEncoding(..)
, encodeInBase
, decodeBase
, SomeNamedDigest
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module System.Nix.Internal.StorePath
( -- * Basic store path types
, StorePathName(..)
, StorePathSet
, mkStorePathHashPart
, StorePathHashPart(..)
, ContentAddressableAddress(..)
, NarHashMode(..)
, -- * Manipulating 'StorePathName'
, validStorePathName
, -- * Rendering out 'StorePath's
, storePathToRawFilePath
, storePathToText
, storePathToNarInfo
, -- * Parsing 'StorePath's
, pathParser
import System.Nix.Internal.Hash
import System.Nix.Internal.Base
import qualified System.Nix.Internal.Base32 as Nix.Base32
( digits32 )
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Bytes.Char8
@ -39,6 +50,10 @@ import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text.Lazy as Parser.Text.Lazy
import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath
import Data.Hashable ( Hashable(..) )
import Data.HashSet ( HashSet )
import Data.Coerce ( coerce )
import Crypto.Hash ( SHA256
, Digest
-- | A path in a Nix store.
@ -52,7 +67,7 @@ import Data.HashSet ( HashSet )
data StorePath = StorePath
{ -- | The 160-bit hash digest reflecting the "address" of the name.
-- Currently, this is a truncated SHA256 hash.
storePathHash :: !(Digest StorePathHashAlgo)
storePathHash :: !StorePathHashPart
, -- | The (typically human readable) name of the path. For packages
-- this is typically the package name and version (e.g.
-- hello-1.2.3).
@ -80,7 +95,11 @@ newtype StorePathName = StorePathName
} deriving (Eq, Hashable, Ord)
-- | The hash algorithm used for store path hashes.
type StorePathHashAlgo = 'Truncated 20 'SHA256
newtype StorePathHashPart = StorePathHashPart ByteString
deriving (Eq, Hashable, Ord, Show)
mkStorePathHashPart :: ByteString -> StorePathHashPart
mkStorePathHashPart = coerce . mkStorePathHash @SHA256
-- | A set of 'StorePath's.
type StorePathSet = HashSet StorePath
@ -98,7 +117,7 @@ data ContentAddressableAddress
= -- | The path is a plain file added via makeTextPath or
-- addTextToStore. It is addressed according to a sha256sum of the
-- file contents.
Text !(Digest 'SHA256)
Text !(Digest SHA256)
| -- | The path was added to the store via makeFixedOutputPath or
-- addToStore. It is addressed according to some hash algorithm
-- applied to the nar serialization via some 'NarHashMode'.
@ -118,7 +137,7 @@ data NarHashMode
makeStorePathName :: Text -> Either String StorePathName
makeStorePathName n =
if validStorePathName n
then Right $ StorePathName n
then pure $ StorePathName n
else Left $ reasonInvalid n
reasonInvalid :: Text -> String
@ -154,7 +173,7 @@ storePathToRawFilePath StorePath{..} =
root <> "/" <> hashPart <> "-" <> name
root = Bytes.Char8.pack storePathRoot
hashPart = Text.encodeUtf8 $ encodeInBase Base32 storePathHash
hashPart = Text.encodeUtf8 $ encodeWith NixBase32 $ coerce storePathHash
name = Text.encodeUtf8 $ unStorePathName storePathName
-- | Render a 'StorePath' as a 'FilePath'.
@ -169,7 +188,7 @@ storePathToText = Text.pack . Bytes.Char8.unpack . storePathToRawFilePath
-- can be used to query binary caches.
storePathToNarInfo :: StorePath -> Bytes.Char8.ByteString
storePathToNarInfo StorePath{..} =
Text.encodeUtf8 $ encodeInBase Base32 storePathHash <> ".narinfo"
Text.encodeUtf8 $ encodeWith NixBase32 (coerce storePathHash) <> ".narinfo"
-- | Parse `StorePath` from `Bytes.Char8.ByteString`, checking
-- that store directory matches `expectedRoot`.
