
303 lines
9.3 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module NixDaemon where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Either (isRight, isLeft)
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Control.Monad (forM_, void)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified System.Environment
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import qualified Data.Either
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding
import System.Directory
import System.IO.Temp
import qualified System.Process as P
import System.Posix.User as U
import System.Linux.Namespaces as NS
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, context)
import qualified Test.Hspec as Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Lifted
import System.FilePath
import System.Nix.Build
import System.Nix.StorePath
import System.Nix.StorePath.Metadata
import System.Nix.Store.Remote
import System.Nix.Store.Remote.MonadStore (mapStoreConfig)
import Crypto.Hash (SHA256)
import System.Nix.Nar (dumpPath)
createProcessEnv :: FilePath -> String -> [String] -> IO P.ProcessHandle
createProcessEnv fp proc args = do
mPath <- System.Environment.lookupEnv "PATH"
(_, _, _, ph) <-
P.createProcess (P.proc proc args)
{ P.cwd = Just fp
, P.env = Just $ mockedEnv mPath fp
pure ph
mockedEnv :: Maybe String -> FilePath -> [(String, FilePath)]
mockedEnv mEnvPath fp =
[ ("NIX_STORE_DIR" , fp </> "store")
, ("NIX_LOCALSTATE_DIR", fp </> "var")
, ("NIX_LOG_DIR" , fp </> "var" </> "log")
, ("NIX_STATE_DIR" , fp </> "var" </> "nix")
, ("NIX_CONF_DIR" , fp </> "etc")
, ("HOME" , fp </> "home")
-- , ("NIX_REMOTE", "daemon")
] <> foldMap (\x -> [("PATH", x)]) mEnvPath
waitSocket :: FilePath -> Int -> IO ()
waitSocket _ 0 = fail "No socket"
waitSocket fp x = do
ex <- doesFileExist fp
(threadDelay 100000 >> waitSocket fp (x - 1))
(pure ())
writeConf :: FilePath -> IO ()
writeConf fp =
writeFile fp $ unlines
[ "build-users-group = "
, "trusted-users = root"
, "allowed-users = *"
, "fsync-metadata = false"
- we run in user namespace as root but groups are failed
- => build-users-group has to be empty but we still
- get an error (maybe older nix-daemon)
uid=0(root) gid=65534(nobody) groups=65534(nobody)
drwxr-xr-x 3 0 65534 60 Nov 29 05:53 store
accepted connection from pid 22959, user root (trusted)
error: changing ownership of path '/run/user/1000/test-nix-store-06b0d249e5616122/store': Invalid argument
:: FilePath
-> IO (P.ProcessHandle, MonadStore a -> Run IO a)
startDaemon fp = do
writeConf (fp </> "etc" </> "nix.conf")
p <- createProcessEnv fp "nix-daemon" []
waitSocket sockFp 30
pure (p, runStoreOpts sockFp (StoreDir $ BSC.pack $ fp </> "store"))
sockFp = fp </> "var/nix/daemon-socket/socket"
enterNamespaces :: IO ()
enterNamespaces = do
uid <- getEffectiveUserID
gid <- getEffectiveGroupID
unshare [User, Network, Mount]
-- fmap our (parent) uid to root
writeUserMappings Nothing [UserMapping 0 uid 1]
-- fmap our (parent) gid to root group
writeGroupMappings Nothing [GroupMapping 0 gid 1] True
:: ((MonadStore a -> Run IO a) -> IO a) -> IO a
withNixDaemon action =
withSystemTempDirectory "test-nix-store" $ \path -> do
mapM_ (createDirectory . snd)
(filter ((/= "NIX_REMOTE") . fst) $ mockedEnv Nothing path)
ini <- createProcessEnv path "nix-store" ["--init"]
void $ P.waitForProcess ini
writeFile (path </> "dummy") "Hello World"
setCurrentDirectory path
bracket (startDaemon path)
(P.terminateProcess . fst)
(action . snd)
checks :: (Show a, Show b) => IO (a, b) -> (a -> Bool) -> IO ()
checks action check = action >>= (`Hspec.shouldSatisfy` (check . fst))
:: (Show a, Show b, Monad m)
=> String
-> m c
-> (a -> Bool)
-> Hspec.SpecWith (m () -> IO (a, b))
it name action check = name $ \run -> run (void $ action) `checks` check
:: (Show a, Show b, Show c, Monad m)
=> String
-> m d
-> Hspec.SpecWith (m () -> IO (Either a b, c))
itRights name action = it name action isRight
:: (Show a, Show b, Show c, Monad m)
=> String
-> m d
-> Hspec.SpecWith (m () -> IO (Either a b, c))
itLefts name action = it name action isLeft
withPath :: (StorePath -> MonadStore a) -> MonadStore a
