Automatically pick up new dependencies (#408)

* Automatically pick up new dependencies

hie-bios's componentDependencies returns the dependencies of a cradle
that might change the cradle. Add those deps to the shake graph so that
the GHC session is newly created whenever they change.

For that, add a new rule type, GetHscEnvEq, to cache GHC sessions with
the key of GHC options and dependencies. And delete the optGhcSession
field from IdeOptions.

This is for

hie-bios's componentDependencies can return files that don't exist yet:
This PR handles changes in the existing dependency files, but doesn't
handle newly created dependency files.

* address comments

* revert hie.yaml

* address more comments

* add test

* make direct cradles work; and use direct cradle in test
This commit is contained in:
Jinwoo Lee 2020-02-17 01:33:33 -08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 2ae46aea15
commit 00d914efa7
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 128 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -3,14 +3,19 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-dodgy-imports #-} -- GHC no longer exports def in GHC 8.6 and above
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- To get precise GHC version
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Main(main) where
import Arguments
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import Data.Dynamic (Typeable)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List.Extra
import System.FilePath
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
@ -39,20 +44,22 @@ import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types (LspId(IdInt))
import Linker
import Data.Version
import Development.IDE.LSP.LanguageServer
import System.Directory.Extra as IO
import qualified System.Directory.Extra as IO
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import System.Exit
import Paths_ghcide
import Development.GitRev
import Development.Shake (Action, action)
import Development.Shake (Action, RuleResult, Rules, action, doesFileExist, need)
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import GHC hiding (def)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified GHC.Paths
import HIE.Bios
import HIE.Bios.Cradle
import HIE.Bios.Types
-- Set the GHC libdir to the nix libdir if it's present.
@ -84,9 +91,9 @@ main = do
let logger p = Logger $ \pri msg -> when (pri >= p) $ withLock lock $
T.putStrLn $ T.pack ("[" ++ upper (show pri) ++ "] ") <> msg
whenJust argsCwd setCurrentDirectory
whenJust argsCwd IO.setCurrentDirectory
dir <- getCurrentDirectory
dir <- IO.getCurrentDirectory
let plugins = Completions.plugin <> CodeAction.plugin
onInitialConfiguration = const $ Right ()
@ -99,14 +106,13 @@ main = do
runLanguageServer def (pluginHandler plugins) onInitialConfiguration onConfigurationChange $ \getLspId event vfs caps -> do
t <- t
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Started LSP server in " ++ showDuration t
-- very important we only call loadSession once, and it's fast, so just do it before starting
session <- loadSession dir
let options = (defaultIdeOptions $ return session)
let options = (defaultIdeOptions $ loadSession dir)
{ optReportProgress = clientSupportsProgress caps
, optShakeProfiling = argsShakeProfiling
debouncer <- newAsyncDebouncer
initialise caps (mainRule >> pluginRules plugins >> action kick) getLspId event (logger minBound) debouncer options vfs
initialise caps (loadGhcSessionIO >> mainRule >> pluginRules plugins >> action kick)
getLspId event (logger minBound) debouncer options vfs
else do
putStrLn $ "Ghcide setup tester in " ++ dir ++ "."
putStrLn "Report bugs at"
@ -114,7 +120,7 @@ main = do
putStrLn $ "\nStep 1/6: Finding files to test in " ++ dir
files <- expandFiles (argFiles ++ ["." | null argFiles])
-- LSP works with absolute file paths, so try and behave similarly
files <- nubOrd <$> mapM canonicalizePath files
files <- nubOrd <$> mapM IO.canonicalizePath files
putStrLn $ "Found " ++ show (length files) ++ " files"
putStrLn "\nStep 2/6: Looking for hie.yaml files that control setup"
@ -128,7 +134,8 @@ main = do
cradle <- maybe (loadImplicitCradle $ addTrailingPathSeparator dir) loadCradle x
when (isNothing x) $ print cradle
putStrLn $ "\nStep 4/6, Cradle " ++ show i ++ "/" ++ show n ++ ": Loading GHC Session"
