hnix-store-remote: Remove erroneous path putting/getting.

mkPath's logic was completely wrong (tried to make a PathName out of
the entire path, made up a hash based on the whole path rather than
parsing base32) and putPath ignored the store directory and the hash

Much of the code that depended on these functions was actually
correct, but ultimately did the wrong thing. We can resurrect those
from git once the primitives are correctly implemented.
This commit is contained in:
Shea Levy 2019-03-22 08:17:56 -04:00
parent 13e0724344
commit df43823868
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 5C0BD6957D86FE27
3 changed files with 1 additions and 264 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: hnix-store-remote
synopsis: Remote hnix store
description: Implementation of the nix store using the daemon protocol.

View File

@ -7,47 +7,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module System.Nix.Store.Remote (
, isValidPathUncached
, queryValidPaths
, queryAllValidPaths
, querySubstitutablePaths
, querySubstitutablePathInfos
, queryPathInfoUncached
, queryReferrers
, queryValidDerivers
, queryDerivationOutputs
, queryDerivationOutputNames
, queryPathFromHashPart
, addToStore
, addTextToStore
, buildPaths
, ensurePath
, addTempRoot
, addIndirectRoot
, syncWithGC
, findRoots
, collectGarbage
, optimiseStore
, verifyStore
, addSignatures
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Data.Binary.Put as B
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as T
import qualified System.Nix.Build as Build
import qualified System.Nix.GC as GC
import System.Nix.Path
import System.Nix.Hash
import System.Nix.Nar (localPackNar, putNar, narEffectsIO)
import System.Nix.Util
import System.Nix.Store.Remote.Types
import System.Nix.Store.Remote.Protocol
@ -55,196 +20,10 @@ import System.Nix.Store.Remote.Util
type RepairFlag = Bool
type CheckFlag = Bool
type SubstituteFlag = Bool
--setOptions :: StoreSetting -> MonadStore ()
isValidPathUncached :: Path -> MonadStore Bool
isValidPathUncached p = simpleOpArgs IsValidPath $ putPath p
queryValidPaths :: PathSet -> SubstituteFlag -> MonadStore PathSet
queryValidPaths ps substitute = do
runOpArgs QueryValidPaths $ do
putPaths ps
putBool substitute
queryAllValidPaths :: MonadStore PathSet
queryAllValidPaths = do
runOp QueryAllValidPaths
querySubstitutablePaths :: PathSet -> MonadStore PathSet
querySubstitutablePaths ps = do
runOpArgs QuerySubstitutablePaths $ do
putPaths ps
querySubstitutablePathInfos :: PathSet -> MonadStore [SubstitutablePathInfo]
querySubstitutablePathInfos ps = do
runOpArgs QuerySubstitutablePathInfos $ do
putPaths ps
cnt <- sockGetInt
forM (take cnt $ cycle [(0 :: Int)]) $ pure $ do
_pth <- sockGetPath
drv <- sockGetStr
refs <- sockGetPaths
dlSize <- sockGetInt
narSize' <- sockGetInt
return $ SubstitutablePathInfo {
deriver = mkPath drv
, references = refs
, downloadSize = dlSize
, narSize = narSize'
queryPathInfoUncached :: Path -> MonadStore ValidPathInfo
queryPathInfoUncached p = do
runOpArgs QueryPathInfo $ do
putPath p
valid <- sockGetBool
unless valid $ error "Path is not valid"
drv <- sockGetStr
hash' <- lBSToText <$> sockGetStr
refs <- sockGetPaths
regTime <- sockGetInt
size <- sockGetInt
ulti <- sockGetBool
sigs' <- map lBSToText <$> sockGetStrings
ca' <- lBSToText <$> sockGetStr
return $ ValidPathInfo {
path = p
, deriverVP = mkPath drv
, narHash = hash'
, referencesVP = refs
, registrationTime = regTime
, narSizeVP = size
, ultimate = ulti
, sigs = sigs'
, ca = ca'
queryReferrers :: Path -> MonadStore PathSet
queryReferrers p = do
runOpArgs QueryReferrers $ do
putPath p
queryValidDerivers :: Path -> MonadStore PathSet
queryValidDerivers p = do
runOpArgs QueryValidDerivers $ do
putPath p
queryDerivationOutputs :: Path -> MonadStore PathSet
queryDerivationOutputs p = do
runOpArgs QueryDerivationOutputs $
putPath p
queryDerivationOutputNames :: Path -> MonadStore PathSet
queryDerivationOutputNames p = do
runOpArgs QueryDerivationOutputNames $
putPath p
-- XXX: this is broken as I don't know how to get hashes from paths (fix mkPath)
queryPathFromHashPart :: Digest PathHashAlgo -> MonadStore (Maybe Path)
queryPathFromHashPart d = do
runOpArgs QueryPathFromHashPart $
-- TODO: replace `undefined` with digest encoding function when
-- [issue 24]( is
-- closed
putByteStringLen $ LBS.fromStrict $ undefined d
type PathFilter = Path -> Bool
:: forall a. (ValidAlgo a, NamedAlgo a)
=> LBS.ByteString
-> FilePath
-> Bool
-> Proxy a
-> PathFilter
-> RepairFlag
-> MonadStore Path
addToStore name pth recursive algoProxy pfilter repair = do
-- TODO: Is this lazy enough? We need `B.putLazyByteString bs` to stream `bs`
bs :: LBS.ByteString <- liftIO $ B.runPut . putNar <$> localPackNar narEffectsIO pth
runOpArgs AddToStore $ do
putByteStringLen name
putInt 1
if recursive
then putInt 1
else putInt 0
putByteStringLen (T.encodeUtf8 . T.toLower . T.fromStrict $ algoName @a)
B.putLazyByteString bs
fmap (fromMaybe $ error "TODO: Error") sockGetPath
addTextToStore :: LBS.ByteString -> LBS.ByteString -> PathSet -> RepairFlag -> MonadStore (Maybe Path)
addTextToStore name text references' repair = do
runOpArgs AddTextToStore $ do
putByteStringLen name
putByteStringLen text
putPaths references'
buildPaths :: PathSet -> Build.BuildMode -> MonadStore ()
buildPaths ps bm = void $ simpleOpArgs EnsurePath $ do
putPaths ps
putInt $ fromEnum bm
ensurePath :: Path -> MonadStore ()
ensurePath pn = void $ simpleOpArgs EnsurePath $ putPath pn
addTempRoot :: Path -> MonadStore ()
addTempRoot pn = void $ simpleOpArgs AddTempRoot $ putPath pn
addIndirectRoot :: Path -> MonadStore ()
addIndirectRoot pn = void $ simpleOpArgs AddIndirectRoot $ putPath pn
syncWithGC :: MonadStore ()
syncWithGC = void $ simpleOp SyncWithGC
findRoots :: MonadStore Roots
findRoots = do
runOp FindRoots
res <- getSocketIncremental (do
count <- getInt
res <- sequence $ replicate count ((,) <$> getPath <*> getPath)
return res
return $ M.fromList $ catMaybesTupled res
catMaybesTupled :: [(Maybe a, Maybe b)] -> [(a, b)]
catMaybesTupled ls = map (\(Just x, Just y) -> (x, y)) $ filter (\(x,y) -> isJust x && isJust y) ls
collectGarbage :: GC.Options -> MonadStore GC.Result
collectGarbage opts = do
runOpArgs CollectGarbage $ do
putInt $ fromEnum $ GC.operation opts
putPaths $ GC.pathsToDelete opts
putBool $ GC.ignoreLiveness opts
putInt $ GC.maxFreed opts
forM_ [(0 :: Int)..2] $ pure $ putInt (0 :: Int) -- removed options
paths <- sockGetPaths
freed <- sockGetInt
_obsolete <- sockGetInt :: MonadStore Int
return $ GC.Result paths freed
optimiseStore :: MonadStore ()
optimiseStore = void $ simpleOp OptimiseStore
@ -253,8 +32,3 @@ verifyStore :: CheckFlag -> RepairFlag -> MonadStore Bool
verifyStore check repair = simpleOpArgs VerifyStore $ do
putBool check
putBool repair
addSignatures :: Path -> [LBS.ByteString] -> MonadStore ()
addSignatures p signatures = void $ simpleOpArgs AddSignatures $ do
putPath p
putByteStrings signatures

