Merge #1009: Unify accessor naming

This commit is contained in:
Anton Latukha 2022-01-11 18:57:37 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 27e357db89
No known key found for this signature in database
11 changed files with 327 additions and 273 deletions

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@ -178,24 +178,24 @@ main' opts@Options{..} = runWithBasicEffectsIO opts execContentsFilesOrRepl
| isFinder = findAttrs <=< fromValue @(AttrSet StdVal)
| otherwise = printer'
| isXml = fun (ignoreContext . toXML) normalForm
-- 2021-05-27: NOTE: With naive fix of the #941
-- This is overall a naive printer implementation, as options should interact/respect one another.
-- A nice question: "Should respect one another to what degree?": Go full combinator way, for which
-- old Nix CLI is nototrious for (and that would mean to reimplement the old Nix CLI),
-- OR: and have some sane standart/default behaviour for (most) keys.
| isJson = fun (ignoreContext . mempty . toJSONNixString) normalForm
| isStrict = fun (show . prettyNValue) normalForm
| isValues = fun (show . prettyNValueProv) removeEffects
| otherwise = fun (show . prettyNValue) removeEffects
| isXml = out (ignoreContext . toXML) normalForm
| isJson = out (ignoreContext . mempty . toJSONNixString) normalForm
| isStrict = out (show . prettyNValue) normalForm
| isValues = out (show . prettyNValueProv) removeEffects
| otherwise = out (show . prettyNValue) removeEffects
:: (b -> Text)
-> (a -> StandardIO b)
-> a
-> StdIO
fun g f = liftIO . Text.putStrLn . g <=< f
out transform val = liftIO . Text.putStrLn . transform <=< val
:: AttrSet StdVal

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@ -247,7 +247,6 @@ instance Show VersionComponent where
splitVersion :: Text -> [VersionComponent]
splitVersion s =
(\ (x, xs) -> if
| isRight eDigitsPart ->
@ -261,8 +260,7 @@ splitVersion s =
| x `elem` separators -> splitVersion xs
| otherwise -> one charsPart <> splitVersion rest2
(Text.uncons s)
) `whenJust` Text.uncons s
-- | Based on
separators :: String

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@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ import Control.Monad.Free ( Free(Pure, Free) )
data Provenance m v =
{ _lexicalScope :: Scopes m v
, _originExpr :: NExprLocF (Maybe v)
{ getLexicalScope :: Scopes m v
-- 2021-11-09: NOTE: Better name?
, getOriginExpr :: NExprLocF (Maybe v)
-- ^ When calling the function x: x + 2 with argument x = 3, the
-- 'originExpr' for the resulting value will be 3 + 2, while the
-- 'contextExpr' will be @(x: x + 2) 3@, preserving not only the
@ -27,8 +28,8 @@ data Provenance m v =
data NCited m v a =
{ _provenance :: [Provenance m v]
, _cited :: a
{ getProvenance :: [Provenance m v]
, getCited :: a
deriving (Generic, Typeable, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Show)
@ -37,11 +38,11 @@ instance Applicative (NCited m v) where
(<*>) (NCited xs f) (NCited ys x) = NCited (xs <> ys) (f x)
instance Comonad (NCited m v) where
duplicate p = NCited (_provenance p) p
extract = _cited
duplicate p = NCited (getProvenance p) p
extract = getCited
instance ComonadEnv [Provenance m v] (NCited m v) where
ask = _provenance
ask = getProvenance
$(makeLenses ''Provenance)
$(makeLenses ''NCited)
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ class HasCitations m v a where
addProvenance :: Provenance m v -> a -> a
instance HasCitations m v (NCited m v a) where
citations = _provenance
citations = getProvenance
addProvenance x (NCited p v) = NCited (x : p) v
instance HasCitations1 m v f

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@ -39,14 +39,16 @@ runAntiquoted nl f _ EscapedNewline = f nl
runAntiquoted _ _ k (Antiquoted r) = k r
-- | Split a stream representing a string with antiquotes on line breaks.