@ -177,8 +196,8 @@ parsePath :: FilePath -> Bytes.Char8.ByteString -> Either String StorePath
parsePath expectedRoot x =
(rootDir, fname) = FilePath.splitFileName . Bytes.Char8.unpack $ x
(digestPart, namePart) = Text.breakOn "-" $ Text.pack fname
digest = decodeBase Base32 digestPart
(storeBasedHashPart, namePart) = Text.breakOn "-" $ Text.pack fname
storeHash = decodeWith NixBase32 storeBasedHashPart
name = makeStorePathName . Text.drop 1 $ namePart
--rootDir' = dropTrailingPathSeparator rootDir
-- cannot use ^^ as it drops multiple slashes /a/b/// -> /a/b
@ -188,7 +207,7 @@ parsePath expectedRoot x =
then Right rootDir'
else Left $ "Root store dir mismatch, expected" <> expectedRoot <> "got" <> rootDir'
StorePath <$> digest <*> name <*> storeDir
StorePath <$> coerce storeHash <*> name <*> storeDir
pathParser :: FilePath -> Parser StorePath
pathParser expectedRoot = do
@ -200,7 +219,7 @@ pathParser expectedRoot = do
<?> "Expecting path separator"
digest <-
decodeBase Base32
decodeWith NixBase32
<$> Parser.Text.Lazy.takeWhile1 (`elem` Nix.Base32.digits32)
<?> "Invalid Base32 part"
@ -219,4 +238,4 @@ pathParser expectedRoot = do
(StorePath <$> digest <*> name <*> pure expectedRoot)
(StorePath <$> coerce digest <*> name <*> pure expectedRoot)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module System.Nix.Internal.Truncation
( truncateInNixWay
import qualified Data.ByteString as Bytes
import Data.Bits (xor)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Bool (bool)
-- | Bytewise truncation of a 'Digest'.
-- When truncation length is greater than the length of the bytestring
-- but less than twice the bytestring length, truncation splits the
-- bytestring into a head part (truncation length) and tail part
-- (leftover part), right-pads the leftovers with 0 to the truncation
-- length, and combines the two strings bytewise with 'xor'.
:: Int -> Bytes.ByteString -> Bytes.ByteString
-- 2021-06-07: NOTE: Renamed function, since truncation can be done in a lot of ways, there is no practice of truncting hashes this way, moreover:
-- 1. <https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/56337/strength-of-hash-obtained-by-xor-of-parts-of-sha3>
-- 2. <https://www.reddit.com/r/crypto/comments/6olqfm/ways_to_truncated_hash/>
truncateInNixWay n c =
Bytes.pack $ fmap truncOutputByte [0 .. n-1]
truncOutputByte :: Int -> Word8
truncOutputByte i = foldl' (aux i) 0 [0 .. Bytes.length c - 1]
inputByte :: Int -> Word8
inputByte j = Bytes.index c j
aux :: Int -> Word8 -> Int -> Word8
aux i x j =
(`xor` inputByte j)
(j `mod` n == i)
@ -16,35 +16,45 @@ import System.Nix.Hash
import System.Nix.Nar
import System.Nix.StorePath
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Coerce ( coerce )
import Crypto.Hash ( Context
, Digest
, hash
, hashlazy
, hashInit
, hashUpdate
, hashFinalize
, SHA256
:: forall hashAlgo
. (NamedAlgo hashAlgo)
:: forall h
. (NamedAlgo h)
=> FilePath
-> ByteString
-> Digest hashAlgo
-> Digest h
-> StorePathName
-> StorePath
makeStorePath fp ty h nm = StorePath storeHash nm fp
makeStorePath fp ty h nm = StorePath (coerce storeHash) nm fp
storeHash = hash s
storeHash = mkStorePathHash @h s
s =
BS.intercalate ":" $
ty:fmap encodeUtf8
[ algoName @hashAlgo
, encodeInBase Base16 h
[ algoName @h
, encodeDigestWith Base16 h
, T.pack fp
, unStorePathName nm
, coerce nm
:: FilePath -> StorePathName -> Digest 'SHA256 -> StorePathSet -> StorePath
:: FilePath -> StorePathName -> Digest SHA256 -> StorePathSet -> StorePath
makeTextPath fp nm h refs = makeStorePath fp ty h nm
ty =
BS.intercalate ":" ("text" : sort (fmap storePathToRawFilePath (HS.toList refs)))
BS.intercalate ":" $ "text" : sort (storePathToRawFilePath <$> HS.toList refs)
:: forall hashAlgo
@ -60,11 +70,11 @@ makeFixedOutputPath fp recursive h =
else makeStorePath fp "output:out" h'
