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Be cautious - it is effectful (produces `/nix/store` entries). ## Getting Started ### Git clone ```shell git clone --recursive 'https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix.git' && cd hnix ``` ### (optional) Cachix prebuild binary caches If you would use our Nix-shell environment for development, you can connect to our Cachix HNix build caches: 1. Run: ```shell nix-env -iA cachix -f https://cachix.org/api/v1/install ``` 2. Run: `cachix use hnix` ### Using Cabal Cabal [Quickstart](https://cabal.readthedocs.io/en/3.4/nix-local-build.html). 1. (Optional), to enter the projects reproducible Nix environment: ```shell nix-shell ``` 2. Building: ```shell cabal v2-configure cabal v2-build ``` 3. Loading the project into `ghci` REPL: ```shell cabal v2-repl ``` 4. Testing: * Default suite: ```shell cabal v2-test ``` * All available tests: ```shell env ALL_TESTS=yes cabal v2-test ``` * Selected (list of tests is in `tests/Main.hs`): ```shell env NIXPKGS_TESTS=yes PRETTY_TESTS=1 cabal v2-test ``` #### Checking the project ##### Benchmarks To run benchmarks: ```shell cabal v2-bench ``` ##### Profiling GHC User Manual has a full ["Profiling"](https://ghc.gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/doc/users_guide/profiling.html) section of relevant info. To build `hnix` with profiling enabled: ```shell cabal v2-configure --enable-tests --enable-profiling --flags=profiling cabal v2-run hnix -- +RTS -p ``` where "RTS" stands for "RunTime System" and has a lot of options, GHC User Manual has ["Running a compiled program"/"Setting RTS options"](https://ghc.gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/doc/users_guide/runtime_control.html) sections describing them. ##### Full debug info To run stack traces & full tracing output on `hnix`: ```shell cabal v2-configure --enable-tests --enable-profiling --flags=profiling --flags=tracing cabal v2-run hnix -- -v5 --trace +RTS -xc ``` This would give the most information as to what happens during parsing & evaluation. #### Run HNix ```shell cabal v2-run hnix -- --help ``` (`--` is for separation between `cabal` & `hnix` args) ### Using Nix-build There is a number of build options to use with `nix-build`, documentation of them is in: `./default.nix`, keys essentially pass-through the [Nixpkgs Haskell Lib API](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/lib.nix). Options can be used as: ```shell nix-build \ --arg \ --arg \ --argstr "" ``` #### Checking the project ##### Benchmarks ```shell nix-build \ --arg disableOptimization false \ --arg enableDeadCodeElimination true \ --arg doStrip true \ --arg doBenchmark true ``` ##### Profiling ```shell nix-build \ --arg disableOptimization false \ --arg enableDeadCodeElimination true \ --arg enableLibraryProfiling true \ --arg enableExecutableProfiling true ./result/bin/hnix +RTS -p ``` ##### Full debug info ```shell nix-build \ --arg disableOptimization false \ --arg enableDeadCodeElimination true \ --arg doBenchmark true \ --arg doStrip false \ --arg enableLibraryProfiling true \ --arg enableExecutableProfiling true \ --arg doTracing true \ --arg enableDWARFDebugging true ./result/bin/hnix -v5 --trace +RTS -xc ``` #### Run HNix ```shell ./result/bin/hnix ``` ## Using HNix See: ``` hnix --help ``` It has a pretty full/good description of the current options. ### Parse & print To parse a file with `hnix` and pretty print the result: ```shell hnix FILE.nix ``` ### Evaluating and printing the resulting value Expression from a file: ```shell hnix --eval FILE.nix ``` Expression: ```shell hnix --eval --expr 'import {}' ``` ### Evaluating Nixpkgs Currently, the main high-level goal is to be able to evaluate all of Nixpkgs: ```shell hnix --eval -E "import {}" --find ``` ### Options supported only by HNix To see value provenance and thunk context: ```shell hnix -v2 --values --thunk --eval --expr 'import {}' ``` To see tracing as the evaluator runs (note that building with `cabal configure --flags=tracing` will produce much more output than this): ```shell hnix --trace --eval --expr 'import {}' ``` To attempt to generate a reduced test case demonstrating an error: ```shell hnix --reduce bug.nix --eval --expr 'import {}' ``` ### REPL To enter REPL: ```shell hnix --repl ``` Evaluate an expression and load it into REPL: ```shell hnix --eval -E '(import {}).pkgs.hello' --repl ``` This binds the evaluated expression result to the `input` variable, so that variable can be inspected. Use the `:help` command for a list of all available REPL commands. #### Language laziness Nix is a lazy language with the ability of recursion, so by default REPL and eval prints are lazy: ```shell hnix \ --eval \ --expr '{ x = true; }' { x = ""; } ``` To disable laziness add the `--strict` to commands or `:set strict` in the REPL. ```shell hnix \ --eval \ --strict \ --expr '{ x = true; }' { x = true; } ``` ## Contributing * The Haskell Language Server (HLS) works great with our project. * [Design of the HNix code base Wiki article](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/wiki/Design-of-the-HNix-code-base). 1. If something in the [quests](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22help+wanted%22+no%3Aassignee) looks interesting, look through the thread and leave a comment taking it, to let others know you're working on it. 2. You are free to chat with everyone on [Gitter](https://gitter.im/haskell-nix/Lobby). 3. When the pull request is ready to be submitted, to save time - please, test it with: ```shell cabal v2-test # If forgot to clone recursively, run: # git submodule update --init --recursive ``` Please, check that all default tests that were passing prior are still passing. It's OK if no new tests are passing. ### (optional) Minimalistic development status loop with amazing [`ghcid`](https://github.com/ndmitchell/ghcid) If HLS is not your cup of yea: ```shell ghcid --command="cabal v2-repl --repl-options=-fno-code --repl-options=-fno-break-on-exception --repl-options=-fno-break-on-error --repl-options=-v1 --repl-options=-ferror-spans --repl-options=-j" ``` (optional) To use projects reproducible environment, wrap `ghcid ...` command into a `nix-shell --command ' '`. For simplicity `alias` the command in your shell. ## Current status To understand the project implementation state see [Changelog](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md), [opened reports](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/issues) and [Project status](https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/wiki/Project-status).