splitLines :: [Antiquoted Text r] -> [[Antiquoted Text r]]
splitLines = uncurry (flip (:)) . go where
go (Plain t : xs) = (Plain l :) <$> foldr f (go xs) ls
splitLines :: forall r . [Antiquoted Text r] -> [[Antiquoted Text r]]
splitLines = uncurry (flip (:)) . go
go :: [Antiquoted Text r] -> ([[Antiquoted Text r]], [Antiquoted Text r])
go (Plain t : xs) = (one (Plain l) <>) <$> foldr f (go xs) ls
(l : ls) = T.split (== '\n') t
f prefix (finished, current) = ((Plain prefix : current) : finished, mempty)
go (Antiquoted a : xs) = (Antiquoted a :) <$> go xs
go (EscapedNewline : xs) = (EscapedNewline :) <$> go xs
go (Antiquoted a : xs) = (one (Antiquoted a) <>) <$> go xs
go (EscapedNewline : xs) = (one EscapedNewline <>) <$> go xs
go [] = mempty
-- | Join a stream of strings containing antiquotes again. This is the inverse
@ -108,10 +110,17 @@ stripIndent xs =
escapeCodes :: [(Char, Char)]
escapeCodes =
[('\n', 'n'), ('\r', 'r'), ('\t', 't'), ('\\', '\\'), ('$', '$'), ('"', '"')]
[('\n', 'n'), ('\r', 'r'), ('\t', 't'), ('"', '"'), ('$', '$'), ('\\', '\\')]
fromEscapeCode :: Char -> Maybe Char
fromEscapeCode = (`lookup` (swap <$> escapeCodes))
toEscapeCode :: Char -> Maybe Char
toEscapeCode = (`lookup` escapeCodes)
escapeMap :: [(Text, Text)]
escapeMap =
[("\n", "\\n"), ("\r", "\\r"), ("\t", "\\t"), ("\"", "\\\""), ("${", "\\${"), ("\\", "\\\\")]
escapeString :: Text -> Text
escapeString = applyAll (fmap (uncurry T.replace) escapeMap)

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@ -776,9 +776,9 @@ getFreeVars e =
(NAbs (ParamSet varname _ pset) expr) ->
-- Include all free variables from the expression and the default arguments
(getFreeVars expr <> (Set.unions $ getFreeVars <$> mapMaybe snd pset))
(getFreeVars expr <> Set.unions (getFreeVars <$> mapMaybe snd pset))
-- But remove the argument name if existing, and all arguments in the parameter set
((one `whenJust` varname) <> (Set.fromList $ fst <$> pset))
((one `whenJust` varname) <> Set.fromList (fst <$> pset))
(NLet bindings expr ) ->
(getFreeVars expr <> bindFreeVars bindings)

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@ -100,7 +100,9 @@ normalizeValueF f = run . iterNValueM run (flip go) (fmap Free . sequenceNValue'
i <- ask
when (i > 2000) $ fail "Exceeded maximum normalization depth of 2000 levels"
lifted (lifted $ f t) $ local succ . k
(lifted . lifted)
(f t)
(local succ . k)
(pure $ pure t)

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@ -271,9 +271,27 @@ nixAntiquoted p =
<|> Plain <$> p
nixString' :: Parser (NString NExprLoc)
nixString' = label "string" $ lexeme $ doubleQuoted <|> indented
escapeCode :: Parser Char
escapeCode =
[ c <$ char e | (c, e) <- escapeCodes ]
<|> anySingle
:: Parser ()
-> Parser ()
-> Parser (Antiquoted Text NExprLoc)
-> Parser (Antiquoted Text NExprLoc)
stringChar end escStart esc =
<|> Plain . one <$> char '$'
<|> esc
<|> Plain . fromString <$> some plainChar
plainChar :: Parser Char
plainChar =
notFollowedBy (end <|> void (char '$') <|> escStart) *> anySingle
doubleQuoted :: Parser (NString NExprLoc)