cradleToSession cradle
opts <- getComponentOptions cradle
createSession opts
putStrLn "\nStep 5/6: Initializing the IDE"
vfs <- makeVFSHandle
@ -141,7 +148,7 @@ main = do
let options =
(defaultIdeOptions $ return $ return . grab)
{ optShakeProfiling = argsShakeProfiling }
ide <- initialise def mainRule (pure $ IdInt 0) (showEvent lock) (logger Info) noopDebouncer options vfs
ide <- initialise def (loadGhcSessionIO >> mainRule) (pure $ IdInt 0) (showEvent lock) (logger Info) noopDebouncer options vfs
putStrLn "\nStep 6/6: Type checking the files"
setFilesOfInterest ide $ HashSet.fromList $ map toNormalizedFilePath files
@ -163,7 +170,7 @@ expandFiles = concatMapM $ \x -> do
let recurse "." = True
recurse x | "." `isPrefixOf` takeFileName x = False -- skip .git etc
recurse x = takeFileName x `notElem` ["dist","dist-newstyle"] -- cabal directories
files <- filter (\x -> takeExtension x `elem` [".hs",".lhs"]) <$> listFilesInside (return . recurse) x
files <- filter (\x -> takeExtension x `elem` [".hs",".lhs"]) <$> IO.listFilesInside (return . recurse) x
when (null files) $
fail $ "Couldn't find any .hs/.lhs files inside directory: " ++ x
return files
@ -182,16 +189,42 @@ showEvent lock (EventFileDiagnostics (toNormalizedFilePath -> file) diags) =
showEvent lock e = withLock lock $ print e
cradleToSession :: Cradle a -> IO HscEnvEq
cradleToSession cradle = do
-- Rule type for caching GHC sessions.
type instance RuleResult GetHscEnv = HscEnvEq
data GetHscEnv = GetHscEnv
{ hscenvOptions :: [String] -- componentOptions from hie-bios
, hscenvDependencies :: [FilePath] -- componentDependencies from hie-bios
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Hashable GetHscEnv
instance NFData GetHscEnv
instance Binary GetHscEnv
loadGhcSessionIO :: Rules ()
loadGhcSessionIO =
-- This rule is for caching the GHC session. E.g., even when the cabal file
-- changed, if the resulting flags did not change, we would continue to use
-- the existing session.
defineNoFile $ \(GetHscEnv opts deps) ->
liftIO $ createSession $ ComponentOptions opts deps
getComponentOptions :: Cradle a -> IO ComponentOptions
getComponentOptions cradle = do
let showLine s = putStrLn ("> " ++ s)
cradleRes <- runCradle (cradleOptsProg cradle) showLine ""
opts <- case cradleRes of
case cradleRes of
CradleSuccess r -> pure r
CradleFail err -> throwIO err
-- TODO Rather than failing here, we should ignore any files that use this cradle.
-- That will require some more changes.
CradleNone -> fail "'none' cradle is not yet supported"
createSession :: ComponentOptions -> IO HscEnvEq
createSession opts = do
libdir <- getLibdir
env <- runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
_targets <- initSession opts
@ -200,19 +233,34 @@ cradleToSession cradle = do
newHscEnvEq env
loadSession :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath -> Action HscEnvEq)
loadSession dir = do
cradleToSession :: Maybe FilePath -> Cradle a -> Action HscEnvEq
cradleToSession mbYaml cradle = do
cmpOpts <- liftIO $ getComponentOptions cradle
let opts = componentOptions cmpOpts
deps = componentDependencies cmpOpts
deps' = case mbYaml of
-- For direct cradles, the hie.yaml file itself must be watched.
Just yaml | isDirectCradle cradle -> yaml : deps
_ -> deps
existingDeps <- filterM doesFileExist deps'
need existingDeps
useNoFile_ $ GetHscEnv opts deps
loadSession :: FilePath -> Action (FilePath -> Action HscEnvEq)
loadSession dir = liftIO $ do
cradleLoc <- memoIO $ \v -> do
res <- findCradle v
-- Sometimes we get C:, sometimes we get c:, and sometimes we get a relative path
-- try and normalise that
-- e.g. see
res' <- traverse makeAbsolute res
res' <- traverse IO.makeAbsolute res
return $ normalise <$> res'
session <- memoIO $ \file -> do
c <- maybe (loadImplicitCradle $ addTrailingPathSeparator dir) loadCradle file
cradleToSession c
return $ \file -> liftIO $ session =<< cradleLoc file
let session :: Maybe FilePath -> Action HscEnvEq
session file = do
c <- liftIO $ maybe (loadImplicitCradle $ addTrailingPathSeparator dir) loadCradle file
cradleToSession file c
return $ \file -> session =<< liftIO (cradleLoc file)
-- | Memoize an IO function, with the characteristics:

View File

@ -169,14 +169,17 @@ executable ghcide
base == 4.*,
hie-bios >= 0.4.0 && < 0.5,
@ -189,6 +192,7 @@ executable ghcide