withPath action = do
path <- addTextToStore "hnix-store" "test" mempty RepairMode_DontRepair
action path
-- | dummy path, adds <tmp>/dummy with "Hello World" contents
dummy :: MonadStore StorePath
dummy = do
let name = Data.Either.fromRight (error "impossible") $ mkStorePathName "dummy"
addToStore @SHA256 name (dumpPath "dummy") FileIngestionMethod_Flat RepairMode_DontRepair
invalidPath :: StorePath
invalidPath =
let name = Data.Either.fromRight (error "impossible") $ mkStorePathName "invalid"
in unsafeMakeStorePath (mkStorePathHashPart @SHA256 "invalid") name
withBuilder :: (StorePath -> MonadStore a) -> MonadStore a
withBuilder action = do
path <- addTextToStore "builder" builderSh mempty RepairMode_DontRepair
action path
builderSh :: Text
builderSh = "declare -xpexport > $out"
spec_protocol :: Spec
spec_protocol = Hspec.around withNixDaemon $
describe "store" $ do
context "syncWithGC" $
itRights "syncs with garbage collector" syncWithGC
context "verifyStore" $ do
itRights "check=False repair=False" $
`shouldReturn` False
itRights "check=True repair=False" $
`shouldReturn` False
itRights "check=True repair=True" $
`shouldReturn` False
context "addTextToStore" $
itRights "adds text to store" $ withPath pure
context "isValidPathUncached" $ do
itRights "validates path" $ withPath $ \path -> do
liftIO $ print path
isValidPathUncached path `shouldReturn` True
itLefts "fails on invalid path"
$ mapStoreConfig
(\sc -> sc { storeConfig_dir = StoreDir "/asdf" })
$ isValidPathUncached invalidPath
context "queryAllValidPaths" $ do
itRights "empty query" queryAllValidPaths
itRights "non-empty query" $ withPath $ \path ->
queryAllValidPaths `shouldReturn` HS.fromList [path]
context "queryPathInfoUncached" $
itRights "queries path info" $ withPath $ \path -> do
meta <- queryPathInfoUncached path
metadataReferences meta `shouldSatisfy` HS.null
context "ensurePath" $
itRights "simple ensure" $ withPath ensurePath
context "addTempRoot" $
itRights "simple addition" $ withPath addTempRoot
context "addIndirectRoot" $
itRights "simple addition" $ withPath addIndirectRoot
context "buildPaths" $ do
itRights "build Normal" $ withPath $ \path -> do
let pathSet = HS.fromList [path]
buildPaths pathSet BuildMode_Normal
itRights "build Check" $ withPath $ \path -> do
let pathSet = HS.fromList [path]
buildPaths pathSet BuildMode_Check
itLefts "build Repair" $ withPath $ \path -> do
let pathSet = HS.fromList [path]
buildPaths pathSet BuildMode_Repair
context "roots" $ context "findRoots" $ do
itRights "empty roots" (findRoots `shouldReturn` M.empty)
itRights "path added as a temp root" $ withPath $ \_ -> do
roots <- findRoots
roots `shouldSatisfy` ((== 1) . M.size)
context "optimiseStore" $ itRights "optimises" optimiseStore
context "queryMissing" $
itRights "queries" $ withPath $ \path -> do
let pathSet = HS.fromList [path]
queryMissing pathSet
{ missingWillBuild = mempty
, missingWillSubstitute = mempty
, missingUnknownPaths = mempty
, missingDownloadSize = 0
, missingNarSize = 0
context "addToStore" $
itRights "adds file to store" $ do
fp <- liftIO $ writeSystemTempFile "addition" "lal"
let name = Data.Either.fromRight (error "impossible") $ mkStorePathName "tmp-addition"
res <- addToStore @SHA256 name (dumpPath fp) FileIngestionMethod_Flat RepairMode_DontRepair
liftIO $ print res
context "with dummy" $ do
itRights "adds dummy" dummy
itRights "valid dummy" $ do
path <- dummy
liftIO $ print path
isValidPathUncached path `shouldReturn` True
context "deleteSpecific" $
itRights "delete a path from the store" $ withPath $ \path -> do
-- clear temp gc roots so the delete works. restarting the nix daemon should also do this...
storeDir <- getStoreDir
let tempRootsDir = Data.Text.unpack $ mconcat [ Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8 (unStoreDir storeDir), "/../var/nix/temproots/" ]
tempRootList <- liftIO $ listDirectory tempRootsDir
liftIO $ forM_ tempRootList $ \entry -> do
removeFile $ mconcat [ tempRootsDir, "/", entry ]
GCResult{..} <- deleteSpecific (HS.fromList [path])
gcResultDeletedPaths `shouldBe` HS.fromList [path]
gcResultBytesFreed `shouldBe` 4