doubleQuoted =
label "double quoted string" $
@ -289,12 +307,14 @@ nixString' = label "string" $ lexeme $ doubleQuoted <|> indented
doubleEscape :: Parser (Antiquoted Text r)
doubleEscape = Plain . one <$> (char '\\' *> escapeCode)
indented :: Parser (NString NExprLoc)
indented =
label "indented string" $
stripIndent <$>
inIndentedQuotation (many $ join stringChar indentedQuotationMark indentedEscape)
-- | Read escaping inside of the "'' <expr> ''"
indentedEscape :: Parser (Antiquoted Text r)
indentedEscape =
try $
@ -312,32 +332,17 @@ nixString' = label "string" $ lexeme $ doubleQuoted <|> indented
(Plain $ one c)
(c /= '\n')
-- | Enclosed into indented quatation "'' <expr> ''"
inIndentedQuotation :: Parser a -> Parser a
inIndentedQuotation expr = indentedQuotationMark *> expr <* indentedQuotationMark
-- | Symbol "''"
indentedQuotationMark :: Parser ()
indentedQuotationMark = label "\"''\"" . void $ chunk "''"
:: Parser ()
-> Parser ()
-> Parser (Antiquoted Text NExprLoc)
-> Parser (Antiquoted Text NExprLoc)
stringChar end escStart esc =
<|> Plain . one <$> char '$'
<|> esc
<|> Plain . fromString <$> some plainChar
plainChar :: Parser Char
plainChar =
notFollowedBy (end <|> void (char '$') <|> escStart) *> anySingle
escapeCode :: Parser Char
escapeCode =
[ c <$ char e | (c, e) <- escapeCodes ]
<|> anySingle
nixString' :: Parser (NString NExprLoc)
nixString' = label "string" $ lexeme $ doubleQuoted <|> indented
nixString :: Parser NExprLoc
nixString = annNStr <$> annotateLocation1 nixString'
@ -587,6 +592,7 @@ nixOperators selector =
one $ binaryR NImpl "->"
-- 2021-11-09: NOTE: rename OperatorInfo accessors to `get*`
-- 2021-08-10: NOTE:
-- All this is a sidecar:
-- * This type
@ -596,11 +602,13 @@ nixOperators selector =
-- * getSpecialOperation
-- can reduced in favour of adding precedence field into @NOperatorDef@.
-- details:
data OperatorInfo = OperatorInfo
data OperatorInfo =
{ precedence :: Int
, associativity :: NAssoc
, operatorName :: Text
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, Data, Show)
:: Ord a

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@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
{-# language CPP #-}
{-# language AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# language ViewPatterns, PatternSynonyms, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# options_ghc -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module Nix.Pretty where
import Prelude hiding ( toList, group )
@ -35,8 +33,8 @@ import Nix.Value
-- | This type represents a pretty printed nix expression
-- together with some information about the expression.
data NixDoc ann = NixDoc
{ -- | The rendered expression, without any parentheses.
withoutParens :: Doc ann
{ -- | Rendered expression. Without surrounding parenthesis.
getDoc :: Doc ann
-- | The root operator is the operator at the root of
-- the expression tree. For example, in '(a * b) + c', '+' would be the root
@ -47,8 +45,16 @@ data NixDoc ann = NixDoc
-- we can add brackets appropriately
-- | Represent Nix antiquotes.