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import Network.Socket.ByteString (recv, sendAll)
import System.Nix.Store.Remote.Types
import System.Nix.Hash
import System.Nix.Path
import System.Nix.Util
@ -44,12 +43,6 @@ sockGet = do
soc <- ask
liftIO $ Just <$> recv soc 8
sockGetPath :: MonadStore (Maybe Path)
sockGetPath = getSocketIncremental getPath
sockGetPaths :: MonadStore PathSet
sockGetPaths = getSocketIncremental getPaths
sockGetInt :: Integral a => MonadStore a
sockGetInt = getSocketIncremental getInt
@ -68,36 +61,6 @@ lBSToText = T.pack . BSC.unpack . LBS.toStrict
textToLBS :: Text -> LBS.ByteString
textToLBS = LBS.fromStrict . BSC.pack . T.unpack
-- XXX: needs work
mkPath :: LBS.ByteString -> Maybe Path
mkPath p = case (pathName $ lBSToText p) of
-- TODO: replace `undefined` with digest encoding function when
-- [issue 24](
-- is closed
Just x -> Just $ Path (hash $ LBS.toStrict p) x --XXX: hash
Nothing -> Nothing
-- import Data.ByteString.Base32 as Base32
--drvP = Path (fromJust $ digestFromByteString $ pls $ Base32.decode $ BSC.take 32 $ BSC.drop (BSC.length "/nix/store/") drv) (fromJust $ pathName $ T.pack $ BSC.unpack drv)
--pls (Left _) = error "unable to decode hash"
--pls (Right x) = x
getPath :: Get (Maybe Path)
getPath = mkPath <$> getByteStringLen
getPaths :: Get PathSet
getPaths = HashSet.fromList . catMaybes . map mkPath <$> getByteStrings
putPathName :: PathName -> Put
putPathName = putByteStringLen . textToLBS . pathNameContents
putPath :: Path -> Put
putPath (Path _hash name) = putPathName name
putPaths :: PathSet -> Put
putPaths = putByteStrings . (\(Path _hash name) -> textToLBS $ pathNameContents name)
putBool :: Bool -> Put
putBool True = putInt (1 :: Int)
putBool False = putInt (0 :: Int)