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
module Development.IDE.Core.Rules(
IdeState, GetDependencies(..), GetParsedModule(..), TransitiveDependencies(..),
Priority(..), GhcSessionIO(..), GhcSessionFun(..),
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ loadGhcSession :: Rules ()
loadGhcSession = do
defineNoFile $ \GhcSessionIO -> do
opts <- getIdeOptions
liftIO $ GhcSessionFun <$> optGhcSession opts
GhcSessionFun <$> optGhcSession opts
defineEarlyCutoff $ \GhcSession file -> do
GhcSessionFun fun <- useNoFile_ GhcSessionIO
val <- fun $ fromNormalizedFilePath file

View File

@ -25,12 +25,10 @@ data IdeOptions = IdeOptions
{ optPreprocessor :: GHC.ParsedSource -> IdePreprocessedSource
-- ^ Preprocessor to run over all parsed source trees, generating a list of warnings
-- and a list of errors, along with a new parse tree.
, optGhcSession :: IO (FilePath -> Action HscEnvEq)
, optGhcSession :: Action (FilePath -> Action HscEnvEq)
-- ^ Setup a GHC session for a given file, e.g. @Foo.hs@.
-- The 'IO' will be called once, then the resulting function will be applied once per file.
-- For the same 'ComponentOptions' from hie-bios, the resulting function will be applied once per file.
-- It is desirable that many files get the same 'HscEnvEq', so that more IDE features work.
-- You should not use 'newCacheIO' to get that caching, because of
, optPkgLocationOpts :: IdePkgLocationOptions
-- ^ How to locate source and @.hie@ files given a module name.
, optExtensions :: [String]
@ -73,7 +71,7 @@ clientSupportsProgress :: LSP.ClientCapabilities -> IdeReportProgress
clientSupportsProgress caps = IdeReportProgress $ fromMaybe False $
LSP._workDoneProgress =<< LSP._window (caps :: LSP.ClientCapabilities)
defaultIdeOptions :: IO (FilePath -> Action HscEnvEq) -> IdeOptions
defaultIdeOptions :: Action (FilePath -> Action HscEnvEq) -> IdeOptions
defaultIdeOptions session = IdeOptions
{optPreprocessor = IdePreprocessedSource [] []
,optGhcSession = session

View File

@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ main = defaultMain $ testGroup "HIE"
, haddockTests
, positionMappingTests
, watchedFilesTests
, sessionDepsArePickedUp
initializeResponseTests :: TestTree
@ -1774,6 +1775,44 @@ haddockTests
checkHaddock s txt = spanDocToMarkdownForTest s @?= txt
sessionDepsArePickedUp :: TestTree
sessionDepsArePickedUp = testSession'
$ \dir -> do
liftIO $
(dir </> "hie.yaml")
"cradle: {direct: {arguments: []}}"
-- Open without OverloadedStrings and expect an error.
doc <- openDoc' "Foo.hs" "haskell" fooContent
[("Foo.hs", [(DsError, (3, 6), "Couldn't match expected type")])]
-- Update hie.yaml to enable OverloadedStrings.
liftIO $
(dir </> "hie.yaml")
"cradle: {direct: {arguments: [-XOverloadedStrings]}}"
-- Send change event.
let change =
{ _range = Just (Range (Position 4 0) (Position 4 0)),
_rangeLength = Nothing,
_text = "\n"
changeDoc doc [change]
-- Now no errors.
expectDiagnostics [("Foo.hs", [])]
fooContent =
[ "module Foo where",
"import Data.Text",
"foo :: Text",
"foo = \"hello\""
-- Utils
@ -1781,6 +1820,9 @@ haddockTests
testSession :: String -> Session () -> TestTree
testSession name = testCase name . run
testSession' :: String -> (FilePath -> Session ()) -> TestTree
testSession' name = testCase name . run'
testSessionWait :: String -> Session () -> TestTree
testSessionWait name = testSession name .
-- Check that any diagnostics produced were already consumed by the test case.
@ -1801,7 +1843,13 @@ mkRange :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Range
mkRange a b c d = Range (Position a b) (Position c d)
run :: Session a -> IO a
run s = withTempDir $ \dir -> do
run s = withTempDir $ \dir -> runInDir dir s
run' :: (FilePath -> Session a) -> IO a
run' s = withTempDir $ \dir -> runInDir dir (s dir)
runInDir :: FilePath -> Session a -> IO a
runInDir dir s = do
ghcideExe <- locateGhcideExecutable
-- Temporarily hack around