-- >
-- > ${ expr }
-- >
antiquote :: NixDoc ann -> Doc ann
antiquote x = "${" <> getDoc x <> "}"
mkNixDoc :: OperatorInfo -> Doc ann -> NixDoc ann
mkNixDoc o d = NixDoc { withoutParens = d, rootOp = o, wasPath = False }
mkNixDoc o d = NixDoc { getDoc = d, rootOp = o, wasPath = False }
-- | A simple expression is never wrapped in parentheses. The expression
-- behaves as if its root operator had a precedence higher than all
@ -66,13 +72,13 @@ pathExpr d = (simpleExpr d) { wasPath = True }
-- binding).
leastPrecedence :: Doc ann -> NixDoc ann
leastPrecedence =
mkNixDoc (OperatorInfo maxBound NAssocNone "least precedence")
mkNixDoc $ OperatorInfo maxBound NAssocNone "least precedence"
appOp :: OperatorInfo
appOp = getBinaryOperator NApp
appOpNonAssoc :: OperatorInfo
appOpNonAssoc = (getBinaryOperator NApp) { associativity = NAssocNone }
appOpNonAssoc = appOp { associativity = NAssocNone }
selectOp :: OperatorInfo
selectOp = getSpecialOperator NSelectOp
@ -80,64 +86,68 @@ selectOp = getSpecialOperator NSelectOp
hasAttrOp :: OperatorInfo
hasAttrOp = getSpecialOperator NHasAttrOp
wrapParens :: OperatorInfo -> NixDoc ann -> Doc ann
wrapParens op sub =
-- | Determine if to return doc wraped into parens,
-- according the given operator.
precedenceWrap :: OperatorInfo -> NixDoc ann -> Doc ann
precedenceWrap op subExpr =
maybeWrap $ getDoc subExpr
maybeWrap :: Doc ann -> Doc ann
maybeWrap =
(\ a -> "(" <> a <> ")")
( precedence (rootOp sub) < precedence op
|| (precedence (rootOp sub) == precedence op
&& associativity (rootOp sub) == associativity op
&& associativity op /= NAssocNone)
needsParens :: Bool
needsParens =
precedence root < precedence op
|| ( precedence root == precedence op
&& associativity root == associativity op
&& associativity op /= NAssocNone
(withoutParens sub)
root = rootOp subExpr
-- Used in the selector case to print a path in a selector as
-- "${./abc}"
wrapPath :: OperatorInfo -> NixDoc ann -> Doc ann
wrapPath op sub =
(wrapParens op sub)
("\"${" <> withoutParens sub <> "}\"")
(precedenceWrap op sub)
(dquotes $ antiquote sub)
(wasPath sub)
infixr 5 :<
pattern (:<) :: Char -> Text -> Text
pattern t :< ts <- (Text.uncons -> Just (t, ts))
where (:<) = Text.cons
escapeDoubleQuoteString :: Text -> Text
escapeDoubleQuoteString ('"':<xs) = "\\\"" <> escapeDoubleQuoteString xs
escapeDoubleQuoteString ('$':<'{':<xs) = "\\${" <> escapeDoubleQuoteString xs
escapeDoubleQuoteString ('$':<xs) = '$' :< escapeDoubleQuoteString xs
escapeDoubleQuoteString (x:<xs) = maybe (one x) (('\\' :<) . one) (toEscapeCode x)
<> escapeDoubleQuoteString xs
escapeDoubleQuoteString a = a
-- | Handle Output representation of the string escape codes.