h' =
hash @'SHA256
hash @ByteString @SHA256
$ "fixed:out:"
<> encodeUtf8 (algoName @hashAlgo)
<> (if recursive then ":r:" else ":")
<> encodeUtf8 (encodeInBase Base16 h)
<> encodeUtf8 (encodeDigestWith Base16 h)
<> ":"
@ -82,10 +92,10 @@ computeStorePathForPath name pth recursive _pathFilter _repair = do
selectedHash <- if recursive then recursiveContentHash else flatContentHash
pure $ makeFixedOutputPath "/nix/store" recursive selectedHash name
recursiveContentHash :: IO (Digest 'SHA256)
recursiveContentHash = finalize <$> execStateT streamNarUpdate (initialize @'SHA256)
streamNarUpdate :: StateT (AlgoCtx 'SHA256) IO ()
streamNarUpdate = streamNarIO (modify . flip (update @'SHA256)) narEffectsIO pth
recursiveContentHash :: IO (Digest SHA256)
recursiveContentHash = hashFinalize <$> execStateT streamNarUpdate (hashInit @SHA256)
streamNarUpdate :: StateT (Context SHA256) IO ()
streamNarUpdate = streamNarIO (modify . flip (hashUpdate @ByteString @SHA256)) narEffectsIO pth
flatContentHash :: IO (Digest 'SHA256)
flatContentHash = hashLazy <$> narReadFile narEffectsIO pth
flatContentHash :: IO (Digest SHA256)
flatContentHash = hashlazy <$> narReadFile narEffectsIO pth
@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ Description : Representation of Nix store paths.
module System.Nix.StorePath
( -- * Basic store path types
, StorePathName
, StorePathName(..)
, StorePathSet
, StorePathHashAlgo
, mkStorePathHashPart
, StorePathHashPart(..)
, ContentAddressableAddress(..)
, NarHashMode(..)
, -- * Manipulating 'StorePathName'
, unStorePathName
, validStorePathName
, -- * Rendering out 'StorePath's
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
@ -10,10 +11,13 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import System.Nix.Hash
import System.Nix.Internal.Hash
import System.Nix.StorePath
import System.Nix.Internal.StorePath
import Control.Applicative ( liftA3 )
import Data.Coerce ( coerce )
import Crypto.Hash ( SHA256
, Digest
, hash
genSafeChar :: Gen Char
genSafeChar = choose ('\1', '\127') -- ASCII without \NUL
@ -22,7 +26,7 @@ nonEmptyString :: Gen String
nonEmptyString = listOf1 genSafeChar
dir :: Gen String
dir = ('/':) <$> (listOf1 $ elements $ '/':['a'..'z'])
dir = ('/':) <$> listOf1 (elements $ '/':['a'..'z'])
instance Arbitrary StorePathName where
arbitrary = StorePathName . T.pack <$> ((:) <$> s1 <*> listOf sn)
@ -31,10 +35,10 @@ instance Arbitrary StorePathName where
s1 = elements $ alphanum <> "+-_?="
sn = elements $ alphanum <> "+-._?="
instance Arbitrary (Digest StorePathHashAlgo) where
arbitrary = hash . BSC.pack <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary StorePathHashPart where
arbitrary = mkStorePathHashPart . BSC.pack <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary (Digest 'SHA256) where
instance Arbitrary (Digest SHA256) where
arbitrary = hash . BSC.pack <$> arbitrary
newtype NixLike = NixLike {getNixLike :: StorePath}
@ -42,15 +46,19 @@ newtype NixLike = NixLike {getNixLike :: StorePath}
instance Arbitrary NixLike where
arbitrary =
<$> (StorePath
<$> arbitraryTruncatedDigest
<*> arbitrary
<*> pure "/nix/store"
NixLike <$>
(liftA3 StorePath
(pure "/nix/store")
-- 160-bit hash, 20 bytes, 32 chars in base32
arbitraryTruncatedDigest = Digest . BSC.pack <$> replicateM 20 genSafeChar
arbitraryTruncatedDigest = coerce . BSC.pack <$> replicateM 20 genSafeChar
instance Arbitrary StorePath where
arbitrary = StorePath <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> dir
arbitrary =
liftA3 StorePath
@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ processDerivation source dest = do
contents <- Data.Text.IO.readFile source
(\ drv ->
Data.Text.IO.writeFile dest
. Data.Text.Lazy.toStrict
. Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.toLazyText
$ buildDerivation drv
-- It seems to be derivation.