prettyString :: NString (NixDoc ann) -> Doc ann
prettyString (DoubleQuoted parts) = "\"" <> foldMap prettyPart parts <> "\""
prettyString (DoubleQuoted parts) =
dquotes $ foldMap prettyPart parts
prettyPart (Plain t) = pretty $ escapeDoubleQuoteString t
prettyPart (Plain t) = pretty $ escapeString t
prettyPart EscapedNewline = "''\\n"
prettyPart (Antiquoted r) = "${" <> withoutParens r <> "}"
prettyString (Indented _ parts) = group $ nest 2 $ vcat
["''", content, "''"]
prettyPart (Antiquoted r) = antiquote r
prettyString (Indented _ parts) =
group $ nest 2 $ vcat ["''", content, "''"]
content = vsep . fmap prettyLine . stripLastIfEmpty . splitLines $ parts
stripLastIfEmpty :: [[Antiquoted Text r]] -> [[Antiquoted Text r]]
stripLastIfEmpty = filter flt
stripLastIfEmpty =
filter flt
flt :: [Antiquoted Text r] -> Bool
flt [Plain t] | Text.null (strip t) = False
flt _ = True
prettyLine = hcat . fmap prettyPart
prettyLine :: [Antiquoted Text (NixDoc ann)] -> Doc ann
prettyLine =
hcat . fmap prettyPart
prettyPart :: Antiquoted Text (NixDoc ann) -> Doc ann
prettyPart (Plain t) =
pretty . replace "${" "''${" . replace "''" "'''" $ t
prettyPart EscapedNewline = "\\n"
prettyPart (Antiquoted r) = "${" <> withoutParens r <> "}"
prettyPart (Antiquoted r) = antiquote r
prettyVarName :: VarName -> Doc ann
prettyVarName = pretty @Text . coerce
@ -152,49 +162,43 @@ prettyParams (ParamSet mname variadic pset) =
toDoc (coerce -> name) =
("@" <> pretty name) `whenFalse` Text.null name
prettyParamSet :: Variadic -> ParamSet (NixDoc ann) -> Doc ann
prettyParamSet :: forall ann . Variadic -> ParamSet (NixDoc ann) -> Doc ann
prettyParamSet variadic args =
"{ "
(align " }")
(align ", ")
(fmap prettySetArg args <> one "..." `whenTrue` (variadic == Variadic))
prettySetArg :: (VarName, Maybe (NixDoc ann)) -> Doc ann
prettySetArg (n, maybeDef) =
(\x -> varName <> " ? " <> withoutParens x)
varName = prettyVarName n
sep = align ", "
(prettyVarName n <>) $ ((" ? " <>) . getDoc) `whenJust` maybeDef
prettyBind :: Binding (NixDoc ann) -> Doc ann
prettyBind (NamedVar n v _p) =
prettySelector n <> " = " <> withoutParens v <> ";"
prettySelector n <> " = " <> getDoc v <> ";"
prettyBind (Inherit s ns _p) =
"inherit " <> scope <> align (fillSep $ prettyVarName <$> ns) <> ";"
scope =
((<> " ") . parens . withoutParens) `whenJust` s
((<> " ") . parens . getDoc) `whenJust` s
prettyKeyName :: NKeyName (NixDoc ann) -> Doc ann
prettyKeyName (StaticKey key) =
("\"" <> varName <> "\"")
(HashSet.member key reservedNames)
(prettyVarName key)
(not $ Text.null $ coerce key)
varName = prettyVarName key
prettyKeyName (DynamicKey key) =
(DoubleQuoted $ one $ Plain "\n")
(\ x -> "${" <> withoutParens x <> "}")
prettySelector :: NAttrPath (NixDoc ann) -> Doc ann
@ -204,32 +208,43 @@ prettyAtom :: NAtom -> NixDoc ann
prettyAtom = simpleExpr . pretty . atomText
prettyNix :: NExpr -> Doc ann
prettyNix = withoutParens . foldFix exprFNixDoc
prettyNix = getDoc . foldFix exprFNixDoc
:: forall t f m ann
. HasCitations1 m (NValue t f m) f
=> NExprLocF (Maybe (NValue t f m))
-> Doc ann
prettyOriginExpr = withoutParens . go
prettyOriginExpr = getDoc . go
go :: NExprLocF (Maybe (NValue t f m)) -> NixDoc ann
go = exprFNixDoc . stripAnnF . fmap render
render :: Maybe (NValue t f m) -> NixDoc ann
render Nothing = simpleExpr "_"
render (Just (Free (reverse . citations @m -> p:_))) = go (_originExpr p)
render (Just (Free (reverse . citations @m -> p:_))) = go (getOriginExpr p)
render _ = simpleExpr "?"
-- render (Just (NValue (citations -> ps))) =
-- simpleExpr $ foldr ((\x y -> vsep [x, y]) . parens . indent 2 . withoutParens
-- simpleExpr $ foldr ((\x y -> vsep [x, y]) . parens . indent 2 . getDoc
-- . go . originExpr)
-- mempty (reverse ps)
exprFNixDoc :: NExprF (NixDoc ann) -> NixDoc ann
-- | Takes original expression from inside provenance information.
-- Prettifies that expression.
:: forall t f m ann
. HasCitations1 m (NValue t f m) f
=> [Provenance m (NValue t f m)] -> Doc ann
prettyExtractFromProvenance =
sep .
fmap (prettyOriginExpr . getOriginExpr)
exprFNixDoc :: forall ann . NExprF (NixDoc ann) -> NixDoc ann
exprFNixDoc = \case
NConstant atom -> prettyAtom atom
NStr str -> simpleExpr $ prettyString str
NList xs ->
prettyContainer "[" (wrapParens appOpNonAssoc) "]" xs
prettyContainer "[" (precedenceWrap appOpNonAssoc) "]" xs
NSet NonRecursive xs ->
prettyContainer "{" prettyBind "}" xs
NSet Recursive xs ->
@ -239,10 +254,10 @@ exprFNixDoc = \case
nest 2 $
[ prettyParams args <> ":"
, withoutParens body
, getDoc body
NBinary NApp fun arg ->
mkNixDoc appOp (wrapParens appOp fun <> " " <> wrapParens appOpNonAssoc arg)
mkNixDoc appOp (precedenceWrap appOp fun <> " " <> precedenceWrap appOpNonAssoc arg)
NBinary op r1 r2 ->
opInfo $
@ -253,9 +268,9 @@ exprFNixDoc = \case
opInfo = getBinaryOperator op
f :: NAssoc -> NixDoc ann1 -> Doc ann1
f :: NAssoc -> NixDoc ann -> Doc ann
f x =
$ bool
(opInfo { associativity = NAssocNone })
@ -263,7 +278,7 @@ exprFNixDoc = \case
NUnary op r1 ->
opInfo $
pretty (operatorName opInfo) <> wrapParens opInfo r1
pretty (operatorName opInfo) <> precedenceWrap opInfo r1
opInfo = getUnaryOperator op
NSelect o r' attr ->
@ -271,13 +286,10 @@ exprFNixDoc = \case
(mkNixDoc selectOp)
(const leastPrecedence)
$ wrapPath selectOp r <> "." <> prettySelector attr <> ordoc
r = mkNixDoc selectOp (wrapParens appOpNonAssoc r')
ordoc =
((" or " <>) . wrapParens appOpNonAssoc) `whenJust` o
$ wrapPath selectOp (mkNixDoc selectOp (precedenceWrap appOpNonAssoc r')) <> "." <> prettySelector attr <>
((" or " <>) . precedenceWrap appOpNonAssoc) `whenJust` o
NHasAttr r attr ->
mkNixDoc hasAttrOp (wrapParens hasAttrOp r <> " ? " <> prettySelector attr)
mkNixDoc hasAttrOp (precedenceWrap hasAttrOp r <> " ? " <> prettySelector attr)
NEnvPath p -> simpleExpr $ pretty @String $ "<" <> coerce p <> ">"
NLiteralPath p ->
pathExpr $
@ -286,28 +298,32 @@ exprFNixDoc = \case
"./" -> "./."
"../" -> "../."
".." -> "../."