(Data.Text.IO.writeFile dest
. Data.Text.Lazy.toStrict
. Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.toLazyText
. buildDerivation
(parseDerivation "/nix/store")
@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
module Hash where
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Control.Monad ( forM_ )
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
import qualified System.Nix.Base32 as B32
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.Lazy as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Text (Text)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
@ -20,6 +20,13 @@ import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import System.Nix.Hash
import System.Nix.StorePath
import Arbitrary
import System.Nix.Internal.Base
import Data.Coerce ( coerce )
import Crypto.Hash ( MD5
, SHA1
, SHA256
, hash
spec_hash :: Spec
spec_hash = do
@ -27,13 +34,13 @@ spec_hash = do
describe "hashing parity with nix-store" $ do
it "produces (base32 . sha256) of \"nix-output:foo\" the same as Nix does at the moment for placeholder \"foo\"" $
shouldBe (encodeInBase Base32 (hash @'SHA256 "nix-output:foo"))
shouldBe (encodeDigestWith NixBase32 (hash @ByteString @SHA256 "nix-output:foo"))
it "produces (base16 . md5) of \"Hello World\" the same as the thesis" $
shouldBe (encodeInBase Base16 (hash @'MD5 "Hello World"))
shouldBe (encodeDigestWith Base16 (hash @ByteString @MD5 "Hello World"))
it "produces (base32 . sha1) of \"Hello World\" the same as the thesis" $
shouldBe (encodeInBase Base32 (hash @'SHA1 "Hello World"))
shouldBe (encodeDigestWith NixBase32 (hash @ByteString @SHA1 "Hello World"))
-- The example in question:
@ -42,21 +49,17 @@ spec_hash = do
let exampleStr =
<> "c0d7b98883f9ee3:/nix/store:myfile"
shouldBe (encodeInBase32 @StorePathHashAlgo (hash exampleStr))
shouldBe (encodeWith NixBase32 $ coerce $ mkStorePathHashPart exampleStr)
encodeInBase32 :: Digest a -> Text
encodeInBase32 = encodeInBase Base32
-- | Test that Nix-like base32 encoding roundtrips
prop_nixBase32Roundtrip :: Property
prop_nixBase32Roundtrip = forAllShrink nonEmptyString genericShrink $
\x -> Right (BSC.pack x) === (B32.decode . B32.encode . BSC.pack $ x)
\x -> pure (BSC.pack x) === (B32.decode . B32.encode . BSC.pack $ x)
-- | API variants
prop_nixBase16Roundtrip :: Digest StorePathHashAlgo -> Property
prop_nixBase16Roundtrip =
\(x :: Digest StorePathHashAlgo) -> Right x === (decodeBase Base16 . encodeInBase Base16 $ x)
prop_nixBase16Roundtrip :: StorePathHashPart -> Property
prop_nixBase16Roundtrip x = pure (coerce x) === decodeWith Base16 (encodeWith Base16 $ coerce x)
-- | Hash encoding conversion ground-truth.
-- Similiar to nix/tests/hash.sh
@ -26,9 +26,11 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesPathExist,
import System.Directory ( doesDirectoryExist
, doesPathExist
, removeDirectoryRecursive
, removeFile
import qualified System.Directory as Directory
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))
Reference in New Issue
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