_txt ->
path ->
("./" <> _txt)
(any (`isPrefixOf` coerce _txt) ["/", "~/", "./", "../"])
("./" <> path)
(any (`isPrefixOf` coerce path) ["/", "~/", "./", "../"])
NSym name -> simpleExpr $ prettyVarName name
NLet binds body ->
leastPrecedence $
group $
[ "let"
, indent 2 (vsep (fmap prettyBind binds))
, "in " <> withoutParens body
, indent 2 (vsep $ fmap prettyBind binds)
, "in " <> getDoc body
NIf cond trueBody falseBody ->
leastPrecedence $
group $
nest 2 $
ifThenElse getDoc
ifThenElse :: (NixDoc ann -> Doc ann) -> Doc ann
ifThenElse wp =
[ "if " <> withoutParens cond
, align ("then " <> withoutParens trueBody)
, align ("else " <> withoutParens falseBody)
[ "if " <> wp cond
, align ("then " <> wp trueBody)
, align ("else " <> wp falseBody)
NWith scope body ->
prettyAddScope "with " scope body
@ -324,7 +340,7 @@ exprFNixDoc = \case
prettyAddScope h c b =
leastPrecedence $
[h <> withoutParens c <> ";", align $ withoutParens b]
[h <> getDoc c <> ";", align $ getDoc b]
valueToExpr :: forall t f m . MonadDataContext f m => NValue t f m -> NExpr
@ -348,6 +364,35 @@ prettyNValue
:: forall t f m ann . MonadDataContext f m => NValue t f m -> Doc ann
prettyNValue = prettyNix . valueToExpr
-- | During the output, which can print only representation of value,
-- lazy thunks need to looked into & so - be evaluated (*sic)
-- This type is a simple manual witness "is the thunk gets shown".
data ValueOrigin = WasThunk | Value
deriving Eq
:: forall t f m ann
. ( HasCitations m (NValue t f m) t
, HasCitations1 m (NValue t f m) f
, MonadThunk t m (NValue t f m)
, MonadDataContext f m
=> ValueOrigin -- ^ Was thunk?
-> NValue t f m
-> Doc ann
prettyProv wasThunk v =
(\ ps pv ->
[ pv
, indent 2 $
"(" <> ("thunk " `whenTrue` (wasThunk == WasThunk) <> "from: " <> prettyExtractFromProvenance ps) <> ")"
(citations @m @(NValue t f m) v)
(prettyNValue v)
:: forall t f m ann
. ( HasCitations m (NValue t f m) t
@ -357,19 +402,8 @@ prettyNValueProv
=> NValue t f m
-> Doc ann
prettyNValueProv v =
(\ ps ->
[ prettyNVal
, indent 2 $
"(" <> fold (one "from: " <> (prettyOriginExpr . _originExpr <$> ps)) <> ")"
(citations @m @(NValue t f m) v)
prettyNVal = prettyNValue v
prettyNValueProv =
prettyProv Value
:: forall t f m ann
@ -381,26 +415,16 @@ prettyNThunk
=> t
-> m (Doc ann)
prettyNThunk t =
let ps = citations @m @(NValue t f m) @t t
v' <- prettyNValue <$> dethunk t
pure $
[ v'
, indent 2 $
"(" <> fold (one "thunk from: " <> (prettyOriginExpr . _originExpr <$> ps)) <> ")"
prettyProv WasThunk <$> dethunk t
-- | This function is used only by the testing code.
printNix :: forall t f m . MonadDataContext f m => NValue t f m -> Text
printNix = iterNValueByDiscardWith thk phi
printNix =
iterNValueByDiscardWith thunkStubText phi
thk = thunkStubText
phi :: NValue' t f m Text -> Text
phi (NVConstant' a ) = atomText a
phi (NVStr' ns) = "\"" <> escapeDoubleQuoteString (ignoreContext ns) <> "\""
phi (NVStr' ns) = "\"" <> escapeString (ignoreContext ns) <> "\""
phi (NVList' l ) = "[ " <> unwords l <> " ]"
phi (NVSet' _ s) =
"{ " <>
@ -415,10 +439,8 @@ printNix = iterNValueByDiscardWith thk phi
(tryRead @Int <|> tryRead @Float)
surround s = "\"" <> s <> "\""
tryRead :: forall a . (Read a, Show a) => Maybe Text
tryRead = fmap (surround . show) (readMaybe (toString v) :: Maybe a)
tryRead = fmap ((\ s -> "\"" <> s <> "\"") . show) $ readMaybe @a $ toString v
phi NVClosure'{} = "<<lambda>>"
phi (NVPath' fp ) = fromString $ coerce fp
phi (NVBuiltin' name _) = "<<builtin " <> coerce name <> ">>"

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module Nix.Utils
, mapPair
, iterateN
, nestM
, applyAll
, traverse2
, lifted
@ -153,6 +154,10 @@ nestM n f x =
foldM (const . f) x $ replicate @() n mempty -- fuses. But also, can it be fix join?
{-# inline nestM #-}
-- | In `foldr` order apply functions.
applyAll :: Foldable t => t (a -> a) -> a -> a
applyAll = flip (foldr id)
:: ( Applicative m
, Applicative n

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@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ constantEqualText expected actual =
constantEqualText' expected actual
mres <- liftIO $ on (<|>) lookupEnv "ALL_TESTS" "MATCHING_TESTS"
whenJust (const $ assertEvalMatchesNix actual) mres
whenJust (const $ assertEvalTextMatchesNix actual) mres
assertNixEvalThrows :: Text -> Assertion
assertNixEvalThrows a =
@ -649,9 +649,8 @@ sameFreeVars a xs =
Right a' = parseNixText a
xs' = S.fromList xs
free' = getFreeVars a'
assertEqual mempty xs' free'
assertEqual mempty (S.fromList xs) free'
maskedFiles :: [Path]
maskedFiles = one "builtins.fetchurl-01.nix"

View File

@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ hnixEvalFile opts file =
setEnv "TEST_VAR" "foo"
runWithBasicEffects opts $
catch (evaluateExpression (pure $ coerce file) nixEvalExprLoc normalForm expr) $
evaluateExpression (pure $ coerce file) nixEvalExprLoc normalForm expr
NixException frames ->
errorWithoutStackTrace . show
@ -35,6 +36,8 @@ hnixEvalFile opts file =
nixEvalFile :: Path -> IO Text
nixEvalFile (coerce -> fp) = fromString <$> readProcess "nix-instantiate" ["--eval", "--strict", fp] mempty
hnixEvalText :: Options -> Text -> IO StdVal
hnixEvalText opts src =
@ -42,8 +45,8 @@ hnixEvalText opts src =
(runWithBasicEffects opts . (normalForm <=< nixEvalExpr mempty))
$ parseNixText src
nixEvalString :: Text -> IO Text
nixEvalString expr =
nixEvalText :: Text -> IO Text
nixEvalText expr =
(fp, h) <- mkstemp "nix-test-eval"
Text.hPutStr h expr
@ -52,21 +55,28 @@ nixEvalString expr =
removeLink fp
pure res
nixEvalFile :: Path -> IO Text
nixEvalFile fp = fromString <$> readProcess "nix-instantiate" ["--eval", "--strict", coerce fp] mempty
:: ( Options
-> Text -> IO (NValue t (StdCited StandardIO) StandardIO)
-> (Text -> IO Text)
-> Text
-> IO ()
assertEvalMatchesNix evalHNix evalNix fp =
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
hnixVal <- (<> "\n") . printNix <$> evalHNix (defaultOptions time) fp
nixVal <- evalNix fp
assertEqual (toString fp) nixVal hnixVal
-- | Compares @HNix@ & @Nix@ return results.
assertEvalFileMatchesNix :: Path -> Assertion
assertEvalFileMatchesNix fp =
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
hnixVal <- (<> "\n") . printNix <$> hnixEvalFile (defaultOptions time) fp
nixVal <- nixEvalFile fp
assertEqual (coerce fp) nixVal hnixVal
(\ o -> hnixEvalFile o . coerce . toString)
(nixEvalFile . coerce . toString)
$ fromString $ coerce fp
assertEvalMatchesNix :: Text -> Assertion
assertEvalMatchesNix expr =
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
hnixVal <- (<> "\n") . printNix <$> hnixEvalText (defaultOptions time) expr
nixVal <- nixEvalString expr
assertEqual (toString expr) nixVal hnixVal
assertEvalTextMatchesNix :: Text -> Assertion
assertEvalTextMatchesNix =
assertEvalMatchesNix hnixEvalText nixEvalText